MTL - The Gate of Extinction-Chapter 365 Save people

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"This idiot!" Xu Jiang scolded in his heart. Wang ● He wasn't worried about the survivor's life or death, but he was afraid that his stupid behavior would affect his evaluation in Zulifeng's heart. If he wasn't afraid of the vines and the backpack that he had already pulled the shoulder strap, Xu Jiang wouldn't mind helping him. But now he not only dares not to rely on it, and he does not dare to take the lead in front of Zu Lifeng.

Zu Lifeng turned his head and glanced at Xu Jiang. The quiet look made Xu Jiang's heart stunned, and he said quickly, "Su Brother, this guy is crazy ..."

"But he's right. Those medicines are really important. If they are absorbed by this ghost thing, we will hardly get out of here alive." Zuli Feng Shen said.

Xu Jiang heard it suddenly, another survivor even felt his legs softened. If they all feel that they cannot go out alive, aren't they even more dead?

"This thing should be born. No wonder so many aliens gather here. In addition to guarding the park, it is also responsible for providing food and nutrition to this thing." Zuli Fengdao. Thinking about it this way, they could come here so easily. Except for Youjia, which attracted the attention of the aliens, they did not mean to be deliberately put away. After all, the aliens also possessed human wisdom.

"So what do we do now?" The survivor's voice was shaking.

"Help! Save me!" Cried the survivor hung from the tree. The vines absorbed him slowly, which seemed to him to be tortured slowly. On the one hand, he was extremely eager to end this process quickly, on the other hand, the passing of vitality made him struggle, even if it would cause greater pain.

"Humans are really complicated," Hongye said with wide eyes, puzzled.

Several vines stood up and "looked" at her, but quickly retracted.

This scene made Xu Jiang question the identity of Hongye again, but now is not the time to consider this.

"You go to both sides to attract the attention of the vine." Zhang Hexuan said.

Xu Jiang and the survivors were all in a rush, but looking at Zu Lifeng's default expression on this, they had to go pale and go to both ends separately. As they walked around, the vines immediately moved alertly. More than a dozen vines followed them violently and followed them closely, staring at them ten meters away, seeming to launch an attack at any time.

The survivor summoned all his courage and didn't scream and run away immediately, but his body continued to tremble. Xu Jiang was a little stronger, but he also exploded with sweat, watching the vines dare not move. A distance of more than ten meters is nothing to these super-fast vines.

"It can sense that the two of you are the weakest link among us, so the vine wants to attack you most. But with me, they dare not." Zu Lifeng said.

Xu Jiang blinked his eyes hurt by cold sweat and squeezed his palms. Thanks to him for being able to say such domineering words in such a science-speaking tone, and had to believe it. In fact, Xu Jiang also understood that from the state of these vines eager to try, Zu Lifeng was really true, without them, the vines had attacked them.

Now the vine is worried that this may be a trap, but it can't restrain it. This is really a strategy that combines both humanity and heterogeneity. Xu Jiang began to believe in Zulifeng's identity as a researcher.

The survivor hanging from the tree saw that they had begun the operation, but was still dissatisfied. He frantically urged: "Hurry up! I feel they're getting into my gut!"

If he was not a mutant, he would be dead now, but even if he had survivability beyond ordinary people, he would not be able to make a mutation now. In fact, Zu Lifeng has also studied mutations. When the human body mutates, the function of mutation is actually like a chameleon changing color, and it becomes a deformation ability of the human body. , Is a talent ability that can be proficient with more practice.

It's just that some people can only take things with their hands. Some people can play difficult pianos, and the use of mutation ability is also different. However, the basic prerequisites are still physical strength and attention. If these two things are missing. Mutation ability will not be as useful as a numbed finger.

So according to this speculation, if the physical power of the different species can be exhausted, they may also return to the ontological state, but this process is too long and almost no one can achieve it. Even Zu Lifeng didn't do it in the laboratory.

"How about I open a door right next to him?" You Jia suggested.

Zu Lifeng rejected the proposal: "The opening of the space gate is not a stable thing. This thing is very powerful. Once it interferes, it is bad."

In the face of relatively low-level aliens, Zu Lifeng also likes to use the space door as an attack method, but he has rarely used it in front of high-level aliens, because the door is really chicken, and it is quite possible Hurt yourself.

After exchanging a look, Zhang Hexuan licked his lips first, and rushed towards this half-plant half-tree. Although Zu Lifeng was still jeopardized, the obvious provocation immediately angered the monster, and a dozen vines immediately struck Zhang Hexuan.

Zhang Hexuan suddenly gave birth to a straw, and the body flexed away from side to side, chopping off several vines passing from his side. The strange thing is that the vines are still twisting after they fall, making the scalp tingling.

"Ah" seemed to feel the pain, and the bumps on the tree immediately squirmed, making a weird sound like a sob.

Just then, You Jia suddenly appeared beside its trunk, but as soon as she appeared, dozens of vines pierced towards her place.

Puff puff! A burst of dust rose. You Jia appeared beside Zu Lifeng, and then patted her chest in fear: "I thought I could sneak in."

Zu Lifeng glanced at her. The timing of her attack was right, but the means were too perfunctory. But this should not blame her. At first, she did not have any special feelings for the Earth people other than herself. Second, even if it was to herself, she was just thinking of trading. Zu Lifeng guessed that the Star clan had found other allies, but he didn't care.

Being bound by an ally, a factory, etc., is not what Zurich will do. He has seen the future. Although Zu Lifeng now has a path that does not follow the future at all, and even deliberately destroys the future, this is also his choice.

Zu Lifeng only occasionally wonders whether this kind of thought is just a side effect brought to him by the ability to awaken. But he is more willing to make his own decisions than to follow suit.

When the vines attacked Youjia, the red leaves appeared strangely behind the big tree, and then kicked on the trunk. A dozen bulges suddenly broke open, revealing many twisted black lines, these black lines twisted, and they all dried up and died after landing.

Hongye had already retreated quickly at this time, she was moving backwards at a fast speed, and a pair of Bainen's feet were jogging gently on the ground.

"Ah!" Dashu was extremely angry ~ ~ and immediately chased after controlling the vine. This girl, it hurts to kick it!

You Jia's eyes changed slightly. It turned out that Zu Lifeng did not expect her at all, but arranged the task of sneak attack on Hongye.

It was also at this time that Zurich was moving.

The bone wings behind him exploded, his knees bent in place, and the whole man bounced like a cannonball.

The big tree's response ability is still very strong, but how can its speed catch up with Zurich?

In the mental force field, the speed of the vines that blocked them suddenly slowed down, but the speed of Zu Lifeng was one point faster.

Instead, he took advantage of a vine, and when the vine was about to roll over his ankle, his body leaped again, and the sharp bone wings also cut off the vines blocking him.

The survivor saw Su Lifeng approaching himself like a streamer, and his face suddenly became excited.

I can survive, I can finally survive. Fortunately, the strength of this group of people is not bad! (To be continued.)