MTL - The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife-Chapter 144

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It’s hard to get through the whole morning. It’s time to have lunch. Colleagues go out in twos and threes, but no one is called Suyya.

Time passed by, and Suya did not move in the position. The morning of the ear was their boring argument, and now it is quiet, she simply closed her eyes and relaxed.

"Don't you go to eat?" A female voice came over.

Su Yaya opened her eyes and the female supervisor was talking to her.

Su Yaya quickly got up and said, "I will wait."

"Let's join me." The female executive invited.

After thinking about it, Suya nodded and said, "Okay." Then he took his own bag and went out with the female supervisor.

The company has a cafeteria. Now it is the time of eating. There are still many people in the restaurant. When Suya and the female executive walked in, many people noticed it. Naturally, it caused quite a lot of turmoil. Whispering.

"They are two together..."

"Sure enough, it is all the way."

For the boring people's arguments, Su Yaya and the female executives chose to automatically block, each selected the favorite meal on the plate, and sat down on a window seat.

The sun outside the window is very bright and the weather is very good.

There is another atmosphere in the restaurant.

Su Yaya gorged on the food in the dish. She had already been hungry. The food here tasted very good, which led her to move her index finger.

The opposite female supervisor ate very little. Suya asked and said, "Why don't you eat?"

The female supervisor smiled and said, "I lose weight."

"You are very thin." Really thin. Suyya is a physique that does not grow fat, and she is very thin, but the female executive looks thinner than her.

"Oh." The female supervisor looked at Su Yaya and smiled and said: "Which woman does not say that she is fat, which woman does not say to lose weight?"

"This is also true." Su Yaya nodded with a smile.

When Suyaya ate almost, the people in the restaurant walked almost.

"You don't mind eating with me, I am very happy." The female executive suddenly said this, eyes looking out the window.

Su Yaya: "..."

"You should have heard the colleague's arguments." The female supervisor said faintly.

Su Yaya grinned. "They are very bored. Things are not what they say."

"But I am real, I just sit on my own body by my own body." The female executive looked back at the window and looked at Suyya. "Do you think I am ashamed?"


"Forget it, let's go back." The female supervisor quickly interrupted Suya's words and didn't want to hear her say.

Standing in the elevator room back to the office, only Su Ya Ya and the female supervisor, no one spoke. Su Yaya secretly looked at the silhouette of the female supervisor on the mirror wall. She was really a very beautiful woman.

"In order to achieve my own goals, sometimes it is nothing to sacrifice." The female director spoke faintly, not knowing if she was talking to herself or to Suya.

After returning to the office, Su Yaya sat in the position and recalled what the female supervisor said. She felt that she was not wrong. Everyone’s goal was different. Everyone wanted to achieve a different goal, and they could not judge people to do so. Whether it is right or not.


A lot of information on the table, Suyaya finally finished before leaving work.

Newcomers in the workplace are inevitably bullied, just let her organize the information, it is already polite to her.

After finishing the work, Suyya packed up the good things and walked out of the office with a bag.

She took the elevator down the stairs, walked out of the company, and took the bus to the front stop.

"Suya." Zhou Zhengqi drove a black Bentley car and opened the window to stop her.

"President." Suya stopped and looked back at Zhou Zhengqi who was sitting in the car.

Zhou Zhengqi opened the door and got off the car. He approached Suyya and smiled and said: "If you leave the company, you don't have to call me the president."

"Yeah." Suyaya sighed.

"Where are you going?" Zhou Zhengqi asked.

"Go home." Suyaya said.

"It's not good to ride a car at this time, or I will send you." Zhou Zhengqi proposed.


"Let's go, wait until you don't know how long you have to wait." Su Yaya was a bit hesitant, but Zhou Zhengqi did not give Suyya a chance to refuse, and took her directly into the car.

Now is the peak period of work, there are many vehicles coming and going. I don’t know what happened today. The road that didn’t block traffic is blocked. Today, the long queue is blocked. Time passes by, not only does it have no feeling of slack, but the vehicle instead The more you plug, the more.

In the car has been blocked for half an hour, Su Yaya anxiously look at the watch for a while to look at the watch.

"Are you in a hurry?" Seeing that she had been watching the table uneasy, as if she was anxious to do something important, Zhou Zhengqi couldn't help but ask.

"No." Suya shook his head.

"I see you keep watching the watch." It is clear that there is something, Zhou Zhengqi saw it at a glance.

Su Yaya smiled. "It is an upset for traffic jams."

"If we don't wait, we will find a place to eat, and then go back after dinner." Zhou Zhengqi proposed that, instead of Su Yaya's comments, he would have turned the car head to the direction of the restaurant.

Later, they went to a famous western restaurant. The waiter took the menu to let them order the food, and recommended the store celebrations in the store.

"Sir, our store is celebrating the 6th anniversary of the anniversary, you can order a couple's package, our store will give the lady a bunch of roses, and add two three days and four nights Caribbean cruise tickets, two people can hold hands together Strolling along the beach and enjoying the romance of the Caribbean Sea, I believe that this romantic journey will surely become two wonderful memories." The waiter introduced very positively.

