MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 17 Want to cry without tears

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The oxen whispered, and its movements were very flexible. There was no such awkward feeling as the ordinary cows, and they directly escaped.

"The demon king, do you know what you are doing?!" Chu Feng grinds his face, his face is dark, and he rushes forward again.

However, this time his goal is the communicator, you have to take this back first, to see if the ox is going to talk to someone, and go back and explain it to others.

Otherwise, what do other people think? After the inexplicable call, the result was that he was constantly snoring.

This picture... As long as you think about it, Chu Feng wants to vomit blood. He can’t wait to kill this ox, it’s too shameful!

Even if you explain it, let him say, who can believe it? Chu Feng feels a big head!

Did he tell others that a golden calf is talking to them with his communicator? In other words, he will believe it, it is more and more black.

The ox is very uncooperative and still hiding.

Moreover, it is on the back of the two legs, standing upright, and the two front hooves hold the communicator, circle him in the courtyard, and shun the left.

"Come to me!" Chu Feng shouted.

The ox is more dexterous than humans. It is like a big golden monkey. It jumps and jumps around the stone table.

It held the communicator and refused to let it go, and from time to time screamed at the communicator.

Chu Feng’s face is almost green, and the goods are still talking to people?

"The demon king, I want to kill you!" He yelled, and he was so dizzy that this abominable cow died without repentance, and he is still doing evil now.

The ox has expressed disdain and has a contemptuous color.

"Bad things are done, do you dare to provoke?!" Chu Feng can't catch up with it, pick up the debris in the courtyard, and throw it away to interfere with it.

This is definitely a torment for him. Every time he lets the oxen hold the communicator for a second, he feels more hot on his face.

Eventually, the ox stopped and placed the communicator on the stone table.

At this time, Chu Feng’s head was black and his face was angry and he was crying.

Obviously, the ox is very curious about the communicator, and even loves it. Even if it is put down, it is still poked and poked on a pair of flexible hooves. The front hooves are light golden.

Chu Feng glared at it, and some of them couldn’t sit down. He looked at the communicator and looked at the ox. How could he explain it to people in a while? He feels incomparably big.

He sighed and picked up the communicator. There is really no way to do it. Just tell the truth.

"Remember, you will testify for me in a while, and while you are talking, you will follow a few times." Chu Feng licked it.

The ox has nodded in guilty conscience and seems to be planning to cooperate.

When Chu Feng looked at the communicator, the face suddenly became dead, and the communication record, why not? !

He is completely dumbfounded, where did he go?

Chu Feng instantly recalled that the last moment of the ox seems to poke and poke on it, all cleaned up? !

"Yellow Bull, Cow Devil, what good things you do, ah ah!"

Chu Feng shouted, just thinking about how to remedy it, but now I found that it is not used at all.

"Who are you talking to?" he asked loudly. He had seen Lin Nuyi in the past, which is his least hoped. Who else?

The yak shook his head and revealed a look of slyness, which meant that it did not know.

"How do you poke into the address book?" Chu Feng is a bit crazy, but when he holds the hateful golden hooves, he feels the temperature above, and it is clear!

"You still laugh, wait someday, I will contact a chef, and when you fall asleep, do a full feast!" Chu Feng was angry and threatened.

At this time, the communicator flashed and was looking for him.

When it was connected, Zhou’s fat man’s big voice immediately passed over and said: “The cow demon, you are a scorpion, it’s really good, and dare to harass me!”

"It's me." Chu Feng responded.

"Ah, thank God, I finally got back to your hand. The cow in your house is getting fine. It just harassed me. After I hang up, I then dialed it and kept on..."

After the call ended, Chu Feng’s face was stiff. Imagine what the stupid cow did, and who was it harassed?

Zhou Fatzi said that after all, I have seen this cow, no need to explain.

The pleasing bell rang, the communicator rang again, and Chu Feng grabbed it and saw it as a college student, Ye Xuan.

"Chu Feng, are you okay?" asked Ye Xuan.

"I am very good, you listen to me, I was not really me..." Chu Feng gestured to the ox to make it match.

However, this dead cow did not move, so he did his work, let him explain, it is all the old gods, and they are all unbearable.

"Understand, I understand that you just broke up with Lin Nuyi, and you are in a bad mood, but you have to drink too much to drink and drink less. If you have nothing, I will hang up." Ye Xuan ended the call.

"What wine do I drink?" Chu Feng listened to the beep at the end, depressed and helpless, it is really unclear.

"Dead cow, you give me over, don't you say yes, testify for me!" Chu Feng stared at it.

The communicator rang again, still a college student, Su Lingxi, a very beautiful girl.

Chu Feng suddenly understood that after the scalper had finished harassing, he mostly opened his classmates.

"Su Lingxi, you listen to me." He took a golden horn of the ox, and said that he would make it work, and he is ready to open the video.

