MTL - Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985-Chapter 488 not give a **** about

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"No, of course not, the mainland regulatory agencies will not agree." Of course, He Gui has no way to agree, and has to wait for these people to bargain with the higher authorities.

The ones used by the Great Wall Aircraft Factory are not the most advanced ones. The most core ones are in Baian Aircraft Co., Ltd., with six-axis and five-linkages, five-axis and five-linkages, seven-axis and four-linkages, and the Great Wall Aircraft Factory uses five-axis and four-linkages.

You must know that one more axis is linked together, and the running trajectory of the entire machining axis has to be recalculated. The software of the machining center is one aspect, and the hardware is also one aspect. Fortunately, He Gui can copy it from Hyundai.

Many mechanical aspects in our country cannot be developed, not because of their own problems, but because others have already gone the easy way, and they have applied for patents, so you cannot produce them.

Unless some military products can be used, that is, some other people's knives or something, you can't commercialize it even if you copy it, and once you commercialize it, you will violate the patent.

It’s like climbing a mountain at the same time. Those Western companies have been developing for more than a hundred years, and they have already gone to the easiest place to go up the mountain. If they don’t let you go the way they go, you have to go another way, which is very difficult.

So our military products are still okay, because there is no patent infringement on military products, and of course no one applies for military product patents. Imagine the United States applying for a B2 bomber patent... ahem.

Since you are in international trade, you have to abide by the rules of others. To put it bluntly, even if you earn money from the boss, you have to listen to the boss.

This is the biggest reason why we can't develop mechanically. Even if you succeed in reverse technology, you can try to produce one without obtaining a patent authorization?

He Gui showed that he was playing hard to get, and asked these people to pay the price to communicate with the higher-ups... The Great Wall Aircraft Manufacturing Factory is to be used as a joint venture, so there is nothing to keep secret. Saying these things now is just to ask for a high price in the future.

Some important core components have signed a supply agreement with Baian Aircraft Company, such as the turbine blades inside the engine and the front fan blades.

If you want to know the core technology... there is no way, and this IPO will definitely have some harsh conditions. If it is not strict, it will not be called high-tech.

The visitor was a little surprised when he heard He Gui's words, but He Gui didn't expect him to refuse.

The man quickly figured out that this is certainly not state-of-the-art….

The man toasted He Gui with complicated emotions: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." When the supervisors above agree to sell it, He Gui will start selling machine tools. At that time, it will depend on your Western machine tool manufacturers. If you don't give face to the father, let's break the bones and sell them... kill them first. Damn it, then let's poach people and raise prices.

"Congratulations, Ryan." This time it was from the Kailina family, but they were not relatives of Kailina, but representatives of the family company. There were not many people in the Kailina family.

"Thank you." He Gui raised his glass.

Ma Dan!

He Gui cursed inwardly, one or two of them came to have a drink with him, although the drinks at the reception were only sips, but there were too many people.

Fortunately, three or five came together later, and they just said hello, because He Gui had already stated that he could form a joint venture.

There are at least 200 Western companies, families, and consortia on the scene, and it is estimated that only one-tenth of the shares can get shares, so the competition is quite fierce.

The food at the reception was good. Apples in Chang’an used to be very good. In the 1980s and 1990s, Chang’an’s Red Fuji was well-known throughout the country, but it was a pity that some monopoly dealers in Chang’an ruined it.

The top of the box is good, and the bottom is the kind of small fruit that no one wants at a very low price in the orchard, and there is cement in the box.

These dealers are backed by some people and earn a lot of money. Unfortunately, the reputation of Red Fuji in Chang'an has been ruined. Few people have heard of Red Fuji in Chang'an. The dealers here are all monopolized. You Dare not to sell... Hehe, it's a punishment.

Modern Shandong was originally a large province of high-quality fruit trees, but on the Internet, scammers in northern Jiangsu and Shandong sell all kinds of wrong-edged saplings that are eliminated locally, and their reputation is also ruined. One day, these industries will be taken over by these people It's rotten, as for why no one checks... Hehe, as long as the money is in place.

