MTL - Sha Po Lang-Chapter 20 Art

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I saw a tall iron man standing at the door of his door. The mysterious iron helmet was covered with two small round eyes of the beans. The purple purple color that appeared in the eyes was very scary. It was enough to be a late night ghost story. The first protagonist.

The iron guy looked straight ahead, sullenly over the top of Chang Geng's head, staring behind him, lifting a bowl of big claws, the woodpecker knocked on his door, endless, could not stop.

Chang Geng's three souls and seven scorpions also threw themselves in the air to perform what was fascinating. I didn't have time to wake up. When I saw this situation, the hair that had not been able to lie down was blown up again.

He took a breath and quickly stepped back, grabbing the sword at the door.

At this moment, Gu Yu came out from behind the iron guy and asked with interest: "Is it fun?"

Chang Geng: "..."

Fun fart!

"The family will not dare to arbitrarily move weapons with you. I listen to Wang Shu saying that you practice swords in the courtyard every day, no personal feeding, strange and boring," Gu said while leaning on the iron guy's neck. I twirled twice at random, the terrible iron monster calmly calmed down, and was honestly nailed in the spot. Gu Yu raised his hand and touched its big iron head. He smiled at Chang Geng, "Get a sword." "Play for you, okay?"

Chang Geng’s gaze did not dare to stay on him for too long, so he had to look up at the iron monster that was not moving.

After a moment, he pointed to his chest: "I, play it?"

Really not being played by it?

Gu Yu pushed the iron shovel into the small courtyard where Chang Geng lived, and Chang Geng followed in the air.

The young man was a guilty conscience. Although he was able to maintain the calm on the face, he still dared to look at him when he turned around. When he looked at him a little more, Chang Geng found that Gu Yu was particularly cool.

In the early morning of the early winter, it was just a smoldering frost. Gu Yu actually only wore a new and not old robes. When he played with the shovel, he bent a little, and the waist line seemed to be thinner than Chang Geng’s imagination. some.

Soon, Chang Geng realized that he couldn’t look at the place where he couldn’t see it. He quickly turned his head and asked, “I didn’t go out today?”

Gu Yu: "Well, take a break."

Chang Geng was silent for a while, but couldn’t help but say, "How do you wear it like this, isn’t it cold?"

"Hey, don't learn Shen Yi, come over." Gu Yuchong waved his beckoning, straightened the iron monster, and patted it on the shoulders of the hard state. "This is a variant of the iron shovel, like the ordinary guardian." The difference is that it is also called Sword Sword. The first mentor of many martial arts martial arts practitioners in the capital city is it. I used it when I was a child. It will have several sets of fixed enlightenment swords, and there are seven points on the body. , head, neck, chest, abdomen, shoulders, arms, legs, if you can stab any of the first four, it will stop immediately, but if you touch the last three, you must be careful, even Hit the shoulder and arm points, it still has legs to move, you can slap you at any time, if you want to lock it, any hole in the shoulder arm and the leg hole all in the sword, how, try?"

Gu Yu’s explanation is not as long as a fart. After speaking in a few words, he immediately enters a simple and rude practice: "Get your sword."

The voice was gone, the shovel had already moved, and its eyes were bright and bright, and it took a step forward and lifted the sword.

Chang Geng is not in the state, the sword has not been pulled out, and he hastened a few steps away.

The shovel did not give him room to breathe. Once he started, he immediately began to chase him in endlessly, and he had already pushed him to the corner of the court.

Chang Geng has nowhere to avoid, so he has to bite his teeth, his hands hold the sword, and he swings from the bottom up. The two iron swords collide together. The Chang Geng wrist shocks, the epee directly goes off the ground, he sweats just go, cold sweat Starting again, subconsciously leaning back - the sword of the shovel stopped at the punch on his forehead.

There is a ray of cold on the blade.

The small courtyard was silent, only Chang Geng’s fierce gasping and the rumbling power of the shovel’s body.

Gu Yu did not put a word, did not go forward to guide, sitting next to the stone table in the courtyard, took out a small glass from the arms, untied the waist jug, and took the shovel to catch the chaotic Chang Gung’s current dish. .

Chang Geng Yu Guangjian saw the uncle, the whole person is even worse.

On the one hand, he is like a little peacock that has just grown up. He hasn't grown up yet. He has already started to shake his heart with a look at him. On the other hand, he is full of stagnation and sees Gu. It’s a little dizzy.

The warfare in the juvenile chest swayed back and forth between the gas and the flameout. The shovel did not understand the style, and the white steam spewed out under the feet. It slipped a few feet away without any sorrow and sorrow. Chang Geng.

Chang Geng put the epee on his shoulder and took the initiative to go forward. In his mind, he thought about the trick of flying his sword with a dagger.

Gu Yu played with a small wine glass in his hand and slammed his head and shook his head.

I saw the edges of the two iron swords rubbing fiercely, the sparks splashed, and the unbearable pressure on the hilt was again unacceptable. The Chang Geng sword was not in place, the manpower was exhausted, and the epee took off again and went out three feet.

