MTL - The Last Apostle-v6 Chapter 160 Fish in troubled water

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Ios seems to predict all of Shura's tricks. In fact, it was intended by Baisula in order to let Ios retreat in one shot, and then unable to dodge the half that fell from top to bottom. building.

"Stupid, you have to remember that you died in the hands of Lord Baishara." Baishara sneered at the wreckage of the building in front of him and coughed a few times before looking at another brightly lit building next to him. :

"Shit, it's your turn now, obediently surrender your power?"

"Boom !!!!" Among the wreckage of the previous building, a huge force burst out suddenly, and then a burly and wobbly figure stood up slowly, and on his body, brick limestone and other things came in, And the purple-black energy is spreading like a flame.

"Congratulations, success irritated me! Mymizeco Divan Ios, your head will be cut off by me to make specimens, nailed to the wall and tied with those glorious achievements !!"

Bai Shuluo took a deep breath and raised his sword. There was a sudden dazzling electric light on his body, spiraling around and not going for a long time. Even after dissipating, he appeared from the void again to protect his body.

Seeing this, Ios was also somewhat surprised:

"You have already mastered such a mysterious breath of Thor's Breath! No, this is not the real Thor's breath. This does not contain the breath of Thor's majesty, but it has touched the edge of Thor's will. One step closer! "

Bai Shuluo said:

"Yes, I am also in awe of your strength, so if you give me the human being you caught before, how about I retreat immediately?"

A strange light suddenly appeared in Ios's eyes:

"Oh! It turned out that, I thought you, like those invaders, came for the core strength we collected, haha, you came for the secret of that human being."

Shura's pupil abruptly shrinks:

"Do you even know his secret?"

Ios made a weird laugh:

"So you must die!"

After this sentence, Ios leaped abruptly, aiming at Bai Shura like a dark cloud, and saw that his left hand had disappeared strangely, but his right hand had become a handful. The weird red-red giant sword has a knuckle-shaped surface, as if it were a spine with a sharp head.

Jump in the air! !!

With a sneer, Bai Shuluo dazzled, and began to fight with Ios again.


At the same time as Ios and Bai Shura, Du Yuqi certainly wouldn't stay in the room stupidly, but would just slip out. In fact, he had reserved a foreshadowing to deal with these crazy Ivans who guarded him. However, the most wonderful thing is that after the start of the war, Roy estimated that he felt that the enemy was too powerful, so he issued an instruction, which should be all the combatants attacking together.

The authority of this order should be the highest level, exceeding the order of guarding Du Yuqi, so the two crazy teams outside Ivan left the post early to make Bai Shura's cannon fodder, leaving only two guarding Du Yuqi, Du Yuqi also kept calm and waited. When Bai Shura fought against Ios, the two sides were completely indifferent. Du Yuqi sneered and spent a sacred crown to summon Jeter to his side.

Du Yuqi's original plan was to call Jeter, because calling Jeter can actually specify the location where Jeter appears within 50 meters of the owner, so the chance of Jeter being found is not high, and then Du Yuqi will let him find a way to leave , Found the Jiyuan that was hidden outside and returned it to himself, and then secretly found a way to help. Once in a critical moment, then decisively use the Refined Extreme Weapon Blade to absorb the energy in the Blade of the Wounded Mind and escape!

And why did Du Yuqi hide the dimensional ring?

Of course, because he surrendered on his own initiative, he will definitely be searched closely. What kind of weapon? The dimensional ring must be the key search object. This kind of thing is almost predictable. Du Yuqi does n’t think he can hide the other party ’s strictness. Searched, so of course it will not go to the door.

At this time, the defense outside was much looser than Du Yuqi thought. Of course, it was Du Yuqi and Jet who acted together and shot two crazy Ivans without any effort.

At this time, Bai Shuluo and Ios fought fiercely, and both felt that the other was drooling / killing their own fortunes, and they had lost their minds, and they had no reservations to die hard. At this time, Du Yuqi was so lucky , Is very easy, not to pay the cost of destroying the blade of the broken heart.

But will Du Yuqi leave now?

Of course not!

At this moment, the protective power of this base can be said to be unprecedentedly empty. Isn't it a good time to slip away now? Du Yuqi's biggest advantage is that he can sense the location of the mutated tara stone hidden here. Now that he has this great opportunity, how can he not take advantage of his own advantage and enter the Baoshan for nothing?

So he asked Jette to cover himself in the dark, and then headed straight for the storage place of Mutant Terra Stone!

Following his own instinct, Du Yuqi slipped out of the building where he was staying, and then sneaked into another building. Speaking of which, Ios is also a treacherous giant. He did not place the mutant Terra stones at the place where he usually stays, but instead placed the tallest building in the entire camp-a shape that looks like a watchtower. Lighthouse top!

There is a window in Ios's laboratory, and a magic eye looks closely at the top of the lighthouse for 24 hours. If there is any problem, it will call the police immediately.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to find the place where Ios hid the mutant Terra stone, even if he digs three feet to the place he frequents, and the existence of the magic eye is It is to ensure a small probability event-for example, if someone accidentally hits and finds a variant Terra stone, so in Ios's heart, this arrangement can be said to be a triumphant work, which can be called solid gold.

But Ios never expected that he encountered such a pervert as Du Yuqi!

The mutant tara stone he collected just happened to coincide with it, and a strange resonance phenomenon appeared between the two sides. Du Yuqi could sense the position of the mutant tara stone, so no matter how Ios arranged the blind spot, there was no egg. The use of such things can only make people vain.

Next, Du Yuqi thought about it, thinking that the lighthouse should be full of institutions, and the crisis was perilous, so he simply did not enter the lighthouse and climbed with his bare hands from the outside-of course, the location chosen was on the back of the lighthouse, not directly facing Bai The direction of Shura and Ios. UC Reading

At this time, the demon eye set by Ios had begun to warn madly. The harsh warning sound was also in the dormitory, laboratory, training room, and even Roy's Sounds everywhere in the office!

However, this warning was not useful. Ios and Bashirah were in a fierce fight at this time. It was a blast. Where would I know that the backyard was on fire! As for Roy, he has been cut into two sections by a sword to be loyal to his host. If there is a spirit in heaven, he can only watch Du Yuqi doing bad things.

In this case, Du Yuqi climbed to the window closest to the top of the lighthouse without any danger, kicked the window with one foot and slipped in. Du Yuqi's behavior triggered at least two or three warnings, but there were still no warnings. What's the use, because the crazy Ivan guarding the lighthouse also died to seven or eighty-eight. Du Yuqi waited for a while before realizing that only two crazy Ivans came in, and one was crawling in without the lower body, and the other was It is because half of the body is gone, and crackling electric sparks are shining all over the body.

To send these two "disabled people" out of the blue, Du Yuqi didn't spend much effort, and then made it three, five and two, and then tried to open the front door, but after thinking about it for a while, he found that It is too difficult to follow the normal way to open this door, so I simply thought of a stupid method and simply bypassed the door to enter another way.

In the end, Du Yuqi found a breakthrough in the lower layer, cut open the upper ceiling with the blade of the split wounded soul, and then drilled into it, which is equivalent to opening a hole in the floor of the secret room. Of course, this process is a waste of time and triggered a lot of warnings, but the warning is actually useful only if the guards are there. Without the guards, it wo n’t help even if it sounds old.