MTL - The Rise of Dark Pokemons-Chapter 1 Meet again

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Mi Yuelang is sparse, and in the vast sea, there is a densely wooded island.

A thin-skinned boy sitting on the beach with his eyes deep into the bird's nest, looks like a typical malnutrition. Wearing tattered clothes, but still able to discern that the teenager is about fifteen years old.

The juvenile looked at a creature around him with a complex look, almost as high as a child's knee, and his body was wrapped in dark feathers without a trace of mottled color. If it were not for the bright moon, he could hardly see the whole picture.

He shook his hand slightly, and slowly touched the creature in front of him. The moment before the contact, I paused unconsciously, and then I felt like I was determined.

Take back the complex look and exhale gently.

"I didn't expect it, but I came back." Aoki said a word without a word.

Everything seems to be vivid.

As a powerful trainer with the strength of Zhun Tianwang, Aoki faintly remembers that after being arrested by the Rockets for the trial, Zeng Jin survived the trial hard. Relying on his previous life skills and special abilities, the Rockets have become very popular in the Rockets, and have gained a certain reputation in the underground world.

However, in a league siege, he was set a trap by competitors who are also the Rockets. Because of his over-expanded confidence after being promoted to the King of Heaven, he thought he could survive in the siege. As a result, he did not expect the league to serve him directly After sending out two masters of Heavenly Kings, they tried to kill the two elves of the two Heavenly Kings without any effort. The two were furious and buried together under the ground.

When I opened my eyes again, I had reached the scene in front of me.

Aoki laboriously stretched out his hands, all the scars left by injuries and training were gone, and the yellowed hands due to malnutrition could clearly see the blood vessels and bone marks in them.

I squeezed my hands with all my strength, and my nails slowly fell into my palms.

"Ga ..." The dark crow screamed softly, and looked curiously at the man who seemed to suddenly change.

Aoki heard the crow of the dark crow, and tried to pull the corner of his mouth. The muscles on my face that haven't laughed for a long time seem to forget how to laugh.

I touched the back of the Dark Crow again with my hand, not very smooth, obviously like him, malnourished.

"Dark crow, it's nice to be with you!" Aoki said intricately.

The previous life, because of the previous life, life is very rigid, even if it changes later, it is too late. But the Dark Crow, as his initial Pokémon, was with him from start to finish, and was also his closest guard and friend. Even at the last moment of the previous life, he was by his side and did not give up on him.

The "powerful" partners he forcibly grabbed, bought, and snatched away from him. Only it, never give up from beginning to end. Only it is his last regretful existence.

"Ga!" Crowed the dark crow. Although I don't know why, I can clearly feel the closeness between the person in front of me and it.

Wu Mingming only met for the first time, obviously he couldn't know why, but the dark crow didn't consciously want to get close to him. So after Aoki released it, there was no attack or escape, just looking at the person in front of him curiously.

Aoki is also a stunner. You must know that the first time I saw the Dark Crow in the last life, it took a lot of effort to conquer it, and it was a lot of effort to destroy this first-contact creature Fully grasped and understood.

Aoki feels sorry even when it is wasted.

As the so-called Pokemon acquaintance of Zeng Jin, I just watched a few animes and learned about the unclear relationship between a man named Zhiye and a magical Pikachu. Even all the varieties of elves are not fully recognized, not to mention the characteristics, skills and training of elves.

In this world, there is a saying that the upper limit of the growth of the elf depends on the talent of the elf, and the lower limit of the growth of the elf depends on the cultivation of the trainer.

Aoki Tseng-jin didn't know how much time was wasted before he fully understood all the characteristics of the elf, the Dark Crow. Later, it was fully cultivated, but at that time, it was too late, and part of the talent of the Dark Crow was completely wasted.

As for the previous life to stand out in the trial, it is entirely due to the talent of the Dark Crow. The detours I took were unknown.

He is more because of the excessive consumption of the potential of the Dark Crow, all of which is gradually forgotten by him later.

"Dark Crow, I will never give you up again in this life." Touching the Dark Crow's hands trembled slightly.

"Ga!" As if feeling the complex heart of Aoki, the dark crow called out in time.

Aoki smiled slightly, and finally the body slowly adjusted to the smile.

I can't wait but a little tight in my heart. Judging from the current situation, I should have just been caught on this uninhabited island, and then forced to assign all the elves. It is thanks to the Dark Crow that he can get out of this trial.

You should know that most of the Pixies the Rockets assigned to all the trials were supersonic bats, gas bombs, and Aber snakes, and the Dark Raven should be the only one known to Aoki.

After the distribution of the elves, the first level to go through is to conquer the elves in the elven ball. This is not an animation, this is a real world, and all the elves of the Rockets are untamed. The wild elves often hurt the trainers in the first moment of release, even killed them, and then ran away.

In Aoki's impression, all the people who tried it should be 300 young girls aged 15-18. After the first level, after tame the elf, the remaining people should be only 150-160.

I can see that the cruelty is only the first level, which eliminated nearly half of the people. And elimination, the end of the representative is death. UU Reading at

After finishing the trials, only fifty people survived. And these fifty people will all be sucked into the Rockets' various squads and divisions and become an optional part of them. Only the top ten people can choose the branch they want to go to, and only the top three can report to each branch as the captain after the end.

After the first place in the trial, I will be able to get a precious imperial elf. Yes, the Yusanjia Elves are very precious here. Apart from the members of the Alliance who pay the fees on time, they are rarely available in the wild. The Royal Sanjia elf rewarded by the Rockets is also an elf with excellent talents.

Vaguely remembered that the first place in the last life was a wonderful frog seed. It was also with this talented wonderful frog seed that he successfully became a regional leader of the Rockets, and his strength even reached the standard. The peak of the king of heaven is only a step away from the king of heaven. As the focus of the Rockets training, it can be described as endless scenery. It is said that it was cultivated as the next generation of the four generals.

Although Aoki's performance is also good, Aoki I was still far from the first place. In the later period, he was a direct line of the other party, so he did not know much about his development.

Aya patted fearing the dust on her body, Aoki slowly stood up. The body of action was stuck in place, and suddenly thought that if it was reborn as before, that thing should already exist.

Silently, "The system starts!"

"Drip ... The chip is starting ..."

After ten seconds, when Aoki was about to give up, a mechanical sound sounded in his mind, like a robot without emotion.

"Sure enough ..."