MTL - Restart the Protagonist’s Way of Survival-Chapter 18 rape scene

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"At that time, what the minister said in the palace examination probably hit someone's pain point. He was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and shouted that someone would kill me!" Zhou Huaijin twisted the chess pieces in his hands, thinking about the next move while talking. Where to go one step at a time.

Li Zishou: Fortunately, I am not the original owner, otherwise the person in front of me would be dead...

Zhou Huaijin moved the cannon forward and approached Li Zichou's base camp.

Originally, they wanted to talk about ideals and life, but the more they chatted, the more speculative they became. It was not enough to just sit and chat. Li Zifu even asked someone to get a chess set, and the two spread out on the desk to play.

"What happened next?" Li Zichou asked, while withdrawing his car.

"Later?" Zhou Huaijin's complexion suddenly became a little strange, "Later, your majesty begged the first emperor to let me be your male favourite."

Li Zichou listened, his hands were unsteady, and his car fell under the iron hooves of the opposite horses.

Li Zichou sighed.

Forget it, I have no regrets.

Zhou Huaijin took away the empress's car with a smile, and then said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, you were not as approachable as you are now. When I rejected you, you wanted to eat me. In the end, you were soft-hearted and locked me in. Prison, although it's been locked for too long..."

Since Li Zishou and Zhou Huaijin sat and talked with each other in the prison, their private relationship is like that of friends.

Li Zichou felt that although Zhou Huaijin was a bit crazy, he was still considerate in some etiquette, and he had real skills.

Zhou Huaijin felt that after being in prison for two years and not seeing the emperor, once he came out, Li Chou seemed like a different person, becoming like a normal person.

What's more, Zhou Huaijin decided to hang out with this person because of his discerning eyes.

Li Zichou said with a stern face: "I am not easy to approach. If Mr. Zhou fails to do well what I entrusted to you, I will punish you anyway."

Zhou Huaijin smiled: "Your Majesty is being modest, you used to be dragged up and dragged down at every turn, how can you be so nice and angry like this." After finishing speaking, he walked away.

"..." If the original owner heard this...

"Eat!" Zhou Huaijin ate her elephant while she was in a daze.

Li Zichou shook the hand holding the chess piece: "Eat again?! Master Zhou really has a big appetite." He didn't know how to give way to the emperor.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. Playing chess is the same as marching and fighting. They both pursue the word 'victory'. Of course you can be humble when playing on the chessboard, but what about on the battlefield?"

"...I understand these principles, Mr. Zhou is troublesome."

The two got together to discuss the situation on the chessboard, but they didn't even notice the notification sound of the queen's arrival.

So when Bai Qingyang found no one in Tianshu Palace and entered Ganlu Palace again, what he saw was Li Zifu sitting with a man with their heads very close to each other.

The man looked very upright, with a handsome face, and he was wearing the lowest-ranked white official uniform in the palace. At this moment, with a smile on his face, he was beaming and talking to Li Zichou.

Zhou Huaijin...

Bai Qingyang frowned slightly, whether this distance...

Li Zichou heard movement at the door, subconsciously looked up and returned to the chessboard.

? What the hell?

Looking up again, Li Zichou stood up suddenly in fright, almost knocking over the chessboard.

Zhou Huaijin was also taken aback by her movement, just about to ask what's wrong, but following her line of sight, he saw Bai Qingyang and Xiao Le following her.

Looking at the confrontation between the two women and the man, Xiao Le suddenly felt a little excited for some reason.

Compared to Li Zichou's mind full of "Why is she here? What is she doing here? Is she here to spy on me again? I should have conveyed it to her through her secret post, right? What's going on?"

Zhou Huaijin seemed to be a naive nympho: Wow, Bai Qingyang.

This is the female idol he has admired since he was a boy.

As he thought about it, he actually whispered out: "Bai Qingyang...

Li Zishou:!

