MTL - Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985-Chapter 487 introduce

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He Gui and a big boss from the mainland hung the sign at the factory gate. Although the factory gate seems to be a security guard, if you want to try it, you will end up in a terrible situation.

All the bigwigs below applauded happily.

"Please come in with me and see our future career." This time, many media were invited, so He Gui naturally wanted to show off.

This factory is going to be used for commercial operation, and it must be taken out for everyone to take a look at.

Everyone rides on an open-top electric car, and the aircraft factory is so large that it is unrealistic to walk.

"What you see is our latest engine production line. The plant covers an area of ​​more than 38,000 square meters, and the designed annual output reaches the level of 300 sets of aviation engines." He Gui said.

Then these people got out of the car, changed their clothes, put on their hats and walked into the spacious and clean workshop. A cordon has been set up inside the workshop, and no one can cross the line.

There are workers busy in the factory. The inside of the workshop is all new, and the ground is marked with various colors.

The green ones are passable, and the red ones are strictly forbidden to walk, because the red area may have a crane passing by, and there may be a danger of falling objects or being hit.

There is nothing to see in the place where I just came in. They are all like shelves one by one. This is the final assembly of the engine.

As we walked further and further inside, some of the visitors were astonished. Many of the equipment inside looked very advanced, many of which had operating screens, and many of the tools were equipped with power assist systems. You can see it.

Few people use robots to operate aviation engines, and most aviation engines are still assembled manually.

First of all, aero-engine-machine first does not need the output of thousands of units a year.

The second involves a lot of high-tech things, such as the curved pipelines above. These pipelines must be inspected before workers install them. Some of the pipelines have various protections, such as heat insulation, insulation, and shielding. Wait, although it has been checked-inspected when it comes in, it still needs to be checked-inspected again.

Many installation locations are tricky, and there is no way for the robotic arm to complete them.

Another most important point is that human strength is only so strong, and many aviation engines are made of high-strength metal, so no matter how hard they try, they cannot be damaged.

Although the mechanical arm is fast, if something goes wrong, click it! Too much force, causing damage somewhere.

It’s okay if the accessories are damaged, but if the firmware on the engine body is damaged... ahem, scrap it.

On the one hand, the output does not need to be so high, on the other hand, it needs to be inspected during installation, and there is a possibility of damage.

Damaged other parts of the body, some can continue to be used, while others cannot.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the group saw the brand-new processing center. Many of these guests came with other purposes, and some of them were experts in certain fields.

It's a pity that these processing centers are now covered by a piece of cloth with a transparent protective cover, but overall it should not be small.

"Mr. Ryan, are these processing centers?" Someone asked directly.

He Gui nodded and said, "These are aluminum alloy processing centers. Because these devices are highly confidential, it is not convenient for everyone to see them."

He Gui wouldn't be like some people, foreign guests want to see it, so they take it apart for others to see.

This uncle will tell you clearly that this stuff is kept secret, and I won't show it to you.

"Uh, then, Mr. Ryan, what kind of machining center is this, and how many axes does it have?" The man had a thick skin and asked.

He Gui looked at it and said, "It should be an aluminum alloy machining center with five axes and four linkages."

The most advanced on He Gui's side is the six-axis and five-linkage, and the five-axis and five-linkage.

Several axes are easy to understand. Several axes are linked together, that is, several cutter heads can be processed together at the same time, which is called linkage.

The machining efficiency of five-axis and five-linkage is much higher than that of five-axis and four-linkage.

Several axes and several linkages are mainly about precision and system. You must know that many parts are not large. Several cutter heads of this thing are processed at the same time. High technology, the technical level required in it is too high, such as cutter head, motor, system and so on.

An ultra-high-precision machining center requires a technical level comparable to that of Hangfa.

For such a machining center, there are data on the use time of the cutter head and the use temperature of the cutter head, etc., and the cutter head will be discarded after a certain use time.

Otherwise, the cutter head may be damaged.

