MTL - Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985-Chapter 482 abyss

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The news is that a group of people in the Soybean Association who are ecologically planting ^yin soybeans publicly shouted in the media, denying that their pesticide residues exceeded the standard, and publicly accused the Yaoshen Research Institute. This is a very irresponsible performance.

To be honest, as long as they have learned a little bit of oriental culture, these guys will not jump out to find a sense of existence.

It’s been a while since this news was released, and other media have found out that these people are right. It is true that glyphosate is not used in ecological planting, so there is no such thing as saying that pesticide residues exceed the standard?

Isn't the Yaoshen Research Institute an authoritative institution? How can there be such an error?

For a while, experts from all walks of life seized this point and expressed their opinions one after another.

American Soybean Association: Yaoshen Research Institute should come out and give you an explanation. As the most authoritative scientific research institution, such a huge mistake should not occur.

American Edible Oil Association: Yaoshen Research Institute is just a puppet of some people. This matter should be raised to a new level. It is a very serious mistake to oppose the huge impact of such rumors on the industry. Relevant industries should seek compensation from the Yaoshen Research Institute.

bbb TV station: An expert: The God of Medicine Research Institute is no longer a neutral research institution, with a strong regional color.

abc TV station: A critic: Scientific research institutions should also uphold a rigorous style of work. I seriously doubt the authenticity of the data in it.

A certain politician in the United States: We should restrict all speeches of scientific research institutions such as Yaoshen Research Institute that ignore the facts, and supervise online media.

Even some mainland experts came out to criticize: We have not formulated standards for soybean-related glyphosate content, so for us, there is no such thing as exceeding the standard (it seems that there is no such thing until now... On the one hand, it seems that we have not approved planting For this kind of soybeans, it’s useless for you to be a buyer, unless you don’t buy them.)

A certain university in Tokyo: An agricultural expert: We eat soybean oil, which does not contain glyphosate. Ecologically grown ^yin soybeans do not contain glyphosate. I hope that the Yaoshen Research Institute will give a public apology letter, and the company that suffered the loss filed a related claim.

A law firm in Daiying: The ambiguous announcement of the Yaoshen Research Institute has already involved disrupting the market.

Good guy, people from various industries have jumped so high, the Yaoshen Research Institute didn't come forward to explain anything, and kept silent.

Under this kind of public opinion, the soybean-related industries have actually picked up, the stock prices of soybean oil companies have risen, and even soybean futures have tentatively opened.

Lao Li and others saw that there were still big grievances entering the market, and they sold the stocks they bought at a low price one after another.

The one that made the most money was Kailina, and the major banking institutions like Robert hadn't ended yet, but they also raised their stock prices one after another, and it seemed that the stock price rose in an instant.

Then leeks from all walks of life entered the market one after another, and even these companies whose stock prices fell by the limit all voiced their voices one after another, asking the Yaoshen Research Institute to give an explanation.

The Yaoshen Research Institute is cooperating, because there are a lot of bullets in it.

When these people sent another wave of heads, soybean futures also began to rise, and institutions and companies cheered.

But there are also some timid ones who rush to sell the contracts in their hands. The Yaoshen Research Institute is not scary, but the man behind it is the scary one.

Domestic Changsheng Supermarket issued an announcement: The supermarket will not sell things related to ^yin. In addition, the supermarket has its own soybean planting base, please rest assured to buy.

Foreign Changsheng supermarkets require merchants to mark in a conspicuous place whether their raw materials use trans-yin, otherwise they are prohibited from entering the store.

For a while, Changsheng Supermarket was condemned by the population, and then the stock price fell.

The company's shareholders are the most disgusting, because they know a lot of information, and they keep buying leeks by buying low and selling high.

Although it is illegal to say this, but to be honest, those who make money from the rise and fall of stocks all have accurate sources of information, and people from regulatory agencies will also profit from it. How to check?

