MTL - Swallowed Star-v3 Chapter 15 Dividend money

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Chapter 15 is divided into money

The base city and the military region have government backgrounds behind them. The warriors hate again and do not dare to fight each other in the military region. The consequences are very tragic. After all, the supply base is only a small area drawn in the military area. The security and other aspects are the responsibility of the military area.

"Black brother, Na Luofeng is coming back, you say hello to me." Zhang Zehu laughed.

"Yes, little things." The bearded man smiled and nodded.

Zhang Zehu threw the cigarette butts on the ground and stepped on his foot. He smiled and said: "The brother I will go first and talk back." Zhang Zehu said that he was advancing in the supply base, saying that it was a base and actually a little residential area. The feeling, Zhang Zehu soon joined the other two players under a big tree near the gate.

"How, tiger?" The one-eyed middle-aged man whispered.

"Not coming back, there is no news at all." Zhang Zehu smiled slightly.

The hard-wearing bald man next to him smiled: "Now one hasn't come back yet. According to me, they must have died in the herd. The fire hammer team died well, so there was no trouble." The tiger tooth team basically Not afraid of the fire hammer team, but if the fire hammer team has members to survive, after all, it is still a little troublesome.

"Fire Hammer Squad, hey, blame the Luofeng." Zhang Zehu smiled coldly. "Dare to let Laozi spend money. Right, find out who robbed our hunters?"

"No." The one-eyed middle-aged man frowned and shook his head. "There is no news at all. The captain is now drinking a bottle of alcohol in the house."

"In my opinion, we didn't catch up on the way back. Now we want to find out who is robbing our hunters. There is no hope." The strong bald man shook his head and suddenly he changed his face and stared at the distant supply base. main entrance. The other two saw the situation and turned to look at the past, this look is also a big change!

I saw Gao Feng, Chen Gu, Wei Qiang, Wei Tie, Luo Feng and even Zhang Ke, all at the gate of the base.

"A9, Lao Gao, you seem to be in trouble this time." The goalkeeper saw that Zhang Ke had broken his arm and bandaged it.

"Mom, don't mention it. The monster didn't hurt us, but the group of dog-day tiger teeth stunned us!" Gao Feng cursed.

"Captain, the tiger tooth team is over there!!!" Chen Gu suddenly screamed.

Everyone in the fire hammer team turned around and looked at it. At first glance, they saw three people in a shade of a tree not far away. When they saw these three people, all members of the hammer group could not help but look angry. Zhang Ke, carrying a backpack, even screamed: "Stop!"

Zhang Zehu and other three people actually saw a fire hammer squad of six people, and they trembled in their hearts, so they quickly turned around and left.

This matter, they are losing money!

But I did not expect to be seen by Chen Gu at a glance.

"I still want to run?" High storm gave a cry.

The six people of the Fire Hammer rushed over. This loud drink immediately caused the attention of many warriors in the supply base. At this time, Zhang Zehu and other three people did not dare to run. If they really fled, wouldn’t they admit that they were losing money? ? Although things have been done, they can't admit it!

"High wind, what are you shouting?" The one-eyed middle-aged man turned and screamed, "Where is this place, this is the military region, this is the military supply base, is the place where you are wild?"

"The wilderness does not look at the place." The bald man also sneered.

No matter what, the momentum can not be weak.

"I have also smashed you." Gao Feng both hands, one grabbed a heavy hammer behind him, and red-eyed waving a double hammer and rushed over, "Looking for a fight!"

The one-eyed middle-aged man, Zhang Zehu and other three people all changed their faces.

They are not emboldened, after all, they are at a loss.

"Drip!" "Drip!" "Drip!" The whistling sound of the whistling sound, I saw a 12-member detachment wearing a combat uniform quickly rushed from a distance, and the head of the captain shouted: " Put down the weapons and refrain from fighting in the supply base. Otherwise, our guards have the right to kill you."

This noise and the sound of whistling attracted many warriors to gather here.

"It’s a fire hammer squad, and the opposite is the Huya squad.”

"How do they fight?" The Wus are talking about it. The Fire Hammer Squad and the Tiger Tooth Squad are well-known in this Jiangnan base city. In the remnant of the supply of the base guard, the fire hammer team also angered and calmed down, after all, the authority of the military region can not be provocative.

"Stop!" A violent drink, Luo Feng turned his head and saw, a thin and small man with the other two members of the tiger tooth squad also rushed over.

Chen Gu in the side of Luo Feng whispered: "Luo Feng, this is the captain of the tiger tooth squad 'Pan Ya', known as 'Tiger', the weapon is a three-armed saber, very difficult to provoke." Luo Feng could not help Surprised, this short, thin and inconspicuous man turned out to be the captain of the Tiger Tooth Squad!

"Huya?" Luo Feng carefully watched the man named "Tiger's", his eyes swept over Zhang Zehu behind the tiger's tooth captain. Zhang Zehu also sneered at himself at this time, "I am proud, Zhang Zehu! Not just you, And your entire tiger tooth squad, I must let you regret, will definitely!!!"

Before entering the wilderness area, Luo Feng thought that Zhang Yubai’s interruption of his legs and feet was a sorrow.

But now I see...

This tiger tooth squad has a little bit of hatred with himself, and it is necessary to destroy his entire team, and he has nothing to do. Compared with the ‘spicy’ of the Huya team, the white is too young.

"team leader."

"team leader."

Zhang Zehu was standing behind the captain, and the Huya team and the fire hammer team confronted each other, surrounded by a large group of people. And the captain of the patrol guard of the supply base was indifferent: "Gao Feng, Pan Ya, I don't care if you two talk about things. But if you do, don't blame me. Brothers, go."

