MTL - Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985-Chapter 483 shameless

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He Gui was also very surprised when he heard the news, is this little book out of his mind? In this situation, dare to fight the fire?

Moreover, He Gui plans to establish soybean futures on Hong Kong Island, but it will not work in the Mainland. On the one hand, some people in the Mainland dare not, and on the other hand, it is too embarrassing, and there is a system.

Because Hong Kong Island is a free port, it is easy to enter and exit funds, and the mainland is under the jurisdiction of the mainland, which is a lot of inconvenience. For example, some international banks do not like to send funds to the mainland, because you are subject to different supervision, especially speculative funds.

In fact, Hong Kong Island has not given full play to the advantages of a financial free port in modern times, and everyone understands the reason.

However, these futures companies in the United States, related institutions, and unofficial organizations are actually unofficial, but everyone knows whose interests they represent.

This time, everyone's face was gloomy. After the soybean futures fell for two consecutive days, these people knew the source of the opponent's funds.

"Five major industries, very good, very good, this time it fell into their hands."

"This time, the five major companies made a secret move. Why didn't your intelligence agency find out?"

Here are people with intelligence-intelligence agencies, people without intelligence-intelligence agencies, how could they do such nasty things, of course, this fbb is not so rampant now, look at the following fbbs are purely some people's private thugs, casually Some people's homes were searched, and some suicide conclusions were randomly drawn.

"For the five major banks, our information transmission is relatively lagging behind, and the five major banks are very wary of us. Many people who install-insert-in are sent to places such as Africa, and have no access to high-level officials."


"It was you who asked us to do it at the beginning, but now we have been tricked to death, how do you solve it?"

"That's right, if you know it's the five major industries, we've already quit."

The person in charge of fbb is also depressed. If the information of the five major banks is so easy to get, it will not be called the five major banks. How big is the capital behind the five major banks? The person in charge of fbb dares to say that even his immediate superior Dare to provoke, otherwise the family may have an accident due to burglary.

Among the five major banks, Citigroup, Caravan, Bank of London, France, and Deutsche, since they got on with He, their performance has skyrocketed every year. Now they are ranked among the top five banks in the world. Citigroup is first, Caravan is second, London is third, and France Fourth, Germany fifth.

That is, there may be people from the five major industries inside fbb. In a capital society, having money means having everything.

You must know that the five major companies have a close relationship with Siwei Security, the world's number one security company. Siwei Security is an American security company that has good relationships with the Navy, Air Force, and the military. Otherwise, they can get active fighters. You can also have a naughty frigate, you must know that many countries do not have this thing.

And most importantly, Siwei's behind-the-scenes boss, that surnamed He, has his own fighter jet production plant, and the American Navy has to order the deep-sea rescue ships developed by them.

There are two kinds of people in this world that you can't mess with. One is rich, and the other has guns. Those surnamed He are not only rich, although they look like they don't have guns, but they have fighter jets. Fortunately, the surname He It is relatively low-key, and generally does not participate in some disputes within the United States.

The person in charge of fbb was dissatisfied when he heard this: "At the beginning, you agreed on your own. Didn't you want to make money?"

"And aren't you all experts in the futures industry? It should be easier to find out about the anomalies in the futures market than we are, so what if you find the five major banks? Unless you leave the futures industry, people will use money to kill you, and you Killing yourself has the same result."

The words of the person in charge of fbb made these capitalists very angry.

The wealth of these capitalists is still there, but the company is bankrupt, and the private money is legal, but after losing the company, the loss is too great.

In the United States, it is not enough just to have money, you also need influence, such as employment, etc. You have to win over a group of people.

"How did you talk? Believe it or not, let's make the matter public and see how the surname He kills you?"

"Yes, you dirty fbbs, if you don't solve the matter this time, we will make it public."

At this time, the government had no choice but to speak up. Once the matter was made public, and the surname He moved his finger, people like himself would be finished.

Even if you go through formal procedures, you will face a lawsuit that lasts for many years, and then you will personally bear a large amount of debt because of the lawsuit, and in the United States, you can go to jail as long as you have money, just find someone to slander you , and then continue to file lawsuits with you, smear you, bankrupt you, and then you have no job, no company dares to hire you.

Of course, the simpler thing is accidents. You must know that the United States not only has a lot of biubiubiu, but also has a lot of black people and cars...

"Everyone, things haven't reached this point yet, everyone has overlooked one point, that is demand..."

