MTL - Sir, Madam Went Back To Her Maternal Home Again-Chapter 198 The education of the baby is entrusted to you

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  Chapter 198 The baby's education is entrusted to you

  The whole heart was beating lightly because of her words, Xi Mo breathed lightly, and his quiet and deep eyes stared at her flat belly.

   "Have you got it?"

  Wen Hua nodded.

   "I went to the hospital today, and the doctor said it was a little over five weeks."

  Xi Mo stared at her with deep eyebrows, his voice was low and hoarse, "Boy or girl?"

  Wen Hua let out a chuckle. For the first time, he felt that a smart person like him would be stupid, and he was so cute.

   "How do you know the gender at such a young age? She's only the size of a pea. A father like you doesn't have any common sense."

  The corner of the man's lips twitched, with a gentle expression mixed with a helpless smile.


   "Are you happy?" Wen Hua smiled, she loved Xi Mo's rare unintelligent and unresponsive look.

  Cute and cute that doesn't match her identity.

   "Happy." His star-like eyes were full of restrained joy.

   Gently stroked her abdomen, whispering, "Our child."

  Wen Hua looked at the abdomen he was stroking with his big palm, and her eyes were gentle and tender, "I leave the baby's education to you."

   "You must be a loving father."

Originally, I wanted to hide this matter for a few more days, and wait until the right time to give him a big surprise, but she has been unable to hide secrets since she was a child, and she has been floating since she came out of the hospital. It has taken a lot of effort to keep it stable until now strength.

  When YouQi saw him, the heart that was eager to share the joy with him was already overwhelmed with joy. She really wanted to share it with him as soon as possible, and really wanted to see his dazed expression.

   Now that she saw it, she was happier and more excited than she imagined.

Some time ago, she felt a little strange when she noticed that she was lethargic. She said that she was sleepy in spring and thought it was due to the season, but she had never experienced such severe lethargy in the past 20 years. The other day, she saw a colleague in the office drinking water with lemon. I found myself having a craving for sour things.

  She was not slow to respond, and could quickly detect abnormalities, so she bought a pregnancy test stick carefully, and the result showed that she was pregnant. Just in case, she found time to go to the hospital quietly.

  Even if she was mentally prepared, she was still extremely excited when she got the doctor's affirmative answer, and she finally settled down after confirming with the doctor again and again.

After learning that she was pregnant, she felt that she would not even walk the road. She was very careful with every step, and the doctor and auntie laughed at her clumsy appearance. She told her not to worry too much, and usually pay attention to avoiding dangerous things That's fine.

But she felt that everything was dangerous. Taking the elevator was afraid that the elevator would stop due to a power outage. She was startled when the car bumped a little. When she saw pedestrians on the road, she avoided going far away. She was afraid of mobile phones and computers, which radiated electronic products. desire to touch.

  Thinking of her move to sleep in a separate room two days ago, she was really praised. She is really a little clever ghost who can predict the future.

  But I didn't know it a few times this month. Fortunately, the child is fine, and I really have to sleep in separate rooms for a long time in the future.

  Xi Mo disagreed.

"You should go back to sleep in the master bedroom. The master bedroom has a bigger bed, and your sleep quality will be better. You should also be taken care of during pregnancy. I will know as soon as anything happens. I have always slept well and will not harm you or your baby. .”

   What he said also made sense, Wen Wei nodded, "Okay, then you have worked **** big and small things during pregnancy."

  Xi Mo pinched her smooth cheeks, "You are the one who worked hard."

After learning that Wen Hua was pregnant, the elders shouted a loud drum and firecrackers. Grandpa and grandfather came to visit the Liuyue mansion every three days. Wen Yousui almost occupied the kitchen of the mansion and cooked for his daughter and grandson himself. supplements, research various recipes for pregnant women.

  My aunt and cousin Luo Qingyu are people who have been there, fearing that she will be bored or irritable and depressed during pregnancy, so they find all kinds of cute and delicate baby clothes and small toys in different ways, and tell her various precautions during pregnancy.

  She suddenly became the center of everyone, because the pregnancy reduced the time to play with the mobile phone, and friends at both ends of the three days took time to chat with her to relieve boredom. Before the baby was born, half of the storage room was piled up with gifts from everyone.

   Life during pregnancy is not to mention very nourishing, and she has also become rounder visible to the naked eye.

  She was originally tall and slender, even if she was fat, she would not be bloated.

  The family asked her to take leave to wait for the birth at home. She felt that there was no need to take leave when the month was young, and she would take maternity leave after the baby was five months old.

  Xi Mo also wanted to send her some bodyguards to follow her, but she stopped her. She is going to school, what does it look like with some bodyguards.

  Colleagues and leaders all take care of her. She does a leisurely job and doesn't work hard at all, but it's hard work for Xi Mo.

  He has to pick her up to and from get off work. While busy with the company's business, he is also urging the design team to design the baby room, and he will accompany her every time she has a maternity checkup. Pay attention to her movements at night. Sometimes Wen Hua's back is so sore that he can't sleep, so he massages her all night long.

  Take good care of her meticulously and patiently all the time.

  The previous month's small inspection could not find out, and another big news came out in more than three months.

  B-ultrasound results showed that Wen Hua was pregnant with twins.

  The big happy event made the two old men laugh from ear to ear, boasting to everyone that they have twin great-grandchildren.

   Compared with the joy of the elders, Xi Mo seemed a little indifferent.

  In the master bedroom at night, Wen Hua ate the bird's nest he brought, and asked, "Don't you like twins? You don't seem excited."

His deep eyes looked at her belly that was bigger than the average three-month-old pregnant woman, and he said slowly: "Two people at a time will bear more pressure and pain than others, and it will be very hard. I don't want you That's what the first child suffers."

   It turned out to be like this.

  Wen Hua felt soft in her heart, "I'm not afraid, they are so obedient. My pregnancy reaction is not as serious as most people. They followed my temperament and are obedient babies."

  That's the way it is said, but the month is still young now, and it's hard to guarantee that she won't suffer when the month gets older.

  Women give birth to a child, and it’s a **** of a journey. As a man, a man will never understand the hardships involved. Wen Wei raised her delicately since she was a child, and this time she will really make her suffer.

  Just thinking about Xi Mo's mood can't relax.

  The man stroked her chubby belly, with a low voice, and said to the two little guys: "Be good, don't make trouble with your mother, or I won't give you milk powder when you come out."

  Wen Hua couldn't help laughing at his stern and serious appearance.

   "You said you would be a loving father, but you're scaring them before you come out."

  (end of this chapter)

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