MTL - Swallowed Star-v3 Chapter 14 Anatomy

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Chapter 13 - 14 Anatomy

"Call, call, I didn't expect that I could kill a silver moon fierce wolf." Luo Feng stood next to the body of the silver moon, and took a long breath. At this time, the four-handed flying knives were in Luofeng. Flying around, falling into the trousers and flying knife bag, "Well? There are two flying knives." Luo Feng squinted around.

At first glance, I saw the deep pits on the two concrete floors in front, and even the concrete floor shattered. In the depths of these two deep pits, there are two 6-series flying knives!

This scene, let Luo Feng **** a cold breath.

The speed of the silver moon and the strength of the claws are all incredible.

"Preventing to be discovered by other teams, the body was first dissected, this silver moon is fierce, but it is worth the price." Luo Feng did not think much, immediately holding a flying knife and standing next to the body of the silver moon, began to dissect, now The weapon on his body, the blood shadow knife is only 5 series, and can be killed with the intermediate beast.

The flying knife is a 6-series. Can fight with the advanced beasts!

Along the silvery fierce wolf's abdomen that had already cracked the wound, Luo Feng violently used a force, and the flying knife slammed down!


Luo Feng blinked, the fur that had already been split, and he couldn’t cut a half with his flying knife. This is incredible. It is hard to dissect when the monster body has no wounds, but once there is a big wound, it is much more difficult to dissect. It’s a pity... the body of the high-level beast, the power of Luo Feng can’t be cut!

"Rely, it seems that even the anatomy of the monster is also very difficult." Luo Feng smiled, and immediately mentally controlled to control a flying knife.

The power of mental power can be much stronger than the strength of one's arm.

"Hey!" Along the crack of the fur, the flying knife fluttered everything, and suddenly the sound of the snoring sounded and the wound expanded rapidly.

"I use the spirit to control the flying knife to cut, it is so laborious?" Luo Feng was shocked, his heart moved, control the flying knife suspended suddenly spurting a good back fur, the silver moon fierce wolf is only slightly depressed, but the fur is It is a bit of a scar that can't be seen at all.

Luo Feng was shocked: "It's too abnormal!"

"I really took the dog out of this time." Luo Feng couldn't help but marvel. "The speed reaches the speed of sound and the attack power is so strong. Even the most expensive fur defense of this body is amazingly high. If it is in good condition. I met it, I am afraid that the probability of victory is only two or three percent!" In the silver moon fierce wolf that met the peak, Luo Feng's flying knife can only attack through the weak parts of the eyes, ears, nose and other fur.

Can be silver moon fierce wolf flexibility, Luo Feng's winning rate is indeed very low, can be two or three percent is not bad.



Luo Feng quickly dissected, first peeling off a whole piece of magical and expensive fur, and then cutting off the hard claws of the silver moon, which can be used only to do High Croo alloy materials are also extremely expensive. There is also a 'head bone' with a very high hardness of the silver moon, a fang, and two special eyes.

When the price is high, Luo Feng will be anatomically collected and put into the backpack.

It should be noted that the invention of some special products in human society is based on the materials of many monsters.

"Get it all."

Luo Feng long breathed a sigh of relief, the original huge silver moon and fierce wolf body is reflected in only a pile of flesh and blood, Luo Feng controlled the flying knife to recover the leg of the knives in the bag, heart stunned, killing this silver moon fierce wolf When I spent a lot of mental energy, but the mental power of dissecting the body was ten times more than before!

"In any case, I made a big profit."

"This time, I can make a lot of money." Luo Feng showed a smile, the money distribution of the hammer group was distributed according to the contribution made by everyone in the battle. Even if your strength is strong, if you kill a certain monster, there is no strength at all, and the military team will not give you a penny.

And hunting silver moon fierce wolf, Luo Feng alone shot alone.

Luo Feng does have a lot of money.