"Then these devices are in this factory?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"These devices are leased by Baian Aircraft Company to the Great Wall Manufacturing Company. They must be used under supervision and cannot be moved. There is no way for non-professional operators to open them." He Gui said.

The experts among these guests can't wait to stuff their brains into this processing center, but unfortunately they can't see it.

There are hundreds of such machining centers, of all sizes.

The machining center is a combination of turning, boring, milling, etc., which can replace various programs, various cutter heads, and complete the processing of parts at one time, turning in the front, milling in the back, and then grinding.

To say an inappropriate word... I can get things done in one package, and I don't need to wander around and change places for secondary processing or something.

The eyes of many people at the scene changed when they saw He Gui, and they murmured in their hearts: the mainlanders have also learned badly, and are no longer so kind.

You must know that in the West, many companies seem to be open, but in fact, many of the equipment inside cannot be moved. Some high-tech equipment is only rented to you, and you can use it for as long as an hour.

These companies just look at their income, but pure Lilan is fine, because they are all eaten up by them.

Generally speaking, this listed company is relatively large and has relatively good performance. In order to better control the company, some major shareholders will use this method.

To indirectly control the company, after you get the company without knowing it, you will find out that the core equipment is leased to others, or the core patents are owned by others.

On the one hand, shareholders can take away more Lilan, and on the other hand, they can indirectly control the company.

Many major Internet companies in the Mainland have revenues of tens of billions and losses of billions. If they are strictly investigated, they will all enter.

It's nothing more than delivering benefits to other private companies, such as outsourcing some businesses. The service originally worth 5,000, the contract is worth 1 million.

As long as Party A and Party B agree with each other, that's fine.

Let’s talk about the maintenance of the Internet. It’s just that Party A says it’s good. As for what other people think... This is something made by some big Internet companies. Not going to Hong Kong Island's special effects in the 1980s is actually the transfer of interests behind the scenes.

And why some programs made by some big companies have such a bad experience, maybe it’s 10,000 yuan in content, 10 million yuan in payment... Lilan was indirectly taken away, and even some projects-development investment of hundreds of millions, failed in the end, it’s not It is said that these companies just want to do this project, and the purpose is to spend money.

He Gui ignored the gazes of these people. The aircraft factory here not only owns the patents, but also leases these equipments.

"However, in order to let everyone see the finished product of our machining center more intuitively, I can give you some gadgets at that time."

He Guike would not demonstrate it to people on the spot. You must know that in the on-the-spot demonstration, others can analyze many things from the trajectory, speed, and position of your knife head.

It is not easy to find out the route of the cutter head from the parts, because it has gone through multiple processes.

However, most capitalists are concerned about the output, rather than any specific operation. As long as the output is produced, the lease will be leased.

You must know that the price of civil aviation aircraft has risen again around the world. McDonnell Douglas, the old six, used the excuse of fluctuations in materials in the futures market... Your **** aviation metal materials have fallen, okay?

Now many capitalists just want to buy shares here and make money, and these capitalists come from all over the world. At that time, they can get public relations fees by pulling orders.

Public relations fees are recognized in the West, even if it is paid on both sides, you must know that the public relations fees of this plane are quite a lot.

"This is our aircraft assembly workshop. There are six in total, each of which is more than 100,000 square meters. It can accommodate many medium-sized aircraft and large passenger aircraft." Behind is the car, looking inside the huge factory building.

It can be seen that the equipment in the factory building is basically in place. It looks empty now, but after the planes come out from here, this is the banknote printing factory.

Everyone was shocked. You must know that even in the United States, it is difficult to build such a huge manufacturing plant in a short period of time. The key is people, and the plant and equipment are easy to talk about. But there are so many people there, at least tens of thousands of qualified people are needed here. Workers, even if the United States is killed, they will not find so many people.

"This is the drone production line, and the planned annual output can reach 1,000 or even more."

"There is still open space on the other side, for future development needs."

"There are three runways here. The longest is 4 kilometers, and the largest transport aircraft can be landed freely."

