MTL - Single Player Only-Chapter 48 Clues in tandem with Yue Qiang's hidden strength?

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Yin continued to add: "When I woke up, there was a corpse around, so I didn't see anything outside the cave. But this did not prevent me from inferring from the situation in the cave hall and the artificial repairs on the cave wall. Look at the traces. At the beginning, it should not be a tiger's cave, but a cave inhabited by obvious human beings. You came in from the outside, so I should be right? "

Ji Yueqiang no longer knows what to say. He had a feeling that he didn't need to say anything at all, and knew everything. Compared to this girl with eyes closed, he is blind.

I was silent for a while, and he said, "It looks like it was built artificially, and there are four words," Mo Jia Dazhai. "

"That's right. Mo Family, this is Mo Family, do you know what the word" Mo Family "means?"

"In the Warring States Period, apart from its philosophical thoughts, its craftsmanship was not much worse than that of the craftsmen who specialized in it at that time. According to my speculation, the Mojia Dazhai we are currently in is likely to be abandoned! After being abandoned, it was used by tigers and turned into a tiger's den. The sergeants who died on the ground should have come to **** some of the research results of the Mojia. As a result, the Mozhai Dazhai had already abandoned this place, and they were stationed here, When searching for the secrets, I met the tiger who settled the place. So ... all terrible! "

Xie Yueqiang closed her eyes and slowly recalled what she said.

The crickets were strung, all strung. Only like she said, can everything be explained perfectly!

This remark by Wu Yin connected several things together.

The Mozhai Dazhai has been in this place all the time, and he keeps a heavy treasure. It is very likely that it is the same level as the Earth Ring in his hand and even a cow X treasure. The function of this treasure may be his "prevention of death". ". Later, for no reason, the people of the Mozhai Dazhai abandoned this place, so it was slowly abandoned, and it was occupied by tigers and became a tiger's lair.

On the other hand, Sergeant Zhao Guo's attack apparently proceeded at the same time: Zhao Yuan led someone to capture Yuejia Village, successfully won the victory, and won the ring of the earth; Mozhai Dazhai should also have another Zhao Guo army attacking, only Zhao Guopai The people coming here are not strong, there may be only two or three leaders. They saw that it had been abandoned, so they took it lightly and were all killed by the tiger.

Ji Yueqiang reorganized his thoughts in his head again, and then said, "So now we have two problems. Where is the treasure that Zhao Guoren is looking for? And how do you kill that stronger tiger?"

"This is actually a problem," Yin said. "Did I just tell you just now, just drill in."

Ji Yueqiang felt the wall of the cave suspiciously: "How to drill? There are stone walls on all sides ..."

Voice did not fall, Jian Yin stood up while holding the wall, then did not know where to pat it, a passage was exposed on an inconspicuous solid stone wall. The channel opened slowly, making a "squeaky" sound. There was an ignition light far away, a bit like a long light.

Ji Yueqiang looks silly

"How do you know there are switches here?"

"Some ancient books have detailed records of the location of the Mo's organs." Shrugging his voice, "I have read more books."

She Yueqiang and Yin entered the channel one after another.

相比 Compared with the front hall of the cave, this passage is much more refined. Not only are there more wooden supports around, there are simple patterns and images on some wooden beams. These images are obviously very regular, and they should be some marks unique to Mohist. In some places, not only are the patterns carved, but the colors are abnormal.

Two people walked in this passage without speaking. Yue Qiang walked in the front position, but all the thoughts in his mind were the back sounds.

This girl is not beautiful; she is very calm and logically thinking; she is not afraid of death at all; her eyes are closed forever, but she can see everything around her. Is she really a player? If she is a player, why is she so different from her real player? Is Ai Qian a player? Why both of them have a memory unlocking degree, but I don't?

The puppet girl walked behind, and suddenly, she reached out and took hold of Yue Qiang's character.

"I'm going to help you, I can't see the way forward." Yin said, his voice was still so calm. "The blow to the tigress just consumed too much energy. I need to slow down and save With a little effort, look for a mechanism. "

When Yue Yueqiang heard her say this, she pulled her thoughts back to the imminent danger. They are still in danger, and even if they enter the passage, the male tiger will return at any time.

He can't beat that male tiger. In fact, he was able to defeat the tigress, and it was also due to the skill of blinding the tiger's eyes that helped a lot.

"The skill you just used was the one that opened your eyes and sent out something to blind the tiger. Can this skill be used again?"

"Skills? Do you mean the eyes of true vision?" Yin said, "No way. I can barely see the road now. Now strength can only be used to find institutions, if UU reading can find That institution, maybe we can kill this stronger tiger. This success rate is definitely much higher than if you ran out of the hole directly. "

Wu Yin said, while supporting Yue Qiang to walk in a difficult way, one of her legs was injured just now, and the sheet on her body was ripped off because she wanted to make a sound, which looked a little embarrassed. However, she still looked pale, without any embarrassment or embarrassment. She grabbed the sheets on her hand to keep them from falling, and supported Yue Qiang with the other hand. Suddenly, she seemed to find something and stopped.

The hand holding Yue Qiang closed it back and touched a bump on the wall of the cave.

"It should be this. This is a switch. If I click here, the color of the abnormal place we passed just now will put down a huge rock, enough to crush the tiger!"

Tong Yueqiang looked at the raised switch and silently calculated the success rate of this device.

"Of course." Yin said, "If this device does not work, you can only rely on you to kill the male tiger in melee."

When the two of them were facing each other in silence, suddenly they heard a tiger howl again. Compared to the previous one, the distance this time is obviously much closer. As the distance gets closer, the pressure and threat from Tiger Xiao also becomes stronger.

If the organ does not work, and Yin's skills are unavailable, killing a male tiger that is fiercer than that female tiger in melee is definitely a nightmare.

She Yin turned her head, her eyes closed in the direction of Yue Qiang, and said, "If I don't feel wrong ... you should still hide some strength?"

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