MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 178 : Goodbye Elegy

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Yu Xianzhisheng's channel opened very suddenly, and many people were caught off guard.

The person who was just about to sleep quickly got up again.

People walking home from get off work stand on the side of the road watching TV in the store.

The TV in the tavern on the street also switched to his channel.

On the streets of Shinjuku, Tokyo, there is a proprietress who sells TV sets. She switched all the TVs in the window to Yu Xian Zhisheng's channel, and a large group of people quickly surrounded the store.

The lady boss smiled and couldn't close her legs.

"It's really rare for Yu Bao to start broadcasting at this time." A young lady holding milk tea said, holding her boyfriend's hand.

"I said, can't we see it at the hotel again?"

"This is a live broadcast. What if the place is gone!" The little sister said coquettishly, "Wait, I agreed to accompany you to the hotel, sooner or later."

Boyfriend pinched the box in his coat pocket, a little frustrated.

"Hey, don't worry, if I'm happy, I can use that trick tonight." The young lady whispered in her boyfriend's ear.

The boy regained his energy in an instant, staring at Yu Xianzhisheng's beautiful face. He belongs to the type of person who doesn't like idols. His girlfriend likes Yu Xianzhisheng, which makes him somewhat jealous, but if he is I like it so much...Thank you, Yu Xianjun, you are really my good brother.

At this moment, Shenhuiling, who had just taken a bath, also turned on the TV.

Park Zunshi from the team called and told him that Yu Xianzhisheng suddenly started broadcasting.

She felt that it was completely unnecessary, because she didn't like him, so she didn't want to watch it.

But suddenly the TV turned on.

Before the show, he disappeared for two days. After the public performance, he disappeared for two more days.

Great courage.

She wanted to know what he was doing.

This guy never plays cards according to common sense, and every time he can bring amazing performances, he can't help but feel a little curious.

Shenhuiling propped her cheeks against the beauty pad, staring at Yu Xian's childish face on the TV.

I have to admit that this kind of appearance really makes a lot of girls excited.

If you can make him your companion, maybe your road will be smoother, right?


Miyamoto Yukiko sat on a chair and stared closely at the TV in the room.

On the TV, Yu Xianzhi was sitting on the ground with his guitar in his arms, smiling.

He suddenly said something that made the audience in front of the TV very strange: "It can be turned on."

ready to open? open what? The audience was taken aback.

Shenhualing couldn't figure out his mind either.

But in the world, only Xuezi knew that this sentence was addressed to her.

This is a little joy between two people, no one understands except them.

He can start the broadcast tonight, also for himself, for this moment.

Miyamoto Yukiko gently opened the note in her palm, and the beautiful handwriting appeared in front of her eyes:

[You silently turn to one side, facing the night. 】

[In the depths of the night, there are dense lamps. 】

[They are always together. 】

【We will always meet again. 】

【Goodbye, for goodbye】

"The name of this song is "Goodbye Elegy", and I give it to everyone." On the TV, the clear voice of Yu Xian's children and the sound of the strings plucked.

This is a song about farewell, with more than 120 million plays on YouTube, it is one of the must-see songs in Japan. Different people have different ways of singing, those who are brokenhearted sing sadness, while those who are happy sing lively.

Yu Xianzhi hoped that after he left, Yukiko would not be so sad.

Just like what was written to her.

Goodbye, for goodbye.

So he laughed and played the guitar and sang:

"Now I am facing the speechless sky."

"Spit out a cloud called loneliness."

"That cloud brought rain."

"And that rain ushered in the rainbow again."

Yes, it's rainbow.

Just like that morning, the two snuggled up to watch the sunrise, the rainbow that appeared over the island.

At that moment, Yu Xianzhi sang "Rainbow" for her.

The colorful and splendid colors, along with the sunlight, entered the eyes of the two people.

Miyamoto Yukiko is a woman with a strong classical atmosphere and no sense of pop culture.

If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be interested in the entertainment industry in her life, would she?

But his songs are so good, I never get tired of listening to each song.

As long as I hear his voice, I will feel happy.

Yu Xian Zhisheng's voice was raised:

"I was bitten by love and I promised not to leave."

"However, the appearance of loneliness seems to have not changed."

"If you fly as much as you like, you can always reach the other side of the night sky."


"I can't even say goodbye."

"I want to hug you more than wave goodbye."

Yu Xian Zhisheng lowered his head and swept his fingers over the guitar strings.

