MTL - Reign of the Hunters-v6 Chapter 29 No evil

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Chapter 29—See no evil

Regardless of who the opponent is, as long as he is standing opposite himself, Ye Ye will treat him with all his energy. For Ye Zi, the greatest respect for the opponent is to fight for the best. She feels that she is not a good person, but she is still a polite person, so she has always insisted on this advantage. of.

Unfortunately, sometimes her persistence does not necessarily get the same love from her opponent. Maybe the zero arsenic is a good one. The world is not afraid of death and the courage to find a dead man is only one year.

Therefore, when the saber in the hand of the leaf spurs another opponent and takes his last life value away, only the player with a little life value is automatically operated by the system, kneeling down, holding the weapon and bowing. When the situation, the thief called a moment of sadness sighed and sighed: "The son is quiet, if I am a female player, will you stay in love?"

At the beginning of the sea election, the leaf words are very disliked to chat with the opponents in the battle, especially after the end of the battle, after all, knocking down the other party and then chatting with the other party is really a show of taste. Ye Zi feels that although she is not a good person, she is still a kind person in some respects, so she has never done anything to show off. However, there is too much competition in this sea election. The opponents she meets are also like there are few people who have a lot of words. After the end of the battle, they all will talk to themselves. In the good tradition of answering questions, Ye Zi is gradually able to say a few words to the opponent after the end of the battle. Of course, there are basically no nutrition topics.

After all, the son of the gods is never a good object for chatting.

It’s like now, when I ask this question in a moment of sadness, Ye Zi seriously thinks about the female player who has fought against her. He answered him with certainty: “In the battle, I feel that there are only opponents, regardless of men and women. ""

A moment of sadness suddenly felt detached, it turned out that he is not the worst. As far as playing games is concerned, in most respects, women are not as good as men, so there are more female players who operate well, but more female players who do not operate well. what? You said that the operation of the son of the son is very top, but ... but ... the whole fate, in addition to someone who she is a woman, who else is she is a woman? Saying, is the son of a son a woman?

Since the son of the company is the same woman, um, let’s count as a woman... Since she can kill the same female players, there is nothing for male players. With a lot of female players at the bottom, plus only one battle abstain from the start of the game to the present, all the unbeaten records, a moment of sadness feel that it is nothing to add to this record. The opponent is a son.

"Then, the son is quiet, can I ask a question?"

"What's the problem?" After the winners and losers of the two sides, the opponents will stay in the venue for one minute. This time is the system used to upload both the scores and calculate the next opponent, but more often, the players use Come to chat and take a photo. All the top players in the four continents of this competition have all entered the competition. It is not easy to meet these gods in peacetime. It is not easy to meet here. If they lose, the players who play the game will completely regard this as a close relationship with the gods. The opportunity to contact, generally do not have the color of disappointment, but will be a happy photo taken.

This was not originally the original intention of the contest, but it was a lot of interesting things, and even a lot of players used this minute to achieve a happy marriage.

"What's the problem?" The words on the leaf were immediately alarmed when they heard a moment of sadness. Ever since she was able to answer questions, she was questioned by many gossips and asked a lot of gossip questions. Now that I heard this statement, I can’t wait to kill each other immediately.

A moment of sorrow has stood up, sitting on the spot and recovering the value of life and saying, "Is it the least defeated in your opponent?" He looked at the time since the start of the game, three minutes and twenty-four seconds. Today's map is a bit complicated. Two people rushed together from both sides of the map for two minutes, so the son of the son took about a minute and a half to lay him down. Although it is known that today's opponent is a son of a quiet son, a moment of sorrow has already known that it will be defeated, but he still does not want to hear that he is the most dish of all the opponents of the son. From the start of the game to the present, he has experienced a total of 36 battles. Apart from today's game, the other ones have not lost. He originally thought that he could stay a little longer, but he did not expect to end the battle so quickly. It is a little sad for him.

"No." Ye thought for a while, she actually couldn't remember, but it shouldn't be. This moment of sadness, whether it is walking or operating, has a few brushes, can play with himself for so long in the past four Ten battles are definitely not the worst.

A moment of sadness nodded, relieved, in fact, this can also be regarded as an assessment of their own strength. He stood up and walked over to Ye Zi's side and extended his hand to her, revealing a smile of admiration: "The son of the son is quiet, it is worthwhile to fight with you. May you get this PVP." The champion of the competition."

This is the word love to listen to, after all, this means that she can overcome the flow of the year, this is one of the most anticipated things of Ye Zi, suddenly she showed a relaxed smile, but also extended her hand and a moment of sadness shook: "I certainly will."

A moment of sadness nodded and smiled, then bloomed a great smile, and quickly said to her: "The son is quiet, let's take a picture! Look here! I took it!"

In this way, when the leaf word has not yet reacted, she has been sorrowful and quickly put together and took a photo.

The last leaf of this photo was still seen on the forum, and she was also seen with her. Because the leaf word belongs to the kind of player who absolutely does not take photos with the opponent, the photo is really precious. In the photo, the leaf word is a bit awkward, obviously it is not reflected, and her usual fierceness is simply Two people, her eyes are a little scattered, the corners of her mouth are also slightly open, obviously a bit... silly...

