MTL - Tattoo Awakening: All Kinds of Divine Beasts Carved on My Back-Chapter 143 If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight

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Chapter 143 If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight

The king also said this with a smile. The people below all had their back teeth broken. How could they know that this position could be obtained so easily? They rushed out one by one and said, how could this little quilt be allowed to happen? Having taken advantage, the rats now looked at the little boy and wanted to skin him alive.

"Okay, I also know the group of little mice below. You young people just like to be more aggressive. If you want to fight for this position, there will be a lot of opportunities. Why are you obsessed with this moment? Without this Captain, and the next captain, as long as you practice hard and develop your fangs.

One day, if you develop your fangs into more ferocious weapons, you will definitely be able to gain a position, right? You can’t say that if you lose this position, you will never be able to do so again. If your efforts are so shallow, it will indeed be useless. You don't deserve to sit in that position, and I have decided on this position now, so you should stop arguing.

I naturally have my own intentions in giving this position, and you won’t assume that I have said it before. If anyone questions me, I will be even more angry. Is there anything else you want to say? If not, just leave. Now my head is a little dizzy from what you are saying.

Need a good rest. Just go back and reflect on where you went wrong today. If you didn't take the initiative to come out, it's your fault. I thought you would take the initiative to come out and tell me what happened. How can you be so cowardly? Where's Da Ren?

I think you are worse than a young man. If this happens again in the future, I will punish you one by one. I will not let you expose it in such a hurry. "

The Rat King has spoken, and it has already come to this point. If they are still unwilling to give in, what is the use? The strange thing is this opportunity. I seized it and let a young man **** it away. Even if their back teeth are broken, they can't change anything. They can only appreciate and accept it and can only fight for the position of the next captain. .

One less person means they have more competitiveness. Forget it, improving their abilities is the most important thing, but if they become captain in the future, they won't be sure whether they will be convinced by this person or not.

"I've given you the position of fifth captain. Now tell me what your name is." The king said this lightly from above, looking at the little mouse below.

In fact, I don't have much fondness for this little mouse. It's just to inspire those people's warlike intentions. As long as those people's appeal is aroused, isn't the subsequent fighting spirit easily obtained? I'm just afraid that none of those people have any fighting spirit, and that's the real trouble.

"Your Majesty, I don't have a name yet, because I have been very humble since I was born. It is rare that one day I will be appreciated by you, Your Majesty. This may be the first step for me to change my destiny. I will have my own name from now on. Please give me a name, Your Majesty." After the little mouse finished saying this, he looked at the King sitting on it with hopeful eyes.

I hope I can give myself a good name. The king didn't expect that the other person was actually a little mouse without a name. It seems that his status is really low. He must have been abandoned by his biological mother after he was born. It's so pitiful. Then be good. Think of a name, but such a little mouse is easy to control.

As long as it develops well, it may become the most advantageous sword for you in the future. Let's think about what to call it first. Well, since it is the fifth team leader, then choose one related to the fifth team. This is also an opportunity. .

So he touched his beard and said: "Since you asked me to choose a name, then I will give you a good name. How about you call me Wuzhizhi from now on? If you are not satisfied, I can think of another one for you." , until you are satisfied.”

How can Wu Zhizhi be dissatisfied? It is already a supreme honor to be named by the king. This is something that many people want but have never gotten. This time, he has really gained both fame and fortune. Everyone will know it after he goes out. You may respect your own name very much in the future, and your journey will be a beautiful one.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. No need to bother you, Your Majesty. I am grateful enough for you to give me your name. I never thought that one day I would be able to kneel here and accept your name. This is really like a... It’s like a dream, but I know this is reality, I will seize this opportunity and will not let you down.”

"Yes, yes, I want people like you. If you work hard for me, I will naturally get rewards. But if you don't do there will be punishments accordingly. As the saying goes, how much rights do you have? , that is how much I want you to do. Now that I have given you such a great right, you should know what I want to do, and capture that human being right away.

No matter what the cost, you may need to sneak out secretly during this process. There are also many risks outside. Since you have just been promoted to the position of captain, I will let you stay here to practice for a few years before returning. Go out, no matter what method you use in this process, quickly improve your own strength.

Don’t take my people out and come back with heavy losses. Doing so will be a capital crime for the Nine Clan, so think about it carefully and wait until you can do it. If you can’t do it, give up this position to others as soon as possible. Here There are so many people waiting, and you don’t want to waste this network. "

Wu Zhizhi originally thought that the crisis was resolved like this, but he didn't know that the real crisis was behind the scenes. The king's last words were a warning to himself, if it doesn't work, he should hand over this right when he comes back quickly, and don't do it without permission. I thought I would really give such a big right to myself.

But the king has placed this temptation in front of him, how could he give up so easily? No one can refuse the potential temptation. He also wants to get the supreme position. He does not want to be nameless for the rest of his life. Even if he breaks through himself, he is not willing to give up.

After enduring it for a while, I decided to cherish this opportunity. As long as I do well, I will stand out. In the future, I will be regarded as a figure in this rat's side. It's just that the process is a bit painful, but if the process is painful, then it will be different. How does it deserve this ending?