MTL - Single Player Only-v2 Chapter 110 Full grid progress bar (6)

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From the position where Ma Fujun Zhao She and the couple watched the battle, they saw an absolutely unbelievable scene.

Zhao Yuan's fist was missed!

Wu Mingming must have made a punch, but did not know why, and hit the air next to Yue Qiang's head.

This is totally incomprehensible!

It was as if Yue Qiang tilted his head slightly and avoided this punch.

However, both of them are masters of masters, and their eyesight is extremely poisonous. They did not see Yue Qiang doing any evasive action at all, Yue Qiang did not make any evasive action, and Zhao Yuan's fist should be able to blow Yue Qiang's head in accordance with its trajectory! What actually happened was that the punch was short.

This feeling that is totally out of common sense makes the two parties watching the game extremely wrong.

As for Zhao Yuan, a direct belligerent, he felt even stranger.

He can confirm for 12 points that he definitely hit Yue Qiang's head!

Whether it was visual, auditory, or the feeling of a broken skull from his hands, he told him clearly that the enemy's skull was broken.

飞溅 blood clot splatter.

So he blinked subconsciously.

I just blinked my eyes so shortly, Zhao Yuan closed his eyes and reopened. Then he discovered something strange.

No scattered blood clots.

No bursting head.

I also do not have Yue Qiang's headless body.

Xie Yueqiang's head was intact near his iron fist.

what's going on?

Uh ...

赵 When Zhao Yuan's left fist came straight, Yue Qiang knew he couldn't escape. So he did two moves. The first was to put the bar up and insert it into the wound on his left arm. The head of the iron bar is highly toxic. If it can be inserted into the wound on Zhao Yuan's left arm, it will produce the maximum effect. Ming Ying said that injecting toxins directly into the blood is the fastest way to spread the toxicity.

Xie Yueqiang's second action is relatively secretive.

His left chest and left upper arm caught Zhao Yuan's right fist, but his left hand was free to move.

At the same time, his inventory interface is always open.

He used the item that had been kept for a long time and had been reluctant to use it.

Archive module.

强 Yue Qiang in the screen, his left hand reached into the bag, and accurately grasped an archive module.

Then, the moment his head was blown by a fist. The archive module, which exudes a dim glow, has changed.

The wooden archiving module continuously collapsed and collapsed into nothingness. The seven-colored light from above was getting more and more prosperous, and then the light erupted and the light disappeared.

At the same time, Yue Qiang lost several progress points. Then, his physical condition came to the moment before "instantaneous".

In this game, there is no so-called save function, and the save module in Yue Qiang's hand is also different from save in the general sense. This module does not change the state of the entire world, its function is only to change the user himself.

Even this is shocking enough.

She Yueqiang successfully returned to the combat status at a certain moment by entering the progress point through the archive module. This is not an archive of the world, it is a bit like a small time trip.

There is an error of an inch between his position and the fist Zhao Yuan hits.

强 Yue Qiang in the screen is dead.

强 Yue Qiang in the screen came alive again.

In the face of the enemy's irresistible attack, this action made by Yue Qiang can be summarized in two words:

Reading files.

Uh ...

In fact, Yue Qiang planned this action for a long time.

As early as when he appeared to impulse to the front line of the Zhao Guojun camp and killed the pork belly general Gan Yi, he already had the general idea of ​​this plan.

The key to this operational idea is how the archive module functions.

首先 The first thing he can confirm is that although this module is named Archive, it will never work to save the state of the entire game and then read the file at any time. Because that level must reach the level of the creation god, if there is such a level of props, it will not be available to him at this stage.

So the way of using this archive module should be to return the person to a state at a certain moment in the previous period as given in the description, which can also be commonly understood as resurrection.

Maybe the tiger in the cave has used the archive module. Because the tiger has killed too many people and animals, it is likely that there are quite a few progress points. After inadvertently using the archive, it found its previous strongest state. That's why it becomes unexpectedly strong.

Therefore, Yue Qiang can basically determine the mode of action of the archive module.