"The global demand for soybeans cannot be changed. This is necessary. Then our soybeans will still be sold. Now it depends on the selling price. As for the loss, this is not a good target. You must know that Xiaobenzi also imports a lot of grain and soybeans every year. I think we should cut down on Xiaobenzi’s agricultural product futures market, impose an embargo on their agricultural products, and impose punitive tariffs on imported Xiaobenzi’s products.”

A boss of a futures company said with a sneer: "Now our question is, our company is facing bankruptcy, and then we will go through legal procedures?"

"And when will the price be? Will there be a negative price?" Another person said in a joking tone.

"Everyone, those ranches don't buy soybean meal now, they just want to reduce the price. Don't their dairy cows, beef cattle, sheep, and pigs need soybeans?"

"No, they need it. Look at the mad cow disease in 2000. After the meat price dropped, didn't they rush to ask for it?"

"Those ranches are also capitalists, as long as the price is low enough, and everyone, don't forget that whether it is pesticide residues or toxic proteins, they all meet our customized standards. I think everyone should emphasize this to the public, because we are irreplaceable. .”

The people present were silent when they heard this, and it was true.

"Why don't you talk to the five major firms and let's make a fortune together? They've made a lot of money this time?"

"It should be ok, the big deal is that we give up some markets..."

"Actually, I don't think it is necessary, because our soybeans are indispensable."

"By the way, there is another piece of news. The farmers of the Yew Association are buying farms in the Midwest. I wonder if this news is useful to you?" the head of fbb's intelligence said.

"Midwest, arid region?" the other capitalists asked after hearing this

"Yes...these are the dry areas."

"This should be planting yews, right?"

"There's nothing produced there anyway."

Hearing this, the person in charge of a certain seed company who had been silent all this time asked, "Is there no way for us to pass the legal weapon regarding the announcement of the God of Medicine Research Institute? Their announcement has caused our seed company a lot of losses."

"Sorry, we have consulted with legal experts. As long as the Yaoshen Research Institute's announcement is true, it cannot be used as a defendant. Another point is that their announcement did not mention us. It looks more like the publication of scientific research results."

"Furthermore, there is a certain person behind the God of Medicine Research Institute, no one is willing to sue this kind of rich person..., and this person has cooperation with top law firms, I think it will be difficult for you to hire a good lawyer." fbb is in charge The person said, the person in charge almost pointed his nose and said, don't provoke someone, otherwise, it will not end at all.

The person in charge of the seed company said dissatisfiedly: "We are going bankrupt because of him, and now we can't fight back?"

"Please, do you have a problem with your brain? The world of adults, the world of capital, what are you talking about? Shouldn't other bankrupt seed companies that have been squeezed out by your seed company also seek you?" the person in charge of fbb felt The person in charge of this seed company is an idiot...the world of adults, the world of capital, what do you mean?

"I think we should need a subsidy. You must know that we are related to many farmers, processing and storage industries. In addition, I also hope that the official will explain that the planting, production and sales of soybeans fully comply with the established standards. said the head of the Soybean Association to unofficial representatives.

"I can relay this, there should be no problem." The unofficial representative replied.

There is no substantial progress, but soybean futures have not yet opened, because everyone knows that once they open, they will fall, and even soybean oil has reached the limit, so they dare not open.

The same goes for soybean meal, feed, and futures, as well as the stock market.

Soon the spokesperson of the Department of Food and Drugs of the United States said: The production and sales of soybeans are in full compliance with the standards we have set. Please don't believe or spread rumors.

Then it was reported that the US government would provide emergency subsidies to the soybean industry, which would be more than 10 billion US dollars.

Robert and others also had a meeting together.

"It's hard to believe that they still put money into it?" The president of Citibank shrugged and looked at the intelligence in his hand.

The news came out that the big boss of the United States wanted to provide emergency subsidies to soybean-related industries.

Robert smiled: "This budget must be passed. This is to give us money. Tell those who voted that they must agree."

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that there are so many things going on here, are we just lucky this time?" The representative of the Bank of London was also surprised.

Robert smiled: "I really hope that every year there will be blind **** to provoke Ryan, so that we will have a chance to make a fortune."

"Yeah, how could these people think of provoking Lai En, how will the shares of the American Soybean Group we formed be distributed?"

"And the sanctions against Xiaobenzi issued by the Soybean Association?"

"Of course I have to agree. After soybeans, we have the final say. How can the futures market in this small book earn our money?"

"that is."

"This must be agreed. Anyway, when these measures are implemented, we should enjoy them."

"Guys from the Soybean Association never imagined that we have better soybean seeds, otherwise they wouldn't have held meetings together and wanted to spend money to save them."

