MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 363

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So in this peculiar relationship where my daughter is like my sister, Little 1 doesn't want to talk anymore.

Seeing Xiao Mo's expression, the Black King couldn't help but smile, "You should have called a long time ago."

Xiao Mo looked at the black king in front of him, and instantly understood what she meant, yes, he should have changed his mind a long time ago, but,,, "Then why don't you think about it, you came first, if your father Behind you, is she going to call you sister?"

Xiao Mo, a flash of inspiration! Hmm! That’s right! If that’s the case, shouldn’t the father and king call me sister? From now on, I’ll call you dad and you call me sister. This relationship seems to be quite harmonious, etc. ..., If this is the case,,, Xiao Mo suddenly looked at the black king in front of him, "Come on, father, call me sister!"

Xiao Mo waited proudly for the black king to call her sister, and looked at the arrogant little Mo, black king! Bang! Bang! After two punches, Xiao Mo crouched in the corner of the wall with his head in his arms, He squatted down and cried softly, "It's all fake! It's all fake! Father and king know how to lie to children!"

Seeing Xiao Mo like this, the corners of Hei Wang's mouth raised slightly. It is impossible to call your sister, but,,, is it possible to let her call him sister? Thinking of this, Hei Wang became happy for some reason !Hey! The Black King really deserves to be the blackened Altria, this woman is a bit black-bellied.

On the other side, "Ling Ye, why are you looking for me so late?"

As soon as my king entered the room, she felt that she had fallen into a warm embrace. When she saw the figure in front of her clearly with the help of the warm moonlight, she struggled symbolically twice, "You,,, woo!! !"

Chapter 1039━━The honeymoon period with my king

In the early morning of the honeymoon period with my king,

night bookstore.

"Ling Ye Ling Ye! It's time for us to go!"

Boom, boom, boom! Early in the morning, Nero knocked on Ling Ye's door. Hearing Nero's shout, Ling Ye got up from the bed helplessly.

"This Nero is really serious. He will not let people live in peace early in the morning. My king, let's go."

Ling Ye looked at my king beside him, and at this moment, my king stretched his waist in Ling Ye's arms and then nodded.

Heroic Spirit's physical fitness is... well, even if he doesn't sleep all night, he doesn't respond the next day. When Ling Ye dragged my king out of the room, everyone couldn't help but glance at Ling Ye, and Lilith ......There was no reaction, Lip on the side seemed to think of something, and then suddenly buried her head in embarrassment.

"Ahem, okay, let me ask, which one of you will follow me to the seventh floor today?"

Looking at Ling Ye in front of them, everyone at the moment couldn't help but tilt their heads, and then shook their heads with Lilith, "We made an appointment with Sakura to go shopping with her, so we won't go."

Cut, you really don’t care about loyalty, you betrayed as soon as you brought you here, what, next time you want to think about how Si Ying fought Lu Bu, "It’s unreliable, Nero, what about you?"

Ling Ye looked at Nero beside him, you are my heroic spirit, you will not abandon me, right?

"That...,,,, performer,,.


Nero lowered his head in embarrassment, seeing Nero like this, Ling Ye suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Nero! You!"

"Players! I heard that our country is under construction, and as an artist, I have to guide them! I heard that there is no opera house there yet, so,,,"

"So you're going to build an opera house!"

Ling Ye stared at Nero with wide eyes. Sure enough, Nero nodded slightly.

"Hmm! And the Colosseum!"

Ling Ye "..."

You are a little heartless, you are really unreliable. As for Tohsaka Rin on the side,

As soon as Ling Ye set his eyes on Rin Tosaka, Rin Tosaka shook his head desperately, "Cuchulin is not here, what am I going to do!"

"That guy Cu Chulainn has never won, it doesn't matter if he takes it or not, I'm with you!"

Ling Ye said confidently.


Rin Tohsaka was extraordinarily determined. She finally came to the modern society, and this society is so safe and peaceful. She went crazy before returning to that perverted world with Ling Ye! Seeing Rin Tohsaka so determined, Ling Ye Also helpless.

Really, thanks to Cu Chuulin, he also said that he had cultivated a small fan for himself in the past thousand years, and it turned out! What an unreliable guy! That is to say,,,, Ling Ye looked at Yueji, where It's nursery rhymes and Alice's phone number,,, forget it, what are you doing with two little loli, and you can't fight, let's stay at home.

