MTL - Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 1086 1086 reality [51] shot (4 more)

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Chapter 1086 1086 Reality [51] shot (4 more)

Ye Haohua lowered his head and was watching the mobile phone. He could only see the small half face.

The mask is also half-hung on one side of the ear.

But such a person, even if she covered her entire face, and her body was lazy and scattered with a bit of arrogance, Chen Xuanzhen could recognize her in the crowd.

At this time, no words can explain this scene.

Mrs. Chen has always known the existence of Ye Haohua.

When Chen Xuan had just graduated from college, it was not long before Ye Haohua could say that everything was done. Ye Haohua went abroad for the first time to attend a press conference. He ran out overnight.

Later, I did not wait for Ye Haohua, but I was hospitalized with pneumonia. I still kept the news and told Ye Haohua not to know.

And Ye Yihua was cold-hearted, and Mrs. Chen couldn't see her son like this. Ye Yuhua in her eyes had a play. After investigating her information, she knew that she didn't even have high school diplomas and strongly opposed it.

But at that time, Chen Xuan was hot and didn't listen to her.

Later, Mrs. Chen was too lazy to recall that her son’s IQ was spent on her.

It was only when Mrs. Chen saw Chen Xuan’s efforts to manage the company for Ye Haohua, and there was no objection.

Not long ago, Chen Xuanzhen was found to have lost his heart, and instead took up Mengshanshan. Mrs. Chen was a bit happy. She was a bit prejudiced against Ye Haohua and had secretly went to the company to see Ye Haohua.

What the other party said at the time, just pulled the mask and asked her very arrogantly, "Do you want to sign?"

Mrs. Chen’s impression of Ye Yuhua fell directly, without education, culture, and rudeness.

Three consecutive negatives.

Compared with Ye Haohua, she wants to prefer Monsanshan. There is no background, but she has a high degree of real gold and is also gentle and courteous.

When Ye Haohua’s aunt said, Mrs. Chen also just wanted Chen Xuan to accept her heart.

Playing tickets to play tickets, the company and life still have to be scrupulous.

At that time, she only heard Ye Ye's Ye Hao. Ye Hao was very famous in the Beijing city's social circle. She also founded Fenghai Group. If she could marry Ye Hao, Chen Xuyu took over Chen Jia, and the shareholders would not have other opinions.

Ye Jia has already begun to emerge in the capital city of Guixun.

However, Su Shi and her aunt did not introduce the meaning of Ye Hao. Although Mrs. Chen was disappointed, she was also looking forward to this second lady.

The second lady is always the Ye family. Mrs. Chen feels that there is Ye Jie, the sister, her sister will not be worse.

What did she think, did not think, will see Ye Haohua in Ye Family!

The tea cup in the hand of Chen Xuan’s hand fell to the ground, and Mrs. Chen’s reaction would not be good.

What is the edge? !

"This is... two people know each other?" The aunt also found that Mrs. Chen’s reaction with Chen Xuyu was wrong.

Especially Chen Xuan, watching Ye Haohua's eyes are too explicit, complicated, angry and shocked, enough for the mother and Su Shi these people to make up a drama.

Ye Haohua saw Chen and Chen Xuan, who were sitting downstairs, probably knew what was going on.

Su Shi and her aunt had broken their hearts for her in the past few days, thinking about helping her with her marriage all day, as if she was afraid that she would not marry.

"It's a bit of a source. It used to be an artist of my son company." Mrs. Chen smiled a little.

Su Shi’s eyes were bright, and she quickly waved at Ye Haohua. “That’s really a fate, Yu Hua, come over and meet you, Chen Ayi. You should know the preface?”

Ye Haohua was too lazy to pay attention to her. Today, I mainly came back to see Ye Li.

The other party's talent is not bad, Mu Qiu also obviously taught with his heart, but still a little bit, Ye Haohua thought about the targeted training of Ye Li, ready to go back and write a piece of paper to let Mu Liu hand to Mu Qiu.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Ye Haohua will open the door and Su Shi immediately stood up.

There was some anger on her face, but because there were guests at home, she did not break out.

"Go out, can't you see it?" Ye Haohua pulled the mask on.

The whole person has disappeared.

Su Shi’s face was stiff and stiff, and then she smiled at Mrs. Chen. “Mrs. Chen, my second daughter is not good-tempered, you are waiting for some.”

"Nothing, nothing, I can understand." Mrs. Chen did not think that there was anything, Ye Haohua, this stinking temper, she had already learned.