The little captain waved his hand and was too lazy to monitor it. He warned that these people would not dare to come.


The high wind sneered and laughed. "You are so embarrassed! I have really stunned you in the past. I didn't see that you were so vicious, so cloudy! First, sniper sniper sneak attack on our fire hammer squad and attract the herd to besiege us. The squad, a little life is not given to our team, if there is no master to save, our team will die!"

The warriors who suddenly watched were suddenly stunned.

The tiger tooth squad is too embarrassed.

"High wind, you can't talk nonsense." The captain of the tiger tooth sneered. "My tiger squad has never done these things. Don't push it on my tiger tooth squad!" This kind of thing that can't be seen, can't be recognized. . Once admitted, his tiger squad can be really troublesome.

"My brother's arm is interrupted by your sniper rifle bullets." Gao Feng's face was gloomy.

"I said no, no." The tiger tooth team whispered. "There is evidence, even if you sue the Security Bureau, let the Security Bureau decide! Don't be here. Brothers, let's go." The Tigers squad leader is very I don’t even say much to the Fire Hammer team.

Gao Feng, Chen Gu and other people are very ugly, Luo Feng is also a gas straight bite.

However, Luo Feng is very clear that there is no evidence in his group. In fact, there are many things between the martial arts squads in the wilderness area because of some hatreds or precious treasures. Most of them can't get any evidence at all. Since there is no evidence, the Extreme Wushu can't help.

"Hey, let's go!" A high-spirited group of people from the Huya team left and shouted.

A group of people in the Fire Hammer squad can only take a fire and leave.

The supply base, villa a9, has temporarily become a resting place for the Fire Hammer Squad.

"Captain, don't be angry now." Luo Feng said. "Now let the tiger squad smug for a while, wait for them to enter the wilderness area... and solve them no later." Luo Feng said, let the previous one The fire hammer team members of the belly fire all showed a smile.

Chen Gu took Luo Feng’s shoulder: "Yes, we have Luo Feng in our team. It is not difficult to destroy them."

"Gentlemen revenge, not too late for ten years." Gao Feng grinned. "Not to mention that we don't have to wait for a long time. There is Luo Feng, their tiger tooth team is dead!" The fire hammer team members showed their faces on their faces. Zhang Ke of the atmosphere is also very difficult to breathe a sigh of relief. Spiritual masters have a period of rapid improvement.

Luo Feng is now terrible, and will improve quickly!

It can be said that ... tiger tooth squad, there is no life!

"Don't mention the tiger tooth squad, let's deal with the monster material we hunted this time." Gao Feng said, "This time we went out for a short time, but hunted to the beast-level monster four heads, respectively A bloodthirsty tank, a two-tailed tiger cat, a tiger dog and a hunter!"

Luo Feng, a group of people, also encountered a tiger beast monster of the primary beast level on the way back. They were killed by Luo Feng and Gao Feng.

"But the supply base is so big. If we sell the materials of the hunters, it is easy to be discovered. At that time, it will lead to the martial arts squad that seriously injured the silver moon and the wolf." Gao Feng said cautiously.


Chen Gu nodded in agreement. "The body materials of the hunters are still waiting to return to the base market and sell them again. Other monster materials are sold here." For the martial arts squad, the beast-level monsters are really not worth much, valuable. Or the beast-level monster... Of course the terrible lord-level monster, every head is astronomical!

The silver beast of the senior beasts is not only rare, but also a wolf king. The price can be compared to the general primary lord level, and the same price can be sold!

"Everyone has a meal to rest, go back and sell it." Gao Feng smiled.


After the meal, the fire hammer team of six people, together found the hr alliance in charge of this, directly sold the monster materials they hunted to the other party. Except for the materials of the silver moon, all others are sold out.

In the a9 villa, a group of people from the Fire Hammer team are dividing money in front of the computer.

"The average beast-level monster collected by Luo Feng is more, g-class, f-class, and the material of each animal-level monster, on average, more than 6000 points per head, that is, these ordinary beast-level monsters, Luo Feng scored more than 120,000 points." The captain distributed money there. "The common beast-level monster materials collected by Wei Tie, there are 12 kinds, all of which are f-class, the average price is about 8000, and the total price is about 100,000. ""

"Wei Qing, the collection of ordinary beast-level monsters..."

"Zhang Ke, the collection of ordinary beast-level monster materials, a total of 11 kinds..."

The fire hammer team of six people quickly divided the money of ordinary beast-level materials.

"Well, here is the distribution of the beast-level monster. This two-tailed tiger cat monster body material, the price sold a total of 12 million." Gao Feng looked at everyone, "in the process of hunting, I made the main force. If not In an accident, I should take 60% of the money of this two-tailed tiger cat. However, in the process of hunting, the first attack by the herd is that Luo Feng will save everyone! Luo Feng has a great effect. Seriously injured, he is a public disability, so this beast will be a monster, Zhang Ke takes 60%, I am 10%, Luo Feng 15%, Wei Tie brothers and Chen Gu, take half!"

"Do you have no objection?" High winds.

"No objection." Luo Feng also nodded.

The martial arts squad rules, if a war, who is disabled because of this war, then this battle is harvested 60% of this person. In fact, it is also a 'subsidy' nature.

"So, of the 12 million, 7.2 million belong to Zhang Ke, Luo Feng 1.8 million. I am 1.2 million, Chen Gu, you three, each 600,000." After the high wind input data, "the tiger cub killed on the way back." The dog monster sold 10 million. Everyone has contributed a lot to this battle. I and Luo Feng each accounted for 30%, Chen Gu, Wei Tie, Wei Qing and Zhang Ke, each took 10%. No objection?"

The crowd nodded.