There is also tea from Fujian Province, which has also been given a bad reputation by some scammers. Now everyone shakes their heads when they hear the tea sellers over there...

The scammers in these places made a lot of money relying on some people, but the local people suffered, and these people retired and settled abroad after a few years of cuddling.

But He Gui doesn’t plan to take care of these, if you can’t, just do your own job in the supermarket, and directly adopt a blacklist system for those unscrupulous suppliers. Not only will the supermarket not sell your goods, but the logistics will not send you For the goods, go outside and find a high-priced driver to pull them.

"Xiao He, someone came to inquire about the lathe just now, what do you mean by that?" After the reception, a boss from a certain department came to He Gui with a tray and asked.

"The Great Wall Aircraft Factory doesn't have any advanced things that can be sold, but the other party will definitely have to pay a price. As for the price, that's up to the higher-ups to consider. The latter equipment can still be mass-produced." He Gui put down his chopsticks and spoke. Said.

"Oh, I haven't noticed this aspect yet. What do you personally think the valuation should be for this IPO?" The boss asked again.

He Gui said with a smile: "This is valued by a professional company. I plan to give 5% to Chang'an. I can see the local support for me for so many years, but this 5% only has dividend rights and no management rights. , of course it can be supervised and audited.”

"Ah..." The boss obviously didn't expect He Gui to come to this hand. You have to know how much money this 5% can get each year. The 5% is not polite to say that it is worth hundreds of millions of dollars now. Pure cost, if you add other miscellaneous things, it is no problem to go up to one billion US dollars.

"The local government has given such a large area, and there are so many supporting factories around, and the local investment is also quite a lot, 5% is not too much." He Gui said.

The boss said: "I have always admired Xiao He's mind, it's really..."

"Haha, boss, you're being polite. My business is about mutual benefit." He Gui laughed, this is the boss of the fa reform department.

"Good job." Of course, this boss knew why He Gui told him about this matter. Although the Gai department has great power, there are many people staring at it.

Within the TI system, the department with greater power and financial resources will have more people staring at it. Even if you are appreciated by someone at that time. The scenery is infinite, but as long as there is something, many people will definitely remember it. Books, wait until the next term comes up... Hehe.

And it's all in the same circle. In private, who doesn't know who, the doorkeeper at the unit knows what the people inside are like.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, how could the newcomers not exchange money bags? You must be replaced by someone else, otherwise who knows if you are a 25-year-old boy?

This is also why once there are rumors that someone will be punished, many people will make trouble, and these people have long been recorded in the small notebook.

So don't think it's good to have more power, and don't think it's good to have more money in your hand. Sometimes, this is a reminder...

The same boss is also facing achievements, as well as authority, to know how much planning and how much money is involved in this department every year.

The officials of the border provinces below thought it was a joke? So the person in charge of this department looks good, but he is also under a lot of pressure. If he does things a little unfairly, the outcome will be predictable.

The two things that He Gui proposed here, the ability to sell machine tools, and the distribution of 5% local shares as dividends, can be said to be the results of his visit here this time.

The boss left, and He Gui was finally able to cook. He was also thinking in his heart that after the matter here was over, he would return to Hong Kong Island to prepare for the establishment of non-GMO soybean futures trading. This thing is just right now.

Then I can concentrate on modern affairs, and the progress of modern times can be accelerated.

While He Gui was eating leisurely, the relevant people on the American side also got relevant information.

"Lian's company is developing very fast. I didn't expect the big plane to be successful?" The big boss of the United States felt that he had a big head. Ryan didn't do things unless he was doing something. He would come out everywhere when he did something.

"Actually, we have already received information. The first plane started testing in the first half of last year. This is the second plane. This plane has already appeared in airports across the country, and some tourists have also photographed it. Photos." Someone said.

Hearing this, the big boss asked angrily, "Why didn't anyone report to me?"

"Boss, so what if we report to you? What else can we do to interfere? Do you know how many consortiums and family representatives we have visited in the West today at the Great Wall Aircraft Manufacturing Factory?"

