MTL - The Five-year-old Milk of the Xuanmen Group’s Favorite Boss-Chapter 51 Many men in the world are villains——

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   Chapter 51 Many men in the world are bad guys—

   After a few simple questions, Liang Chao hung up the phone.

   Actually, it’s not a big deal in general.

   is his father, there is always some strange bad luck, which started many years ago.

   But it's mostly innocuous things to them. At most, his father is unlucky and is an African chief, so no one takes it seriously.

   After all, he was just an ordinary rich boy and a staunch atheist until he met Tang Jin.

   Since then, the three views have been reshaped, and his simple materialist world view has collapsed.

   But in the past few days, the situation has become more and more obvious, and the bad luck that originally belonged only to his father has gradually shrouded the whole family.

   From the beginning, people joked and laughed at each other because of bad luck, but later this happened more and more frequently.

   Couldn't laugh at the end.

   Even family members who don’t believe that such things happen in the world are beginning to have doubts.

  Liang Chao had a shadow in his heart because of what happened before, so he didn't dare to turn off the lights to sleep at night.

  It happened this time.

   He immediately called Tang Wenhuo.

   "Is it okay? Is it reliable?"

   His fifteen-year-old brother Liang Ke sat on the bed and raised his eyes irritably.

  The boy who used to be unruly at school in the past is full of resentment and gloom at this moment.

   I don't blame him for his temper now.

  Looking at him, the young man had a flamboyant face, and the corners of his lips were bruised and bruised by the ball.

  According to his description, he was passing by the basketball court at that time, and four or five **** flew from the surrounding basketball courts head-on. Even if he was powerful, he could not beat five goals with both hands!

That's not all, he also lost a piece of hair on his temples - that was when their dad slipped his foot on the electric shaver, and the buzzing razor just slammed his forehead, just enough to give him a clean shave .

   A good-looking young man, at this moment, he is like that kind of street slut.

   "Reliable, Xiao Jinjin is reliable!"

  Liang Chao looked at his younger brother's face, feeling a little distressed and wanting to laugh, but he couldn't help but murmured in his heart when he encountered these things, so he had to speak to reassure him.

"If it weren't for Xiao Jinjin, you might not have seen your brother. Don't worry, my brother asked. She said that there was nothing unusual about seeing me last time, at least there would be no problems in the short term. When she comes back from kindergarten tomorrow, she will Come and have a look at our house."

  Liang Ke:…

  Liang Ke: ... "Kindergarten??"

   If you say that, bro, I will be even more worried!

  Liang Ke raised his brows.

   "That's right, it's a bit of a nonsense at first. Dad and the others have gone to some feng shui metaphysician. Your little master in kindergarten, you should rely on yourself. I'll go to sleep after finishing my homework."


   What a god.

   Turn around and tell me that the little master only went to kindergarten?

   Isn't this a pit brother?

  Liang Ke went downstairs cursingly and went to the kitchen to get a can of milk.

  The sky was completely dark.

   He tore off the aluminum foil on the milk can, raised his head to drink a half can at the door of the refrigerator, and reached out to touch the shaved hair on his forehead.

   "It's all unfortunate."

   It was a coincidence.

   He walked out of the kitchen door with the milk can.

   Reach out and turn off the light—

The moment the   light gathered, something seemed to flicker in the kitchen.

  Like a pair of blood-red eyes…

   He took a quick thought step and turned on the light again.

   The last insect chirping in autumn, accompanied by the night light of the autumn moon, is like a feast in the dark night, everything is calm and peaceful, like an illusion.

   A cold sweat broke out on his back in that instant.

   "Illusion—should be an illusion."

  Liang Ke took another gulp of cold milk and muttered.

The    hand slowly retracted.

   I didn't dare to turn off the lights this time.


  Zhang Zhi finally finished dealing with the matter at hand, now it is a rare time to hold a little milk cub.

   When Tang broke into the room, he saw Zhang Zhi leaning on the pillow at the head of the bed, and the fluffy cub was lying on top of her.