"It wouldn't be better to let them keep throwing money at them."

"When a new company is established, how will the shares be divided?"

"I think it is necessary to give some shares to Lion. In addition, I think we should find another one in the mainland. After all, there are more than one billion people in the mainland, and the demand for soybeans will increase in the future."

"This is fine, let's make a fortune together, so as not to cause any misunderstanding."

"Well, I'll go to Hong Kong Island myself." Robert nodded.

When Robert came to Hong Kong Island again, He Gui knew that the United States actually wanted to subsidize, and it was a large subsidy.

"The information is asymmetrical." He Gui looked at the information in his hand. This thing was brought over by the Roberts, and it was a matter discussed by some people.

Robert asked, "Boss, what these people say makes sense. Many South Americans are now ready to grow native soybeans."

"Well, this is also the reason why they want subsidies. I personally don't think it is necessary for me to participate in the company's shares. In fact, you set up a few more companies, so that you can get more subsidies in the future?" He Gui said.

"Boss, what do you mean?" Robert asked suspiciously.

"The mainland will not participate in the new company's shares, otherwise it will attract criticism from other capitalists. I authorize you. The soybean production in North America and South America accounts for more than half of the world. You control that side, and I will control the mainland. As for other places You can also set up a company, so we can control soybeans?" He Gui said.

"As for seed authorization, this is easier to handle. As long as the farmer sells to our company, then the patent fee is not charged. If the farmer sells to others, it is also possible, but the patent fee will be charged. At that time, my company will give priority. Just buy your soybeans." He Gui said.

Robert understands that this is because the boss wants to team up with himself and others to cheat other people. Robert touched his chin and said, "Boss, in fact, you can collect patent fees, but when we trade between us, you can repurchase them a little higher." The price, so that the patent fees we took out will be returned, and we can sell them to other people at a high price, that is to say, the overall increase is 10%, which seems more fair... "

"This is also a good way, but we'll talk about it later, is this sanction for Xiaotian serious?" He Gui asked.

"Seriously, these soybeans have caused such a big disturbance. Some people feel uncomfortable if they don't make up for it. We feel that the measures after the sanctions are beneficial to us, because when the measures come down, our soybean company will be established, which is tantamount to giving Let's do good." Rupert said.

When He Gui thought about it, this is really the case. The subsidies of these guys were not eaten up by capitalists like Robert in the end, and then these sanctions were finally cheaper to those who were finally engaged in soybeans.

"I'm going to place the transaction of these two soybean varieties on Hong Kong Island. What do you think?" He Gui asked.

When Robert heard the two soybean varieties He Gui mentioned, he knew He Gui's thoughts: "Of course we support this, and it is also beneficial to our banking business. Now we can't get involved in Chicago."

The Chicago futures market was established earlier, and the business there is naturally controlled by local snakes there. Although the company behind the so-called exchange is not for profit, please don't take it too seriously.

If it were really a non-profit, there would be no such thing as cheating us in history.

"Well, in the next step, I plan to put the aluminum transaction on Hong Kong Island." He Gui continued.

Robert's eyes lit up, of course he knew that He Gui indirectly controlled many large aluminum mines, the largest aluminum mine in Africa was under the control of He Gui, and that He Gui had good natural resources, ports, twenty or thirty in the world How expensive is a large port.

The port is also an extremely important part of the transportation. The rent of the port is cheaper than the same, which can attract a lot of customers. You must know that the ore needs a special wharf and special storage, and the cost is not ordinary. Low.

In addition, it has its own port, so it is much more convenient for delivery and so on.

"I think lithium is also possible, as well as iron ore. We can also control the iron ore in Australia and Mao, but relatively speaking, I personally feel better about the iron ore in Danshui Valley in Brazil," Robert said. Said.

Brazil’s iron ore development is much better than Australia’s, because Brazil has a lot of people. Although iron ore mining does not necessarily depend on population, population is a certain advantage. At least, if you are disobedient, don’t blame me for dismissing you.

"Well, let's see later." These are not accomplished overnight.

Robert exchanged some opinions with He Gui, and then secretly met with Lao Li and Hans before returning to America in a hurry.

The direction of the media in the United States has changed, and it has become aimed at Xiaobenzi. Xiaobenzi independently started the non-transformed jin*yin soybean transaction. This is obviously a betrayal and a contempt for the empire.

Xiaoben quickly explained here, we have been preparing for this for a long time, we have all kinds of materials, if you don’t believe me, you can read it.