"If we take any action, will these consortiums and families let us take action?"

Hearing this, the big boss felt a little decadent, and even a little bit heartbroken. Although he was pushed out, but now he has nothing to do with a private company, not our private company in the United States, even if he asks.

With regard to the sieve-like information network of the American government, any order given by oneself will be quickly spread.

Don't look at the ostensibly subordinates who are sitting here, in fact, these are the spokespersons launched by the consortium. Many of my things are not so much listening to the opinions of these people, but actually listening to the opinions of the consortium behind.

"Oh, let's not talk about it, how is the mad deer disease handled?" The big boss was very annoyed, didn't he just kill 200,000 deer, it was worth such a fuss, citizens of the United States, can you be a little more tolerant, two One hundred thousand heads, the loss is only a few dollars.

"The relevant processing units over there request additional funds to conduct quarantine on a wider range of livestock." Someone said, and took out a document.

"They dare to ask for a billion dollars. How many livestock should be quarantined?" The big boss looked at the data. Although he could use his authority, this thing would not use it unless he could use his authority.

Because once you use it, any mistakes in the future will be your own fault.

"Boss, this matter is difficult to handle. If you go through the procedure, you will be accused of delaying the time. If you go through your authority, then in case there is any scandal later..."

"These bastards..."

"What did the soybean industry say, there should be a result, and you should come to me for any problems."

"I don't know, our communication with that side is not very smooth."

At this moment, a person hurried in from outside the door: "Boss, please read this news."

The person who came in directly opened a news page. You must know that it is not long after work in the morning in the United States.

Big words in headlines: Midwest farm prices soar.

The transaction prices of farms in the Midwest have continued to rise recently. The reporter found that these farms have applied for planting licenses after transactions.

According to reliable sources, farms in the Midwest can grow the semi-arid soybeans developed by Ryan, which can increase the income of farms in the semi-arid areas of the Midwest by 500% every year.

This 500% is very interesting. You must know that in the past semi-arid farms, most of the sheep were raised, and most of them could not be cultivated. In fact, the income was basically nothing.

"Boss, affected by this news, the price of farms in the Midwest has soared. I think there is something wrong with it." The person who came in said.

When the big boss saw the news, he vomited blood angrily. This is a missed opportunity to make a fortune. You must know that the farm price in the Midwest is the lowest in the United States. Someone reminded himself a few days ago.

Back then, if I had put my heart into it, I could have made a lot of money. I could grow crops, and I couldn’t grow them.

"What's the problem?" Of course the big boss would not admit that he couldn't see any problem, so he asked.

"Boss, it must be Kailina and the others who are behind the scenes." The visitor continued.

Another person said angrily: "That's for sure, is this all you want to say?"

The person who came in just now smiled slightly, and said disdainfully: "Boss, since the farms in the Midwest are going to be developed, then the related supporting things, such as roads, and everything else."

"Will people like Kailina also push for it? Can these people get approval for pushing for the budget?"

"There are also opportunities here. For example, the place where the road passes must appreciate in value, and there may be compensation."

"In addition, gas stations can be established, and so much arable land, agricultural machinery, etc. have been added in the Midwest..." the visitor continued.

The big boss stopped being decadent all of a sudden, and he stopped complaining about He Gui. If he said that he couldn't interfere with the farm transaction, he couldn't profit from it.

But there are too many profits in these aspects. With so much more cultivated land, agricultural machinery will definitely sell well, and construction will be a big hit. In addition, these things can also get stuck.

"Well, there are so many opportunities here." The big boss nodded.

"In addition, if you want soybean seeds to be planted here, you must also apply. I feel that this news is to let farmers in the Midwest see the benefits in it, so that the application for planting can be successfully implemented." The visitor continued.

The big boss nodded, wishing he could call his confidant immediately, there are so many opportunities here.

"Well, let's discuss this matter again..."

"Boss, over there with mad cow disease..."

