MTL - Restart the Protagonist’s Way of Survival-Chapter 19 look at hands

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Prince Dashengyu's Mansion.

"Hey, this prince seems to have changed since he came back from Fengtian Temple. Not only has he replaced all the people in the palace, he has also been running to the back kitchen recently. What is he doing today? Let him be carefree. You are not a prince, you want to change your career to be a carpenter?"

Steward Wang looked at Yang Dejin who was sitting in the middle of the courtyard not far away, and was chatting with a boy at the edge of the courtyard.

The young man was one of the guards Yang Dejin was looking for. His name was A Chong. That gloomy look is good. Thanks to the prince, we can be brought into the prince's mansion."

Butler Wang thought about it for a second: "That's right. Hiss—but Ah Chong, I really don't understand what the prince is doing. Can you see it?"

A Chong looked in Yang Dejin's direction for a while, then shook his head in a daze and said, "I don't know either. Damn! You can let the prince do whatever he likes, and Steward Wang don't worry about it."

"Hey, I can't worry about this Dasheng prince." Wang Butler looked at Yang Dejin's back and said.

Steward Wang and A Chong were recruited by Yang Dejin from a bodyguard bureau in the capital. They used to be in charge of a bodyguard and a bodyguard, and they worked very well in the prince's mansion.

Yang Dejin recruited them because of their business ability.

But at that time, who hadn't heard of Prince Yu's gloomy and perverse character? They were afraid that they would not be able to serve this master well, and many people, including Steward Wang and A Chong, just wanted to refuse.

As a result, after entering the mansion, he found that Prince Yu was actually generous and lively. How could anyone say it was so gloomy?

It's funny, isn't it.

I heard from those seniors who went out to show His Highness the store that His Highness Prince Yu has been in such a normal state since returning to Beijing from Fengtian Temple, making everyone think that His Highness is bewitched.

Those who were recruited into the mansion by Yang Dejin himself were all relieved, and they all felt that the first **** enshrined in Fengtian Temple had purified Prince Yu's originally filthy heart.

Yang Dejin sat on the edge of the stone table in the yard, with various large and small pieces of wood piled up on the ground at his feet.

And she is holding a piece of wood in her left hand, and holding a dagger in her right hand, trying to cut out the shape she wants.

I don't know if the selected wood is too hard, so Yang Dejin made a cut with his left index finger.


Steward Wang and A Chong heard Yang Dejin's low cry of pain, and stopped chatting, and rushed to Yang Dejin's side.

"Hi! My lord, your finger is bleeding!" Steward Wang was as anxious as if Yang Dejin had some terminal illness.

"Young one, I'll go to the palace to find the imperial doctor!" A Chong also looked surprised.

"Come back!" Yang Dejin pinched his fingers and called him funny, "Just cut a finger, what's the matter?"

"But Your Highness, there was really a lot of blood." Ah Chong frowned and looked at Yang Dejin's hand.

"Then why don't you hurry up and find me medicine and clean gauze?" Yang Dejin said helplessly.

On the contrary, Steward Wang said a few times, and said to A Chong: "You stay with the lord, I'll go and get the medicine box."

Yang Dejin: ...

I'm not a child anymore, and I don't need someone to accompany me...

Steward Wang came back soon, wiped off the blood, and sprinkled the medicine on the wound.

In the end, Steward Wang wrapped it up twice, but felt that it was not safe, so he wrapped it up a few more times.

Yang Dejin looked at the index finger that was wrapped twice as thick as his own middle finger, and was speechless for a while.

"Butler Wang, you..."

Fortunately, I only injured a finger. If my whole body was injured, then the first mummy was not found in the Egyptian pyramids, but in Prince Dasheng's mansion.

Yang Dejin was troubled by Wang Steward's excessive worry, but she had no choice but to order: "Tear it down."

Butler Wang was very worried and wanted to explain.

Yang Dejin could only support her forehead with a wry smile and said: "There are too many bags, I can't breathe, let's take them apart."