Such a son is very rare, so that all the players who saw this photo yelled that this is unscientific, how could the son of the son be like this. When Ye Zi saw this photo, her only reaction was that she wanted to kill a moment of sadness. And Bai Mo is even laughing and almost smashing the table: "Ye word ah leaf words, you look at your stupid, what is the difference between a person with IQ as a single digit?"

In the face of the naked ridicule of Bai Mo, Tan Tanlang seems to be more subtle. He just said: "Ye Sister, this is very different from your usual style."

As for the flow of the year, he expressed his opinion. He said in the ear of the leaf in the game: "You are so cute."

And Ye Ye’s heart has been unable to resist madness: Nima! This is a pothole! This is simply a pothole! This is definitely not me, definitely not me! This unscientific! ! !

Of course, this is just a small episode of the entire PVP contest.

The contest is still going on, long and fierce, but the length of this contest has not made people feel bored and bored, but some unintentional achievements have made many interesting things. Believe that the imagination of the player is always more exaggerated and wild than the planned imagination. For example, open a marriage agency, such as buying a big casino, and, um, there are many, but the most The word is gratified that in this long-running contest, more players realized the importance of Mithril. For a time, the price of Mithril in the whole market rose and rose, so that several guilds with Mithril veins Earned a sum.

These moneys are just a icing on the cake for the old-fashioned mega-guilds such as Stars and Genesis. However, for medium-sized guilds such as every day, they are in the snow, which makes the scale of the day go up to a larger guild. After all, in this crisis, the more powerful one is, the easier it will be to survive.

At the same time as the PVP contest, other things are being carried out in an orderly manner.

Soon, 3 months have passed. This time is the first quarter of the PVP contest. In order to allow the players to have better energy to participate in the following battles, players who advance in the first quarter will have 15 days of rest. In these fifteen days, players can practice leveling and upgrade their equipment to have more chances in the following battles. Of course, there are also many players who use these fifteen days to do other things, such as going up every day to use the fifteen days to attack Sodom.

In these three months, the No. 0 arsenic contacted the leaf several times, for no reason, but Shengshi changed the time to attack Sodom City several times. According to the time given by the No. 0 arsenic, the leaf words also adjusted the time of attacking Sodom City every day. According to the plan of Shengshi, they hoped to pack up every day when they attacked Sodom City every day. However, the time to attack Sodom every day was too secret. If Shengshi had been waiting for the announcement every day. Dorma’s time is really passive in deciding his own tactics. Therefore, Shengshi simply decided to take down the city of Sodom first. With this deserted city, although there is no Mithril vein, it can do something for itself in the fate. make up.

However, this matter is very important. Shengshi himself is also very cautious, which is the main reason for their rescheduling several times. However, this time and again, the rescheduled period is almost two months ahead of the final time. Such two months may be only a time-complex for the provinces and cities, but for every day, it is simply It has become an impossible task. Therefore, Ye Zi did not hesitate to find a singer.

The singer stood in the lake next to the waterfall, his upper body, his hair wet on the forehead and neck, and staring at the leaf words standing on the shore. He didn't seem to expect that someone would appear here, like a ghost.

The leaf words stood on the big rock on the shore, and both hands clung to the chest and stared at the singer who stood in the water and bathed in the water. There was no point to avoid the suspicion.

"You, you, you..." The singer is obviously not very talkative. He can't even say a word, but just pointing a finger at the leaf standing on the shore is like a ghost.

On the gaze of Ye Ye, I looked at the singer and then nodded. It was very objective: "I can't see it. You are a pretty professional in the cloth industry. I thought you were thinning into a rib." "The leaf word is not a stranger to the male upper body. After all, the three men in the family are shameless. After bathing, they all walk around and go shopping. She has long been used to it."

However, she is used to it, does not mean that others will get used to it. For example, in front of the singer, he is very concerned about personal privacy, and what kind of gangsters are generally not related to him, and he has cleanliness, even in the game, Bathing every day, neither willing to go to the public bath, he can only find a quiet place in the wild. Here is a secret that he occasionally discovered. Before that, no one but he found it Today, the son of the son is quiet and the singer is simply screaming, this woman How did you find it here! !

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing now is whether this woman has a little woman's consciousness. She actually stands and looks at herself. He has a feeling of being ridiculed. Therefore, after the leaf word was evaluated and the body of the singer was over, his face suddenly became red, and the cockroach rushed into the deeper water. Only one head was revealed with the word anger: "The son You don’t know if you are innocent!"

Ye Zi looked at the performance of the singer's head and suddenly appeared three black lines, she said: "Hey, you don't want to be so good, don't take a shower? What do you hide."

"You, you, you..." The singer was told by the words of the leaf that he couldn’t say anything: "You are a woman staring at me and taking a shower. You are still kind to say my mother! Are you a woman! Don't you know shy?"

The black line on the face of the leaf is heavier. She pulled the corner of her mouth: "Rely, you have a good look on a small body, and you are not showing your body. You are shy here, come up to me, I am looking for busy."

The singer is called a sorrowful anger. I want him to be a grand president of a large guild. When he goes there, it is not a respect and love. When is it going to end? Just as he was still standing in the water and angering, he heard the son of the priest: "You will not come up, I will send you a forum!"

"The son is quiet, you are a dead woman! I want to kill you!! You give me a turn!!" The singer was finally driven by the word, and he yelled. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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