However, Su Lingxi did not use his explanation. He smiled directly and said: "Do you want to tell me that there is a cow beside you, everything is done by it, and then you are going to take a photo and send it to me? I believe. However, Chu Feng is not like you. You are not very free on weekdays. If you break up with Lin Nuoyi, you will break up. As for buying drunk? Right, recently, you are not restful, you drink less alcohol, more Pay attention to your body and protect yourself. Well, not much to say, there are some important things to deal with here, goodbye."

Chu Feng is in a daze and the call is over.

This is the style of Su Lingxi, people are very beautiful, maybe they can be called handsome, and everything is neat and clean, very free and easy.

After a long time, Chu Feng stared at the ox, saying: "Dead cow, you have made me miserable!"

The ox looks innocent, which means that it is ready to make up for it, but unfortunately did not give it a chance.

Chu Feng waited for a long time, and finally no one was looking for him.

"It should be these few people." He breathed a sigh of relief.

Next to it, the ox has nodded decisively, and a pair of very positive looks, indicating that there is no trouble, just a few people.

"What do you want to mess with, and there is another one, let me talk to her?"

Chu Feng was convinced that Lin Nuyi was called because he just saw it when he returned.

He was quiet for a moment, pushing the oxen to the head, and then preparing to talk to Lin Nuo.

The communicator was connected, there was a very soothing music sound, and Chu Feng did not speak immediately. For Lin Nuyi, he did not want to explain it solemnly.

Perhaps she should also understand that he will not be so boring.

There was no sound on the side of the communicator, Lin Nuyi did not speak, and the two fell into silence, and they could hear each other breathing in the vague.

This lasted for half a minute.

Suddenly, the oxen held his head and rushed straight to the front. He screamed at the communicator, and the sound of the wind blew.

Cow devil!

Chu Feng was completely mad. Although he did not want to explain it deliberately, he did not expect this result.

When I first let it cooperate, it ignored it, the old **** was there, and now it is not used, but it crashed over and made such a loud noise.

Chu Feng clearly heard that the end of the communicator had the sound of a tall wine glass falling to the ground. Apparently Linuoyi was also shocked, and then directly hang up the communicator.

For a long time, Chu Feng was there, and I couldn’t move until I suddenly shouted: "Dead cow, I want to unload you eight!"

The ox has an innocent look, which means that you didn’t want me to cooperate earlier?

The people in the hospital shouted the burdock, and they couldn’t calm down with the chicken flying dog.

Until the end, Chu Feng was exhausted and ran back to the room to sleep. He didn't care about those, how about love.

Woke up, the sky was black.

Chu Feng prepared a sumptuous dinner and treated himself. This is his advantage. If you encounter any upset, just eat a meal.

Although I had no choice but to give up the cow, but now the fire has subsided, he still prepared grass and some fresh fruit for it.

In the evening, Chu Feng watched various reports, and he was very concerned about the process of change in various places.

Suddenly, both the TV and the communicator were unstable and the signal was blurred, which made his heart suddenly sink. He knew that most of the satellites in space were under attack.

Eventually, the interference disappeared.

Boiling on the Internet.

Because, some semi-official news came out that the terrible plants in space were cleaned up and almost completely removed.

Chu Feng meditation, really clean?

The night was getting darker. When I saw some other reports, he was worried and didn't think he was done.

Because many regions have begun to undergo a full-scale upheaval.

Someone sent a clear picture, and there were dozens of mountains outside the door of the family. They were soaring and towering into the sky, as if they were fabulous.

According to another report, a young man wants to go to a neighboring town ten miles away, and the result is enough to drive a hundred miles before he finally arrives.

At this time, it is not limited to places such as Lushan, Wangwushan, and Taihang Mountain. In many places, there are incomprehensible visions. There are hundreds of giant mountains and high waterfalls.

"Oh, what happened, why Wuyishan has grown many times, and there are some inexplicable areas!"

“The main peak of Huashan is directly connected to the sky, and it shines brightly. This area has been enlarged several times, and there are countless steep peaks and flowing red clouds.”

This is a message from all over the world, and more.

The dramatic changes seem to be in one step, not limited to some special places. The famous mountains and rivers have changed all over the place. The transpiration, the aura, the murderous birds and monsters are looming and become extremely dangerous.

Ground cracks, power outages, communication failures, building collapses, etc., are accompanied by extreme conditions.

In the middle of the night, Chu Feng was sitting quietly in the room. He knew that the coming was coming, and the most intense change was made.


The door rang and the oxen snorted.

Chu Feng opened the door, the golden calf signaled him to follow, and went with him to the hospital.

Later, the oxen squatted on the back legs, facing the starry sky and starting the special breathing method, so that he could follow.

The Chu wind was amazed, and the ox was urging him.

He calmed down, breathed at the eccentric rhythm, and felt the vitality of life.

The moonlight is soft and plain, as if it is being cited. The general illumination is on his body, and it is getting thicker and thicker. At the end, a group of white light is formed, which is very holy.

In addition, there are countless stars, and the essence is also sprinkled, turning into countless small rivers, slowly coming.

Chu Feng did not move, wrapped in Yuehua, there was awkward.