MTL - The Nine Godheads-Chapter 454 The store has already been settled, so will the money be far behind?

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On the second day of the morning, the old man of Tiangongfang took a team of decoration workers and took a variety of building materials to come to the door - this is an appointment yesterday.

"Hong Gongzi is well."

"Your old man is well."

"I don't know if the son of the son heard the whereabouts of the elixir yesterday?"

"Take your old blessings, it's a bit of a look."

"That's good... then, ask Hong Gongzi, how do you plan to decorate this store?" After a few words with the old man, the two began to talk about business.

Sitting on a thousand-square-foot "luxury", you can no longer be as small as a grocery store in the Blue Moon.

First of all, overall renovation is a must.

Then, the secret room must have, after all, the two treasures of the Tibetan mastitis and the cloud tree roots cannot be exposed.

In addition, facilities such as alchemy rooms, foundry tables, iron stoves, kitchens, animal pens, weaving workshops, etc., have been available to the auction house, but they have been used for a long time, and they are all dusty. Adding renovations and refurbishment - I have to say that this 50,000-six-stem crystal is still worth the money.

In view of the fact that the auction house occupies a thousand square meters, it is the model of the former store and the back house. So Hong Xiaobao thought about it and developed a small drug field in the backyard. He planned to win the batch of drugs from the competition. , pick some suitable species to go on.

After making it clear to the construction team, they started doing it.

The repair of the repair, the supplement of the supplement, the exchange of the change...

These process construction teams are all experts, and the skills are purely savvy.

It took only half a day to work, and the entire auction house has been completely renewed.

Even the sanitation, the construction team's people also used a few magic tricks such as dust removal curses and clear curses to clean up the whole round, so that the whole store seems to have been washed by water. Although it is not brilliant and magnificent, it at least looks like a Store sample.

Although the boss of the store’s Zhou has a boastful ingredient, there is one thing he has at least not blown.

This shop is a historic millennium, and its furnishings are also historical and well-established. For example, those furniture, either with their own aura, or with a small array of methods, even a smashing engraved with a dust-removing spell, is quite high-end.

Now that the entire store has been refurbished, the pressure of these historical deposits has suddenly become apparent. After people walk in, it is called a high-end atmosphere! Even walking with the wind, the heart is refreshing.

In the end, the old man pointed at the lacquered "white" selling signboard and asked: "Hong Gongzi, this signboard, are you planning to change one, or only renovate?"

"Change, you must change!" Hong Xiaobao said.

"White" sells such a high-end business, you can't beat it. Besides, this shop is not just for auctioning this business. What's more, there is also a hundred auction house for the door? Therefore, the signature of this cottage style is not allowed.

As for who is the cottage, it is a matter of the previous owner, and has nothing to do with himself.

So Hong Xiaobao waved his hand, and the thousand auction houses changed and became Baoyun Xuan.

Bao is the treasure of Hong Xiaobao.

And the cloud, of course, is the cloud of clouds.

Each of them takes a word, one is to declare sovereignty, and the other is to imply that "the spirit is like a cloud." Although it is a bit of a vulgar point, doing business is a vulgar thing.

As for why not call Baozhen Xuan, or Baocha Pavilion? The reason is very simple, because it is not a good thing to read it - Baodi, Baodi, isn't that "reimbursement"?

Well, nothing wrong.

Then I made a plaque on the spot and I was done.

It is reasonable to say that such a big shop, for the boss and the signboard, such a big thing, even if you do not entertain a round of guests, there must be a decent ceremony, the opening of the day can only be said.

However, Hong Xiaobao is not a person with such a sense of ritual. He is a pragmatist. Even a pan can be accepted as a weapon. What is a signboard in the district?

——It is worth mentioning that when Hong Xiaobao accepted the setting of “Yu Pan Flying”, the pan was quite easy to use.


Directly put the new signboard on the door, the old signboard went to the warehouse and finished.

If there is a chance in the future, perhaps the signboard of the "Thousands of Soldiers Auction House" will be revisited in the form of exhibits, showing the historical origin of the store. Otherwise, it is estimated to be the life of the dust.

Everyone in the construction team saw it and couldn’t help but whimper: "..."

Good sloppy feeling!

Sure enough, it’s not hairy on the mouth, is it not working hard? White is such a big store!

However, it was all the things of Hong Hong’s boss, and they didn’t dare to say anything. After clearing the project on the spot, the old man arched the archer: "So... Hong Gongzi, I am going to retire first, I wish Honggongzi business is booming, and the guest is like a cloud."

"Take your words, go slowly and don't send." Hong Xiaobao quickly thanked him and shouted: "I have time to visit in the future!"

