MTL - The Growth of the Richest Man-Chapter 135 Bicycle Factory (2)

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(Thanks to Yuanshui Fisherman, Wretched Guangzheng, Demon Qi Recovery, Book Friends 2019, etc. for their rewards, thank you for your support, ????)

In the next few days, Zhang Yong personally completed the handover procedures for the Beijing Bicycle Factory together with the old factory manager. Now this factory belongs to Zhang Yong. However, considering the long history of this factory, Zhang Yong did not change the name of the factory, so the old factory manager is very grateful to Zhang Yong. This factory has not even changed its name, so its inheritance will continue. go down.

According to the agreement, Zhang Yong paid the nearly 1,000 employees of the factory nearly 30 million yuan of wages owed to them at the bicycle acquisition ceremony. The factory has stopped paying wages, reduced wages, and owed wages for the past six months. The amount of salary has almost caught up to half of Zhang Yong's cost of acquiring this factory! Including the old factory manager and the factory leaders of the old team, took this opportunity to finally let go of the heavy burden in their hearts. These old colleagues finally found a way out for them. The future is in Zhang Yong's work. Under the leadership, it should not be too bad, they can withdraw from the historical stage of this factory. Moreover, each of them who were just acquired by Zhang Yong, more, tens of millions of yuan will be credited all at once, and few, millions of yuan will be credited all at once, so you don't have to worry about the future meal problem, you can announce Gloriously retired.

Of course, Zhang Yong couldn't manage the factory himself. There were still a lot of his own affairs. Who will run the factory?

Hand it over to Renren Technology Company to operate? It seems to be possible, after all, the company is now slowly growing, and there is no problem with adding a sub-factory. But if such a traditional enterprise is added to the name of such an Internet company, what can the bicycle factory bring to Renren? The most common thing is to sell bicycles in the Renren mall. Although this seems feasible, if all the millions of bicycles are to be sold, they will have to be sold to the Year of the Monkey.

Hand it over to Yongchang Film and Television Company to operate? How many bikes do you need to make a movie?

Hand it over to Hammer Technology Company to operate? You are a company that makes mobile phones, why are you still producing bicycles... Wait, it seems that the company that makes mobile phones can really produce bicycles!

Zhang Yong thought of a new operating model—the shared bicycle model. With this model, the inventory of 1 million bicycles is just enough for the bicycles in the capital. The problem of excessive bicycle inventory is not that Is it resolved in an instant? Sharing a bicycle, you can unlock and ride with a mobile phone, doesn't this have a good connection with the mobile phone company? No, at that time, it is better to use the network channel of Renren to promote the shared bicycle operation, so that the promotion effect is the best. However, since it is a shared bicycle, with a bicycle, an important tool such as smart locks is also needed. The production of high-tech products such as smart locks still needs to rely on the two high-tech companies, Hammer Company and Meditation Company.

Zhang Yong thought about it and decided to operate the Beijing Bicycle Factory independently. The sharing economy, especially the sharing of bicycles, is a nascent field, which is not yet available in the world. Zhang Yong, who can see the historical process clearly, knows that the market space of this industry in the future is very large. For example, Uber, in 2018 The annual valuation is just over 40 billion US dollars, and its valuation is higher than that of any company in the domestic A-share market except for the giant state-owned banks and insurance companies. Can explain the problem. The market value of Yonganxing, a leading domestic bicycle-sharing company, once reached about 10 billion yuan after its listing, which shows that the capital market is favoring the field of shared bicycles.

Since no one is involved in the field of shared bicycles, Zhang Yong will be the first to propose this concept and the first to launch a shared bicycle company.

The idea is already there. The next step is to recruit a CEO in the shared travel field. Who will be used?

Those people under him are currently performing their own duties, and if they use their words, they are afraid that the original development of the company will be disrupted.

The boss of ofo, during the college entrance examination in 2009, he had to walk through the single-plank bridge of the college entrance examination with difficulty and be admitted to Beijing University. At this time, the boss of ofo was still preparing for the college entrance examination seriously in high school! Moreover, Dai boss ofo, who has almost an ace, because of some problems set in the company's articles of association at the start-up stage, led to a huge crisis in the company's operation later, and Zhang Yong did not dare to use such a person.

The boss of Yonganhang is still running a lock factory at this time. He is the boss himself. It is quite difficult to invite him over. Go to their factory to order smart locks, then you can, but Zhang Yong still wants to design and make this key technology by himself, otherwise the speed of being imitated and surpassed may be too The owner of the bicycle seems to have just graduated a few years ago. He is still working as an ordinary outdoor reporter in the newspaper office. Then Zhang Yong looked for news about this new reporter on the Internet. It seems that he is really not famous at all. There are very few news that he can find, but when Zhang Yong clicked on one of the news with pictures, there was a little Surprised, the world is really small.

The founder of Mobike that Zhang Yong wanted to dig was actually Hu Weiwei, a reporter from the "Daily Economic News" who interviewed him at the time when he finished the full marathon! I've met once, and I'm familiar with each other. It shouldn't be so difficult to dig people.

Zhang Yong didn't need Zhang Yong's own hands to dig people. Zhang Yong gave Xu Lili the other party's information, and asked Xu Lili to help him dig this Hu Weiwei. Xu Lili was curious why Zhang Yong was going to poach people again, and he also poached a little-known reporter, but since Zhang Yong said it, he still had to do it. Could it be that Mr. Zhang took a fancy to the beauty of this little reporter this time? But it seems that none of the beauties in the company have had an ambiguous relationship with President Zhang. The relationship in his company is still very simple.

Hu Weiwei is still a little interested in Zhang Yong's invitation to help her buy a bicycle, but he is also a little curious, why did Zhang Yong invite her as a spokesperson to sell bicycles? (Of course, Zhang Yong wouldn't say his ideas so quickly, he just told her that he wanted Hu Weiwei to endorse their company's bicycles.) Could it be that Mr. Zhang took a fancy to himself? However, if Mr. Zhang really likes himself, it seems to be pretty good, a man who is young and rich, handsome, and can insist on finishing the 42-kilometer marathon, there is no difference, Hu Weiwei thought there blushing.
