MTL - Tattoo Awakening: All Kinds of Divine Beasts Carved on My Back-Chapter 142 angry

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Chapter 142 Angry

At first, everyone was quite scared, until King Rat said this. After everyone said this, everyone became quiet and quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the boss was not angry. If he was, no one in the room would know about it. He went in with a few rat heads. After heaving a sigh of relief, he heard the king talking about his little rat brother who had been withdrawn.

He quickly lowered his head and knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, you taught me all this well. If you hadn't taught me well, I wouldn't dare to stand up like this now. In fact, I was quite scared when I stood up, but I thought that as long as I did something wrong, I would have to thank you in person. You are willing to give me a chance to redeem myself.

You can rest assured that you will never let that kid escape again as you stare at the mouth of the desert in the days to come. After the kid is captured, sacrifice it directly to the king, and let the king do whatever you want to do with it. Even if you give the kid a life, I don’t think there will be any mistakes, because this kid is indeed a free man. If they interfere with our side's big plan, they deserve to be used by our side. To deal with the cruelest thoughts. "

Seeing that he had nothing to do with himself, the little rat brother secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still thinking that he could not let down his guard. He first told the boss that he was happy, and then the rat boss nodded very busy after hearing this.

"Seeing how brave you are, I will send you to lead the fifth team. Anyway, the captain of the fifth team has not been found yet. Seeing that you are so brave and resourceful, I will let you come. Of course I hope you will It should be possible to keep that team until it flourishes. Don’t betray my trust in you and get that human back as soon as possible.”

After the Rat King said these words, everyone below was very shocked, because they had never had such a mentality at any time. Just saying a few words in the hall can be directly canonized as captain. This is It's a rare situation in the Rat World, and no one has ever seen the ability. Could it be that they decided on a captain just based on these few words?

These mice are all a little bit ready to make a move, and some are very unwilling, because they have been preparing for this captain competition for a long time, and they want to wait for the day of the battle in the ring to show off their skills and let the king see their abilities. But now, at this time, a young boy took that position away from him. Didn't he just say something sincere?

What's so great about this? Is it so great to say those words with the majesty of the king? They can do it, so they are all a little aggrieved, and some of them are the most shocked when watching the excitement. Of course, it is the little rat who was kicked out to tell the truth. The little rat was very excited, but he did not expect that it was because of Po Defu and this time he made the right bet.

And what he said was very good. He knelt down and thanked him immediately. This way, it could not be changed, because once the king said something, it was hard to catch up. Just like those people behind wanted to make things difficult, there was no way. If in the future, If anyone disobeys me, I can also use military orders to restrain him.

However, someone soon ran out and raised objections: "Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible. We used to use a 1:1 battle mode. How could we now directly let this person become the leader just because of these few words?" Now that I have become the captain, this would be a bit unfair to those below."

"Yes, Your Majesty, even if he has the courage to tell the truth, there is no need to give him such a big reward. You can give him something else so as not to directly give him the position of captain. I think It should be given to those who are more capable and can push the team to a higher level. Only those with a certain level can do that."

"If this position of captain can be given to someone casually, I believe that the team members will not be convinced so easily. Your Majesty, for the sake of our future safety, please think carefully about it. If you can change the captain, try to change it. Well, I don’t think he is that reliable.”

Sure enough, as long as they see others getting some benefits but not themselves, they will all jump out and become anxious. As long as I get this position now, I will probably just stay there and be happy. I don’t know what is going on. How can I consider so many things? What about things? The little brother twitched a few times, but felt that these were really short-sighted.

However, this superficial effort must be sufficient, so he knelt on the ground and said: "Your Majesty, I know these similar people, but they don't believe me so much now, because this is indeed quite reckless, and no one has ever seen the real one. Ability, I am usually very transparent and no one notices me, but from today on I will no longer be that transparent.

I will work hard from the bottom of my heart to train and win those who originally belong to this will prove to them that I am not a weakling myself, and I can do well, even better than They are better, that is to say, from the moment you gave me this position, Your Majesty, you have such trust, and I naturally cannot live up to your trust.

I hope your Majesty can give me this opportunity and some time, and I will prove to you that giving me this position is a very correct choice and will not let others see it clearly. "

After saying that, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed a few times. These kowtows made Kobe more normal just now. They were forced to push him out just now, and there was no real feeling at all. Now he kowtows completely for himself and his future. Ah, the value of this captain's face is completely different. If he gets married and has children in the future, others will give him priority.

And he will never be a little transparent among this mouse, but will become a very successful mouse. It is estimated that any good things will be given to him first in the future.

How could you give up such a good opportunity? If I didn't fight for it before, then I still didn't fight for it, but now that the position is placed in front of me, who would refuse? They are just jealous of themselves, but what’s the use of being jealous? He didn't come out just now, and even withdrew himself.

"Hahaha, you're right. What I like about you is your quality and your thoughtfulness in speaking. It suits my taste. Every word you say makes me feel a lot better.

I originally wanted this position and decided to wait until the day of the ring, but today I saw your malleable talent, so I will not make an exception in advance and give you this position. I hope you will really not let me down. trust. "