MTL - Single Player Only-Chapter 49 Cherish attributes, Xiaoqiang?

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She Yueqiang did her best in the fight against Tigress just now, without any reservation. But he still has hidden strength, that is, four attribute points of free control.

According to his initial thoughts, he has a powerful escape skill such as running skill LV2. Even if he meets ordinary enemies, he can escape. But I didn't expect to meet an agile tiger. Under this claw of a large cat, it is almost impossible to escape. His ultimate victory also relied on the game experience, the help of sound, and some luck, which had little to do with the attribute point bonus.

In battles with similar strengths, a little difference in attribute values ​​can determine the advantages and disadvantages. But in the face of a tiger that surpassed his level of monsters, other factors dominated.

Ji Yueqiang's hesitation is that even if he now points all 4 attributes to strength or agility, he may not have played a tigress, let alone a male tiger that is likely to be stronger than a tigress.

In addition, how does Yin know that he still has 4 freely dominant attribute points?

"My eyes are different from others, and I can see the origin of many things. Do not say this, I think the battle behind you must come out with all its power. Because the speed of that male tiger is likely to be very fast. He will surely kill him. If you have the ability and the preparation you need, you can do it now. "

The words of Wu Yin reminded Yue Qiang.

还有 There are many books in his backpack! In case there are any powerful skills in these books, or something that can instantly improve combat effectiveness, you will make a lot of money. Reading these books usually requires a special attribute value to a high degree, but the "true eye" skill of sound may be cracked.

Eye of True Sight, the name of this skill is obviously much stronger than that of Ai Qian's Penetration.

He took out the books in the backpack, whether they could or could not be read. There are "Shi", "The Analects of Confucius", "Guigu Arithmetic", "Inner Canon", "External Jing".

Yin left the "The Analects of Confucius" aside directly, and his eyes stayed for a long time on the other four books that needed attribute values ​​to view. Finally, he said, "The Analects of Confucius is useless. The next four books are very useful. .In particular, the "Inner Canon", it seems to record some refining methods of elixir that can permanently improve the strength of the body. However, it is also difficult to read with my true vision, it seems that it is necessary to meet certain conditions. Probably hassle-free viewing. The time is too tight and there is no time to delve into this. Do you have any other means? "

The two books, Nei Jing and Wai Jing, extorted from the doctor's rumors, are tied for seventh place among the top ten books. Yue Qiang has high expectations for these two books. I did not expect that although the tone has no intellectual properties, it can barely read with the skills of "Eye of True Sight", which is very good news.

But the most important thing right now is to deal with the crisis at hand. Yue Qiang flipped through the backpack again, and suddenly found another book.

That's "Cockroach Philosophy", which he exchanged from Ai Qian for 50 progress points. It is a funny chicken soup book that doesn't show any value. The ghost was terrible, and he passed the book: "Would you help me look at this one again?"

This book is very thick and made of paper. In this game world where all the books appear in bamboo slips, there is always a very discordant feeling.

Wu Yin picked up.

She still closed her eyes tightly, holding the thick and funny-looking "Cockroach Philosophy", but did not open it. After a while, Yin's face became even more embarrassing. She looked exhausted and returned the book to Yue Qiang.

"How about this book?" Yue Qiang asked.

When he traded with Ai Qian, he didn't know how difficult it was to get a progress point. Now that he finally knows by playing monsters, he feels a little sad.

This is a book in exchange for 50 progress points!

"This is not a book." Yin said, a kind of special exhaustion in the sound, it seemed that reading this book was very expensive for her. "It seems to be a kind of ... energy? I don't know what it is. I have untied the thing that sealed it outside, you try it. "

Ji Yueqiang received the book. The appearance of the book has not changed, but I have been prompted by the system.

System prompt: You have obtained the property item book "Cockroach Philosophy". Using this book, you can get the property item [Xiaoqiang]. Is it used?

Skill Book?

