MTL - Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 1087 1087 Reality [52] West Island (1)

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Chapter 1087 Chapter 1087 Reality [52] West Island (1)

In the past two months, there was no shortage of topics on the novel "The Gods of Heaven".

Show the finale storm, and then the author released the film and television copyright storm.

Up to now, every day, the best actor who voted for men and women in the world.

This novel is an excellent remake IP, both in its own right and in its online reading and reader response.

The writers in the circle are all staring at the copyright of this novel. Xiangyang, as an entertainment media company, naturally pays attention to this matter, but they also know that their company is not worth mentioning when compared with the companies of Rong.

However, at the moment, they see the copyright of the signing of the gods outside, and they are in front of them.

"Probably this is the case, I have already written about the planning of this IP." Said, Ye Haohua looked at the assistants around him.

The assistant is looking for himself from Ye, and there are not many words, but he is particularly clever.

Immediately send the documents in hand to the top of the conference room.

The person who stayed in the conference room finally reacted when he got the documents in his hand.

"Excuse me," perhaps Ye Haohua's performance is too arrogant, and the person who asked the question could not help but raise his hand. "You...what is your relationship with Ye?"

He said that the leaves are always leaves.

Ye Haohua smiled. "He is my brother."

These people in the conference room are finally relieved, and Ye Li’s younger brother is no wonder.

It’s just... The current Ye family, their status is different. They really didn’t think that Ye Haohua, who is so red in the entertainment circle, would be the Ye family.

Ye Haohua quickly arranged the previous plans, including recruiting people and expanding the company.

If it is before this, the top executives left by the company will definitely oppose it. The current financial pen of Xiangyang Company does not need to recruit extra staff.

But now, just the production of the film and television copyright of this novel, let out the news, I do not know how many investors will rush to invest.

Ye Haohua does not remind them that they will recruit more people.

After the matter was finished, Ye Haohua really looked at the things that these senior executives wrote last night and night.

The writing was very rough, but the results of one night were indeed very objective. Each of Ye Haohua gave serious advice. After two major changes, she handed it directly to the planning department.

These high-level people, from the beginning of the absent-minded, to the face shy, and finally Ye Haohua commented, they listened to the seriousness, and some even took out the notebook on the side, while listening, while carefully recording what.

It’s been two hours since Ye Haohua finished the meeting.

"Old Pan, the general manager of Ye, what do you think?" After the people in the office watched Ye Haohua leave, they also left in groups.

Known as Lao Pan's deep road, "Ye, the second lady, is a bit interesting. I heard that Miss Wan Ye is also fighting for the gods, and the copyright in the circle has been bought by Miss Ye."

When the company was transferred to Ye’s name, these old employees spent time learning about the new boss.

The new boss is an uncompromising senior official and certainly will not care about it.

On the contrary, Ye Hao’s young lady Ye Hao is a descendant of the Su family. Su Shi said before this, it should be Ye Hao to manage their company.

I did not expect that Ye Hao did not come, came by the two Miss Ye Hao, who Ye had never heard of.

The Miss Ye also brought the most valuable script in the circle.

Of course, the most important thing is.

Lao Pan slowly spit out a breath. "I didn't think that she was a big star. The opinions on financial analysis would be so high. There is also a day when I look at the old things."

This is not surprising. The red star, if they don’t hear Ye Haohua’s anatomy of the market and the prediction of the mainstream development in the future, will not believe that a star with a red sky is so insightful.

Others nodded. "You said that she is doing something bad, why can't she think of being a star? Speaking of Su, I want Miss Ye Hao to go to Su Shi, why not let the second lady go?"

The group of people thought for a long time and couldn’t think of it.



"Young master, the old gentleman is in the study." Mu Guanjia whispered to the way of admiration.

This old gentleman is now the master of the West Island, Qin Hao, and is also the master of Mu Xingzhi.

It is said that the West Island has a long history with the South Island. It has a history of thousands of years. It was the seal of the two princes of the millennium. It has been passed down to the present.

Because of its relationship with the Mu family, West Island has been regarded as a training place for several families, and there has been no trouble.

However, the South Island has always been a clear stream. Especially in recent years, Nie’s family has become more and more sad. No matter which force the outside world wants, they want to take a bite.