第二 The second point of this combat idea lies in the mental ability possessed by Zhao Yuan.

Xi Yueqiang previously speculated that the growth rate of the second-order Brahma is very strong and there is no limit on its use. If you want to defeat Zhao Yuan, the only way is to abolish Zhao Yuan's mental ability. There is only one way to abolish his brahma, let him kill. Active killing.

Only in this way can he fight with Zhao Yuan and have hope of victory.

办法 There is a way to make up for the strength of your physical fitness, but the power of mood is unmatched.

By dying out of his mental ability, Yue Qiang could see so little, that he might win.

Perhaps this is the real reason why Qiu Duanyu left the archive module to him, and the only way he can rely on to defeat Zhao Yuan and change the plot!

Uh ...

In fact, Zhao Yuan still hasn't figured out what happened just now.

He clearly felt that he had hit the target, but after a blink of time, Yue Qiang was still there!

Not only that, he also lost the mental ability to rely on fighting!

Now, the warring parties are finally on the same starting line.

Xu Yueqiang has no way to precisely control the number of progress points entered, so he returns to the state just before the headshot. His injuries remain minor.

However, as Yue Qiang's opponent, Zhao Yuan's state is also not good. He was first burned and poisoned, and then wounded by the force of the organs in the trap. His left arm was punctured, and the wound was stained with iron toxins. Strength is at most only 20% of the usual state. The only capital he can take out is only his strong physical fitness.

The two stepped back and stood opposite each other.

强 Throughout the battle, Yue Qiang kept silent. Zhao Yuan was also silent for a moment, and then slowly said, "Although I don't know what happened just now, how can you be intact under my punch. But you really think that the current level is enough to beat me ?"

Both were seriously injured. Yue Qiang has quite good fighting ability and recovery ability in the case of injury. Zhao Yuan doesn't have those, but his physical fitness is very good, far exceeding Yue Qiang.

So when the two collided again, Zhao Yuan had some advantages on the surface.

He still seems to be suppressing Yue Qiang, constantly attacking and attacking again, inflicting more and more serious injuries on him.

However, the real situation is completely different from what it was just now.

He can't kill Yue Qiang any more.

Just now, he was disdainful of spikes, holding a cat and mouse mentality, playing for a while. And now he can't.

Zhao Yuan has lost the terror bonus of mood ability.

His fist strength is still fierce, but he loses the power of rubbing from death to injury; his speed is still fast, but he can no longer guarantee that his fist will hit.

所有 All his attacks are directed at Yue Qiang's most lethal place, but he can always be avoided by him. These attacks made Yue Qiang more and more injured, but he was still unable to knock him down.

Different from the original battle of electric light flint, the current battle is a bit dull.

Xie Yueqiang was suppressed and hit, but he has been able to support it, and he can draw two or three out of ten to fight back. The longer the situation is obviously, the better it is for him.

In the distance, the man watching the war has been concentrating on the movement on the battlefield.

同样 He also didn't know how Yue Qiang escaped the fatal punch he had just made. However, after offsetting Zhao Yuan's strongest mood skills, the battle was still difficult. He thought: If Yue Qiang had no other means of fighting, the final result would still be inevitable.

奢 Zhao She in the luxury car made a similar estimate as the man watching the war. The young man who everyone thinks is very ordinary. He is well prepared for combat. He has a good understanding of himself and the enemy.

He is able to do what he is now, enough to shock everyone.

奢 Zhao She still looked in the direction of the battle, but said to the woman in the carriage, "Draw the battle between two people."

"Realistic strokes, draw a few more pictures."

"Yes, use 缣 帛." Zhao She added again, "in the cabinet next to it."

缣 帛 is a kind of silk canvas, soft and light, wide format, suitable for drawing. But the manufacturing process is cumbersome and extremely expensive.

奢 Zhao She didn't care about this, he made the order casually, and the focus was on "drawing a few more pictures".

之后 "After going back, hang up the painting after painting, and let those students see what is the real battle."