As for those who were investigated, they were ignorant, and they didn’t know how to share the money they made. After making money, they set up some targeted bursaries in some foreign universities, and then the children of some people in China would be sent to this school. Accepted, and received a full scholarship... This is the same as targeted donations.

In fact, buying a house is not as good as investing in stocks. The so-called retail investors really thought they were retail investors, which attracted you leeks to daydream.

Even if buying a house falls further, at least there is a house, which is somewhat thoughtful.

Of course, on the bright side, the shareholders of Changsheng also sold their stocks, and then the media exclaimed that the shareholders' wealth plummeted or something.

Now it seems that people are plummeting. After they buy the bottom, a good news pulls up. What is this?

Some companies are even more hateful that the business is done by a group of people, just wait for you to enter as a retail account, and you will be karma when you enter, and you are entrusted with a group of ninety-nine, and you are the only leek.

In fact, the same is true for futures trading. There are also some lucky people who can follow the trend when trading stocks, but you must know how to stop, otherwise the dealer will fluctuate several times and nothing will be left behind.

Jingzi also feels different recently, He Gui has been by his side for two days, watched He Gui watch the news, brought him a cup of tea, and asked, "Is there anything to worry about?"

"It's nothing. I don't want people to know where I'm going. Let's watch these guys perform for a few days." He Gui asked Jingzi to sit down, and Jingzi developed a second time.

"This time the matter is over, I will send you pastures, the ones with hundreds or even thousands of square kilometers, or farms." He Gui said with his arms around the fleshy Jingzi.

"Yeah." Jingzi also enjoys the feeling of being in He Gui's arms. This man feels so safe, and now he doesn't have to worry about food, drink, anything, and has bodyguards when he travels. Envious, even back to the book, those local dignitaries would come to visit in person.

Hans was not restless either. Hans communicated with Lao Li, and Lao Li communicated with Robert and Karina, and the Yaoshen Research Institute did not move for the time being.

Letting them cheer for a while can also be regarded as giving some people a chance to see if these people can run?

On the one hand, the market reaction is not strong enough. For example, the company's stock price and futures price are not high. If there is any action now, the profit is too little.

When Robert returned to the United States, he held a secret meeting. The presidents and shareholders of several major banks saw a piece of information that Robert brought back, and the shareholders cheered excitedly in the meeting room on the spot.

In the eyes of capitalists, there is no country. You must know the market value and influence of 200 million tons of soybeans per year. As long as the major banks do well this time, the soybean industry will not be under the control of their own major banks in the next step. Down?

what is this? This is **** crops, farms, pastures, pesticides, fertilizers, processing companies, edible oil, mastering the supply of materials at the upper level, and thinking about your downstream leeks is a matter of minutes.

Controlling the soybean market in North America and South America is equivalent to controlling the global market. Of course, these big banks only dare to think about South America and North America.

It's not that I don't want to, or I dare not think about other places.

"Amazing Lain!"

"Thank you Lain!"

"Lai En is our God of Wealth."

Shareholders cheered one after another. Of course, it’s not that these shareholders don’t want to control other markets. First, these soybeans are new varieties, so He Gui’s authorization is needed, so don’t think about it in the mainland.

Then in the rest of the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa, the political power in these places is unstable, and it is very risky to engage in planting. In addition, Ermao and Damao are even more difficult to deal with. Those guys drink some vodka and don’t know who you are.

And He Gui is in Ermao, and Da Mao's influence is still quite large. Everyone knows who Nuyev is.

Of course, these bankers won't say anything, anyway, everyone makes a fortune together, why not do it, as for those who lost money, they jumped off the building.

Come on, those agency managers are not good people, cheating and abducting customers. Besides, there are undead people in the world. How many people die in the world every day? Many people in underdeveloped areas have never eaten or drank well in their lives. Those who jump off the building at least enjoy pass.