"There are more than 100 supporting factories around here, which can fully meet any material needed for aircraft manufacturing."

"The aircraft factory does not include manpower and technology. The total investment exceeds eight billion U.S. dollars."

Hearing He Gui's words, some visitors complained in their hearts: some high-end machining centers are not included.

"Next, I would like to invite everyone to take a ride with me on the latest large-scale wide-body airliner of Baian Aircraft Company." He Gui led everyone to the side of the runway, and then spoke about the purpose of coming here.

When the capitalists heard this, they were both excited and distressed.

What is exciting is that large wide-body airliners have a higher technical level and will benefit more in the future.

What is distressing is that He Gui, the sixth child, is taking it out at this time, so when he buys shares in the future, the price will increase.

Accompanied by a large passenger plane appearing in the distance, He Gui introduced: "This is a finalized verification aircraft, which has passed the full-load test and has been tested in various environments."

"The cumulative voyage has exceeded 150,000 kilometers."

"It can carry up to 330 passengers, and it can also customize the model."

"The maximum voyage is 16,000 kilometers, and it can sail across continents."

Many people think that intercontinental voyages are straight-line flights, but they are not. For example, if we fly from the mainland to the United States, or pass through Da Mao from the north and then pass through Alaska.

Or go south through Hawaii and then to America.

Because you have to fly with the airflow, flying with the airflow will save a lot of fuel and be safe.

Everyone also knows that water vapor in the sea moves in all directions, so the air flow is unstable in the vast sea.

We must know that the aircraft is in the air, and the unstable air flow will affect the structure. In severe cases, the aircraft will disintegrate, and in light cases, the service life will be reduced.

And if you fly directly from the sea, if you encounter any urgent problems, it will basically be over.

There are airports along the way for the rest, no matter whether they are detouring from the south or the north.

And that kind of ride is like doing a roller coaster, even if the airline doesn't care, probably no passenger will dare to ride it, and it will kill you if you ride it once.

After the plane landed, He Gui continued: "All of them have adopted exclusive technical patents, and will apply for technical patents later."

Everyone boarded the plane, and the plane was already staffed with personnel. After getting on the plane, everyone took a closer look and found that it was a single-deck plane, not a double-deck plane like an Airbus 380 or a broadcast 747.

The double-deck can carry a large number of passengers, which can reach more than 500 people. The advantage of the double-deck is that it can be converted into a large cargo plane in the future.

However, it is not very realistic to have 500 passengers across the continent, and most of the passengers are short- and medium-range.

So in the back, there is basically no sales of double-deckers. Although it is good to convert cargo planes in the back, passenger planes can’t make money, so what’s the future.

"It's not double-decker?"

"That's all."

"Not much of a threat."

Many experts saw one layer, and unconsciously belittled it in their hearts.

If these people knew that He Gui was preparing a counterfeit 225 aircraft, they would think so. He Gui naturally knew the development trend of large aircraft, and of course he would not repeat the same mistakes to develop double-decker airliners. Double-decker airliners sound tall, but they are not. Not much use.

"Everyone can take a closer look at the information." He Gui sent everyone the information after boarding the plane.

This aircraft has three models of 240 people, 290 people, and 330 people, three types of aircraft.

He Gui also breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the seat of the plane, and the little assistant immediately brought a water glass. You must know that it is still very hot in Chang'an in August.

Under the guidance of the stewardess, everyone sat down, and then the plane started to take off.

These people don't worry about any problems. Everyone feels okay when the plane takes off, and the seats are relatively comfortable.

As a capitalist, of course you have to experience what the new aircraft looks like, ride experience, noise, flight stability and so on.

The plane flew in the sky for an hour, and everyone walked around halfway to have a look.

On the plane, many people are not allowed to move together, which will affect the center of gravity of the plane.

After getting off the plane, everyone went back to the hotel. In the car, someone asked, "Mr. Ryan, we are very interested in this investment. When can we start investing?"

