MTL - The Mightiest Leveling System-Chapter 5640

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A sentence was extremely harsh, and Tian Qi's figure was stunned on the spot.

He couldn't believe what he heard at the moment, his mind was buzzing.

The eyes of everyone in front of him were filled with hatred and disgust, and their eyes could not wait to engulf him. Apocalypse just looked at it like this, his lips squirmed a few times but he didn't say the last word.

He doesn't understand, he doesn't understand at all. Why is this the result now. He had clearly saved Sister Alan and his own sister, and gave the village peace. Why should they despise him?

As if he were an unforgivable sinner.

"Why are you doing this, why are you targeting your brother." Tian Xin burst into tears.

Alan gritted his teeth and said nothing.

She knew that nothing happened because Apocalypse killed God.

Because in the eyes of these people, what Apocalypse killed was not God, but their last disguise.

Killed the perfect disguise they had found for their cowardice.

It is also for this reason that they will not tolerate the apocalypse now.

"There's nothing to say, you all leave now, leave Tianren Village, and don't come back for the rest of your life." At this time, Dashan stepped forward with tears in his eyes, but it was different from before. Before, it was worry and reluctance, but now it is crazy.

Long Fei looked at everything coldly.

He knew better than anyone what it was all about.


Sigh softly.

He now suddenly understands why the system triggers such a task.

The world is not as beautiful as I imagined.

Seeing the big from the small, if the Tianren Village in front of you is a microcosm of a world, then there is really no need for this world to exist.

"Apocalypse, come with me." Long Fei slowly stepped forward and said.

He was too lazy to pay attention to the reactions of these people. The ugliness in their hearts had been revealed, whether stupid or cowardly, they would eventually haunt them for the rest of their lives.

But that's what they deserve. If they were to be beheaded now, instead, they would be redeemed, simply leave and let them fend for themselves.

Apocalypse did not hesitate.

The hatred in his eyes made Tian Qi understand that he no longer needed to stay here. All the warmth that used to be there has disappeared.

Turning around, pulling up Tianxin and walking towards Longfei.

His heart was already cold, and his eyes were like knives, killing the enthusiasm in his heart like fire.

Tianxin didn't cry anymore. When Tianqi's hand grabbed her, it didn't matter whether she was here or not.

The two walked behind Long Fei without saying a word.

"Do you want to come with me?" Long Fei asked.

Of course he asked Alan.

Although there is no Alan in the key task of the mission, Long Fei has an inexplicable feeling that Alan's existence will play a crucial role one day in the future.

But Alan shook his head.

"You take good care of them. If you can, don't let Apocalypse do such a thing again. I feel that Apocalypse's heart is very painful." Alan said. Long Fei was stunned for a moment. Alan's words made Long Fei's heart tremble inexplicably. He didn't feel the change in Tian Qi's mood, or what Tian Qi showed was only silence. But Long Fei still nodded, slightly

He pondered for a moment.

The mind directly results in failure.

At this time, his mountains and seas are as vast and boundless as a universe, and there is no edge at all.

But with the arrival of Long Fei, a coffin slowly descended, as if sensing Long Fei's call.

Without any hesitation, Long Fei pushed open the coffin of immortality directly, and with a movement of his hand, a mass of immortal energy was directly wrapped in his hand.

The next moment, he returned to reality.

Facing Alan's forehead is a point, and then slowly said: goodbye by fate.

Long Fei left the place with Tian Qi and Tian Xin, and their figures gradually became illusory. Tianren Village also gradually turned into a black spot behind them.

Time flies, and five years have passed in a flash.

In a continuous mountain range, a young man raged with a gun.

The juvenile sword has star-shaped eyebrows, and there is always a hint of sadness between his eyebrows, and his tall and straight body is like a pine in the mountains.

He is Apocalypse.

In five years, he was already an eighteen-year-old boy. The boy's upper body is naked, with well-defined muscles and dense scars. His eyes are firm, and the long spear in his hand has turned blood red.


"Brother, Master said that you should kill less, the mountains are empty." At this time, a clear voice appeared from the void, and a girl walked in the sky, blocking the boy.

"Then I'll go to another mountain range." Apocalypse said coldly.

Tianxin: "…"

"Brother, can't you let go of what happened back then?" Tian asked distressedly, came to Tian Qi, and said softly.

For five years, Apocalypse never said much.

Long Fei didn't care, apart from passing down their respective exercises, every day was like an old monk entering meditation, often in a daze for a day.

The two of them are no longer what they used to be, and their auras are not weak.

It's just that they are all the same, with a thorn hidden in their hearts.

"I put it down a long time ago." Tian Qi said.

Tianxin nodded.

"Then let's go back." Tian Xin said.

Apocalypse nodded, turned and walked into the distance, put on his coat, and left slowly.

Tian Xin looked at Tian Qi's Bei Ying, and his eyes were full of distress: "But... I haven't said what's the matter yet?"

Tianxin's voice was so low that only she could hear it.

However, now both of them are not at the beginning. Although they are not strong now, they are not ordinary people. So this voice naturally reached Tian Qi's ears.

Tian Qi's body was stunned for a moment, but he quickly covered it up, put on his clothes quickly, and left in a flash...

A hundred miles away, in front of a thatched hut.

Long Fei lay on the ground and looked up at the vast sky.

"It's been five years, how to start, and what the **** is the sea doing?" Long Fei was speechless.

He seems to be unfathomable, and every day he seems to be training his mind, looking down on the heavens and the earth.

But in fact, he was extremely tormented.

It has been five years, but he has nowhere to start. Even the system is helpless, and the two of them mock each other every day.

The system is omnipotent, but now there is no way.

This mission has no set goals at all, so it is impossible to let Apocalypse directly launch the World Destruction Tribulation. Not to mention, Apocalypse doesn't have this strength at all right now, and even if there is, Apocalypse may not be able to pass his own heart.

"Player, you can't wait any longer. You've been wasted for five years."

"I have an amazing plan," the system said.

"What plan? Let's hear it?" Long Fei asked. "Create a system!"