Hearing what she said, A Chong didn't need Butler Wang to do anything else, he just took off the gauze first.

"Well, that's all right, thank you."

"His Royal Highness, please take it easy. Let's stop doing these dangerous things, okay? What do you want, can you let the servants do it for you?" Steward Wang persuaded earnestly.

Yang Dejin felt more and more that he looked like her own mother, and she was a little touched when she thought of this, so she replied: "Okay, I won't do it today, I'm going out for a walk." After speaking, she got up and patted the sawdust on her body, turned around Out of the yard.

Steward Wang and Ah Chong looked at each other, and they both noticed an important word: Today...

Don't do it anymore?


At the end of the day, Xie Zhi had already returned to his residence.

She sat in the hall and looked at the documents brought back from the Ministry of Criminal Justice. She had changed her crimson official uniform, and she was only wearing a black double-breasted gown with narrow sleeves, on which patterns of crabapple flowers were embroidered with white silk thread.

She sat there alone, her back straight, her expression indifferent and focused.

Wearing simple men's clothes, she exudes an aura of abstinence and avoiding strangers. She takes it seriously and makes people unbearable to disturb her.

The concierge hesitated outside the hall for a while, and then entered the door to announce: "My lord, there is a distinguished guest."

Xie Zhi stared at the book for a moment, as if he hadn't thought of any distinguished guests who would visit him.

"Please come in." She put down those books, raised her hand and asked the servants to make a pot of tea.

Yang Dejin crossed the threshold and walked in with her arms folded, Xie Zhi was taken aback for a moment, obviously she didn't expect her to come in from the main entrance to find him this time.

"I don't know that Prince Yu is here, so I'm not far away from welcoming you." Xie Zhi stood up and cupped his hands, and greeted him calmly.

"Thank you, sir, for the courtesy." Yang Dejin was not polite, waved his hand and sat down at the main seat in the hall.

Xie Zhi stood aside, looking at Yang Dejin secretly.

Yang Dejin is wearing a pure white Shu brocade gown today, with a belt buckled around her waist, and thirteen gold and jade belts hanging down. A winged Chongming bird surrounds her from the back waist to the front. The embroidery method is unique, quite like calligraphy and painting The feeling of chapped and frustrated.

Pure and white, like tall and straight pine and bamboo, very youthful.

"Your Highness is here today, what's the matter?"

Yang Dejin glanced at her, she always felt that this Xie Zhi didn't seem to welcome her very much.

Is it because I have put on too much airs recently, it seems that I still need to contact him to get in touch.

Yang Dejin: "How is Mrs. Bai doing?"

Xie Zhi: "Please trouble Your Highness, Madam is fine."

Yang Dejin: "That's good, can I go and see her?"

Xie Zhi: "..."

Yang Dejin: Well, it seems that it is impossible.

Xie Zhi didn't want to refuse, but she didn't know whether she should refuse.

She couldn't see through Prince Yu, and Yang Dejin was holding her own ground, but she was not threatened by her to do anything out of the ordinary, but was always taken care of by her.

Mrs. Bai was saved by herself with great difficulty. Should she let Yang Dejin see Mrs. Bai?

Yang Dejin didn't get Xie Zhi's consent, so he felt nothing. The maid served the freshly brewed tea and served it in front of Prince Yu and Xie Zhi.

Yang Dejin said thank you very politely, and stretched out his right hand to serve tea.

The maid had never met Yang Dejin, nor heard Xie Zhi call her His Highness, but seeing her clothes, she thought she was a modest and polite official.

Hearing her thank you, the maid didn't show much reaction, she bent down and backed away.

Yang Dejin was holding the tea in his right hand, and with his left hand, he casually picked up the letter on the table, identifying the words on it: "An unknown small sect in the capital..."

She only picked up one book and didn't flip through it casually.

Xie Zhi subconsciously looked at her movement of holding the book, so his gaze was fixed on her left hand.

"His Royal Highness's hand is injured?"

"Huh?" Yang Dejin looked at his left index finger covered with medicine powder, "Oh, I accidentally scratched it, it's okay."

