MTL - The Strongest Plane Becomes God-Chapter 387 : Funny or SB

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"Yes!" The younger brothers brought by the mixed leader responded, and then surrounded Lin Hao and Xiao Fei, and Xiao Fei was afraid to hide next to Lin Hao and hugged Lin Hao tightly. Arm, as if doing so would feel very secure.

"Look where you run," said the leader, walking closer to Lin Hao step by step.

"You ’re even laughing now when Bunny is here!" The chubby leader saw that Lin Hao didn't even have a little nervousness, and even a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Is this too arrogant!"


Lin Haowen said, glancing at Pu Wenshan in a wheelchair, he didn't believe that Xiao Fei's father would be indifferent to this situation!

This is certainly not the case. At this time, Pu Wenshan was frowning deeply, and a kind of fierceness opposite to his appearance was revealed in his eyes!

"You obviously hit someone on the rooftop! You also hit me with a stick!" Seeing this, Xiao Fei couldn't help but stretch her neck and said loudly.

"Asshole! It's not your turn to speak here!" The **** leader yelled at seeing Xiao Fei, the girl, who dared to speak.

And Lin Hao's smile is becoming more and more obvious, because Pu Wenshan is now like a volcano about to erupt! Jun saw that his fist had become more and more tight. His own baby girl was bullied by her own forces under her control, even in danger of her life, and the other party even found her home to bully her only daughter. If it were Lin Hao, Lin Hao would definitely hack them.

Suddenly, the confused head extended his hand, and his big hand rested on Xiao Fei's shoulder, and his face screamed, "Little bitch! If you talk nonsense, I will treat you ...".

Seeing this, Xiao Fei screamed loudly in the arms of Lin Hao.

Suddenly, it seems that the brain circuit is finally normal. "Why are you here?" The leader suddenly realized the problem.

After hearing the scared screams of his own baby girl, Pu Wenshan pushed the wheelchair coldly and came to the confused leader.

"The little **** in your mouth is your daughter ..." Pu Wenshan said, his eyes narrowed into a seam, and the murderous energies that Pu Wenshan had been fighting for years broke out!

Although Pu Wenshan was sitting in a wheelchair at this time, in a state of lethality, he was more like a wounded tiger, but even more frightening!

"What!" The confused leader widened his eyes, as if he was about to stare out, slowly turning his head mechanically to look at Pu Wenshan at this moment, and the confused head bowed stuttered, "Smell ... Wenshan brother. .. the daughter of ... ".

The younger brothers around also stayed on the spot, and the blankness in their minds had lost their ability to think.

These little bastards, at best, are bullying bully honest people, collecting protection fees or something, and who is Pu Wenshan? The real champion of the East Champions and the Three Champions! It was killed from the sea of ​​blood!

The field suddenly fell into silence.

Suddenly, the confused leader didn't know whether it was too long to blink his eyes, too dry, or too frightened. He even burst into tears, and then "knotted" on his knees.

Seeing this, Lin Hao almost didn't laugh out loud, and didn't know whether it was too funny or SB ...

"Ah! The little one has eyes and no beads! Offended the lady, please forgive me!" The confused leader yelled while crying.

And Pu Wenshan heard the words, but still the original expression, there is no trace of fluctuations on his face, as if he had not heard the words of the confused leader.

After a while, the puppet leader saw this, gritted his teeth and snatched the iron bar from the little puppet who lost his soul.

"I punished myself with a stick!" The foolish head swallowed, then roared loudly, and finally relented, hitting his stick **** his forehead.

However, when the stick was about to touch the forehead of the lunatic, he was suddenly shown by Lin Hao's interesting black man and reached out to hold the stick.

"Cang ... Cangshui Brother?" The confused leader saw some people who appeared suddenly, and blocked his self-harming expression with some doubts.

"Don't do this," the man in black said with a joke.

"Ah?" The confused leader heard the words, and his heart was shocked and happy.

"Thank you Brother Wenshan for your life ... I ..." Xiaozuun felt that it was Pu Wenshan who wanted to spare him, so he quickly thanked him, but he didn't say half of what he was thankful for, and suddenly a big wolf appeared Baton....

"Hmm ..." Lin Hao couldn't help but, on this occasion, Lin Hao didn't want to laugh, but he really couldn't help it ...

The crowd in the field heard Lin Hao's laughter, but they just ignored Lin Hao and ignored him. Didn't they see that Pu Wenshan's daughter was holding the other's arm tightly at this moment? At first glance, it's the one with a very close relationship.

"Come on," the man in black said coldly.

And the lunatic head is not about to drool this time, but to worry about his own life. The mace in front of him is cu and da, and it is still made of pure steel. This is so special ... even if he doesn't die ... I can only stay in the hospital for the rest of my life.

"Ah!" Xiao Fei exclaimed with fear, seeing this scene, while Lin Hao held Xiao Fei tightly, looking like a lively look.

The confused leader heard Xiaofei's exclamation, and then thought of his mistake ...

"Thank you ... Wenshan brother ..." The leader of the **** said a bit unrelentingly, hit it ... it might still be alive if you hit it, but if you don't hit it ... you might be different next moment. Come on.

After thinking about it, the confused head slowly extended his trembling hand and took over the huge mace.

Long pain is not as good as short pain. As soon as I took the mace head, I tried my best to hit my forehead!

Fortunately, Lin Hao responded in time. As soon as the leader took the mace, he reached out and covered Xiao Fei's eyes ~ ~ This scene also happened to be seen by Pu Wenshan and the old housekeeper. Nodded silently in my heart.

Unsurprisingly, when the mace went down, three blood holes were opened directly on the forehead of the jumbled collar, blood spewed out, and the blood was continuously sprayed out. The steel mace was added. Weight, the confused leader immediately passed out.

Lin Hao can see clearly. At this time, the forehead of the confused head is close to the two holes near the bridge of the nose, but the flesh is blurred, but the top blood hole ... seems to reveal some whitening things. If Lin Hao, the biology teacher he met when he was in school, did not deceive Lin Hao, then this vain thing should be the brain ... Well, it really is here.

Seeing this, Pu Wenshan glanced at the jerky head lying on the ground twitching calmly, and then said quietly, "Go to the hospital".

"Yes!" At the moment when the words of Pu Wenshan fell, the younger brothers brought by the confused leader stood upright and responded loudly.

At this time, Lin Hao was still covering Xiao Fei's eyes. Although Xiao Fei wanted to avoid Lin Hao's big hand, no matter how dazzling, Lin Hao's big hand seemed to have eyes, and he could always stand in front of Xiao Fei's eyes. He couldn't see anything until the messy leader was carried away by his younger brother and the blood on the ground was cleaned up by the servant. Lin Hao put his palm down.

"I'm sorry for the little brother. I was shocked by you and Xiao Fei. Don't leave today." Pu Wenshan suddenly changed into a Sven form again, as if the irritating force was just another person.

Before Lin Hao refused, Pu Wenshan turned to the old housekeeper and said, "Butler, prepare a table with good wine and dishes. Today, I have a good drink with this little brother."

"President, it's time to take the medicine." Suddenly, the man in black who had been standing quietly uttered a voice.

(End of this chapter)