"However, if they make trouble, let's see how they make trouble. This is their state's independent affairs, and it is inconvenient for us to interfere." The big boss is now thinking about how to find money. If he can't get the money, who will take the position? Why are the previous big bosses in the United States rarely doing nothing, such as war, or something, because of making money.

Those big bosses who are not for money, but for American citizens, all ate peanuts.

In the United States, the big bosses must learn to safeguard the interests of the big capitalists, not the interests of those poor people. Otherwise, how can we call it a capitalist society?

As long as these big bosses are comfortable serving capital, the next successor is a certainty.

Don't look at the fierce fighting between the two factions in the United States, that's for the **** to see, otherwise the two factions are harmonious, and the **** can't doubt it?

Now the big boss and these staff are thinking about how to make money. As for the mad cow's none of my business.

Here in Chang'an, the reception is over. Tomorrow, everyone will go back to their respective homes and find their mothers.

He Gui has been drinking a lot lately, and just returned to his place of residence, when he got out of the elevator, he asked, "What's the situation with the little assistant?"

"I have a cold and a fever, but nothing else is serious." The little assistant also has his own team and his own assistant, the assistant replied.

"Let me go and have a look." He Gui said.

When I came to the little assistant, I found that the little assistant was still hanging salt water, and He Gui couldn't say anything. You must know that the habit of hanging salt water in the mainland was not banned until more than ten years later.

Now when you enter the hospital, you will be given salt water for anyone with any disease, so that people will think that if you don’t hang water for yourself, it is the doctor’s irresponsibility.

Later, it was a little overkill. The child had a high fever for a while, and he didn't hang salt water. Let him observe and observe.

"Boss." The little assistant hurriedly greeted He Gui when he saw the boss came to see him.

He Gui said, "Don't move, take care of your illness."

"Boss, I don't usually get sick." The little assistant felt a little embarrassed and explained to herself.

He Gui shook his head and said: "Human, there are people who are not sick, you should treat them well, and tell the service staff here what you want to eat later."

"Well, thank you boss."

He Gui gave the little assistant some instructions and then left. There are also nurses and the like arranged here.

He Gui returned to his room and drank too much wine at night. After all, there were quite a few people who came to toast, so he fell asleep in a daze until dawn.

After waking up to wash in the morning, He Gui came to see the little assistant and found that he was already well.

He Gui went back to Hong Kong Island today and asked people to prepare for non-GMO soybean futures trading on Hong Kong Island. The current economic size of Hong Kong Island is not small, much larger than that of many small countries.

Why didn't He Gui go to Tailian? The main Hong Kong Island is a free financial port. Who would let you supervise the international funds if they have nothing to do?

Funds are supervised by others, and there are many ways to prevent your funds from leaving.

Why does the modern Turkey raise interest rates in the United States and then lower interest rates? It is to retain foreign funds. You can run away with foreign capital, as long as you are not afraid of losing money.

Even if his domestic inflation is 80%, people still cut interest rates.

That is to say, if someone puts 10,000 US dollars into his market, if he exchanged 100,000 US dollars for their country’s currency at the beginning, and now you want to go with foreign capital, you can only exchange 3,000 or 5,000 US dollars, because the currency of his country has depreciated. too big.

Therefore, the foreign capital of Turkey Seven dare not run away at all. Now they have something in their country. Once they leave...then they will lose their pants, and there is another country like this...cough cough.

Turkey Seven openly does not recognize any set of financial theories in the West. If you raise interest rates, I will lower interest rates. Anyway, I am like this. Come on, it’s just worse.

There are a few countries in the world where funds should not enter easily. Two of them are bad, one is the third brother, and the other is Turkey Seven. These two are no longer important. If you earn money with me, you will spend it with me. One wants to take it away.

The other one is the United States. Taxes are charged for capital outflows... When your family is naturalized, it is easy to say, once you want to leave, you will ask for money?

In fact, it is normal to collect the abandonment tax, because you get rich because you enjoy the development of this country and various policies, and then it is like leaving after making money?

Of course, the reason why the mainland has not accepted it... ahem, is mainly because how do their own people accept it?