In other words,,.

Ling Ye looked at my king beside him, this was the honeymoon period for the two of them. Suddenly, Ling Ye seemed to think of something, yes, if you don’t go, don’t go, a Gao Wen can turn the world upside down! "My king, let’s go! "

Thinking of this, Ling Ye directly took my king's little hand and walked towards the world-transmitting gate. Looking at Ling Ye's leaving back, the girls looked at each other and then left. Only Lip's face was flushed at the moment. Poorly looking at the place where Ling Ye disappeared "I,,, I want to go too,,,"


In an instant, she grabbed Lip. This kind of smart person quickly saw through Ling Ye. She also knew that Lip liked Ling Ye. Lip made mistakes and was stubborn. Once he found a man, he would not let go! Especially Lip, who is the number one European style, how could that man let him go! Let Lip go with him, isn't that a sheep in the mouth of a tiger? Thinking of this, he just pulled Lip and left here! A few minutes later, Ling The night and my king have arrived at the seventh floor of the Sea of ​​Seven Heavens. This is the last floor of the Sea of ​​Seven Heavens. However, this place is completely different from the... dark feeling of the previous six floors. The sun is shining brightly and there are no clouds in the sky. In this bright sunshine, all kinds of flowers bloom one after another, this place looks like... a paradise! Looking at this beautiful scenery, even my king is fascinated by it at this moment , the two looked at each other and smiled, then directly held hands together silently, they really looked like a young couple in the honeymoon period, but unfortunately, no one can see this scene.

"Ling Ye, this place is really beautiful."

My king looked at the sea of ​​flowers in front of me. Although my king has been forcing me not to be a woman, women are...women. Except for girls who are allergic to pollen, there is no... Girls don't like flowers, and my king is no exception.

"It's fine if you like it. How about I designate a flower field for you in our country when I go back?"

Chapter 1040━━Gao Wen and My King

: Gao Wen and my king, "As long as you like it, how about I designate a flower field for you in our country after you go back?"

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he was about to open his arms to greet the moved king, however,,, "Ling Ye, how could you be so wasteful, don't you know that the establishment of a country requires a lot of manpower, material and financial resources,... ...."

My king's complexion changed, and he transformed into an existence like a housekeeper in an instant. At this moment, Ling Ye realized that the person in front of him was Artoria, and there was something wrong with the brain circuit in this person's head. Where do girls think about this?

"ok, I get it."

Ling Ye could only sigh helplessly, and at the same time, he thought about what method he should use in the future to make my king change his mind.

However, although I don't plan to build a sea of ​​flowers, it is obvious that my king still likes the beautiful scenery in front of me very much. At this moment, she and Ling Ye are walking in the sea of ​​flowers holding hands, and there is little girlishness in front of her. My king, Ling Ye smiled and wanted to pick off a flower and put it on my king's head like in the comics, but just as he lowered his head, a voice sounded from behind him.

"It's not a good behavior to touch something without others' permission."

It was a man's voice. Hearing this voice, Ling Ye naturally knew who was coming. At this moment, Ling Ye held my king's hand and silently turned around, only to see a man wrapped in a cloak with only his head exposed. The stalwart man was looking at Ling Ye in front of him.

"Sorry, forgot to get your consent."

Ling Ye smiled and looked at Gao Wen in front of him. Gao Wen is actually my king's nephew, so now Ling Ye naturally regards him as his junior.

It's just that Gao Wen didn't hear Ling Ye's beating at this moment, and his gaze was already taken away by the figure beside Ling Ye! How could he forget that figure! It was the lord he swore allegiance to! King! That is my insistence! At this moment, in Gao Wen's eyes, there is only one left! That is! "My,,,, king,,,,"

The My King that Gao Wen said is different from Ling Ye and the others. For...Ling Ye and the others, My King is more like a nickname, but for...Gao Wen, My King! Is my King! "Gao Wenqing, it's been a long time gone."

My king showed a smile to Gao Wen in front of him, and the moment he saw my king smiling, Gao Wen fell to his knees directly on the ground! At this moment, he knelt down on one knee and directly performed a classical knight etiquette.

"Knight of the Round Table, Gawain! Meet the King!"