This thing turned out to be a skill book?

And not a general skill, or a book unique to this game, you can add attribute items!

He quickly checked the description of Xiaoqiang.

Attribute information [Xiaoqiang]: has a strong vitality like Xiaoqiang. This attribute determines the recovery effect of all slot bars. For the health slot, physical slot, anger slot, and? ? The recovery effect of the tank is doubled. The base value of the Xiaoqiang attribute is 10.

No doubt this is a rare attribute.

In this game, the basic attributes are only strength and physique. The other attributes are strange. And most of them don't see any use for the time being, such as his own mentality, charm, financial resources, and the collected strategies, dexterity, and other sexual functions.

But Xiaoqiang is different. In the explanation given by the system, the explanation of Xiaoqiang's rare attribute is clearly given: it improves the recovery effect of all slots.

This is a typical combat attribute!

If you say that strength and physique are basically equivalent to the two aspects of offense and defense in the game. Then this accidentally acquired "Xiaoqiang" skill determines Yueqiang's endurance.

This is an extremely useful property.

The effect of life recovery is improved, and the survival ability of Yue Qiang is disguised, which is very important in this game that cannot die. With more rage, the frequency of using high-power skills can also be increased. As for the speed of physical recovery, it is more direct Decide how much skill Qiang Qiang can use.

I can say without exaggeration that Xiaoqiang's attributes have comprehensively improved Yue Qiang's overall combat capabilities.

Attributes can be improved by assigning freely-controlled attribute points! If his 4 attribute points are on the Xiaoqiang attribute, it is equivalent to strength and physical strength at the same time.

A simple analysis will lead to the conclusion that this is definitely a good value property!

Do not hesitate to choose "use" directly.

Xu Yueqiang opened his character status and found that his attribute items had changed from five to six. In addition to the strength, physical, mental, and financial charm, there is one more line.

Wu Xiaoqiang: 10 (your body is good, and has excellent performance in endurance and recovery)

Add 4 points of discretionary attribute value to Xiaoqiang attribute, choose OK. The current status is:

Wu Xiaoqiang: 14 (you have a strong energy close to cockroaches)

The cockroach is an ancient species that has lived on the earth for hundreds of millions of years. The system gives this explanation to the 14-point Xiaoqiang attribute, giving Yue Qiang some confidence in the upcoming battle.

The sound next to looked at Yue Qiang curiously, and was very curious about the changes that the book brought to him. However, her brows quickly frowned.

"Come ~ ~" Then, she said another word.

"Coming soon."

Wu Yin's expression was still indifferent, but his tone was solemn. Yue Qiang held his breath and listened to that voice.

Is not a tiger howl, but the sound of a tiger's palm stepping on the ground.

The tadpole likes sneak attacks. It has a thick meat pad on its feet. It can be almost silent when walking on the ground, just like a domestic cat. This is why the female tiger was able to launch a sneak attack without being aware of the sound. But this time, their position was a passage in a cave.

Here is the depth of the mountain, the air is humid, and some low-lying areas on the ground have shallow water. Although the sound of the tiger's palm stepping on the water is small, it is especially clear in the silent cave.

The unleashed attack of Wu Xionghu was exposed.

Wu Yin still closed her eyes, and her expression had become dignified. She faced the corner of the passage and pressed her hand on the raised switch.

The clicking sound of "click" and "click" is getting closer. Once the tiger rushes across the corner, she will press that switch and the boulder will fall from the sky.

Qi Yueqiang held his breath unconsciously.

At the end of the vision, a huge tiger head appeared, followed by a majestic tiger body. It really is more fierce than the female tiger just now. Yue Qiang can clearly feel the pressure from the king of the beast.

在 At this moment, Yin started the organ decisively.

巨 A giant rock suddenly fell from the top of the cave, headed straight for the tiger's head, and saw that the tiger would be killed!

Ji Yueqiang stared at that position, followed by a lamenting regret.

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