"I was found to have gotten the body of this silver moon, and it was troublesome." Luo Feng smiled. "I am afraid that the senior warlord can not be done. It is estimated to be a **** of war." Warrior. There are tracking signals on the fur, but fortunately I got rid of it." Luo Feng does not want to be an enemy of a warrior who can seriously hurt the silver moon.

So, hurry!


Luo Feng quickly and quietly left, under the night, only the pile of flesh and blood.


In the dark night, a large number of monsters in the county town are everywhere, and the tiger tooth team is proceeding carefully.

"Mom, the hunter dared to run in the county because it was a beast-level monster. Other monsters didn't dare to provoke it. But we can only move forward carefully..." A strong man walking alongside Zhang Zehu The bald man cursed, "When you kill this hunter, I must bake the meat of this silver moon wolf. If you don't eat its meat, you can't solve it."

Next to Zhang Zehu grinned: "Don't worry, the hunter has our signal, it doesn't matter where it flees."

"The hunter, where?" The captain of the tiger's teeth in front of the team was low.

"Captain, the hunter is about 13 miles away from us, but now it doesn't move, it should be resting in that position." ‘Tongzi’ using a hot weapon said with a locator.

Suddenly the Huya team was overjoyed.

"Don't move?"

"Are you resting? Haha."

They are most afraid of the hunters "silver moon fierce wolf" crazy escape, Zhang Zehu smiled: "I am afraid that the silver moon fierce wolf, thinking that the place where they hide is safe enough. So hide and prepare to repair it. It knows where we are." ”

"Go! This opportunity can't be missed. It's a total of thirteen miles. It's coming soon." The captain of the tiger tooth is full of excitement and low. "Everyone speeds up. Maybe this time we can kill this hunting." Killer."

The speed of the tiger tooth squad immediately increased.

Thirteen miles, the martial arts team is really fast, even if the monsters are all over, they can arrive in half an hour.


About forty minutes later.

"The front is the place where the silver moon is resting. Everyone is careful." The captain of the tiger tooth waved his hand, and immediately the six members of the tiger tooth team began to secretly split into two teams, sandwiching from two directions, slowly moving toward the silver moon. The place where the wolf signal is sent is close. No one dared to speak between the two teams.

Silver moon fierce wolf is very sensitive.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Everyone is careful.

"Hands!" The captain of the tiger tooth waved and the other team that got the signal also acted at the same time.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The two teams rushed into the alley from two directions, just one after the other, about a hundred meters away from the silver moon fierce signal. The six players looked at the center of the distance. It was supposed to be the place where the silver moon wolf was, but they did not see the target, only... a touch of blood.

“Hmm?” The captain of the tiger’s teeth changed.

"not good!"

Almost everyone in the tiger tooth squad quickly rushed over and came to the pile of flesh and blood. Next to this pile of flesh and blood, there was a hair that was slightly dyed with some silver light!

"Mom." Zhang Zehu grabbed his hair and cursed, "It was robbed!"

The martial arts team knows how to leave a lot of signal positioning on the seriously injured monster. Luo Feng also knows this common sense, and this silver moon fierce wolf is seriously injured, so it is likely to have signal tracking. So when the spirit was swept away, I discovered the speciality of this feather and cut it directly.

"Bastard!" The captain of the tiger tooth gnashed his teeth and looked pale.

"It’s been a long time, it’s all busy!” The one-eyed, middle-aged face next to him is gloomy.

"Go." The captain of the tiger tooth flashed a cold light and shouted. "Dare to eat the food, grab our things, find death! This group of warriors has just dissected the body. For safety reasons, it is likely to rush to the supply base immediately! So... ... All the brothers of the Tiger Tooth Squad, we will immediately rush to the supply base and advance at the fastest speed! Try to catch them halfway."

"Yes, Captain." Five people immediately responded.

"Departure." The murderous Tiger Tooth Captain waved his hand, and the same savage Huge squad team members immediately followed the captain and rushed toward the base.