The whole thing is incredible, and the temper is not good enough, even the high school education is not, I heard that it is an orphan person... actually Miss Ye Jiaji?

Thinking of this, she suddenly looked back at Chen Xuan.

The other party finally came back to this time.

Suddenly stood up, his face inexplicably opened directly to the door.

Su Shi originally thought that Ye Haohua was in this state. Chen’s family could not see Ye Haohua. Didn’t he think that Chen Xuan’s ran out to chase Ye Huan?

"Mrs. Ye, Mrs. Su, Miss You II... I mean," Mrs. Chen finally said. "Is she not an orphan?"

Susie paused, and then he said with a voice, "I accidentally lost her when I was a child, and I only got it back a few months ago."

"No wonder, your family's Ye Hao is a college entrance examination champion. I just want to know if Hua is a second lady. I don't even have a high school education." Mrs. Chen nodded.

"Is there any high school or high school education? Isn't she writing college students in her materials?" When Su Shi heard Mrs. Chen's sentence, his face changed a bit, and it seemed a bit embarrassing.

Ye Haohua came back for so long, and the old man and Ye Ye Ye Feng let the next person and other people do not ask Ye Haohua about the past.

Su Shi’s understanding of Ye Haohua is also the information on Baidu Encyclopedia.

I don't know if Ye Haohua didn't even have a high school education.

Mrs. Chen did not expect Su Shi’s reaction to be so big. She took a few words and explained it in a whisper. “I don’t know. I was asked about the staff of Star City because of some things. When she applied, there was no diploma. There was no one. Later, the preface gave him a false information about a college student. After all, it is very important to be an artist."

In other words, let alone the high school education, Ye Haohua may not even finish primary school.

Su Shi smiled a little bit, and her hands were a little shaken.

Mrs. Chen saw the change in Su Shi’s emotions and left her interest. She still needs to consider this marriage.

The aunt saw Su Shi’s thoughts. She patted Su Shi’s back. “You are not angry with the little girl.”

Su Shi cold face.


Outside the door, Chen Xuanqi just chased it out and saw only Ye Haohua’s car ass.

"You go back with me." Mrs. Chen whispered.

Chen Xuan’s eyes were red and there was no speech.

"Miss Ye, can you kill him?" Mu Liu looked at the person who had chased the car and ran for a while.

Ye Haohua took a piece of paper and a pen in the car, thinking about what he was writing, "No."

She is writing targeted training for Ye Li.

After writing, handed it to Mu Liu and asked her to hand it to Mu Qiu.

Mu Liu looked at this familiar handwriting. "It’s good to send it to Mu Qiu. He now has WeChat."

Ye Haohua looked at Mu Liu and turned his eyes. "He is in the army. The mobile phones used now are all national traits. I contact him. Those people will not find me colluding with him?"

Mu Liu heard this, breathing a stagnation, and quickly bowed his head, in the corner that Ye Haohua could not see, his eyes were red.

This piece of paper is almost the same as it was posted on the dormitory door a few years ago. The few people she taught, everyone is already a colonel-level person, and the guns have not lost in the military camp.

In the past five years, she has not touched the gun. Her targeted training with handwriting is better than the most advanced instructor in the training camp, Mu Qiu.

If she is still in the military camp, she will be famous for her fascination...

"Lian Rongzhe didn't look for me in five years, so you are a young master, not afraid of death." Ye Haohua patted Muliu's shoulder and looked at the window, his voice was very light: "Reassured, I have been very good."

Mu Liu sucked his nose and tried to calm his feelings. "Just, is it a star?"

"Yeah," Ye Haohua thought of the fans, it was rare to smile a little gentle. "Last year last year, I felt nothing. I got off the plane in the middle of the night and saw a group of fans who braved the snow at the airport with lights, etc. because of They knew that I was an orphan at that time and I waited for me. I thought about it, and there are people who have been waiting for me."

"They like me very seriously, as long as they are still one day, I will not retire."


The next day, Ye Haohua went to Rong's glimpse and met Shang Rong. Her agent looked at her. "Miss Ye, is it good?"

Then I didn't even look at Ye Haohua, went straight upstairs and went to Rong Rong's exclusive studio.

And Rong Rong with sunglasses, before paying attention to the surface of the situation, even if I don't like Ye Haohua, I will say hello to her.

Today she didn't even take the sunglasses and went straight to the elevator.

"Sorry, the elevator can't hold other people." Rong's agent blocked the elevator door and smiled.

Then press the close button.

Jiang Jie stood outside the elevator door and squatted for a long while. "Hey, when did you get to Miss Rong?"

