MTL - So You’re Such A Doctor Song-Chapter 58 Can i come to you

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Chang Qing hesitated for a while to take care of Sakura.

Guan Ying's news advanced her cell phone: Chang Qing, I left in advance, and we returned to contact.

Another meaning of this remark is that she does not need to be found for the time being.

Chang Qing has mixed feelings, is Guan Ying afraid of disturbing her and Song Chuyi by herself?

But what would Fu Yuge do like her, and what would she do?

The soul seemed to return to the ward, and Chang Qing washed the strawberries and placed them in front of Shen Lu, and asked, "Auntie, why did Guan Ying leave?"

Shen Lu picked a red strawberry, and said earnestly, "Chang Qing, in fact, aunt doesn't like this tube cherry."

Chang Qing froze for a while, not the taste.

Shen Lu gently smiled: "Auntie knows your character, you take your friend seriously, I say that your friend you are definitely not happy, but Chang Qing, not every friend is as frank as you give to others. This girl Sakura is different from you. She has a very strong purpose and ambitious goals. This kind of person is terrible in order to achieve the purpose. I shouldn't have told you these things. After all, you would be unhappy, but the aunt is For your good, it really hurts you. I treat you like a daughter and wake up with you. It takes character to look at your heart and lungs. "

Chang Qing frowned, and thought for a while before answering: "Auntie, I know what you said, Guan Ying is really different from me, but everyone has everyone's goals, friends, is it only as long as she is true to me , Has not harmed me, it is enough. "

She acknowledged that Guan Ying didn't like certain behaviors, but that did not obliterate their years of friendship.

"Auntie, everyone has a good side and a bad side, just like Brother Fu Yu, he may not be innocent in the mall, but he is good to you, isn't it enough to be comforting as a relative?" ?

Shen Lu was dumb, and smiled helplessly. said that the child was purely transparent, but she was still worried that this tube cherry would cause harm to her.

After leaving the hospital, Chang Qing drove alone on the street and did not want to go back.

Although she said high in front of Shen Lu just now, it is impossible to be down.

Think of calling Ruan Yue: "Are you busy?"

"At home", Ruan Yue's voice was tired.

"Really"? Chang Qing was happy, "Can I come to you?"

"Then you're here, yes, help me bring some hot and spicy food, I really want to eat it," Ruan Yue said with a mouthwatering tone.


Chang Qing bought Ruan Ye's favorite spicy food and rushed to her apartment. Ruan Ye had just taken a shower, and she was thrown in by a shawl and undressed.

Chang Qing mumbled his lips, "God isn't fair, you all look so beautiful like this ghost".

"Natural beauty is hard to give up, there is no way", Ruan Yue raised her two orchid fingers charmingly.

"Go", Chang Qing shook off a knife eye at her.

"Haha, silly", Ruan Yue is taller than her and embraces her shoulders. "Aren't you beautiful?"

"What about beauty, and no one likes me", Chang Qing threw herself into the sofa in frustration.