Xie Zhi nodded and looked away, just waiting for Yang Dejin to finish his tea.

After a while, she looked at Yang Dejin's hand again.

Yang Dejin's fingers are slender, with well-defined knuckles, not as rough as ordinary men.

Xie Zhi thought to himself: The fingers are so thin, it looks like a pampered royal family.

Thinking about it, Xie Zhi compared his hands a little bit.

No... Didn't Prince Yu grow up among the people and suffered a lot when he was a child?

Thinking of this, Xie Zhi took another look at Yang Dejin's hand, then at his own, and frowned.

Before Xie Zhi could figure out why, Yang Dejin put down the teacup and said, "Master Xie, the imperial examination will start in two days. When the time comes, take Bai Qingyang out of the palace and reunite with Mrs. Bai?"

Xie Zhi: "Huh?"

She didn't expect that the plan that she thought was in vain could be implemented again, and this was proposed by Prince Yu himself.

Yang Dejin: "Of course it won't be during the examination period. It will be the night after the palace examination is over and the list of top candidates is released. The empress will entertain Jinshi and officials at the Qujiang Pavilion in the capital. Then I can help Bai Qingyang escape."

What she was talking about was the Qujiang Banquet held after the imperial examinations, which was a group carnival to celebrate the new Jinshi.

This banquet was originally held by the people spontaneously for Jinshi. Many officials and nobles, musicians and geisha would also go to see the demeanor of talented scholars. Every year, people would stay up all night at Qujiang Pavilion in the capital at this time, and the whole night would be lively.

Later, even the emperor couldn't bear to go to Qujiang Pavilion to gain a sense of presence, so he simply allocated funds to contract part of the preparation costs.

So it is not so much the emperor's banquet, as it is the emperor who paid the entrance fee and went to join in the fun.

Xie Zhi was a little moved, but she knew the risk was very high, so she asked Yang Dejin how to implement it.

Her original plan was carried out on the premise that Li Zichou would not manage the harem during the exam, so Bai Qingyang would have the opportunity to go out of the palace to meet his wife.

But now, the empress wanted Bai Qingyang to accompany her to attend the palace examination and tour the lake together, which immediately disrupted Xie Zhi's plan.

Yang Dejin: "Don't worry about how to implement it, Mr. Xie. This king will take care of everything, as long as you trust me."

Xie Zhi hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "What do I need to do?"

Yang Dejin glanced at her and thought for a while: "Prepare a carriage or sedan chair and wait to pick her up at the palace gate."

Xie Zhi's eyes widened: ...That's it?

Yang Dejin went on to say: "Bai Qingyang won't stay until the banquet is over, she will end when the time is almost up, and then you just wait at the palace gate. After the banquet, Jinshi have two days to rest, and the third day will follow The emperor and all the officials went to visit the lake together. Bai Qingyang must return to the palace before the third day, and she cannot miss the lake tour."

Xie Zhi didn't expect that Yang Dejin would be able to win two days. At first, she just wanted to find a late night for their mother and daughter to meet.

Yang Dejin saw that she was a little numb, cleared her throat and said, "I have this king to deal with the empress, Mr. Xie doesn't have to worry about being exposed. This king promises."

Anyway, she had already greeted Li Zichou.

Xie Zhi watched the pure white young man stand up, walked to the hall, and looked towards the east wing.

"In the next two days, let Bai Qingyang and her mother have a good reunion." Yang Dejin said.

Xie Zhi didn't know how to reply Yang Dejin for a while.

She only thought that Yang Dejin's plan was a fantasy, the queen disappeared for two days, how could the emperor not know about it?

But the current Prince Yu is a very miraculous person, Xie Zhi instinctively wanted to believe that she always felt that the current Yang Dejin could indeed do it.

Xie Zhi finally bowed his hands: "If His Highness can really help her reunite, I will be grateful."

The author has something to say:

Xie Zhi looked at Yang Dejin's hand, and then at his own, feeling inexplicably satisfied.

Yang Dejin:? What are you doing?