Back on Hong Kong Island, He Gui went directly to the headquarters and asked the little assistant to go back to rest.

For the time being, there is no big deal here, just the various reports for the second quarter. Most of these things do not need He Gui's signature, they are just for He Gui to look at.

The company has its own financial system, has its own process, has a person in charge, as well as headquarters supervision and internal supervision department-department.

There are also futures exchanges on Hong Kong Island, but mainly Hang Seng Index futures trading and Hong Kong dollar futures trading...

Raw sugar, cotton and other transactions have also been carried out, but the effect was not good and there was no transaction.

He Gui counted the things he could trade here. Soybeans for sure, then yak meat, and metal aluminum, lithium, and some chemical derivatives.

He Gui thought about it for a while, and asked Lao Li to come to his side.

These things require professional talents. Lao Li has a group of financial talents under him, and it is perfect to do this job. Controlling a futures exchange can make more money than doing anything else.

When Lao Li received He Gui's call, he knew that something good was going to happen, but after careful consideration, he didn't find anything good.

Lao Li’s company is also preparing to go public. Lao Li previously acquired some medical device companies. These companies were integrated to form a new company. Originally, this company was not very big, but it had technology. The reason is that Lao Li's company has won a lot of orders.

So the performance and so on are relatively good, and then find a way to go public, and you will also be the big boss of the listed company.

When Lao Li came here, it happened to be lunch time.

"Boss." Lao Li came directly to the restaurant and hurriedly greeted He Gui when he saw He Gui.

"Go and buy what you want to eat." He Gui's meal has already been prepared.

Lao Li also hurried to make a meal. What He Gui bought was white-cut chicken, and then beef tripe from the braised beef farm, as well as a portion of green vegetables, a portion of soup, gastrodia elata fish head soup, steamed in a small pot, two A piece of Gastrodia elata, half a piece of fish head.

The food at He Gui's headquarters must be good, and how much money is supervised here.

"Boss." Lao Li also came over with food, duck legs, roast pork, a dish of choy sum, and a bowl of shredded pork soup with pickled vegetables.

"Sit down, eat first." He Gui said.

Lao Li nodded. The restaurant at the headquarters is very good, and the taste is also very good. The dishes in such a large group are also very rich.

After eating, He Gui and Lao Li put the plates in the recycling place, and then followed Lao Li back to their own floor.

In the reception room, He Gui poured Lao Li a cup of tea, and said, "I'm planning to establish a futures trading company on Hong Kong Island. You have talents there. You can take charge of this matter, right?"

"Uh..." Old Li just took a sip of tea when he heard such news, he was also surprised.

"What kind of deal is the boss going to do?" Lao Li also knew that He Gui was doing something. The key to futures trading is to have someone come. The futures exchange on Hong Kong Island has no business, so they set up Hang Seng Index futures trading, and the proportion is very high. of.

He Gui nodded and said, "Agricultural products, metals, etc. are all fine."

"In more detail, soybeans, soybean oil, soybean meal, soybean derivatives, and cotton, yak meat, lithium, aluminum, large chemical products, semiconductor materials, etc." He Gui said.

"Then what is the nature of this enterprise? And what is it based on?" Lao Li continued to ask.

The enterprise is non-profit, relying on the United Bank of Hong Kong Island.

The United Bank of Hong Kong Island was formed in 1998 when two banks that were annexed by He Gui and the five major banks merged.

There are five major banks behind United Bank of Hong Kong Island. In fact, strictly speaking, after all these years, the five major banks are all among you and you.

He Gui also has a lot of shares in the four major banks, and the four major banks also have a lot of shares in the United Bank of Hong Kong Island.

"No problem, leave this matter to me." Lao Li nodded, with the backing of this bank, everything will be easy to handle.

Backed by such a large market in the Mainland, and He Gui's wide network of contacts, the strength of United Bank of Hong Kong Island may not be said to surpass the Chicago Board of Trade, but it is not a big problem to surpass Xiaobenzi.

In fact, futures trading itself needs the support of the bank. If the bank does not support you, it is useless.