She quickly licked his arm, grinned her teeth in his ear and said word by word: "It's the queen, queen, mother, mother!"

Zhou Huaijin finally came to his senses: "Oh yes yes yes, my minister Zhou Huaijin will see the empress."

Naturally, Bai Qingyang did not miss the small movements of Li Zishou and Zhou Huaijin just now, and there was a trace of complicated emotions in his eyes.

She thought that Li Chou could not wait to get the military power, but she was told that Li Chou just found the twins to learn martial arts from him.

She also heard that every evening there would be a gentleman going to Ganlu Hall to teach the empress, but when she came in, she saw her sitting with another person and gossiping without any sense of distance.

Bai Qingyang found that the current Li Fu would give him some surprises.

She felt a little irritated, not because the Empress was ambiguous with other men, but because she hated the sense of restraint that could not clearly understand the overall situation, and also hated herself who could not control Li Fu.

Once something happens to this person, it will directly affect his future and destiny.

"The concubine came to Tianshu Palace to see His Majesty, what are His Majesty and Sir Zhou doing?" Bai Qingyang asked kindly.

"Well, Mr. Zhou is the teacher I found."

Bai Qingyang glanced at the chess game spread out on the desk, then raised his eyes and asked, "Teach me how to play chess?"

Li Zishou: "..."

Xiao Le: It's a strong pressure.

Except for Bai Qingyang himself, everyone present, only Zhou Huaijin, a foreigner, didn't feel anything unusual.

"Going back to Empress, I'm teaching Your Majesty how to govern the country. I just exchanged some thoughts with Your Majesty today."

Bai Qingyang raised her eyebrows, and a thought flashed in her mind, she said: "It is a great honor for your majesty to work hard to govern the country. To tell you the truth, my concubine also knows a little about governance. If your majesty does not dislike it, can I let my concubine also do my best for Zhou?" Adults share one or two?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Li Zishou, but even Xiao Le beside her was slightly surprised.

Xiao Le did not expect that her own lady would volunteer to recommend herself as His Majesty's attendant, thinking that if the two of them could continue to live in harmony like this, sooner or later they would be able to settle their differences and respect each other as guests.

And Li Zishou's expression was more frightened: This, this is to personally monitor my every move.

But can Li Zifu say no?

No, not only can't, but he has to please Bai Qingyang even more.

"Of course, you can. It's very good, very good that the queen has such thoughts. Haha..." Li Zichou's rejection was written on his face, but he could only nod his head in agreement.

Bai Qingyang blinked, looking at Li Zichou who was wearing dark uniform.

Li Fu clearly didn't want to agree, since he was not willing, he could simply refuse, but she still agreed.


Zhou Huaijin was a little happy when he heard that Bai Qingyang was going to work with him. He nodded quickly and said, "The Empress is also here to teach Your Majesty? It's so good. You can get advice from me and the most talented woman in the capital. Your Majesty, you are really lucky."

He said the second half of the sentence to Li Zichou, with a very sincere expression.

Li Zichou rolled his eyes secretly: Do you want this blessing for you?

This week Huaijin, I don't forget to give myself a compliment.

Hearing Zhou Huaijin's words about the number one talented woman in the capital, Bai Qingyang recalled the time when he was a young man at the Beijing Poetry Fair, where he made friends with poetry and was sought after by thousands of people.

It's a pity that those days were turned into ashes with the fire of the prime minister's mansion.

Bai Qingyang shook his head: "It's just a false name. Mr. Zhou is a man of great learning and literary talent."

Li Zishou: ...?

What's going on, why are the two of them blowing each other up again?

Zhou Huaijin wanted to say something more, but Bai Qingyang said again: "It's getting late today, and it's inconvenient for my concubines to disturb Your Majesty. Your Majesty is diligent, Master Zhou should do his best to teach His Majesty."

Li Zishou: "Yes!"

Zhou Huaijin: "?"

Bai Qingyang should have said it to him, right?

