MTL - Single Player Only-v2 Chapter 111 Progress bar (7)

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颓 Zhao Yuan suddenly took a few steps back, then sat down on the ground, and couldn't stand for a long time.

转变 This change is too fast and incredible.

No one thought that Yue Qiang still had such a means.

服 Ma Fujun in the luxury carriage did not expect, the couple did not expect, and even Zhao Yuan who fell to the ground was wondering why he couldn't stop the punch.

Why is this punch so powerful? If Yue Qiang has always had such explosive power, then why did he not use it at first?

Qi Yueqiang looked at the enemy who suddenly fell to the ground and slowly came forward.

敌人 This enemy is so powerful that it will not last forever, like the invincible **** of heaven. But at this time, she sat down on the ground, her face twisted, and she tolerated the pain.

This feeling is good.

Wu Yueqiang came to him and looked at him:

"I said, I still have a big trick."

"But you don't seem to believe it."

Tong's tone was still bland and her expression still calm, but between the lines, she revealed a happy atmosphere.

"This big move, I have saved it for a long time. I have been preparing since the beginning of the battle, and have not used it until now."

"Actually you should take precautions, because I killed the Vice Admiral in your military account, and this is the trick."

"You must be wondering why you did n’t use it at first but waited for it now. The reason is very simple, because I was not sure I could hit you in the beginning."

"You're getting slower", remember? "

Wu Yueqiang slowly walked to his side, very close. He said a lot and stopped when he said "slower". He remembered every preparation and effort for this battle.

"I can only use this trick once. After using it, there is no fighting power left. But you are too fast and too powerful. If you use it at the beginning, I am not sure I can hit you. In fact, I All previous efforts have been made for the last. "

"Your strength surpasses me too much. Generally speaking, you can probably fight ten enemies of my level at the same time. Even if your mental ability is broken by special methods, I still have no confidence. So I have So many arrangements before. "

"You may be wondering why I tried my best to insert the iron bar's head into your wound. That's because the toxins on the iron bar and the toxins you breathe into the body complement each other."

"You may still wonder why my fists are obviously not strong enough, but I still tickle you constantly. That's because your injuries are not enough and not heavy enough. Before I can issue my big move, I must Make sure you can't escape, you have to make sure you've reached that tipping point. "

"I used my final trick when I was sure I had done enough damage to you."

By saying this, Zhao Yuan fully understood Yue Qiang's entire combat plan.

He showed his enemies with weakness, enticed them to go deep, and used his pride to achieve the current results.

Zhao Yuan originally had various injuries, and there were various toxins running through his body. The most deadly of these was naturally the last punch that Yue Qiang made.

"What's your name?"

"Advanced killing."

Zhao Yuan thought about it, then shook his head and said, "I have never heard of it."

"I learned this in a tomb. As for the origin of this boxing method, I am actually very curious." Yue Qiang explained, "But this is not important. The important problem is that I will kill you."

Ji Yueqiang said this very naturally, just like eating, sleeping, shit, and peeing.

"Killed by someone else should be the way of death that you have imagined long ago? After all, you kill people every day, even more than one person every day, so you certainly won't feel any regrets, right?"

渊 Zhao Yuan sat on the ground, motionless. He is still alive, but his eyes have begun to fall apart.

The power of the punch was far more than imaginary, directly crushing his already scarred body. Losing the increase in mental ability, losing speed and strength, hurting and hurting, poisoning and poisoning, seems to be defeated unexpectedly by this punch, which is beyond everyone's expectations, but it is reasonable.

His ribs were completely broken, his vitality was lost, and his internal organs suffered heavy and irreversible injuries.

At the same time, Yue Qiang's physical quality can make such a powerful punch, and his body has suffered considerable damage. His eyes were heavy with exhaustion and bloodshot. After taking a few steps, his body was shaking.

I just, Yue Qiang is standing.

So Yue Qiang is the winner.

Zhao Yuan was sitting on the ground. He felt very painful, despaired by the pain, and angry by the pain: "You will die too! Your injuries are also very serious, you can't escape! You don't need to take the shot of Master Ma Fujun, any sergeant can kill you! "

Ji Yueqiang shook his head slightly, he suddenly remembered the story animation that Qiu Ningning had said.

Can I still die?

He didn't know, and at the moment of defeating Zhao Yuan, he suddenly felt that he didn't care that much.

He laid his hands on the keyboard, typing leisurely:

"Will it die, I don't know. But I feel good now."

"It will take a while to die. It's better than being killed by you. This is where I feel good."

"It feels good to be able to defeat you in head-to-head battles."

After Xun told Zhao Yuan these words, Yue Qiang felt comfortable for a while.

So he said a few more words.

知道 "Know why I kept talking when I was fighting ~ ~ but now I say so much?"

"That was because of the fight just now."

"When fighting, how can I have energy to type?"

At this point, Zhao Yuan was already out of gas and less air. His upper body was teetering and he wanted to fall down at any time, but suddenly he gathered a lot of energy and asked, "Why did I hit your head with that punch? I even feel When your skull is broken and you see blood splashing, but you can still survive? If you don't know the answer, I ... "

Ji Yueqiang simply answered: "Secret."

那么 "Why don't you feel the pain?"

"Does it hurt? This is also a secret."

Ji Yueqiang answered.

"I won't tell you."

Uh ...

1: Today I wrote a volume of ten thousand words and five changes. My head is dizzy. I really feel dizzy. No. 30 shouldn't be updated, take it easy, take a breath, and then No. 31 should be two more. Originally, I wanted to save the manuscript, and the next day, a wave broke out on the shelves. But I did feel uncomfortable without posting, so I sent them all. I wanted to write more, because the plot of the next few chapters, that is, the plot of the last few chapters of the first volume, is the part I am more satisfied with. It's a pity that the head is too big, so I have to send so many first. The update was a little less in the last two days, so make up for it. Say I actually used a dozen or so serial numbers for a title name (bad smile).

2: Everyone pays more attention to exercise, feels like going out for running, cycling, or whatever. After coming back, I write a lot of sobriety, which is better than always being at home.

3: Ask for a ticket, ask for a reward ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile users please read.