"The students in Wangcheng have a higher heart than sky. They may be better than this young man, but I want to know if they can go through three tricks under Zhao Yuan!"

奢 Zhao She's words, although not expressly, contained a high appreciation of the young man. He didn't think Yue Qiang could win in the end, but Yue Qiang's fighting style and demonstrated fighting will won his appreciation and respect.

又 He also ordered his followers to say humanely: "After a while, Zhao Yuan wins, pull him in the past. Protect the young man's corpse, don't let Zhao Yuan do ... too extraordinary.

He judged that Yue Qiang would lose, and the couple on the side also judged that Yue Qiang would lose, and Zhao Yuan in the battlefield also thought so.

Since that punch, he and Yue Qiang have been fighting for dozens of rounds. At the beginning, Yue Qiang could still make some occasional counterattacks, but the farther back, his fewer and fewer counterattacks.

She Yueqiang was seriously injured. One of his arms shrugged, it should be broken, and the shoulder connecting that arm was bent at a strange angle. Not to mention the large and small wounds on the whole body, and the injuries to the internal organs. He was still alive at this time, and it was already a miracle.

I just don't think this miracle will last long.

Zhao Yuan threw a punch at him again, Yue Qiang stretched out his arm to block it, and was beaten out by the powerful force several feet away.

渊 Zhao Yuan slightly relieved, he did not rush directly to it, but slowly stepped forward. He was also seriously injured.

Yue Qiang, a few feet away, squatted on the ground with no further movement.

He has been expressionless, fighting silently.

At this moment, however, he spoke.

This is the first time Yue Qiang has spoken since the opening battle.

Sunda's tone was flat and without any emotion: "You're slowing down."

Wu Yueqiang only spoke a short sentence, four words, without reason. But Zhao Yuan's heart raised a sense of vigilance.

What does it mean that I have become slower? I lost my mental ability and was seriously injured. My speed really became very slow ... Zhao Yuan's mind flashed through these thoughts. He found that after Yue Qiang said this, he became a little flustered.

Panic, not because of Yue Qiang's strength, but because of Yue Qiang's attitude and tone of saying this sentence.

Since the beginning of the fighting, the fighting situation has changed several times. No matter what the situation was, the young man in front of him did not say anything. Don't cry, don't talk, don't taunt, just focus on the fight.

"You're getting slower" is the only four words he ever said.

There was no emotional fluctuation in this sentence, but Zhao Yuan felt that he had been caught and had any flaws.

He hurried forward and wanted to give Yue Qiang a final blow. As he approached, the young man said a few words:

"Actually I have a big move."

Zhao Yuanzhang went to Yue Qiang and rose up with his whole body to make a punch! In the process ~ ~ he heard Yue Qiang say the second sentence.

Then, I saw Yue Qiang's fist.

His punching position is as weak as ever, and he has no power as usual. However, the alertness in Zhao Yuan's heart suddenly became extremely strong!

拳 This punch looks like the countless punches he just made, but Zhao Yuan's subconscious flashed an inexplicable thought:

I can't stop it!

"You've slowed down." What can I say?

Since I can't hide, I can't stop it, then ... what will happen?

This seemingly inconspicuous punch is what he called a "big move"?

渊 Zhao Yuan flashed countless thoughts in his heart. At this moment, apart from the fist that was about to fall, his light also glanced at Yue Qiang's eyes.

Qi Yueqiang always had some bloodshot in his eyes. But when this fist was sent out, those bloodshots became fierce, and his eyes showed endless fatigue!

It's as if the punch was sent out with your eyes!

渊 Zhao Yuan's mind reached the limit! At the last minute, he chose to give up the offense and defend with his fists.

He reacted quickly and returned to defense quickly.

But it was not defended.

He stared at the fist that was too ordinary to break his defense, came to his chest, and hit his heart.

Then he heard a loud noise.

"Click, click ..."

It's not outside sounds, these sounds come from him.

His ribs were all broken.

"It hurts ..."

He stepped back a few steps and murmured ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile users please read.