"Stupid," Ye Haohua put the sunglasses on her hand on Jiang's face and sneered: "They think that I have robbed her abyry endorsement, obviously it is not as good as people."

"I know." Jiang Jie twisted her eyebrows and felt that 80% was also the reason. "Miss Rong's identity is a bit complicated. I am going to negotiate this matter. Don't mess around."

Ye Haohua waited for the next wave of elevators, going up against the wall, the eyebrows were cold, and the clothes were loosely hanging on her. The thin people were now thinner and thinner. "You are free."

She doesn't care much.

"Right," the elevator went to the floor. When Jiang Jie lifted her foot out, she suddenly remembered one thing. "Yong has recently acquired a live broadcast platform. The company has stipulated that artists must register for an account. This month spends five. Hourly live is an advertisement for the platform. But the company is more tolerant to you and will not go with you."

"That's not going." Ye Haohua thought back without thinking.

When Jiang sister rolled her eyes, she knew that it would be like this.

"That is, the company is willing to spoil you." Jiang Jie really has the motives of Chinese Americans at this time. "I heard that Rong Rong signed a contract with Lin Yingdi."

Ye Haohua smiled at her and did not speak.

I was thinking about the live broadcast platform. She passed through so many worlds, and there are many worlds with live broadcasts. When it comes to the end, the live broadcast platform is much hotter than those of the variety show.

The timeline of this world has not yet developed, and the live broadcast platform has only just begun.

It will take a long time to get to the whole network, and even other ratings will drop.

Rong is quite far-sighted on this, no wonder it can be done so big.

Xiangyang Group can make some efforts on this, and these will go back and calculate.

In the afternoon, Mr. Ye’s work, Ye Haohua, came to Xiangyang Group in advance.

Her scheduled time is to meet at two in the afternoon.

At 50 o'clock, she came to her office. She should have been away from her. Her office looked very casual and there were a lot of entertainment equipment inside.

Seeing these equipments, Ye Haohua knew that Ye Li would have thought he was playing.

She suddenly had a complicated mood, and Ye was really not afraid of what she had done with this company.

The time is close to two points, and Ye Haohua’s meeting time yesterday is coming.

The top executives in the company are holding notebooks and strategies written last night and one after another to go to the conference room.

At this time, only one person rang the door of Ye Haohua's office.

"Ye Zong," An Zhen handed the letter of resignation to Ye Haohua. "I am very sorry, because of personal reasons, I can't continue to stay in the company."

Anzhen is the most powerful manager of the company. Before the company gave Ye Yi, it was all in charge.

He is the soul of the company, and the company is very sound.

It is impossible for a person to have no ambition. Before because of Su Shi’s persuasion, he stayed.

So many companies outside dig him, he can sit on the supervisor's seat regardless of which company he goes to, and he can get a higher salary than now.

I was planning to stay because he believed in Ye Hao’s ability to carry the company and he would be a veteran.

But now the Xiangyang Group is Ye Haohua. He thinks everything from beginning to end, and he never thought about staying.

In particular, the other party wrote a plan on the day of joking yesterday, making him feel ignorant and ridiculous.

His life is not to stay here to play with these people.

Originally, An Zhen thought that Ye Haohua would open his mouth.

I did not expect that Ye Haohua just nodded very coldly. "Go to the Finance Department to settle the salary."

After receiving the first resignation letter, Ye Haohua saw two more people coming over to hand over the resignation letter.

They are all good men of An Zhen, and she has no mouth to leave.

Then took a stack of documents to the meeting room.

The people in the conference room were noisy, and some people looked at their backs.

Ye Haohua stood on the seat. "Everyone's planning last night was placed on the table. I will see them one by one. Before that, I have to ask, is there anyone else to follow Amway?"

The people in the conference room looked at each other, but no one left.

"That's good," Ye Haohua asked the assistant to open the slide that she brought. She sideways and halfway to the screen. "This contract is a gift I gave to the top of the Sun Group. Come down, take care."

These high-level friends are still holding a gift, can you have a movie?

However, when I looked up, I saw the four characters on the contract, and all of them were silent.

On the last day of the 18th year, before the new calendar, there was no other wish. I hope everyone is fine. I hope that on the last day of the 19th year, we will have a lot of them. Of course, the most important thing is to thank you for your company’s company this year. When you feel that you have nothing, there are you waiting, although it is just waiting for updates, it may not feel to you, but it is very important to me.

Goodnight, everyone.

(End of this chapter)