"Great Wall is still communicating with regulatory agencies on related issues, and I want to tell you a piece of good news. Of this type of aircraft, 60 of the 290-seat aircraft have been ordered, and 60 of the 330-seat aircraft have also been ordered."

The capitalists present almost cursed, knowing that this aircraft factory has orders for more than 100 aircraft, what does this mean? It means more competition.

This guy surnamed He really knows how to calculate, but these capitalists had to smile against their will and said: "Is this really good news?"

"In addition, we still have an order for components from McDonnell Douglas..." He Gui wanted to show all the benefits, and it will depend on how you bid at that time. This is a particularly high-quality investment.

He Gui strives to get Hongqihe's investment back at once. It doesn't matter if He Gui owns the shares or not in this company. Anyway, the aircraft patent fee is indispensable, and the processing centers are also his own.

Of course, it is estimated that the mainland and these capitalists will not agree if they do not own shares, because that would lead to a face-to-face competition between the two parties for control.

The capitalists are already distressed that they are money bags, and everyone is silently estimating how many shares they can get. Many people calculated and found that He estimated that this time at least hundreds of billions of dollars into the account.

Want to know how much more than a hundred planes are worth?

How high is the value of a high-tech entity? Especially aviation.

After coming back, I will rest for a while, and there will be a reception in the evening. This time, I invite these people for one purpose. Well, it’s time to prepare money.

He Gui has to wait until the first aircraft of the aircraft factory here rolls off the production line before offering shares, so that the value can be maximized.

He Gui also lives in the hotel, the hotel has already been arranged in the mainland, He Gui will not bring these people to his guest house.

When He Gui came to the place where he lived, he said to the little assistant, "Go and rest for a while, and I'll have someone call you when the reception starts."

"Yeah." The little assistant followed for a long time today, from the beginning when He Gui greeted the others to following the plane to the sky.

He Gui also took the opportunity to take a rest. This time the rocket here was recovered successfully, and he can start in modern times. The matter here has basically come to an end.

The final IPO of the Great Wall Aircraft Factory must be approved by the regulatory department. How much foreign capital is occupied and how much is domestically occupied. In addition, foreign companies and individuals can participate in the IPO.

These have to be reviewed, and after the review, they will be shown to He Gui.

He Gui turned on the computer and watched the news. Recently, the mad deer disease in the United States has become quite serious. Many places even went out for a walk, asking the authorities to give an explanation to ensure the safety of meat.

Global beef prices have plummeted, with the only exception being yak meat, which is raised free-range on plateaus.

And it is not easy to raise yaks at low altitudes, because the temperature of yaks at low altitudes is relatively high.

In fact, livestock are most likely to get sick during the high temperature season. Of course, it is not good if it is too cold, but yaks are not afraid of low temperatures, and yaks are very powerful in combat. Ordinary wolves can't do anything. Wolves can only deal with sheep.

He Gui rubbed his chin. The important news about the recovery of the rocket that he released was not taken seriously. Why?

After thinking about it for a while, He Gui knew that the world public opinion was a bit strange this time. He Gui spat at anyone who talked about freedom of the media in the United States. You must know that behind the United States, the person in charge of a cryptocurrency trading platform embezzled 10 billion U.S. dollars.

The United States denies that this encryption trading platform belongs to the financial system. This thing was not supported by your bank at the beginning. Can this thing be done on a trading platform? Do these customers take cash transactions?

So what kind of financial regulation and financial order in the United States are to ensure the interests of big capitalists, not to guarantee the interests of the people, just like the law, it is a constraint...

The public opinion this time is obviously that some people don't want the public to know something.

In addition, He Gui found that the United States did not report on the conflict in the Middle East, and He Gui did not know the specifics.

The Hong Kong Island Carnival has come to an end. He Gui did not attend the closing ceremony this year. There are still a lot of visitors this year, and there are many mainlanders.