We are capitalists, not philanthropists. If it weren't for a good name and tax deductibility, the devil would be willing to donate money.

The five major banks are much more covert when doing things. Many people are surprised to find that the public opinion seems to have changed, the futures have started to rise, and the stocks of related manufacturing companies have also risen, and the speed is not slow. It seems that nothing has happened in the market.

The futures exchange also breathed a sigh of relief, and then sent a letter of inquiry to the Yaoshen Research Institute, asking why the Yaoshen Research Institute published such an article.

"Hello? What are you doing on the phone?" He Gui was taking his baby to watch cartoons when he received a call from Yang Hai.

Yang Hai smiled on the phone: "I'll come to your side at night."

When He Gui heard this, he guessed that Yang Hai was here to inquire about the situation, and said, "There is a cliff ahead, and it's bottomless. It's best not to go forward. You can retreat as far as you can."

"Ah?" Yang Hai let out an ah.

"That's it, listen to it or not, you don't bother to make a trip." He Gui said.

Yang Hai said angrily: "I finally went on a business trip alone, you don't want me to go?"

"Okay then, come on." He Gui knew that Yang Hai would definitely go to meet his confidant after hearing this, so he hung up the phone.

He Gui is like a normal person. The foreign media questioned the God of Medicine Research Institute like chicken blood. This expert came out to beep a few words, and that lawyer came out to say something.

Even many foreign experts in the mainland are obsessed with nagging, and the Yaoshen Research Institute is also stable and silent, which makes these people even more excited.

With the public opinion, stocks, bonds, and futures all began to rise sharply, but in the eyes of some people, the faster the rise now, the more they will earn in the future.

Yang Hai came very quickly, calling in the morning and arriving in the evening.

"Your place is good." Yang Hai looked at He Gui's villa and exclaimed.

He Gui said angrily, "I'm not as good as you at the Hainan villa, but I'm your neighbor over there."

He Gui also has villas over there, not just one set, but not in Sanya. There are too many tourists in Sanya on the Lingshui side, and the land is directly enclosed here. It looks like a large plantation from the outside. In fact, Inside is He Gui's villa, even the sea is carved out.

No way, He Gui also invested a lot in Hainan. In this world, He Gui also invested in rice seven bananas and fragrant bean pods, which brought massive profits every year.

"What's going on this time? I'm going to get angry after reading the news." After sitting down with He Gui, Yang Hai asked.

"It's nothing, let them enter the market more, and earn more in the future." He Gui said.

Hearing this, Yang Hai nodded and asked, "What do you mean, bigger fluctuations are yet to come?"

"There's nothing fluctuating or not. The next time it falls, you won't be able to get up again. You let the factories in the mainland holding soybean contracts quickly sell them. Of course, forget about the disobedient ones." He Gui said.

Hearing this, Yang Hai shook his head and said: "Market economy, what do they do? Some guys don't know what to do. Those who want to win the contract obviously don't believe you. You still think about them. Why bother? You've made money, I don't think it's as simple as making money for you, right?"

"Whatever you want, anyway, I told you, I just want to get the right to speak in International Soybean this time." He Gui said.

Hearing this, Yang Hai was not surprised at all. Yang Hai discussed with his retired father in the country, and found that every time He Gui made a big fuss, since he wanted to do something this time, it must be a Huge goal.

The biggest goal is the right to speak in soybeans. Yang Hai and Lao Yang still can't believe it. You must know that North America and South America account for two-thirds of the global soybeans. Would those capitalists be willing?

It involves an output of close to 200 million tons per year, and the area involved is too large.

He Gui didn't explain much. Anyway, he is just a technology license. Of course, if he repurchases, he can consider exempting patent fees.

Repurchasing is a nice way of saying, if you sell it to me, I won’t charge you the patent fee, if you sell it to someone else, I’m sorry... protection fee... bah, take out the patent fee.

Yang Hai stayed for a while and then left to meet the person he wanted to see.