   Hearing the movement, two pairs of identical cat pupils looked over together.

   can directly see the human heart.

   "Why didn't you take her to her house to sleep?"

   Tang Chuang's voice softened, but his face remained the same stinky face.

   Zhang Zhi knows this guy's virtue.

   It was also when we were in love before. It seemed that someone owed him millions on his face, but in fact, the happy heart was about to jump up.

  Not now, she stretched out her hands and asked her why she didn't take Jinjin to her own room to sleep.



   Dead arrogant!

"Oh, Mr. Tang, you really can't stand talking without back pain. You've watched it for several days, but I haven't seen it for a long time. There's a small bed next to me. I'll put Jin Jin to bed later, and I'll put her there. Sleep in a cot, and if you don't like it, go outside with your pillow in your arms."

   "I think it's okay now, I sleep with my mother today."

  Little milk cub raised his hands high in response.

  Tang Chuang:…

   Zhang Zhi was also amused, and pinched the little cub's face again.

  Tang Jin narrowed his cat's eyes, rubbed softly on her palm, and then opened his mouth in front of his father.

   "Jin Jin likes beautiful mother."

   A sweet and glutinous little milky sound.

   Zhang Zhi laughed and kissed Tang Jin's little cheek.

   "Mothers also like babies who tell the truth."

   "I didn't say I wasn't happy."

   Tang Chuang glanced at the little cub who was stealing his wife from him.

   I saw the little girl turned her head to the side, her fleshy little face looked really cute, and then gave Ben a head-on blow to Father Tang, who was beginning to wonder if it was a 'leaky little padded jacket'.

   "I like Dad today too."


   Two minutes later.

   looked at the man who was leaning against the head of the bed with the corners of his lips slightly hooked, allowing the little one to sit on his stomach.

   Zhang Zhi didn't even know what to say about him.

   "You go wash up."

  Tang Chuang urged him to pick up the storybook from the side.

   "I will tell Jinjin a story about the little mermaid after the magic reform, I promise Jinjin will be satisfied."

  Tang Jin successfully subdued his father again, sat on his stomach, nodded like a little adult, and then warned: "Dad, you should go to bed early after you finish speaking, you are still recovering."

  The picture of father and daughter is warm.

   Zhang Zhi couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

   But then again - who are you two coaxing who?


  Wait for her to take care of herself and come back.

   Gently pat the skin on the face to absorb the lotion essence.

   And the story of Tang Chuang came to an end—

   "After the little mermaid got the knife that her sister gave her, she gave the prince a knife, recovered the cause and effect, returned to the sea, and lived happily ever after with her family."

  Zhang Zhi:…

  Little milk dumplings were quite satisfied, clapping her fleshy little hands, and her big round and bright eyes, which were taken by her father to listen to bedtime stories, but she didn't see any sleepiness.

  Tang Jin was holding a fairy tale book in his hand, and turned to the coloring page to see what the prince looked like.

   Tang Chuang saw this.

   Remembering that my daughter is still a face control, so I leaned over and whispered.

   "Now, this story has a warning."

  Tang Jin raised his head: "What other warnings?"

   "Many men in the world are bad guys—"

   After he finished speaking, he paused for a second and added calmly.

   "Except Dad."

   Today, Ah Qing was groggy and slept for another day, probably because of the side effects of the vaccine, and now I am sleepy again, but the side effects should be almost over. Ah Qing adjusted her work and rest.

   There is one more update that will be posted earlier tomorrow morning

   Tomorrow night, the New Year's Day small plus watch will be issued, and the third watch will be made at night. If you have the energy to make up for it, it will be the fourth watch.

   We have the second round of pk, the last shudder that decides the fate of Xiaomai today

   Babies remember to vote for Ah Qing, leave a message, chapter reviews, book reviews, monthly tickets

   Let's try harder! !

   It's on the shelves for the babies, and if the grades are good, it can be 10,000 days a day

   Love you guys, Anan first, see you early tomorrow morning!

happy New Year! !



   (end of this chapter)