"Get up, Gawain."

My king asked Gao Wen to get up, and when he saw Gao Wen, a trace of nostalgia appeared on her face, as if she recalled the days when she led the Knights of the Round Table to fight north and south.

However, after hearing my king's words, Gao Wen remained motionless. Ling Ye looked at Gao Wen in front of him, and he understood that at this moment Gao Wen felt ashamed to face my king.

Although Gawain was on the same side as Sir Lancelot, known as King Arthur's right-hand man, he could never forget the fact that his brother was killed by Lancelot, and he swore to be at odds with him.

Because he is an ideal young warrior, with a noble personality, his affection for blood relatives is also doubled.

However, this resentment not only caused Gao Wenqing's character as a knight to decline, it was more related to the decline of the dynasty in the end.

It is said that Lord Gao Wen was hit by the enemy on the hill of sword fence in King Arthur's last battle, and died of the old wound caused by Sir Lancelot.

In the abyss of death, he repented that his resentment had caused the king's demise, and accepted that his personal grievances to Sir Lancelot, and even his disloyalty, were all caused by his own immorality.

He, Gao Wen, has no face to face my king! However, at this moment, my king didn't say anything, she just came to Gao Wen's side silently and said, "Get up, Gao Wenqing, from now on, are you still willing to follow me?" "

There is no consolation, no blame, there is, just a seemingly ordinary question, but this sentence is like the sound of nature to...Gao Wen! At this moment, although Gao Wen lowered his head, Ling Ye seemed to be able to see a trace of crystal clear from the sky. Gao Wen's face fell down, Ling Ye did not expect that this... man who was as bright as the sun would also cry for a moment, after a long time, a big sword glowing with golden light appeared in Gao Wen's hand, and Gao Wen stood there directly. Standing up, he put the great sword in his hand on his chest, and said very seriously, "I! Knight of the Round Table, Gawain! Swear allegiance to my king to the death!"

Ling Ye didn't doubt this sentence. In the sixth chapter ━━━━━━━━━::::, even though he knew that the decision of Gun: Stay was not very right, Gao Wen still stood by my king's side. It is precisely because of his persistence that a bunch of **** are extremely resentful towards Gao Wen, the... newcomer, killer! This! It is... Gao Wen! Sun Knight Gao Wen!

Chapter 1041━━Forever Gao Wen

Forever Gawain Great Britain City of Camelot "In the name of King Arthur, forgive Lancelot, the former Knight of the Round Table, for his crimes. From now on, Lancelot will leave the Knights of the Round Table forever and never return to Camelot!"

Following King Arthur's words, the... man who deserved death for abducting Guinevere was forgiven. After hearing these words, Gawain looked at the king in front of him incomprehensibly.

"My lord! Why did you spare that fellow Lancelot! He!!!"

Before Gawain finished speaking, King Arthur named Artoria stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"Perhaps that is the best outcome.

Perhaps, I was wrong, if Guinevere had been given to Lancelot, perhaps this would not have happened......"

After my king finished speaking, Gao Wen looked at the figure in front of him incomprehensibly. He actually saw a look of regret on his... king's face! How could the king be wrong! How could his own king be wrong! Brother Gaheris and his younger sister Gareth were killed by Lancelot, and he will never see that one... the younger sister Gareth who followed behind him and called him brother will never hear Gaheris call him brother again. It doesn't matter, the two of them were killed in order to stop the rebellious Lancelot. They have been loyal to our king all their lives, and they died in a suitable place.

"Not only was brother Gareth and sister Gareth killed by Lord Lancelot, that... black knight even betrayed the king.

Kidnapped the king's wife.

Is it possible to forgive? No! Absolutely impossible to forgive!"

With this in mind, Gawain engraved Lancelot's name in his heart.

At the same time, he also deeply remembered one thing! As a knight, he must spend his whole life assisting the monarch to the end! Soon, the Sword Lane Hill Rebellion broke out! King Arthur and Mordred duel at Sword Hill! Gawain of the Knights of the Round Table led away the brigade of rebels in order to protect our king, and it was here that he met that...the evil black knight! "Gawain get out of the way! I'm going to support the king!"

