MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 303 The Wandering Earth event ends

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  Chapter 303 The Wandering Earth incident ends

  Real world, Wandering Earth.

  The two planetary civilizations that are about to collide, and the human beings and creatures who saw this shocking scene in the sky, were all dumbfounded and speechless.

   A giant phantom hundreds of kilometers tall appeared between the two planets. His eyes were like two small suns burning, emitting thousands of frightening streams of energy. The figure blocking the sky can clearly be seen as a young man!

   Wandering on the earth.

  At the current Asian Aerospace Headquarters base, including other United Aerospace Headquarters, the personnel who were waiting for the countdown to the collision, looked at the space images fed back by the satellites, and suspected that their eyes had seen hallucinations.

  In the base of Hangzhou Planetary Engine.

  The previously rescued team, the military captain and others looked up at the sky, opened their mouths in unison, and rubbed their eyes in unison.

   If it is not an illusion, then there is only a miracle!

  The visual impact of the scene in front of me is far more shocking than flying all over the world in the previous three hours. It is truly an extraordinary power that only belongs to the realm of gods!

   In the real world.

  Pan Hu, who was organizing an army and leading millions of residents to evacuate to further areas, looked up at the familiar side face at the end of the sky, his eyes widened.

   After a long time, he choked out a sentence:

   "Boss, you are really going to become a god..."

The phantom of a giant that appeared between the two planets that were about to collide, raised his hand against the wandering earth where thousands of planetary engines erupted from the flames. The planet trembled violently at this moment!

   Hum! hum!

  Under the force of the platinum palms covering the sky and the sun, waves of waves and air waves erupted in the area where the Wandering Earth had dispersed its people.

  At this moment, the power of the sky giant's explosion is far greater than the thrust of thousands of planetary engines each the size of a city.



   Originally, the wandering earth, which had no time to completely evade the real world, continued to move sideways in space slowly and steadily under the impetus of the phantom of light of the young giant.

   This planet with a diameter of more than tens of thousands of kilometers is really driven by it!

  Although it's only a little sideways, it's enough—

   "Collision countdown—3, 2, 1."

  The originally preset countdown to the collision is over, and the atmospheres of the two planets are almost in contact with each other. Under the continuous force of the giant phantom, the wandering earth wiped past the horizon of the real world!

  The two planets are in peace, just like meeting each other. The wandering earth avoids the real world and continues to slowly distance itself.

  The giant phantom with a platinum luster of hundreds of kilometers dissipated, and only an ordinary human-sized figure emerged from it.

  Suspended at the high altitude of the real world, Yi Meng looked at the icy blue celestial body passing by the sky. The heat she exhaled turned into a gust of wind, and her hair also changed from platinum to blue, and then from blue to the original silver.

  He shook his head, laughed at himself and said, "Moving the planet is a little harder than imagined."

  This time, it was the first time that Yimeng felt tired and exhausted in the real world after acquiring some of the abilities and characteristics of the ancient Doomsday.

  The ability used just now is naturally derived from the Marvel dream, and some of the characteristics were borrowed after entering the body of the newborn god.

  This is the phase transformation belonging to the Tianshen group, which can be enlarged or reduced, or half-blurred, and strengthens the combination and communication with the planet.

  At that moment, it seems to be pushing the wandering earth, but the actual palm is also integrated with the wandering earth.

  After all, the gods themselves are hatched from the planets, and the laws of the energy universe are also closely related to the planets and celestial bodies.

  Although it is only part of the characteristics of the gods, combined with part of the characteristics of the ancient Doomsday, it is enough to make the reality of Yimeng's body explode at that moment with a mighty power that shakes the stars!

  Although in just a few seconds, the destructive energy in the body was almost drained, but it was done.

   This push also saved the civilizations of the two planets from colliding with each other.

   "I really want to sleep well again."

  Yimeng felt the long-lost tiredness.

  He stood in the air, shaking his body.

  A void flame suddenly rose into the sky, and a hand reached out to support his shoulder.

  Yi Meng looked sideways, and met a pair of beautiful and heroic bright eyes, which reflected him.

   "Shake the planet, that's insane... It turns out you did it."

  Dragon Girl stood side by side, supported Yi Meng with her hands, and sighed with emotion.

  Even in her opinion, this is an unrepeatable miracle!

  Facing the current result.

   The civilizations of the two major planets were silent for a while, and then burst into applause and cheers from the corners of each planet!

  The power of the dragon girl and the phoenix covers the world all the time. At this moment, she really felt the awe and enthusiasm from the hearts of countless people.

  After this day, no one should ever question the name 'God on Earth'.

  This is also the end of the SSS-class annihilation crisis-the invasion of the wandering earth.

  Of course, although it is the end, it is actually a beginning.

   The crisis of the Wandering Earth colliding with the real world is indeed resolved, but how to deal with the Wandering Earth in the future, and what kind of communication and consensus should the two civilizations reach?

   It's just that these are not things that Yi Meng worries about.

  After solving the collision crisis of the wandering earth, Yimeng left the follow-up to the dragon girl.

  The appearance of the wandering earth also verified his previous conclusion—

   That is, the mysteriously disappeared Invasion Chaofan, their original world will continue to deepen and maintain the real world, and even the two will eventually collide!

   That is to say, one day in the near future, Tifa's original world will also maintain or blend with the real world.

  This will lead to a real collapse of the real world, becoming a fusion creation of multiple film and television worlds!

  In these diverse film and television worlds.

  Yimeng is very sure that there are conceptual creations and crises that are far more terrifying and unsolvable than the collision of the wandering earth.

  The power is still far from enough, he needs the power to truly sweep everything and rival the diversity of film and television!

  So, after returning to the apartment in Tianhe City.

  Although Yimeng has recovered her physical strength very quickly, she still continues to lie back on Tifa's bed.

   He closed his eyes, his consciousness sinking into a dark dream.

   In front of three different dream worlds.

  This time, Yi Meng did not choose Marvel Universe, but chose DC Universe Dreamland without hesitation.


  He slowly opened his eyes that were shining with real destructive flames. His body was like a compressed energy conversion field, from time to time, power far exceeding the real body gushed out, lingering on the surface of the body and the hideous and sacred bone spurs.

  Imeng raised her right hand, and the nail on her right index finger shone with dazzling golden color. This golden nail alone contained the power comparable to that of a newborn **** of Marvel!

   This is the body of the ancient Doomsday.

  (end of this chapter)