Bai Qingyang glanced at Li Zichou, didn't say anything else, said his concubine's farewell, and left.


The next day, Li Zi went to the training ground to find Chen Feng without even returning to Tianshu Palace or changing her clothes. Today she had to learn how to ride a horse and practice sword.

Yang Dejin sneaked into the palace and waited for a long time in Li Zichou's bedroom.

It was almost time to go down, but Li Zifu never came back. She went out and stopped a little maid on the way, and after asking, she found out that the emperor was at the palace horse farm.

Yang Dejin: Racecourse? What is Li Zichou doing again?

When Yang Dejin passed by, Li Zichou was riding a big gray-brown horse. In front of him was Chen Feng holding the bridle and carefully soothing the horse's head.

Seeing Yang Dejin approaching, Li Zichou said to Chen Feng and Lu Xiaoying who was waiting at the side: "You guys avoid it."

After the two promised, they withdrew from the racecourse.

"What did you bring me?" Li Zichou got off his horse.

"Oh—so handsome, Zizu." Seeing her skillful dismounting action, Yang Dejin sincerely praised, "Hey! Lao Yang secretly made small puffs, try it."

Li Zichou took the food box that Yang Dejin handed over, opened it, picked one up with his hands, and put it in his mouth: "Well——Yang Dejin, your craftsmanship is getting better and better."

"Hey, have you washed your hands yet?" Yang Dejin asked in disgust.

"I don't do dirty work, I don't get sick after eating it." Li Zifu replied seriously, "Hey, I live in the palace, and I live on your foreign snacks."

"Pretentious. What are you doing? When I first came here, I seemed to see an archery field over there. Do you want to light up your martial arts skills?"

"It's just learning to defend myself. I always feel uneasy about relying on others to protect me."

"That's right. Riding a horse can be practiced, even with cold weapons, it's too backward." After Yang Dejin finished speaking, there seemed to be a flash of inspiration in his mind.

She has a bold idea.

"Yang Dejin?"

Yang Dejin came back to her senses: "Ah? Oh."

Li Zishou: I always feel that she wants to do something again...

"In short, if you have nothing to do, get acquainted with ancient life more. It is one aspect to follow the customs in the countryside, and the more important thing is to protect yourself." Li Zichou warned.

Yang Dejin waved his hand and said, "I know, I know better than you."

Li Zichou glanced at her, didn't speak any more, just stroked the horse's head silently.

"How is your side? What's Bai Qingyang's attitude towards you recently?"

When she asked, Li Zichou recalled the embarrassing scene and the magical unfolding last night. So she told Yang Dejin everything.

Yang Dejin endured it, but still didn't hold back, looked around, made sure there was no one and whispered: "Isn't that what, the scene of catching rape?"

Li Zifu was silent: "..."

Yang Dejin: It seems that she also felt like a **** scene.

"No, I don't understand. Why did Bai Qingyang come to be my teacher?"

"Is it because you want to monitor you directly? Has your character design collapsed recently, making her suspicious of you?"

Li Zishou fell silent again.

She can't say that she has already started to behave badly, can she?

Yang Dejin: "?" Why is this silence?

Li Zishou changed the subject: "However, if Bai Qingyang doesn't play tricks, it will be beneficial to us."

Yang Dejin nodded: "That's for sure, the founding lady of Daqing came to assist you, the former emperor, in person, so you can have fun."

"..." Okay, let's have fun together.

"Oh, I came to you today to discuss something with you." Yang Dejin suddenly remembered the purpose of his trip.

"What's up?"

"Just look, after the imperial examination, can you arrange for Bai Qingyang to meet her mother?"

The author has something to say:

Bai Qingyang: I'm not jealous, I just don't like the feeling of information being blocked.

Li Zishou: What do you mean? Master, you translate for the translator.

Master Yang Dejin: Be arrogant.

Li Zishou: Oh—that’s right.

Bai Qingyang: .