MTL - The Growth of the Richest Man-Chapter 134 Bicycle Factory (1)

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The life-saving straw must be embraced. Half a century ago, the Beijing Bicycle Factory was regarded as a leading enterprise in the domestic bicycle industry. The bicycles manufactured by the factory had high use value and value preservation function. value. Today's young people may not believe it. If the young people at that time had a bicycle, they would have a great advantage in "getting a partner". It is no exaggeration to say that if the man's family has a brand-name bicycle, he has a great chance of catching the girl he likes. . Comparing it to someone who now owns a BMW might not be too much. We often see bicycles appearing in some works from the 1960s and 1970s, with a girl behind a boy. At that time, bicycles were also a "tool" for young people to play handsome.

However, in the 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi, after entering the 21st century, with the improvement of people's living standards, bicycles have gradually stepped out of the mainstream crowd's sight. There are still many elderly people who use bicycles. It is a kind of nostalgic memory. It is also because of new things, many of which are difficult for them to learn. There are also some junior high school students and college students who ride bicycles because they do not have a high source of funds. Buying a bicycle is already a big expense; people with successful careers are often proud of buying luxury cars, and will not ride around with a bicycle anymore; even young people who have just started working are not very I can use a bicycle. The rent is too expensive in the prosperous area near the workplace, so I can only rent it far away. In this case, it is inconvenient to ride a bicycle to get off work every day. Coming to and from get off work, it's more fun.

Therefore, bicycles have almost become an exclusive product for the elderly and student parties. Moreover, these days, second-hand bicycles are traded a lot and are cheap, which leads to a lot of people who steal bicycles. Buying a bicycle and finding a parking space is no easier than finding a parking space for a car, and the risk of bicycle theft is much higher than that of a car. There are more cars.

In this environment, the sales of Beijing Bicycle Factory are getting lower and lower. Elderly people's bicycles are often old, and they don't change to new ones. Students like to buy cheap second-hand cars. Although they like the expensive new cars from the Beijing Bicycle Factory, they are a little powerless.

The current Jingcheng Bicycle Factory is no longer a state-owned enterprise. Ten years ago, after the reform of the state-owned enterprise, the company was bought by several directors of the factory with their own capital. Now this company is actually a private enterprise. Compared with private enterprises and state-owned enterprises, the biggest drawback is that the funds are not very sufficient. Especially in recent years, the sales of bicycles have declined seriously, and the factory has lost money year after year. This bicycle factory has come to the brink of bankruptcy.

Since Zhang Yong has already said that he recommends bicycle travel, and this factory is the first factory Zhang Yong works in anyway, there will be some feelings. Maybe sell the factory and let Zhang Yong take over, it will be this Works well out of the way. The current plant of the factory thought. So the current factory manager, with the relevant information of the factory, went to the headquarters of Yongchang Group Company, hoping that the former employee could buy the factory and become the new owner of the factory. Boss, you can retire with peace of mind. Although he is now the owner of this factory, he has been assigned to this factory as a skilled worker since he graduated from secondary school at the age of 16. He is now nearly 60 years old and has been working for more than 40 years. He still has a lot of affection for this factory. Yes, I don't want to see this factory go bankrupt in his own hands.

After Zhang Yong heard the news that someone came to him to sell the bicycle factory, he originally wanted to refuse this meeting and let others receive it, that's all. However, an obsession from the depths of his spirit wanted him to look forward to this meeting again, so Zhang Yong went there himself. Zhang Yong can be sure that he has never met this factory manager, but Zhang Yong feels that he has some impressions of this person. Perhaps, these memories are memories that originally belonged to this body.

After carefully reading the documents of the bicycle factory, Zhang Yong felt that the factory was actually saved. The production capacity of the factory is very sufficient, and it is not a problem to produce hundreds of millions of units a year. However, at present, the factory is seriously under-operated, and the annual production volume is only several hundred thousand units, and it is still seriously unsalable. Looking at the balance sheet of this factory, Zhang Yong felt a headache. Although the balance sheet is done very nicely, but a discerning person knows there is a problem at a It's all money owed to banks, money owed to suppliers, and wages owed to workers! These projects are all important minefields. If any mine is detonated, the factory may go bankrupt directly. assets? Look at this a lot, but look, what are those! The inventory of 1 million bicycles is included in the fixed assets of 100 million yuan; the downstream sellers have not paid for the goods, and there are also many accounts receivable.

There are so many in stock, which proves that they cannot be sold; the downstream payment has not been paid, and in many cases it is also because the bicycles are still in the store, how can I pay you for the goods!

Zhang Yong went to the factory for a field trip, and had an overall image of the factory. The area is very large. After all, it is an old factory built for half a century. At that time, the land was not as tight as it is now, so there is no such thing as a small factory. The equipment is also very advanced. Yes, they are all domestic and international leading bicycle production lines, but unfortunately all of them are in a state of shutdown; the workers, except for a small number of cleaners, sales staff, and after-sales service workers, still work there, and no one goes to work!

How much is such a factory worth? In this factory, the old factory manager just quoted a price of 50 million yuan. Zhang Yong did a preliminary calculation and found that the factory still has debts of more than 200 million yuan. If the factory is sold, he will definitely have to repay the money. Although there are a lot of bicycles in stock, those are only assets on paper. , it is difficult to realize; but the most valuable is the land of this factory. The factory area of ​​more than 150 acres makes Zhang Yong have some ideas.

Exam, done! Even if it is just for these factories, it is also profitable. Zhang Yong calculated it carefully, and felt that he still made a lot of money! Moreover, if you can really do a good job in the bicycle industry, you can make a lot of money.