This year's online ratings are also good. At least in the Hong Kong Island Carnival, the various games are fair. It will not be said that some people play football and avoid it when they see the ball coming...

He Gui thought about it for a while and called the captain of the bodyguard in, and asked what happened to America in the Middle East. According to the **** of the American media, it wouldn't be like this?

In the next room, the little assistant was lying on his back on the sofa with a pillow in his arms. Today was the most shocking day for the little assistant.

Whether it is high-level executives from the mainland or foreign guests, many of the people I met today were unknown to my assistant.

These people usually don't appear in the public's sight at all, and the little assistant has only come into contact with the general information about these people today. For example, many families in the United States were not lost in the wave of social development, but were deeply involved. Rooted in all strata of American society.

Some of these families have established family foundations, some have not, and there are some ancient families in the West.

As for He Gui's industry, I was also shocked. Although I knew that He Gui had an aircraft factory, when you saw a huge factory building that was 1,000 meters long, 50 meters wide, and 20 to 30 meters high, it wasn't just one, it was After a few times, I knew how shocking it was. These factories were used to assemble aircraft.

Hundreds of processing centers, when the passenger plane takes off, I see a huge runway. The area of ​​the entire aircraft factory is larger than that of Kowloon, Saigon, and Hong Kong Island combined. Usually, the assistants take the plane, but when they see a large Wide-body airliner, and knowing that it is produced by He Gui's factory, the shock comes from the heart.

And the little assistant also knows that He Gui has more than one aircraft factory, and there is another aircraft factory that can produce fighter jets, which is said to be bigger.

"Ah!" The little assistant let out a long sigh.

In fact, this is the charm brought by the entity, and it is also the basis for the development of human scientific and technological civilization. Only when you see super-large machinery, super-large aircraft, super-large ships, and super-large ships can you feel them When it comes to why human beings can become the strongest on earth, no matter how smart a monkey is, it can't make this kind of thing.

The little assistant felt physically exhausted, but mentally he just couldn't fall asleep. For some reason, he tossed and turned on the sofa.

He Gui asked the captain of the bodyguard here, only to know that drones, remote control tanks and the like played such a big role there.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with He Gui. He Gui knows how bad the logistics in the United States is. Nuyev once said that things are still on the transport plane, and the scrapping process is already going on here.

Otherwise, there are so many American equipment on the black market?

Who wants to go to the battlefield to check whether it is scrapped? Most of those who dare to investigate never return.

Nuyev also said that in the eyes of the American soldiers, it is business. Can you believe that the bullets and grenades brought out will be gone before returning to the base.

These bullets are not cheap, and they are sold every day, which is not a small amount of money. Of course, American soldiers like gold, and the logistics of Da Mao's army did the same in the past.

Not to mention machine gun-sub-bullets, shells and so on....

Because American wars are basically mercenaries, that is, they sign contracts during the war, and cancel the contract after the war. Whose money is not earned?

Of course, there are also those who directly act as robbers...

"Tut tut." He Gui sighed tut tut, but He Gui knew that the United States would still win this battle, because when Xiao Sa couldn't produce gold, he naturally couldn't buy anything.

When He Gui was resting here, many guests were chatting in small groups, and some of them reported the various situations they saw today to their masters.

"Lian's Great Wall aircraft factory, although not as large as McDonnell Douglas's, has greater potential than McDonnell Douglas's."

"That's the reason. The first is the cost. The labor cost in the mainland is relatively low, and the price of raw materials is also relatively low."

"If it is in the international market, it will be very competitive."

"In addition, this aircraft factory relies on Baian Aircraft Company, which has stronger research capabilities. In a few years, there will be more models."

"Have you heard that Ryan's rocket recovery has been successful."

"I've known it for a long time, but the boss on our side felt embarrassed, and Ryan's propaganda was vague, so the media on our side was warned."

"Tsk tsk, what kind of monsters are under Ryan's hands, you must know that Da Mao seems to be lacking in technology."