Lancelot said so, but, why did Gawain, a rebellious knight, go to tarnish the reputation of our king! Letting a rebellious knight rescue him would be disgraceful to the name of King Arthur! So Gawain did it! However, he Failed, Lante is the head of the round table after all, the two without Heroic Spirit confronted, and Lancelot was slightly better.

"Have you failed?"

Gawain looked at Gawain who was going away, and it was... At this time, a black mass of rebels appeared behind Gawain, facing the away Lancelot and the approaching rebels, Gawain finally He had no choice to pursue Lancelot! He clenched the revolving sword of victory in his hand and rushed towards the rebels! He wanted to use his own strength to help the king, but all he got was my king and Mordred News of the end.

At that moment, Gawain understood that if he didn't stop Lancelot, with Lancelot's strength, he would definitely be able to defeat Mordred together with my king.

However, because of his selfishness, Lancelot did not arrive in time! At this moment, Gawain lost his last bit of strength.

The sun was setting, and the mortal Gao Wen couldn't wipe out all the enemy troops after all. When he exhausted his last strength, he could only look at the setting sun and say the last words of his life.

"If there is a next time.

There is still a chance of redemption, if you have a second life, this time, you must dedicate all of yourself to the king."

Gawain died in battle, from the old wound caused by the enemy hitting Lancelot.

However, he did not expect that death is not the end, it is actually the real beginning! Therefore, there is one less knight of the round table, Gawain, but one more heroic spirit, Gawain.

Just like King Arthur who disciplined himself on the Hill of Swords, Gao Wenqing also cried out in the abyss of death, and his own impulse lured the king into death.

Gao Wen has been blaming himself, waiting to return to Artoria's side, and at this moment, this wish has finally come true! He! Finally, the words he had dreamed of came! "Get up, Gao Wenqing, In the future, are you still willing to follow me? "

What a beautiful person that is, radiant, bright, and holy like a bright moon, he forgave the death caused by his selfishness, just as he forgave Lancelot back then.

All he can do is to dedicate everything to himself. Even if he dies in battle, he will never let down the trust of the king again! "I! Knight of the Round Table, Gawain! I swear allegiance to my king to the death!"

I like Gao Wen’s characters very much. Generally, authors should not be involved in personal emotions when writing books, but to be honest, I just don’t like Lancelot, even though Xingyue has been saying: to clean up for Lancelot, but for.. A Lancelot who betrayed the king, betrayed the brother, and killed Gareth, the friend who admired him, just... I can't like him, even if he is the father of the school girl.

Chapter 1042━━Who is the princess

Who is the princess? In the central garden on the seventh floor of the Sea of ​​Seven Heavens, Ling Ye, my king, and Gao Wen sat on a stone table and stone bench in a gazebo in the middle. My king is holding a cup of black tea right now. Tasting slowly, Gao Wen kept staring at Ling Ye in front of him.

"No, Gao Wen, why are you always staring at me like this?"

Ling Ye looked at Gao Wen in front of him, he didn't understand why this Gao Wen always looked at himself with the eyes that he owed him money.

"I'm looking at your ability to see if you can match up with my king."

Gao Wen is really a straightforward guy, he just said what was in his heart without concealing it, listening to Gao Wen's words, Ling Ye couldn't help but feel a headache.

What, Gawain, do you regard yourself as your natal family? Wait..., Gawain is not only a knight of the round table but also my king's nephew, it seems that he is indeed a natal family.

At this moment, Gao Wen naturally put all his thoughts on Ling Ye, he was very curious why my king chose Ling Ye.

He is not a fool, he knew the relationship between my king and Ling Ye just now, but he didn't understand how this Ling Ye could become my king's concubine.

"My king, I didn't know that this is the princess you married."

Gao Wen suddenly looked at my king at the side and asked respectfully.

Wangfei puff! For a moment, my king was choked by Gao Wen's words, Wangfei or something! How is that possible! However, what is the relationship between myself and Ling Ye now, whether I married Ling Ye or Ling Ye, I thought of this , My king slightly raised his head to observe Ling Ye's reaction.

However, she didn't see any reaction from Ling Ye, because at this moment Ling Ye was completely stupefied with the expression that you Timo are teasing me.

Of course Ling Ye was not happy, she became a princess inexplicably, although the meaning was similar, but there was always a feeling of being married.

"That...Gao Wen, don't get me wrong, I'm not your princess."