"Tell, say..."

Then the old man slid away with the construction team, leaving only a brand new Bao Yunxuan, and the poor light egg boss Hong Xiaobao who was watching the new sign.


The wind blows the egg shell, and the wealthy people are happy!

Nowadays, the two sisters are a family-owned person. The store has already been settled, so will the money be far behind?

Just since the dark music, Yin Laomo suddenly jumped out and asked. : "Kid, now the store is there, what are you going to use to make money?"

“Is this not easy?”

Hong Xiaobao smiled and had a good idea. "First make a low-cost copper finch medicine, return the money, then start producing silver monkeys, make money with money, and finally go to Jinlong... so snowball-like growth, with a big economy Conditions, I can win at least 100,000 Lingjing in less than three months..."

"Ha ha."

"Old man, listen to your tone, it seems to be dissatisfied?"

"If you only sell gold sore medicine, are you worthy of Baoyunxuan's signboard? Besides, three months and 100,000... Hey, the tomb of the pharmacist will be opened next month, and now you are only four times in the area, the minimum entry distance The standard is still a little different. Does Lingtai Zhuguo not want it?"


"In addition, although your little fiancee is a sacred glass, it is a thousand years of cultivation, but if it is not cultivated, it will take at least one year to advance to the sixth. And her swordsmanship is still in the table, but now With her qualifications, it is hard to say in the future - at least, the old man can't guarantee that she will be safe after a year."

Hong Xiaobao: "!!!"

I am also worried that this old guy is not alarmist, but it is a matter of cloud, even if Hong Xiaobao comforts himself "not in a hurry, calm and calm" is immediately panic: "You can not scare me!"

"You can't believe it."

"Letter! If you don't even believe, then who can I trust? Old man, oh no, Master! Then you said that it should be done?" Hong Xiaobao asked for help, and he was anxious to have some six gods.

Yin Lao Mo heard the words, suddenly a very rare sigh.

This kid...

On weekdays, there are ghosts and ghosts, but when it comes to his fiancee, IQ is plummeting below the normal level. Is there a thief?

If he encounters a demons in the future, there is no doubt that he must be related to his fiancee!

It is no exaggeration to say that if in the ancient times, his obvious weakness was caught by the enemy, there are at least 10,000 ways to make him survive without asking for death!


That is all about the future.

At the moment, Yin Laomo thinks that Hong Xiaobao can still be rescued, so he reminds: "The cost of gold sore medicine is low, but the same, the price is low, taking the path of small profits but quick turnover, after all, the money is too slow. So, if you want to make a profit, you should look at other things that come faster."

"For example?"

"For example, weapons." Yin old demon sneered, "the so-called knife is in the people, the knife is dead, this sentence is not to talk about it. Going to the wild, a good weapon is the guarantee of life. Killing the enemy first is a hundred times better than the post-healing treatment. Therefore, the weapon class is always more popular and more profitable than the elixir. You don’t know why?

"It's right, but..." Hong Xiaobao hesitated. "At one time, where did I go to get so many good weapons to sell?"

"Last time in the Luna Palace, did you not have a large number of defective weapons? Do you not sell them for oysters?"

"Oh, I am going, almost forgot!" Hong Xiaobao suddenly took a forehead.

Yin Laomo does not say, he really forgot this embarrassment - mainly the shape of the weapons, it is too spicy, and Hong Xiaobao asks himself to be a handsome and honest young practitioner in the field of cultivation. Therefore, the subordinates will always ignore the existence of the weapons.

The weapons are simply coming from the ground. It is definitely a profit-free business. Is there a better choice than this?

But thinking about it, he suddenly found another very important issue.

"You also said that it is a broken weapon. It must be repaired before it can be auctioned. But the refining device is a thing... I am not very good at it." Hong Xiaobao frowned.

If you build a pan, it can be considered a refiner.

"There will be no refining, you will not learn?!" Yin old head hate iron is not steel, only angry on the spot to swear, "There is a veteran guidance from the side, repairing a broken weapon has a fart difficulty!"

"Yes, yes, what you said is."

Hong Xiaobao was stunned by him, then he patted the palm of his hand. "So respect the great old Master, Master, let's start now?"

Yin Lao Mo: "..."

What is the predecessor of Master Yin who is a mess?

However, seeing Hong Xiaobao so "advanced to learn", he is also comforted by the old.

This kid is a hob, and he thinks about money and money all day long. He completely forgot that the purpose of asking for money is to raise the realm. He does not give him some pressure and does not know the initiative.

So the two had to enter the house and planned to start drumming the weapons.