"Lion is so smart. The front-line engineers and technical workers that some people looked down on at the beginning were all dug here by Ryan. Some of the factory equipment at Da Mao's side were stolen, sold and drunk."

"I've also heard that some equipment looks fine, but when you take it apart, there's nothing like the motor."

"I'm afraid that Da Mao's acquisition of relevant technology will be bad for us."

"It's not that easy. These systems are very complicated, and to put it bluntly, even if Ryan shares these technologies, other people dare to use them? Are you afraid of any loopholes in them, backdoors?"

"That's true, but having said that, if we really want to invest in the Great Wall Aircraft Manufacturing Company this time, I'm afraid we will have to pay a lot of money."

"In fact, it is also a good thing to invest money in shares, so that our sphere of influence can still do business from it in the future."

"That's true. I know a few executives of the airlines. When the time comes, introduce them to each other, and the money will be there."

"Actually, companies that invest in Ryan will never lose money. Look at Ryan's investment, basically none of them fail, and with such a huge population base in the Mainland, how many planes will be needed in the future, two to three thousand will definitely be needed..."

"Ryan is smart. He occupies the basic market first. To be honest, we may not have so many new aircraft entering service in Europe and North America in the future. After all, we already have so many aircraft there."

"Hehe, it's actually so easy to change planes. Let's create a new standard. Anyway, we will be shareholders of the aircraft factory in the future. As long as we have the technology, we will introduce some special regulations, so that airlines have to change planes..."


Many people also found that the official website of the Great Wall Aircraft Manufacturing Factory has been updated, and there is an additional large passenger aircraft, as well as a detailed introduction.

However, the guests who can be invited are actually approved by the mainland regulatory authorities. For example, there is no consortium over there.

Benzi, no matter how big the Bangzi consortium is, its status is naturally lower than that of the American and British families, at the head of the consortium.

Books and sticks are all Western consortiums, to be precise, the money bags of the United States.

If you say harvest you, you will harvest you, just like that, Xiaobenzi, Bangzi will give a large amount of military expenses to the United States every year, yes, the aircraft carrier fleet of the United States is in the book, Bangzi is stationed, and they have to pay others military expenses, and must buy the United States Even if it is an aircraft made by Benzi itself, the core components are imported. For example, imported engines are universal.

"What's wrong?" He Gui asked the waiter to wake up the little assistant at night, and found that the little assistant was not in good spirits, so he asked.

"I feel a little uncomfortable, like I have a cold." The little assistant shook his head and said.

"Then you rest, I'll just go by myself, there's nothing to do at night." He Gui said.

The little assistant shook his head: "Boss, I can do it."

"You rest, I'll ask a doctor to show you." He Gui asked the little assistant to rest.

When He Gui came to the reception, everyone was almost here. Seeing He Gui coming, they looked at He Gui one after another.

"Thank you for coming to the listing ceremony. I hope we will cooperate more in the future. Let's have a toast." He Gui picked up a glass of champagne and raised his glass.

The rest of the people also picked up their wine glasses and took a sip first.

Most of the social activities in the United States, such as hunting, golf, etc., are actually about cooperation and some things.

And in the United States, it is legal for you to donate to a certain politician...

He Gui naturally knew that it would be easier to go to the reception tonight, but he didn't want to go there. These people would come to ask themselves any questions they had.

"" He Gui had just walked around with a glass of wine for two steps when someone approached him.

When He Gui saw it, he seemed to know him, but he couldn't name it. He Gui knew Western women relatively easily, but men, most of them were middle-aged and elderly white men with potbellies...

"Thank you." He Gui could only say thank you.

"Mr. Ryan, how many shares will the Great Wall Aircraft Manufacturing Company give to foreign companies like us?" the man asked.

He Gui pondered for a while and said, "It should not be lower than 40%."

In fact, He Gui doesn't know, but the aircraft manufacturer also has control means, one is the machining center, the other is the patent, and the third is still on its own territory.

"Lian, is the high-end machining center interested in selling?" The man then asked.

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