He Gui also received news that Baian Aircraft Co., Ltd. has started to transport rocket-related equipment. The relevant equipment is transported by 225, and then assembled at Jiuquan. He Gui's own launch site has not yet been completed.

He Gui in Jiuquan invested hundreds of millions of dollars to renovate the launch site, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate this big guy.

The booster of the energy number is 38.3 meters long and 3.9 meters in diameter, and 225 can transport one at a time.

There is no way for the second-level core level in the middle, because the diameter has reached 7.7 meters, but this situation has long been considered on the expressway from Chang’an to Jiuquan. The tunnel and others are much wider. Corridors, and not many tunnels either.

The launch time is expected to be 20 days later. He Gui thought that by then his side would be over, and even if it wasn't over, it would be fine if he didn't go.

This time, it is an unprecedented test in China, which is the recyclable test. The main recovery is two propellers. The two propellers send the core stage to a certain height and start to separate and then start the recyclable test.

If it fails this time, He Gui will not be able to copy it to modern times first, and maybe he will have to do other things by then.

Fortunately, Energy has conducted two recovery tests and has preliminary data. In addition, the current semiconductor technology is very developed, and the system control is many times stronger than that at that time.

Now it can only be said that success and failure are half and half. There is no such thing as 90%. There is no difference between 0.1% and 50% of this kind of thing, because failure is 0 and success is 1. It is a very simple and cruel statistic.

This thing could transport more than 130 tons in low-earth orbit in 1987, which is much better than many modern ones.

The modern third brother is also a wonderful thing. He made a rocket with a thrust of 640 tons, and then... the low-earth orbit delivery capacity is 10 tons... Can you believe it?

Our Changwu has a thrust of more than 1,000 tons, and a near-ground load of 30 tons.

Of course, the third brother took the first place and launched 104 satellites at one time, but the total weight of these 104 satellites is 1.42 tons...

The total weight of Energy is 2,400 tons, the take-off thrust is 3,500 tons, and the near-ground is 130 tons.

He fully interpreted Lao Maozi's violent aesthetics, and there were Da Mao's people in this experiment. He Gui estimated that the other party also gained some benefits, at least in the field of semiconductors and system control.

Yaoshen Research Institute looks a bit embarrassed, being attacked by the world's mainstream media, the soybean futures market, soybean oil market, as well as the soybean processing market, the pesticide market, etc. seem to have picked up.

The increase makes these institutions feel as if spring has come, but they don't know how much money is pouring in.

"There seems to be something wrong. There is too much money pouring in." The person in charge of some institutions said worriedly.

"Please, haven't you read the news? The global demand for soybeans is so high. If there is no Yin soybeans, what will happen to this part of the market? People don't eat oil, but what about livestock, so many pig farms, those bankers Not stupid, is it?"

"It's also the same reason. Could it be that the Yaoshen Research Institute has gone crazy and made such a mistake?"

"Actually, it's not a mistake. It means that research institutes like the God of Medicine Research Institute want to prove themselves too much. They can post whatever they feel like. They don't know that there are many things in it, and there is nothing they can do about it. Such a big There is a vacancy in soybeans, how to make up for it?"

"That makes sense. It's a pity that those who jumped off the building will make a lot of money by waiting."

"Actually speaking, we have to thank the Yaoshen Research Institute. This time we have earned more, and this year's bonus must be quite a lot."

The market is booming. As everyone knows, the funds of several major banks have entered the relevant market with the help of this huge public opinion. Now the major banks also know that they must be noticed as soon as possible. After a long time, people will definitely be noticed. Enter, then trade quickly, pull up, and everyone changes hands with each other.

Soybean futures trading is very popular now, and the turnover rate is very high. There are two main aspects, the futures company, and the funds from the bank. The bank itself has an account in the exchange. In order to paralyze the opponent, many new accounts are opened every day. , It feels like a lot of retail investors come in.