Night, the stars are a little bit.

Under the stars, a figure in the dilapidated county town is like a black lightning, and it quickly moves forward. Sometimes along the street, sometimes jumping through the residential area... Only a moment, I arrived at the six-story residential building where the members of the Fire Hammer team stayed.

"Luo Feng is here."

"Well, it seems that I was not hurt."

The fire hammer team members took the telescope and watched Luo Feng enter the stairs of the residential building. After a while, Luo Feng came to the roof.

"Captain, Chen Ge." Luo Feng shouted with a smile.

"No injuries, um, yes. How, have you hunted the silver moon fierce wolf?" The captain Gao Feng was calm and could not help but even asked, Chen Gu, Wei brothers including Zhang Ke lying on the ground The same one is excitedly looking forward to watching Luo Feng, Chen Gu is even more surprised: "Royal's backpack has a lot of drums."

Luo Feng haha ​​smiled: "Chen brother, your eyes are really poisonous, yes, I just killed the silver moon fierce wolf! I gave it to the anatomy, and everything was collected in the backpack."

"Really slaughtered?" Several people in the Fire Hammer squad were surprised and wide-eyed.

Silver moon fierce wolf!

The royal family in the wolf class! Wolf monsters are rare, let alone the royal family 'silver moon fierce wolf'.

"This time I was also lucky." Luo Feng couldn't help but sigh. "This silver moon fierce body moves at a speed, afraid to reach the speed of sound! The attack power is also strong and outrageous. The body fur is tough and terrible, if not it. I was seriously injured at the beginning and had a big wound in my abdomen. I want to kill it, it is very difficult!"

"Moving speed, reaching the speed of sound?" Chen Gu blinked.

"That is too abnormal. No loss is the wolf king, can be comparable to the primary lord of the pig." Wei Tie could not help but exclaim.

"Not good." The wind is changing.

Luo Feng was shocked by the captain.

"Captain, what's wrong? What's wrong?" Luo Feng said.

"This silver moon fierce wolf has been seriously injured, and it must have been killed before the human warriors." Gao Feng anxiously linked, "and the martial squad that it killed, may have left a signal on the fur of the silver moon fierce wolf. Once this The team chased and found us. We can be in trouble!"

Chen Gu was also shocked to hear: "Yes, the martial squad who can seriously hurt the silver moon and fierce wolf is not what we can provoke. It is likely to have the **** of war!"

Luo Feng heard this and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Captain, you can rest assured that although I don't have much experience, but before I entered the wilderness area for the first time, I naturally explored a lot of relevant information and some basic common sense that I need to know. After killing the silver moon, I will investigate. For a moment, the silver moon fierce wolf was indeed left with a signal, but that piece of fur was cut off by me." Luo Feng said.

Gao Feng and Chen Gu were relieved.

They are most worried that Luo Feng is a newcomer with less experience. After all, the monsters that have been seriously injured are once troubled by others.

"Zhangke is seriously injured now, and our team can't stay in the wilderness area. Everyone is resting here. When the morning is bright tomorrow, we will set off to replenish the base." Gao Feng said.

"Yes, captain."

A group of people smiled and said.

Early the next morning, the fire hammer team began to quietly leave the county town of 0201, marching along the dilapidated highway and heading for the base.


Military area, replenishment base.

"Black brother."

Zhang Zehu is replenishing a corner of the base and chatting with a bearded man. "Recently, you saw the fire hammer squad returning? Mom, the fire hammer squad, the turtle grandson Luo Feng, let Laozi spend one hundred million, no. Looking for him a trouble, this bad breath can't get out."

"Not yet, in the previous registration information, there is no information from the fire hammer team." The bearded smile, "Tiger, that Luo Feng provoked you, you have to teach in the wilderness area, the supply base is forbidden." of."

"This of course I understand, I don't want to die." Zhang Zehu laughed.