"Just staying by my side is already very happy."

"Just staying by my side is enough."

"I Saw Shooting Stars"

"I saw shooting stars."

"I pray with singing."

The singing stopped abruptly, before the chorus.

The audience in front of the TV was immersed in the singing and suddenly woke up.

Small head, big question mark.

"What about the chorus?"

"No, the song isn't over yet, is it?"

"Please Yu Bao, keep singing."

Halfway through listening, Shen Huiling's face couldn't help but hold back: "What's the matter, don't sing anymore?"

Just listening to the first half of this song, the quality is already very high, and she likes it.

It's not just her, everyone's appetite is being hanged.

Then, everyone watching the channel saw Yu Xianzhi put down his fingers on the TV, he smiled and took out a piece of cake from behind.

It was taken from the hotel restaurant.

Candles are also from the kitchen.

A very simple little cake.

Yu Xian Zhisheng put the candle on the cake, facing the floor-to-ceiling window.

The candles flickered on the transparent glass, and across the dark night, it really looked like a flashing meteor.

"Well, tomorrow is my birthday, because I'm very busy and I'm preparing to record an album, so I wish myself a happy birthday in advance, and you, and a happy birthday to you!" Yu Xianzhi had a big smile on his face.

Who did you say happy birthday to you?

"It's actually Yu Bao's birthday!" The young lady in front of the window was surprised, she quickly took out her mobile phone, logged on to the platform, and posted a message in Yu Xianzhisheng's comment area, "Yu Bao, happy birthday." ’

When she just sent it out, the comment area was already crowded with 'Yubao, happy birthday. ’

Densely packed, like thousands of lights.

She suddenly got goosebumps and covered her mouth.

At such a late hour, there are so many people wishing him a happy birthday.

Is this the charm of Yubao?

Below is 'Tomorrow is also my birthday! My God, I have the same birthday as Yu Bao! ’

Below it is 'Tomorrow is the same birthday plus one, thank you Yu Bao for your blessing! ’

‘Looking forward to the release of the album, the money is ready! "


Miyamoto Yukiko watched TV and lit the candles of the cake on the table.

It's a big cake.

I ordered it from the pastry shop next door when I bought him toad oil.

In fact, she really wanted to keep him and let him stay with her for one more night, at the very least, eat a piece of the birthday cake to celebrate tomorrow's birthday in advance.

But in the end, she didn't say anything to save her.

Yubao wants to fly, so he can't delay him.

She thought he had forgotten that tomorrow was his birthday. Since the decline of the family, before she met Yu Bao, she thought she would never have a happy birthday again.

But he did not forget, but wished him a happy birthday on the public channels all over Tokyo.

Miyamoto Yukiko scooped up a scoop of cake and chewed it in her mouth. She picked up her mobile phone, logged in to her platform, and typed little by little in his comment area.

"Thank you, and happy birthday to you."

No likes, no replies.

This ID named 'yukiko' was drowned in the sea of ​​comments and was never found again.

She put down her phone, looked at the candlelight, and silently shed happy tears. UU reading


"Is it his birthday tomorrow?" Shen Huiling nodded, looking at the Ukiyo-e calendar on the wall, "Not interested."

However, tomorrow he will release a new album?

It should be the studio version of the song that was in the public competition before.

No. 1 in the ratings on election day was taken away, in fact, it doesn't matter to her.

Anyway, it's all the glory of the official nonsense, it has no gold content, and if you want to take it back, you can take it back at any time.

But album rankings can be different.

Higher rankings mean higher paid downloads.

At present, on the song list of the competition area, his two singles, and Yu Xianzhisheng's three singles in the first public performance, occupy the top five positions.

The first is still his single "king", but it has been forced quite close by that song "loser".

But she didn't care.

The division list is the official list of the Starlight Awards, and its value is not high.

His real goal is the most authoritative red and white song club chart in Japan, as well as the European billboard pop music chart.

This is the real battlefield between singers, and the fighting is quite fierce.

Every June, July, and August are the time for the elders to sing in the circle and compete for the charts. The influence they can gain here is very helpful for them to become the number one in Tokyo.

Shen Huiling rubbed his brows and smiled contemptuously.

The audience praised the praise, but when it came time to spend money, it was completely different.

He's still a rookie, hasn't he experienced this stage?


On June 1st, it started to rain in the early morning.

Yu Xianzhi took a special car and went to the professional recording studio at the headquarters of Dongda Art Group.