Of course, the United States is behind the Chicago Stock Exchange, but the United States is not the United States of one person, but the United States of all people.

If you want to make trouble, first check if you are a big capitalist in the United States. Only the largest capitalist in the United States is qualified to come out and make irresponsible remarks.

Don't look at the real world, those awesome companies are actually behind the major consortiums, leaving the major consortiums, there is only one end...

But Americans like the kind of self-made heroes, such as car-garage entrepreneurs, who were born in southern Africa... .

Lao Li made a plan first, then handed it over to He Gui, and then implemented it. This matter needs to be pushed by He Gui himself.

Others are not qualified to handle this matter.

After get off work in the afternoon, He Gui went back to his villa. Jingzi and Mingcai were no longer in Hong Kong Island, so they went back to the book.

In the evening, He Gui sat in front of the TV. Today, a feature film about the Great Wall Aircraft Factory was broadcast in the Mainland.

A 15-minute piece of news, the mainland has not reported much about this matter, because the above has not reported it, and this thing also needs to pay attention to an order.

There is no one here at He Gui, and it is summer vacation, and those with careers are very busy, doing various activities.

Every year, summer and winter vacations are places where various business activities gather. In foreign countries, most workers have one month's paid annual leave. At this time, parents will take their children on vacation to travel or something.

Why are there not many people in Europe, but there are many tourist holy places? Because people have a lot of holidays, two days a week, and one month of paid annual leave. How many days of leave can you ask for?

Moreover, the wife is pregnant and has a child, and the man also has vacations, and there are also special ones to accompany the children.

So don't look at the small population of that family, but the spending power is still very good.

Moreover, the rental market over there is also mature. Basically, landlords will not do whatever they want. They will come in the middle of the night to slam you away and deduct your deposit. People who rent a house over there have the same rights as those who buy a house. They will not say that you are in the community. Rent a house, property is different.

So people over there don't have much resistance to renting a house. On our side, renting a house is equivalent to being a grandson. Of course, there are definitely good landlords.

He Gui also reads the news now, and the news is basically about the future direction, key points and so on.

All walks of life, where should the public opinion go... (Author: I haven't watched TV for two or three years. I saw those TV dramas that don't need any logic. It hurts, and the rest is just bragging.)

"Daguo Heavy Industry, Changan Civil Aircraft Manufacturing Group, was established on August 18."

"Great Wall Civil Aircraft Manufacturing Company is an aircraft manufacturing company with world-leading technical strength and a super-large enterprise that produces various types of civil aircraft."

"Great Wall Civil Aircraft Manufacturing Company can produce twin-engine short- and medium-range passenger planes and ultra-large wide-body passenger planes, and these planes have the world's top configuration."

"In addition, it can also produce various types of civilian drones, which are widely used in agriculture, aviation, remote sensing detection, exploration and other industries."

"Great Wall Civil Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, relying on the world's top aircraft research group, Baian Aircraft Manufacturing Group, has all independent intellectual property rights and independently manufactures the world's top-level aircraft manufacturing capabilities. It is a scientific research and production. large companies."

"Great Wall Civil Aircraft Company has obtained the exclusive authorization to produce two short- and medium-range passenger aircraft and a cargo aircraft of the same model."

"It has also obtained the exclusive authorization for large wide-body passenger aircraft."

"It is the second company in the world that can independently manufacture large passenger aircraft. It has more than 20,000 employees, drives 100,000 workers in the entire Aerospace Science and Technology Park, and more than 100 supporting enterprises, injecting new vitality into Chang'an."

"The company's total investment exceeds 10 billion U.S. dollars."

On the TV, while the host was introducing, various scenes of the Great Wall Aircraft Factory were displayed, such as huge wide-body passenger planes, huge factory buildings, and well-dressed workers.

Just when He Gui was muttering that the filming was not very good, Nuyev called.

"Boss, are you on Hong Kong Island? I have an urgent matter for you." The guy asked on the phone.

He Gui wondered what was the matter with this guy, so he asked, "Where are you? I'm on Hong Kong Island."