These institutions are the opponents of the banks, and many institutions still have a cooperative relationship with the banks... Of course, the banks will definitely not violate the regulations on the bright side, and it is the customers...the customers who make futures.

The futures company, the soybean association, the soybean seed company, and those who gathered together last time gathered together again. In just a few days, everyone has been on a roller coaster.

"Everyone, is the plan still going on? It seems that our goal is not over yet?" the person in charge of a certain futures company asked.

"I'm probably scared. I think it should be possible to continue. After all, they need so many soybeans every year."

"Then continue according to the plan, let's buy the bottom first, and then raise the price."

"I think it's possible, just because there are these retail investors, and the price can be raised even higher."

"However, this time I cheated those manufacturers in the mainland. I don't know what the consequences will be?"

"Hehe, what can we do with purely commercial behavior? Unless the other party doesn't need soybeans, the mainland imports so many soybeans every year. If you are cheated, you have to admit it."

"That's true."

"It's actually not our fault. The mainland's annual output is close to 20 million tons. We don't control it anymore. This is an unstable factor in the market."

"We also made this decision to stabilize the market, otherwise the 20 million tons would have already affected our income."

The mainland was still a soybean exporter before 1996, and then began to import more and more, but it is very strange. You said that raising pigs requires so much grain. Why did the price of grain in the past not match the increase in grain and pork?

He Gui looked at the current price of pork in the mainland, and it was basically around 6 yuan. The price of corn rose to 17 yuan after 17 years.

Even if the price of grain has doubled, the price of pork has also doubled. In fact, the price of pork has basically doubled by three or four times.

And since the prohibition of raising pigs in rural areas, they have shouted slogans to keep the price of pork stable. Why didn't they shout before? These people want to set up a memorial arch again...

In fact, sometimes it’s fine if you don’t shout slogans, and shouting slogans means something.

Just like the property market in the past, there is one regulation on the left and one opinion on the right. As a result, it is useless, and it is getting more and more outrageous.

Sometimes the slogan is the signal, so what, it's time to increase the price.

Large-scale capital raises pigs, and the result is that people can eat high-priced meat, which can be guaranteed...

Moreover, losing the pricing power of the soybean market, the price of soybeans will soar later, and the mainland does not vigorously develop planting.

In fact, in the past, farmers raised pigs in free range and did not need to buy soybeans at all. Many farmers planted two acres of soybeans by themselves, and fried some soybeans every time they crushed feed.

Although it is said that the soybean oil processing market was taken back later, the soybean pricing power still does not exist, and it is still in the hands of others. There is no way, you are an importing country.

He Gui also knows some of the truths in it, and the mainland has no choice but to import.

Why not vigorously let domestic users plant? Anyone who is in the countryside knows how serious the abandonment of land in modern rural areas is. Of course, the abandonment of land is not bad, it should be used as land, but farmers suffer.

It is still because of international currency relations, because there is no place to use so many international currencies in your hands, high-tech people will not sell you, and you will not buy food. The international currencies in your hands are accumulating more and more.

The more international currencies you have in your hand, and the exchange rate fluctuates, the funds you hold in your hand will automatically shrink.

As for iron ore, although it caused heavy losses to Australian wool, we also bought Brazil, British and American at high prices.

They just don’t buy Australian wool. In fact, British, American, and Brazilian are not the same thing. Originally, they were in a price alliance with Australian wool. I didn’t expect that the latter would sell it at a high price in private, regardless of whether Australian wool lived or died.

Later, the price of Australian wool continued to drop, and finally broke the price alliance. It can be said that the game is also very difficult.

Why do we hold so many U.S. treasury bonds? Because the income from holding treasury bonds is stable, and holding cash dollars in your hands is dangerous. Others can make you lose for nothing in the foreign exchange market.

The international currency we exchanged for exporting so many goods can’t be used, so why don’t we import food?

