MTL - The Last Apostle-v6 Chapter 159 Demon power

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However, Bai Shuluo cut it with a cold sword. A high-speed rotating red-red light wheel flew out instantly. The light wheel was at least the size of a heavy truck tire, and there were striking and strange Sanskrit-like things on it. It is the wave sword.

At this moment, the two crazy Major Ivan were stabbed by the wave sword. At the same time, the whole body was being severely cut by the light wheel, trembling constantly, and Mars and light spots splashed around. It is very tragic. But in this case, the two crazy Major Ivan still struggled and tried to pounce towards Bai Shura, and the will to fight was extremely firm.

As soon as Bai Shulu basked and turned the sword, he immediately saw the wave sword. The crimson light rippling from the ground below the thorn wheel is exactly the sign of the wave sword. The flash gun is about to erupt, this trick will It will explode like a light gun in the ground to attack the enemy, and it will also pull the enemy in front of yourself and fall into a strong rigid effect, the damage is also good.

Only at this time, a heavy boot shining with golden light trampled on the ground, and he gave birth to Bai Shuluo's blow, and waved the sword. The energy of the flash gun did not burst out. Then, a A powerful and deterrent figure appeared, this figure is not others, it is the master demon Ios here

"You **** ant dare to offend the power of Lord Ios. I will peel off your face and make it soles, and let it be trampled with me by your soul for ten thousand years." Ios snarled and shot. He raised his arms high and hit Bai Shuluo down.

When Bai Shuluo bucked the trend, he picked it up with a sword, and when his weapon was chopped into the thick arms of Ios, he actually bloomed a few ignition stars, and the whole man also flew back several steps, but this At that time, Bai Shura had already grasped this wonderful opportunity. The vertical pupil illusion over his head appeared again, and then slowly closed. At the moment of closing, the entire space within hundreds of meters near Bai Shura was shaken and produced. As if the glass was broken, all the enemies in this range were severely damaged. At least fifty crazy Ivans who tried to encircle them were shaken to death.

Wave Sword.

Of course, the wave sword. Tianzhao is also the awakening technique dark sky wave eye's move, predicting the end of this move.

Bai Shuluo seized the wave sword. At this moment of the attack of the scope of the sky, he suddenly swung his sword forward, and immediately saw a 50-meter-long arctic corridor in front, all of which were made by Jingying Stacked by sharp, sharp ice, everything in front is frozen in it.

Even the arrogant Ios was frozen and unable to move at this instant, maintaining his previous semblance, but the ice that had sealed him had been covered with cracks within a few seconds, and it was estimated that he would be trapped in an instant. .

Sixth Order Mystery: Extreme Ice. Rifting Sword

Immediately after, this corridor of extreme ice burst into pieces, numerous blasts of **** splattered, and Ios roared out of the trap, except that he was just able to move, and an oncoming thunderstorm came straight into an arc The shape of the light cable imprisoned him.

Evil Light Wave Formation

However, this is not over yet. When Ios is about to recover, what is waiting for him is Frostblade. Wave Sword, once again it is frozen.

However, when Bai Shura blasted out a ghost-printed bead next, this move actually only had a small impact on Ios, so that Ios burst into trouble at a strange speed, He hit Bai Shura's chest with one punch, but Bai Shulu also looked very cautious, and quickly retreated when he punched.

However, after Bai Shuluo hit this punch, he actually couldn't stand his footsteps at all, and a series of explosion sounds came from his body. The purple and black energy was madly dispersing and exploded him. Constantly stumbling backwards, the fist of this demon Ios is actually one

Soul uptake

And just as Bai Shuluo went backwards, the terrible purple and black flames were burning in the two triangular eyes of Ios:

"Experience the horrors of Uhil's power, the weak"

Then Ios rushed forward, his arms opened, and he looked as arrogant as a predatory hawk. The outer edge of his arms felt bright and sharp even in the dark. Threatening threat.

