MTL - The Mightiest Leveling System-Chapter 5639

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When the system sounded, Long Fei hesitated for the first time.

There may have been tasks that Long Fei did not want to accept before, but this time, it was the first time that Long Fei was resisting in his heart. Before, most of the tasks were irregular, and the rewards were useless, so Long Fei didn't want to accept them.

But this time, Long Fei is because of the system task itself.

Let the apocalypse become a disaster?

Create apocalypse?

This is equivalent to blackening the apocalypse.

Although Apocalypse is now showing anger, this can be completely ignored in front of Long Fei. Not to mention killing a monster that gave birth to spirituality, even if it was a **** who really killed it, it was nothing. He has traveled through countless worlds, and one world has been destroyed one after another.

In contrast, Apocalypse is simply kind and unnecessary.

And, he knows all.

The reason why Apocalypse wants to pick up the spear is nothing more than one purpose.

Protect your sister and protect Alan.

If there is only this, then he will be completely blackened and lead him to destroy the world. This is too cruel, and it is tantamount to personally destroying Apocalypse.

Long Fei is not a good person, and he has also killed the world with blood. But for an ordinary person, Long Fei couldn't do it.

"System, did the mission make a mistake, guide him to destroy the world and start the apocalypse?" Long Fei asked speechlessly.

Just because he is called Tianqi, it cannot be assumed that he is the manipulator of the catastrophe. Even if they are not, they still have to find a way to make them do it?

It's not about being full.

"The system can't be wrong. Didn't you say it well before? These people have other choices, and so do you. There is also someone here who gives you a choice. If you came here and didn't choose to show up, nothing will happen here. It will happen, and the current situation will not occur." The system said, a little cynical.

In the end, I even felt that I didn't say enough, and added another sentence.

"You chose it, idol!"

Listening to the resentful words of the system, Long Fei was speechless.

This is so outrageous!

Glancing at Tian Qi with a complicated face, Long Fei was also extremely speechless.

"No, you said this was the choice someone gave me, who is it? The sea?" Long Fei asked quickly.

Since the system said so, then there must be such a person.

And so far, everything I have come into contact with now is only the trace of the sea alone.

"Does it matter? What matters is that you have made your choice."

"You opened the door to his sin."

"It's useless to say anything now." The system retorted.

Long Fei was so angry in his heart that his teeth were itching with hatred. If it wasn't for the fact that the system had no entity, Long Fei really wanted to pull him out and beat him up.

"You are arrogant, you are amazing. You can't see them being enslaved, you taught him to resist. Now cowardly." The system chattered endlessly and was very dissatisfied with Long Fei.

If it wasn't for Long Fei's choice, he would not have entered the crisis of collapse.

"Enough. I've accepted this task, and it's a big deal to die together." Long Fei was also angry.

The system taunted him over and over again, making Long Fei very unhappy. He secretly vowed that when he returned to the place of origin, the first thing to do would be to find the system girl, and then kill the system.

The system sound stopped abruptly.

It seems to feel the inner thoughts of the system: "Even if the brain of the system comes back, it is useless. At most, she has control over the system, and I am the system itself."

If the sound of the system appeared, but after saying this sentence, it disappeared without a trace.

Long Fei was silent and looked at Tian Qi in the distance.

At this time, the power on Tian Qi also slowly dissipated and landed slowly.

The light above the spear also disappeared.

"Brother!" Tian Xin was the first to pounce, without the slightest fear of Tian Qi. Alan didn't hesitate and followed closely.

"Apocalypse, how are you, are you okay?"

Alan looked worried.

Now, she can't believe what just happened.

Especially the changes before the apocalypse made her feel unfamiliar, the breath was so terrifying, it seemed like a madman. And that aura was full of killing and destruction, she was just a mortal, and naturally felt unacceptable.

"I'm fine. It seemed that there was a power that repaired my whole body just now. I'm fine now." Tian Qi said excitedly.

"Sister Alan, you see, I succeeded, I really succeeded. Master said it well, gods can really be killed. And this **** is a bit stupid, standing there waiting for me to kill him."

Apocalypse was excited.

In his opinion at this time, he is a hero, sister Alan doesn't have to die, and neither does his own sister. It's worth everything he sacrificed.

Long Fei's mind was even deeper.

Looking at Apocalypse with a naive face, his heart is even darker. Do you really want to cultivate him into a calamity master who destroys the world in the name of a mission?

With a sigh, Long Fei said no more.

In the distance, those who had avoided far away before slowly approached at this time.

Apocalypse waited quietly with anticipation and a bit of shyness on his face.

"Uncle Dashan, my brother really did it. He killed a god. This thing is not a god, but a big loach."

"Grandpa Tianzhang, have you seen it, my brother is amazing."

"Grandma Rong, look, my brother is amazing."

Tianxin ran over by himself and started to show off in front of everyone, sometimes in front of the mountain, sometimes in front of others, his eyes were full of pride. It seems that Apocalypse is the hero of the village.


Everyone in the field had a look of indifference on their faces.

With gloom in their eyes, they stared at Apocalypse.

That kind of eyes is extremely inexplicable, fear, alienation, and a kind of resentment.

As Tian Xin spoke, the smile on his face gradually solidified, replaced by a look of grievance.

"Why don't you talk, my brother has done a good job. He saved us all." Tianxin cried aggrieved.

Her mind is pure.

Apocalypse killed the dragon **** in the river. In the future, Tianren Village will not need to sacrifice, and no one will need to die. In her opinion, this is a hero. But the reaction in the village made her feel extremely aggrieved. The eyes were more terrifying than the other, and she didn't dare to approach.

Apocalypse hurried over, holding Tianxin in his arms.

He was puzzled.

"Grandpa the village chief, Uncle Dashan, I killed the god, and our Tianren Village will not have to suffer from poisoning in the future. I can protect the village in the future, and I will no longer have to be afraid." Tianqi explained hurriedly.

His eyes were full of hope, hoping that everything he was seeing was an illusion, they just hadn't reacted. When they explain themselves, smiles will leak out on their faces.

However, he was disappointed.

Everyone's faces were not relieved at all, and even more disgusting.

Apocalypse lost his soul, and he kept stepping back, and his eyes were also full of unwillingness.

"Tianren Village does not welcome you. You go!"

Finally, a voice suddenly appeared.

"That's our belief. If you kill the Dragon God, there will be no hope for Tianren Village in the future."

"It's you who really deserve to die, why, why do you want to slaughter the gods."


A voice questioning made Tian Qi confused. He didn't know what he had done wrong. He clearly saved people, but he was targeted by everyone.