If it is more expensive, it will be more expensive. What can I do?

Anyway, the relationship inside is very complicated, as long as we guarantee the basic rations, it is enough, the rest of the money is too much to spend anyway, and the finances are not as good as those guys on Wall Street, high-tech people will not sell it to you, and the rest of the bulk goods are just Food is gone...

These institutions in the United States have also made a risk assessment internally. The assessment believes that the impact of this incident is not great, because you still need to import what you should import, and you still need to export what you need to export.

On the third day, an organization in the United States issued a forecast: It is predicted that the soybean harvest in North America will decrease this year, which will affect the final output.

Historically, it was because we listened to the nonsense of this organization that we hoarded a lot of soybeans. As a result, mainland soybean companies went bankrupt one after another, and 90% of the soybean oil processing companies in the mainland changed hands.

When you buy oil, you must look at the ingredients clearly. Some blended oils are marked with no less than a certain amount of certain oils. They are mixed with various oils. It is called a scientific formula, but it is actually a matter of cost.

Shocked by the news, the soybean futures market soared.

But Robert and others in the United States were stunned. These guys actually didn’t think they were dead enough, and they actually pushed up vigorously. Of course, as people like Robert, they must cooperate with the performance, so soybean futures continued to rise strongly, directly reaching a daily limit.

Chicago futures are traded all day long. In the morning, afternoon, and evening, there are three successive daily limits. You must know that each daily limit is 7%, which is simply crazy.

He Gui didn't expect that this organization would make a move so soon, but he would be able to see the yield of soybeans if he didn't make a move. You must know that the North American soybeans will not be harvested for long.

Now do not raise the price and throw it to the manufacturers in the mainland, and start the delivery after the harvest.

"Death!" He Gui shook his head, this is the point of death, he thinks the trap is not big enough.

When this news is released, the operators behind will definitely want to pull up a wave, and the pull up must be violent.

The three daily limit is also within He Gui's expectation, and he has to cooperate with the main force to pull up.

In the early morning of Hong Kong Island, it rained heavily, which reduced the flow of people at the carnival a lot, and everyone enjoyed free beer inside the house.

I don’t know if it’s because Westerners have lived in cold regions for a long time. People there like to drink and drink too much. Many countries over there have banned alcohol vigorously in history. In fact, it’s the same everywhere. Whatever is banned, the price will skyrocket. Some of them started out by smuggling alcohol.

The official website of Yaoshen Research Institute quietly added an article: The impact of transgenic soybean insect-resistant protein on livestock.

The reason why transgenic ^yin soybeans are resistant to insects is the use of certain toxic protein ^yin, which will kill bugs if you eat them, and there is also antibacterial ^yin.

These things will enter the livestock along with the soybean meal, affect the intestinal flora of the livestock, and inhibit the autoimmunity of the livestock.

There is also data in it, which is the statistics of more than 40 pastures in the United States. According to the statistics, the mortality rate of livestock in pastures using ^yin soybean meal is much higher than that of using native soybeans.

And under the same protein intake, the milk production of dairy cows, the feed of ^yin soybeans is significantly lower than that of native soybeans, and it affects the flora in the cows.

We must know that cattle flatulence is the problem that farmers are most afraid of encountering. This thing may look good at night, but the next day it will lie on the board with a big belly.

Trans-yin soybean meal has high protein content in soybeans. Under the feed ratio of the same weight as that of native soybeans, trans-yin soybeans have advantages.

Therefore, the statement of Yaoshen Research Institute is based on the intake of the same soybean protein, not the intake of soybean meal.

At the same time, a lot of people appeared on the Internet in the United States.

Historically, in August 2003, the United States broke out. The mad deer disease caused by mad cow disease infected deer. The worst mad cow disease was in 2000. At that time, the loss of British capital exceeded 30 billion. At that time, He Gui also made a wave of things.