There are more than 60 years old in Qin, but the atmosphere is very peaceful. The apprentice he taught is not like him.

When he saw Mu Xingzhi, he touched his beard. "I thought you had been on the island for a long time. When you came out, you didn't adapt. At the moment, I thought more."

Mu Xingzhi slowly cooked a pot of tea for Qin.

The action is extremely elegant, and the low-browed eyebrows show is absolutely outstanding.

"You deliberately let people find me back to Mujia, is there something?" Qin Hao took a sip of tea and smiled warmly.

Mu Xing nodded. He didn’t have so many curved curves with his master. He said bluntly: “Master had a good relationship with Mr. Nie, but he had heard him talk about things 17 years ago?”

Regarding Ye Haohua's affairs, she never mentioned that there is not much that Mu Xing knows. He has done a lot of things in the past five years.

The first one is to secretly check the family before Ye Haohua and want to send her back.

The person who is so smart and talented, the person who lost the family must have been searching hard.

It was only when he checked that he discovered that the information had long been ruined and that there was no trace left.

"I want to ask about Huanhua," Qin Lan thought of here, and sighed. "This incident said that when Nie used to drink, he mentioned it."

"Twenty-seven years ago, he saw a family of four being chased by mercenaries. He wanted to save his hand at the time, but he heard one of the women talking to a little girl. The little girl left, he I didn’t like the woman very much. Originally, he thought that the little girl was cheated by her to attract the soldiers.” Qin Hao paused and said, “But when he followed, he found that the woman left, the little girl from Behind the stone, I looked at the three people in a very quiet way, then went to the opposite place."

"At that time, she was five years old."

Mu Xing's hand shook a bit, he was about to continue the tea with Qin Hao, but he took it several times and did not pick it up.

After a long while, he closed his eyes and gave up the renewed tea.

"Mr. Nie, how could he tell you about this?" Mu Xingzhi lowered his hand and looked at Qin.

He did not doubt Qin Qin, but the old man of Nie, he knew that his temper was stinky and hard, and he was frivolous, and Ye Haohua was less than half of him.

He has never been accustomed to their West Island, how can he take the initiative to mention Ye Haohua with Qin.

Qin Xiao smiled, "Nature is because of you."

"I?" Mu Xingzhi hesitated, "Mr. Nie, is the most hated me?"

At that time, Mu Xizhi was the benchmark of the entire West Island, and his style of work was meticulous. There was absolutely no wrinkle on the clothes. Wen Ya was partial and ceremonial. Mr. Nie always felt that he was very annoying and hated by Qin.

I can't quite understand him. I never saw a good face when he saw him.

It is a bit of a sentiment that does not leave.

"I know that you will think so," Qin Xiao shook his head slightly. "After five years ago, the old Nie did not see anyone. Why did you meet you alone?"

"Because he... he thinks I can trust." Mu line opened his mouth.

He still remembers that Mr. Nie had only seen him before he died. He asked Mr. Nie a sentence. Mr. Nie said that he only believed in his character.

Although this person of Mu Xingzhi is a little proud, but he knows that the gentleman has something to do, Mr. Nie has always hated him, but he also believes in his character.

"In his eyes, isn't I more trustworthy than you?" Qin Hao shook his head and laughed.

Mu Xingzhi couldn’t figure it out at this time.

Compared with him, Qin Hao is indeed more trusted by Mr. Nie than him.

"Your mind has always been hidden, I also know it under the reminder of Lao Nie," Qin said with a sigh. "After he was drunk, he once said that the West Island is only proud of the things, such as bamboo. No one is in the eye, but unfortunately, only the first time in the assessment, he always chose the worst house."

The hand of Mu Xing trembled.

Qin Lan looked at him and smiled. "At that time, I didn't know the meaning of Lao Nie. Until five years ago, you vowed never to leave the island for her. I thought that you were really a gentleman at that time, for the old Nie’s last words. This kind of situation. But after thinking for a long time, I only reflected the meaning of the old Nie at that time, the roof of the dormitory building, because the equipment is not complete, so as the worst house, but there, you can see the training ground of the South Island. ”

(End of this chapter)