The sword is used for sparring. It will not hurt people. In the eyes, the purple light will be extinguished a few times. It will lift the sword hanging over the top of Chang Geng, and slide out again, changing the posture.

Chang Geng’s forehead sweated, but couldn’t help but sneak a peek at Gu Yu again. He thought with annoyance: “He is not going to leave today? What is good!”

Gu Yu looked at Chang Geng's sword and was beaten again and again. After drinking a pot of cool wine, the two long legs were changed three times. It was very calm and suffocating, until the shovel hit a heavy blow, Chang Geng the whole person sang When he went out, he finally stood up without hesitation.

Chang Geng smashed the skin on the ground, burning, reaching for a touch, and a little blood, but he did not care about rubbing, because Gu Yu walked over to him, his hands clasped to his chest, looking at the tall iron shovel in front of him.

Chang Geng subconsciously lowered his head and frustrated not to look at him.

"You panic and your feet are floating," Gu said. "If the feet are not stable, then the swordsmanship is also a passive water, no roots."

Chang Geng moved in his heart and raised his head very seriously.

Gu Yu was very rare and said faintly: "Get up, I will teach you."

Chang Geng first glimpsed, then widened his eyes, and waited for him to react. Gu Yu had already smashed him up and said, holding the hand of his sword from behind and taking him.

Chang Geng swallowed hard and his back was tight.

Gu Yu whispered: "Let's relax, don't look at me, look at your sword."

His voice did not fall, the purple light in the opposite side of the shovel was already blazing, once again whistling, the belly rumbling, like a floating drum, is still the first sword to face down.

Even though Chang Geng’s blood is really hidden in some wildness, it can only be provoked in the line of life and death full of anger. And after all, this is just a sword.

For a time, he couldn't take care of that point to make him uncomfortable, and the first reaction was still to retreat. Anyone who reacted to the pressure of this behemoth would have such a reaction.

But Gu Ke did not allow him to retreat. Chang Geng felt that the whole person was pushed by Gu Yu and flew up like a fearless marionette. His wrist was set in the palm of Gu Yu’s iron. Involuntarily handed out the epee in the hand, and the short-term connection, Chang Geng felt that his hand holding the sword was turned over by a very subtle angle, and the sword of the shovel was actually "smashed".

The cold iron passed him by, almost cut through his horns. Chang Geng instinctively closed his eyes and thought he would directly hit it.

Gu Yu sighed in his heart and thought: "This child is out of blood, I am afraid that it is not a sword."

The taste of the cold iron was drawn from the nose of Chang Geng, and the iron elbow was slightly stuck. Gu Yu lifted his foot and glanced at Chang Geng’s knee socket and said: "Blinking, arm!"

Chang Geng’s knees were soft, his legs were bounced out by external forces, and his toes were placed in the iron arm’s arms.

On the machine, "Kara" slammed, and the upper arm was locked. Chang Geng just spit out half of the breath, and the next moment, he was suddenly bent down by Gu Yu.

A slap in the air, "嗡" sounded - the legs of the shovel swept across the air.

Gu Yu: "I am optimistic."

He clenched Chang Geng's hand and dragged the boy to a fierce semicircle on the ground. The tip of the sword was wiped through the shovel's ankle.

It was also a "Kala", and the shovel was completely pinned.

It kept the golden chicken's independent movement still in the same place, and the purple light flashed in the eyes, gradually slamming and fading.

Chang Geng’s hands were full of sweat, his chest violently undulating, and even Gu Yu did not notice when he let go of him.

At this moment, he felt the gap between himself and his little righteous father.

Gu Yuhao slammed the dust on the bomb: "Retraction is a human nature. If it is against the person, it is fine to go in and retreat, but remember, if you are on the shovel or heavy armor without a armor Don't retire. Because these iron guys are burning purple and gold, you will be caught up by them when you retire. At that time, your heart and body are backwards. It is difficult to condense in a short time. Force, but will fall into the hands of the other hand."

Chang Geng Shen for a long time, suddenly asked: "The righteous father said that if you encounter an enemy that is much stronger than yourself, is it better than the chance of retreating forward?"

Gu Yuyi raised his eyebrows and said a bit strangely: "Hey? How is the "father of the righteousness" today?"

Chang Geng is all good, but his mouth is always no big or small. This is very annoying. Zhang mouth shuts his name to "16".

Gu Yu is a 16-year-old man in the first month of the month. The 16-small name is still from the princess. Except for the princess and the emperor, even the old prince did not call him so much. Although he did not care much, he was so small all day long. "16 short and 16 short" is hanging on the lips, and it is also awkward.

According to his experience, Gu Yu feels that there are only two situations in which he can catch the "father of the righteousness". One is that the cat encounters a dead mouse. He accidentally delighted the donkey. One is that the cat stepped on. The dog's tail, he accidentally provoked the scorpion.

Chang Geng looked at him deeply for a while. The look was inexplicably complicated and said: "I used to be ignorant and I will not be in the future."

He finally realized that he was awkward, ignorant and incompetent. How dare he go on his way?

Sometimes, young people are only one night away from "being self-righteous, becoming a person".

The thick branches and leaves are like Gu Yu, and suddenly I feel that Chang Geng seems to be different.