There is no official statement yet, but it has already affected several states. According to statistics from some agencies, more than 2,000 farms have erupted, and the number of infected deer is estimated to be close to 200,000. In addition, wild elk have also found this situation. .

The news from the Yaoshen Research Institute is one step behind. Although the two things are scientifically unrelated, after all, mad cow disease is caused by adding cattle bones and blood from slaughterhouses to the cattle feed, as well as undigested food in the stomach itself. These things are re-added to cattle feed after being dried and crushed to feed cattle.

The outbreak of African swine fever in our mainland is actually because the feed factory used to add blood meal, but after the outbreak, it was not allowed to add blood meal.

In fact, we have done adding bone meal to pigs before, but when we did it, we burned the pig bones before adding them. Large-scale feed factories must not be able to burn them.

But the public doesn't think so. Now that the world is well-informed, two pieces of news rushed forward in an instant.

This time, the futures companies of the Chicago Board of Trade reacted very quickly, because they were close to the Yaoshen Research Institute, and these institutions closed their positions like crazy.

Unfortunately, it was too late!

You must know that Hong Kong Island is at 9:00 in the morning and Chicago is at 11:00 pm. Soybean futures trading has been going on for two hours, and major futures companies are pushing prices.

Many institutions find that they can't close their positions? No one accepts the order?

Those orders that were still there just now seemed to disappear in an instant?

What about retail investors? What about retail investors?

What kind of retail investors are there? There was a drop just before, and most of the retail investors ran away. Retail investors must wait and see. There are retail investors who have just been beaten by a sap, and immediately come in again, at least a few days later.

The so-called retail investors are nothing more than a few major banks and people like Kailina, making the main force think that retail investors have entered the market.

The market reacted quickly. At 11:15 p.m. in Chicago, trading was stopped, which was five minutes faster than last time.

The person in charge of the futures agency's eyes went dark, looking at the huge amount of orders in his hand.

Of course, there are also some retail investors who don’t have a lot of brains. This time the fun is great, but there are very few retail investors.

Why does no one talk about this in modern times, because it is useless to talk about it. They control soybean production, and you have to buy it if you don’t want to. To put it bluntly, there is no room for choice.

Moreover, the protein content of trans-yin soybeans is generally higher than that of native soybeans. In order to reduce costs, farms will definitely choose trans-yin soybeans.

In addition, why growers choose transgenic soybeans is also because of high yield and low cost of soybeans. If you use glyphosate in general soybeans, they will die long ago. However, transgenic soybeans have anti-glyphosate ingredients, so after spraying The rest of the grass is dead, and the cost of ecological planting is high.

Of course, it is also the same sentence, the seller only has these things, can you buy them or not? Presumably this is why we don’t have standards for glyphosate, because you are the seller and you are the buyer. The buyer has set the standard, why don’t you buy it?

Of course, everything has a quantity, and a small amount can be metabolized, just like additives, which can be added. It’s just that the total amount may be too much, and if it accumulates over the years, the quantity will change into a qualitative change.

Science is based on what people already know. Just like some banned additives, they were allowed to be used in the past, because the science at that time could not find the harmful side. Maybe the additives that we think are safe now may not be used in the future. safe.

Let me give you a simple example: radium, when it first came out, was used as a health product, thinking that rays would kill bacteria in the body. At that time, radium drinking water, radium cream, radium sunscreen, and radium made into pendants, green, and the price was very expensive. expensive.

So it’s right to eat as little as possible, because the safety you see now may not be safe in the future.

Tokyo Grain, Tailian, and then with the advance of the sun, Lijiapo, soybean futures fell by the limit, stocks in soybean-related industries fell by the limit, and even livestock products fell.

We must know that the British mad cow disease in 2000 made consumers all over the world fear beef.

The mad deer disease in the United States this time has nothing to do with the ^yin soybeans released by the Yaoshen Research Institute, but as a majority of users, it still feels a little weird.