Bai Shuluo took a deep breath, and after recovering from the attack ingested by the soul, he had already jumped fiercely, and instantly separated from Eosz. His leap can be said to be high and fast. It showed far faster than normal bounce speed, and could even be compared with the highest level of leap. This is obviously a special ability attached to the shoes worn by Bai Shuluo, which is regarded as a hole card.

Not only that, as soon as Bai Shulu landed, he immediately raised his dagger to charge, only half a second later, he suddenly waved his sword, and a giant cross-moon-blade appeared like a bang, and burst out. An aggressive power rushed forward.

Shura Evil Light Slash

The attack range is extremely large, and it is like a train smashing into a long car with black smoke. It is not too fast, but it has an irresistible and inevitable trend.

After hitting this move, not only was the injury, but it really wouldn't stop at all. It was pushed and moved towards the rear. The attack range is very large, the attack distance is extremely long, and it has a powerful knockback effect. The disadvantage of the second is that it needs to store power, and Shura Xieguang's aggressive flight speed is not particularly fast.

However, Bai Shuluo used this trick not to hurt people, but to push back the violent action of Ios, and strive for the release time of the next trick for himself. The Shura Evil Light Slash he played was much larger than the Shura Evil Light Sword used by the other Ashura. The reason is very simple, that is, the dagger he holds is also a powerful artifact: Tiandao Shura Sword The biggest special effect of this sword is that it can powerfully increase Shura's evil light.

Only at this time, Ios's huge body suddenly shrank into the ground, and disappeared. There was only a small black shadow in the ground, which showed a weird shape of the mobile route. After avoiding the attack of Shura's evil light, and forced him to be 10 meters in front of Bai Shura, the entire talent of Ios emerged from the little shadow in the ground.

Shadow Shape

Ios's trick was to pass away. It can be said that it instantly made Bai Shura's behavior useless. He smirked and lifted his right arm. It was a dull elbow. The outer edge of Ios's forearm It is mutated into a blade shape. This elbow stroke has a semi-arc shape, and the effect is similar to that of a large ax chopping across.

Bai Shuluo held the Tiandao Shura sword held outwards and stunned Ios' blow, but his face paled, and two bloods appeared in his nostrils, but The next second, he suddenly had air waves all over his body and blasted out. It was Asura ’s secret technique: the wave broke out ~ ~ and all the nearby enemies caused them to lose their balance and flew away. go with.

However, Ios seemed to know that Bai Shuluo would use this trick. After sweeping one elbow, he stabbed and smiled, and then moved forward and abruptly. He immediately backed up more than ten meters in situ, which is equivalent to Bai Shura ’s fluctuations. Completely lost, Ios's strong anticipation ability is really shocking, and I don't know how many vicious battles I have experienced before I can experience the combat instincts.

Then Ios retired more than ten meters after the spot, and just wanted to win and chase, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. It was a feeling of great difficulty. At this time, Ios turned back suddenly, and the light in the corner of his eye saw a huge shadow falling behind him, and a scream of slump.

Ios instinctively wanted to hide, but the most terrible thing was that his sudden sudden attack before returning seemed to be an understatement. In fact, it took a considerable amount of effort. At this time, it was also in a very short period of recuperation. I could n’t escape for a while, so I was hit by this disaster and buried my life

What happened? Of course, it was Bai Shura who did it.

It seems that Bai Shulu has been passively beaten and suppressed everywhere, but in fact he is also in the same layout. After all, a strong man like him can live to this day.

Bai Shura ’s trap was hidden in the Shura evil light cut that previously seemed to be emptied. In fact, the Shura evil light cut was aimed at a high-rise building behind Ios. A huge crack was cut out of his waist, and then the high-rise building shook a bit, and then broke suddenly towards this side and fell down.

Today's public account updated the image of the devil. Everyone can look at it and search. The author can see it. Baidu read the latest chapter of "The Last Apostle" for free the first time.