In fact, the recommended activities in the store, if it is in the usual, Zhou Zhengqi will pass directly, because he feels too cheap, but today, somehow, Zhou Zhengqi actually accepted.

"Then click this." Zhou Zhengqi handed the meal back to the waiter.

"Okay, please wait." The waiter left the menu.

It didn't take long for Zhou Zhengqi's couple's package to be sent up and a big table full.

Then the waiter took a bunch of roses and sent them up.

Zhou Zhengqi took the flowers from the waiter's hands and smiled on the gentle face. "Yaya, give it to you, I wish you more and more beautiful."

He did not call her full name, and replaced it with a more intimate name.

Su Yaya’s heart is not leaking.

Eating a couple's meal, they are not a couple, Zhou Zhengqi sent her roses, not for love, Su Yaya's heart is mixed.

Zhou Zhengqi is handsome and gentle, gentle and friendly, helping her to be busy again and again, but such a man, like Shen Xiuqi, is also the object of many women.

Su Yaya knows that in the company, there are many people who like him. He is the favorite of those ladies and ladies. Or maybe he already has a girlfriend, even a fiancee.

After undergoing a Shen Xiuqi, Su Yaya’s feelings about men’s and women’s feelings have been very weak. She did not want to be with anyone anymore, and she no longer wants to be rich and glory, and she is a life of drunkenness. Just want to live well every day, don't let go and live again.

Zhou Zhengqi saw that she was silent and did not pick up the rose. She asked softly: "What happened?"

Upon hearing Zhou Zhengqi's question, Su Yaya came back to God, smiled apologetically at him, smiled and picked up the words in his hand, and replied: "Nothing, just suddenly remembered some of the previous things."

Zhou Zhengqi looked at the look of Suya's face and said to her: "Do you have troubles? Say it out, can you help me?"

Su Yaya shook his head with a smile. "It's okay, it's all the old things, it's over, don't mention it."

She has already seen it, she just wants to live a good life now.

Zhou Zhengqi "hmm", and said: "If you need anything to help me, or if I can help, you can say."

Su Yaya thinks that Zhou Zhengqi of today is a little concerned about him. He knows that two people have known him for a few days. He is still her boss. He saved her for the first time. It was his second time to work for her. Coincidentally, why is he going to close her relationship again and again?

"Zhou Zong, what do you have to say? If you just want to play with your sister, then you don't have to, I am not for you." Suyaya simply said, she had suffered a loss in Shen Xiuqi, she did not want to Repeat the same mistakes.

Zhou Zhengqi took a sip of the red wine on the table and looked at Suyya: "I said that I am serious, do you believe it?"

Su Yaya twitched his mouth and smiled a little. This sentence is a bit familiar, and some people have told her this way.

Clever as Zhou Zhengqi naturally saw the ridicule on her face. He put down the red wine glass in his hand and corrected the expression on his face, making himself look more serious and solemn. He said, "Well, I might as well say it." My family is urging marriage, I want to find a girlfriend as soon as possible, but I have never met the right person before, so this matter has been delayed, and now it is impossible to drag on, I want to find someone to pretend My girlfriend, I think you are suitable."

Su Yaya smiled happily and glanced at Zhou Zhengqi. "I said that you rich people, do you like to do this?"

When Shen Xiuqi asked her to get married, she promised, and the result was stuffed into the sweet words of Shen Xiuqi, and it ended up like that.

Now she has passed through, lived alive, and met Zhou Zhengqi to ask her to pretend to be his girlfriend. This rich man is really going to play!

"Sorry, I don't want to pretend to be my girlfriend." Su Yaya said that she picked up her bag and said to Zhou Zhengqi: "That's it, thank you for your dinner, goodbye."

Su Yaya picked up the bag and did not go back to the restaurant. There was a footstep behind him. Zhou Zhengqi caught up and pulled her. Sorry, "I am sorry, I was rude. I said the wrong thing, please Please do not be angry."

Su Yaya did not speak with a calm face. Although Zhou Zhengqi apologized to her, she was still a little angry. She really couldn’t understand how these men were going, why did she find her every time? Does she look like the kind of person who is easy to deceive and fool?

Zhou Zhengqi looked at the expression on her face and realized that she had made a mistake. She once again sincerely apologized. "Sorry, I just thought about it. I apologize to you. Please do not **** off."

Su Yaya looked at his sincere and apologetic face, and cautiously sighed in his heart and said, "I want to go home."

"Well, I will send you home." Zhou Zhengqi quickly and quickly took Suya to the parking lot to take the car, and then sent her home.

Su Yaya’s rental house, the car can not be opened under the rental house, can only stop at the outside of the alley.

The night was already deep. Suya opened the door and got off the bus. He didn't take two steps. Zhou Zhengqi followed him and got off the bus. He called her, "Suya!"

Su Yaya paused, but turned to face Zhou Zhengqi, and asked a little brow: "What else?"

Zhou Zhengqi looked at her intently and hesitated and replied halfway back: "I said really, I want you to be my girlfriend, not a contract, not a fake, a real girlfriend, would you like it?"

The author has something to say: second, later third.