The superimposed power of the two news is not as simple as one plus one, it is simply a giant black bullet.

When it was dawn in Newtown, the news media released more detailed reports. Four states in the United States announced that more than 3,000 farms were infected with mad deer disease. According to statistics, the number of infections exceeded 170,000. The local area is undergoing emergency treatment.

Then mixed with the soybean futures limit drop, the stocks of soybean-related companies fell. At this time, soybean-related companies discovered that a large amount of funds were shorting themselves.

But it was too late, and there was no other way. The stocks of these companies fell by the limit at the opening.

This time, the related feed industry has been impacted, and the Yaoshen Research Institute is still so cold, without any explanation, just come up with quite reliable data.

These studies cannot be done by one person, but also in cooperation with local institutions, usually universities.

Why do scientific research institutions like to cooperate with universities... Ahem, the cost issue.

The research cooperation unit of Yaoshen Research Institute has English, Australian and Mao, and American university laboratories to cooperate with.

These schools also said that there is no problem with the data of the God of Medicine Research Institute, which is very rigorous, but because of the cooperation agreement, it is inconvenient for these schools to leak information.

Some soybean acquisition companies in South America declared bankruptcy. These soybean acquisition companies acquired a large amount of soybean reserves, and the farms there were less affected, because except for some large farms that reserve soybeans themselves, the rest will not start planting until September.

In North America, there are not only soybean purchasing companies, but also the planting farms. Even if it is an order contract for some farms, the companies that placed the order are now facing bankruptcy. How can they still buy your soybeans.

Limit down!

Limit down!

The chain reaction brought about by the bankruptcy of the soybean acquisition company is that you are bankrupt first, but your soybeans are stored in other people's warehouses, and the rent cannot be reduced. No one wants these soybeans, but you need to give others money to deal with them .

Soybean futures opened in the morning and fell by the limit.

Soybean futures opened in the afternoon and fell by the limit again.

Opening at night...the limit is still lower, the disadvantages of 24-hour trading are revealed, three limit-downs a day.

This time, there are more people on the roof. There are three lower limits in 24 hours, and even if you can’t close your position, you can even get it. How much money will you lose with three lower limits?

Will the shareholders of the company let themselves go?

The associated stock market and bond market also fell.

A group of people among them are earning a lot of money. Robert and others are making a lot of money. Because of the problem of mad deer disease, the global beef consumption market has plummeted, beef-related slaughtering, and stocks in the breeding industry are also declining.

Some pastures with relatively high financing levels are insolvent, and the pastures can use their own cattle and sheep or the pasture itself as collateral.

Once the price of livestock falls by more than a certain amount, then the bank will re-evaluate your loan.

For example, these cattle and sheep used to be worth 100 million U.S. dollars, so you can borrow 60 million or 70 million U.S. dollars.

But when the value of these cattle and sheep is reduced to 80 million US dollars, then the bank will reassess and call back your loan...

The same is true for planting soybeans, soybean seeds, machinery, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides. Many of these are also done through financing.

When the market conditions are good, there are no problems, and the one you borrow is the uncle.

Once the market is not good, the bank will attack you, re-evaluate your loan, and then ask you to repay the loan. If you can perform normally, then you are still an uncle.

The society of capitalists is even worse, because to put it bluntly, America is controlled by a consortium. What is the nature of the consortium?


At this time, the bank will give you many choices. The first choice given to you by the bank is to dispose of the collateral. If the market falls, the sooner you dispose of it, the more funds you will recover.

If you don't dispose of it, the bank will auction off your property, and of course you have to go through judicial procedures.

Why are many people willing to negotiate privately, including banks, because going through judicial procedures and auctions will cost more.

At this time, the book Tokyo Grain announced that it will launch non-transfer n soybean futures trading.

There was an uproar, especially the futures institutions that were doomed this time were angry. You dared to betray a thing that has no sovereignty over it.

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