MTL - The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return-Chapter 16 Ma Ye driving

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Liu Yang bit his cigarette and rubbed his head and took a look at Lei Li. When Lei Li looked at the other party as a student, he suddenly had a few words.

"Right brother, this is the kid who bullied me." The enemy met with a special eye, and Jasmine pointed at Liu Yang and smashed.

As the son of Lei Zhentian, Lei Lie was in charge of half of Lei’s business, and there was a great city. He raised his hand to indicate that Jasmine was calm.

"Kid, do you know who I am? The courage is not small, dare to touch my woman." Lei Li cocked his legs, biting a cigar, his eyes sinking, asked majesticly.

"I care who you are. Here, Laozi has the final say, and Tianwang Laozi has to stand by." Liu Yang saw Lei Li's imposing momentum, and he was shocked. But when I want to have a father to support, who dares to move him.

This man is squatting, that is, a businessman, dare to scream with him, and get rid of it in minutes.

"Yes, I said that it is a woman who plays with you, is playing with your mother, and can you look like it?" The monkey came out at the first time and pointed at Lei Lie’s nose and shouted.

Lei Li brows a lock, that is, throughout the Dongzhou, no one dares to talk to him like this, the moment of anger and a show, made a look.

The black man nodded to the side, with a cold smile on his face. He grabbed the ashtray on the table and ran towards the monkey. The murderous, murderous, screaming of these sons was so horrified that he couldn’t help but worry about the monkey.

"Yang Ge!" The monkey realized that it was not good. He quickly hid behind Liu Yang and shivered and shivered. He usually glared at Liu Yang and did not bully people, but he really encountered the scorpion of the sunspot, and it was soft.

"You, what do you want to do?" Liu Yang is still a bit loyal, blocking the monkey, asked the trembling voice. Intuition tells him that this person is a **** blind man, and today the monkey is in trouble.

"Hey, what do I want, I want his life!" The sunspot dialed Liu Yang, and the ashtray fiercely blossomed on the top of the monkey's head. The monkey snorted and fell softly on the ground.

Rao is like this, the sunspot is still not deflated, and the iron fist shines on the monkey's head, punching down with a punch and a punch.

After a few punches, the monkey’s head was recessed in half, and the red and white flowed to the ground, and it was impossible to see it.

The box is dead and quiet, leaving only the boxing sound of the black-skinned cracked head. Every punch is like playing on the hearts of everyone. The three souls are paralyzed.

Qin Lan stood in the corner with his arms and stood cold. This monkey was a short-lived ghost. Even if he saved him tonight, he would sooner or later lose this life.

This kind of person is born to die, not worth saving!

"Call!" The sunspot is sore, he took a white handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the plasma from his hand, and threw it on the monkey's face. The eyelids didn't blink, just like a dead dog killed. .

"Ah! Kill!" Inside the box, there was a strong **** atmosphere. At this time, someone screamed and wanted to win the door, but was stopped by the bodyguard.

"Why, is this afraid?" Lei Lie slammed the ash of the cigar and asked with a sneer.

"Monkey, monkey!" Liu Yang took a look at the monkey and looked at it. He had no heat, and this time he was scared of the six gods.

The monkey family is also a bit of a background, but the other party did not even ask questions, so he died to death, that is, his father did not have such means.

This is still a human being, it is simply a killing demon!

"You, you are too poisonous." Liu Yang's lips are stunned, the fear of the face, there is no longer a glory when entering the door.

Lei Lie stood up and walked over with his hands. He blew his smog on Liu Yang’s face and proudly sneered: "No poison, no husband, come out and mix, why not stand on it, you don’t want to think about it tonight. leave here."

"Yang Ge, still doing what you are doing, hurry to call you." Han Mei on the side pulled the scorpion to remind the scared Liu Yang.

Liu Yang came back to God, took a sigh of relief, and patted his cheek hard: ''Yes, yes, I still have swearing, I am the half of the Nangu, and I can’t handle him. ? ‘’

Thinking of this, he had a look on his face and secretly calmed down. He said: "You count, you have to wait for me."

"Well, I am waiting, I have to see who can save you tonight." Lei Li fingered, and immediately someone filled him with iced Volga.

Lei family are tigers who eat people. Only the strongest wines can be worthy of their underground supreme identity.

Gao Mazi eats a knife and rice, there is no child, so for Liu Yang this nephew, the pet is lawless.

Upon receiving a phone call from Liu Yang, Gao Mazi was angry and turned over the mahjong table.

He would have to look at which of the blind things, dare to make trouble in his field, and start with his baby. Immediately from the point of thirty hits, the mighty, several cars galloped.

The group entered the hall, and the manager was anxious to come over. The look was dignified: "Ma, three..."

Just talking, Gao Mazi opened his five fingers on his face, pushed a slap, and spit out two words: "Get out."

Gao Mazi is not high, he is just a surname.

In fact, he was very thin, and the sallow face with dark red pockmarks, with a beard and a beard, looked like a vicissitude.

But absolutely no one dared to smack him, in his turbid yellowed pupils, exuding gloomy death. This is a real monk, and when you look at it, you are afraid.

Before he entered the private room, he lifted his hand, and the beaters who followed him for many years all showed off the bright chopper.

Everyone knows that when Ma Ye does not speak, he wants to kill, and the guy who is in trouble is going to be bad luck tonight.


Gao Mazi kicked the box door and walked in first.

Seeing the high-quality pocks like the gods, Liu Yang couldn't help but surprise: "My uncle came."

Then, he pointed at Lei Lie and smiled smugly. "You are not very embarrassed? See how you die!"

Other rich family sons, also a long sigh of relief, have echoed: "That is, who does not know Yang Shao's uncle Ma Ma called half the sky, dare to provoke us Yang Shao, this time you have bad luck."

"Yes, Yang Shao, must let him pay for his life, revenge for the monkey!"

Lei Lie was completely unmoved, sitting on the sofa steady, shaking the glass of wine, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, you have to avenge me. This guy killed my brother. I won’t find it back this time. After you yell at me, I can’t mix it.” Liu Yang hugged Gao Mazi, his eyes were red. Said that he gnashed his teeth.

Gao Mazi patted the shoulders of the nephew and said: "Xiaoyang, rest assured, there is no such thing as your uncle's unfairness under this day."

After that, he made a loud thunder and shouted: "Who is his mother's eyes, dare to scatter in the field of Laozi Gaomazi."

Lei Lie put down the glass, not sneer and sneer: "I!"

Is this sound so familiar? Gao Mazi’s dark feelings were not quite right. The crowd opened up and saw the thunder that was sitting in danger. The anger on his face turned into horror and fear.

"My uncle, this is a hybrid that doesn't open your eyes. He killed a brother and threatened to kill me." Liu Yang walked over and took the corner of Gao Mazi. The smug people laughed and sang. Braided.

Everyone was desperately pushed to the front to watch the excitement, thinking, this guy is horizontal, then poisonous, and dare to scream with the half of the sky, but today I am afraid I can't eat and walk away.