America: We don’t care. Anyway, when our soybeans were in the most crisis, it was your little book that jumped out. You are dissatisfied with us for starting the non-transfer jin*yin soybean transaction. Otherwise, why would you open this new transaction?

If He Gui didn't know the inside story, he might be confused by the American media.

The Soybean Association and those futures companies want to subsidize the plan. Robert and others have no reason to object, because the money seems to be going to those futures companies and soybean seed companies. Isn’t it here to fill in the holes?

As for who is in this hole? Hehe, it's not Robert and others.

In fact, it is precisely because the vested interests behind this futures drop are these major banks, the Soybean Association and others have to admit it with a pinch of their noses. Three days before the transaction.

Of course, He Gui also benefited a lot, because He Gui has shares in several major banks, and this year's dividends must be quite a lot.

Although the media no longer reported on soybeans under the money offensive, the strange thing is that soybean futures fell to the limit at the beginning of trading, and there was no sign of recovery at all.

The United States passed emergency subsidies within a week, and more than 15 billion US dollars in subsidies were in place.

I originally thought that the market would respond better if this sum of money was invested, but unfortunately, the stock price plummeted at the opening, and the futures index also fell. This is obviously still a market blow?

As for the people from the Soybean Association to negotiate with the five major banks, they were directly rejected by the five major banks.

Wudahang: Sorry, these are customer confidentiality, we have no right to provide customer privacy.

The Soybean Association and the Soybean Futures Company were all furious: Are you going to die forever? Are you liars? That retail investor has such a powerful force.

In the second week, the sanctions against Xiaobenzi also came into effect. First, the American Soybean Association canceled soybean futures trading in Benzi, imposed additional taxes on agricultural products imported by Benzi, and suspended Benzi futures companies from trading in the futures market. .

The book had to announce the next day: Suspension of trading in non-transformed jin*yin soybeans.

What a deal you are, you don’t produce soybeans yourself, and the little you produce is not enough to eat, let alone feed.

He Gui knew that it was time for him to act. These soybean associations had done their work well, so it was time for him to act.

He Gui flew directly to northern Xinjiang, and invited agricultural leaders from several countries in Central Asia to inspect the new soybean variety.

The heads of agriculture in several countries in Central Asia inspected the soybean planting situation in northern Xinjiang together with He Gui, and listened to the introduction of He Gui's technical staff in detail.

Then these people went to the driest area in northern Shaanxi, as well as the central area of ​​Gansu Province and parts of Ningxia.

"Mr. He, I didn't expect such high-quality soybean seeds to exist. It's a miracle." The natural conditions of several countries in Central Asia are also very bad. Although there is no shortage of water on the surface, but because there is no money to invest in irrigation facilities , so only some areas along the river are okay, and most of the rest of the draft is a problem.

In fact, the water conservancy conditions in many areas of Yunguichuan in our inland area were not good. Many water conservancy facilities were built in the 1950s. Many high mountain reservoirs on the mountains of Yunguichuan were built at that time, and they were built purely on the shoulders of people.

Of course, the main reason is that there are too few people in Central Asia. There are only a few million people in a country, and the population is less than that of a medium-sized city like ours. With such a large area, there is no point in building it. The big deal is to get people to places with good water sources.

Kazakhstan moved its capital later, and the place where it moved was not very good. The original place was close to the lake.

The domestic news reported this matter immediately, and this is also a rare appearance for He Gui. At this time, everyone noticed that He Gui also has a Beijiang farm under his name. Because it is a private property, all the data of the Beijiang farm is not released to the public. announced.

An authoritative domestic news: Relying on the power of science and technology, Beijiang Farm has bred many new soybean varieties, among which drought-resistant soybeans are widely used in semi-arid areas.

Beijiang Farm has realized the model of company farmers, and this year's order farming has reached 60 million mu.

At the end of the inspection, the five Central Asian countries signed a 300 million yuan soybean seed import and export agreement with Beijiang Farm. It is worth mentioning that this soybean seed can be used for self-retention, which means that farmers do not need to purchase it twice .

"I'm pissed!" As soon as the news came out, the people of the American Soybean Association knew what was going on.

The shareholders of Soybean Seed Company looked at He Gui's smiling face in the news, and wished they could punch him: He's insidious and shameless, he can crush us technically, but he chooses to crush us with capital, shameless!

Subsequently, He Gui submitted his personal patents for new global soybean varieties, three new varieties, one is drought-resistant high-protein soybeans, and the other two are high-yield soybeans.

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