MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 304 Return to the DC universe, the king is above!

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  Chapter 304 Return to the DC universe, the king is above!

  DC universe dreamland.

  Ancient Destroyer Day Yimeng stood on the edge of the land fault caused by the aftermath of the battle, and what greeted his eyes was a piece of fragmented coastal land that had reappeared natural vitality under the setting sun.

   This is the headquarters base where Apocalypse is stationed in DC Universe Earth, and it is also the place where he and Darkseid will decide the outcome after the battle.

   Just after defeating Darkseid, he temporarily left this cosmic dream, and the current dream is obviously the same as Marvel, and time continues to flow forward.

  The Justice League and the remaining Apocalypse forces have left here.

   So, how long has it been?

  Yi Meng was pondering for a while, when she saw a black lightning-like stream of light cut through the void and came to her at a very high speed.

   Also, a burly body with two horns on top of its head fell down with a giant ax in hand, and stood side by side with the tall figure transformed from the black lightning, and put down the giant ax directly in front of him and knelt on the ground.

   "Your Majesty, you have finally come again, and you have not given up on this world!"

  The bald man in a black uniform with a lightning bolt on his chest was extremely excited.

   "King." Wearing a shattered battle armor, the burly being lowered his head with two horns, exposing his undefended back.

  These two are Black Adam and Steppenwolf.

   As soon as the dream came, these two appeared. Obviously, they have been guarding here since the end of the Darkseid war.

   "How long has it been since the ego disappeared?" Yi Meng asked.

   "Just a week has passed." Black Adam replied quickly.

  Steppenwolf whispered: "Huahua has gone back to guard the mansion, and other people are also looking for you all over the world."

   "Tell me." Yi Meng's eyes were burning with flames of destruction: "What happened to the world after I left."

   Soon, through Black Adam and Steppenwolf, Yi Meng learned about the follow-up of the DC universe.

   A week ago, after he defeated Darkseid as the ancient day of destruction, he left here.

  The forces of Apocalypse, which lost their leader, were completely defeated. The remaining generals and soldiers were all liquidated by the Earth Justice League, and only a small part was left under the command of Steppenwolves.

   Then, Darkseid's daughter, Greer, used the mother box to help the Earth reshape many areas.

  Many destroyed cities have returned to their former glory. The surviving humans in the underground shelters, as well as the resurrected humans reshaped by the Mother Box, returned to their former lives in less than a week.

  The invasion of Darkseid and Apocalypse is also announced to be over here, and the long-lost peace is once again here on Earth.

   It was just a week after the war ended and the earth was restored.

this day.

  The ancient destroyer Riyimeng, with Black Adam and Steppenwolf, returned to the little-known mansion on the outskirts of the metropolis.


  DC universe dreamland, the suburbs, the manor next to the lake.

  A retro and clean mansion is located there. Even during the year when it was invaded by the forces of Apocalypse, the mansion has not suffered any damage.

   Right now.

  The third floor of the mansion, the deepest room.

   The quiet and lonely moment that has been for more than a year has been broken.

  Black Adam and Steppenwolf stood in front of the room door. The two seemed to be the representatives of the old gods of the earth and the new gods of the apocalypse. They raised their hands to push the door open.

   Inside, it was already full of people.

   There is a gorgeous woman wearing a humanoid leopard-like amethyst armor, with the wildness and aura of a top predator lingering throughout her body, but her aura is obviously weaker among the crowd.

  There is a tall man wearing a Kryptonian Superman suit, with tears in his eyes, and next to him is a girl in a women's Kryptonian suit, showing a happy expression.

   There is a beautiful silver-haired woman with a golden trident on her back, a crown on her head, and a scale-style uniform.

   There is a little loli with dreamy and colorful hair floating in the low air, her big translucent eyes seem to reflect the starry sky, and her small pink body is exquisite and cute.

   There is also a pale skin, wearing a black cloak, holding a mother box in his hand, standing in the corner of the room out of gregariousness, his eyes are constantly flashing a terrifying red fire.

  The rest of the room maintained an expression of wariness and fear towards her.

   Just, right now.

  After the door was pushed open by Black Adam and the Steppenwolf, everyone in the room was in awe. They stepped aside one after another, revealing a huge bronze chair stored in the middle of the room.

  Black Adam and Steppenwolf did not enter the room, just like many years ago, they lowered their bodies and guarded the door from left to right.

  The youthful posture of the ancient Doomsday Superman has been restored to perfection, and the exoskeleton transformed into Yimeng, who looks like a Kryptonian suit, walked into it.

  He walked through the crowd to the front of the bronze chair, rubbed the bronze armrest lightly with his hand, and suddenly felt that a long time really passed.

  Yimeng turned around and sat on it.

   At the moment when the king who defeated Darkseid sat on the bronze chair.

  In front of the bronze, almost everyone knelt down on one knee.

  If the scene in front of me is seen by outsiders, they must be shocked beyond measure.

  Among the people who knelt on one knee with expressions of awe and love, their identities are—

  Superman known as the 'God of the World'!

  As the top predator, the super villain Leopard Girl!

  Black Adam with the inheritance of the power of the six Egyptian gods!

  The Steppenwolf of the former Apocalypse Protoss general!

  Flower, one of the Martian Manhunter survivors!

  Atlanna, Queen of Atlantis!

   and Darkseid's daughter, Greer who killed and inherited Darkseid's power and half of the anti-life equation!

  Among them, every one of them, even if singled out, is a strong player in the entire DC universe.

  Especially Greer, who almost has more than half of Darkseid's power before she was alive. She is the strongest on earth without the ancient Ruinian Dream!

  At the moment, these cosmic powerhouses, whether kings or gods, all knelt down on one knee to the young man on the throne.

   On the field, only Superwoman Kara was left standing.

  Superwoman was taken aback for a moment, and when she hesitated a little and was about to kneel down on one knee, Yi Meng waved her hand to stop her.

   "Stand beside me." Yi Meng said.

   "Okay, brother."

  Superwoman Kara's eyes suddenly curved, like the moon, she took brisk steps and swayed her skirt, and came to the bronze chair.


  Other people on the field had strange expressions. No matter how many times they heard it, it was still a bit unacceptable.

  In their view, that is the king of destruction, the supreme existence!

   "Your Majesty, you are finally back."

  Xiao Huahua rushed over excitedly.

  Imeng habitually picked up the little flower in his hand, and rubbing it with his five fingers, Lolita immediately deformed and lingered in his hand like a ball of cotton candy, the pink skin always felt springy and soft.

  Leopard girl pursed her lips and smiled, she wanted to come to the other side of the bronze throne, just like before.

   As a result, Greer, who was wearing a cloak, took the first step and came to the side of the bronze throne to stand side by side with Superwoman.

  The beautiful eyes of the leopard girl were cold, and she almost exploded, but she still endured it.

   Thus, as many years ago.

  Black Adam and Steppenwolf are on both sides of the door, and Supergirl and Greer are on both sides of the bronze throne.

  Little flowers are in hand.

  The rest are below, but the king is above.

  (end of this chapter)