MTL - Reign of the Hunters-v6 Chapter 28 exchange

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Chapter 28 Exchange

"In fact, there is nothing big, just a little thing, I hope you can help out with your hands." Zero arsenic twisted the water on the clothes while smiling at the leaf, the smile looked really sincere.

The words on the top and bottom of the leaf are like the zero arsenic of the chicken. If you think about it for a while, you can’t figure out what you can do to help him. Finally, I will say: "It won’t be my next fight. It's you, so you let me put water?"

The face of No. 0 arsenic became a bit awkward. He grabbed his hair and then said with sincerity: "The son is quiet, actually, if I meet you, I won't let you drop the water." He looked at the leaf. The eyes slightly raised slightly smiled: "I will have two choices, or I will play with you, taste the taste of defeat, or I will abstain." He said that he looked at the leaf sigh again. "The son is quiet, not a man who has the spirit of not being afraid of death."

The leaf word twitched and I really wanted to kick this guy into the lake again. She rubbed her nose. "Then what is going on, if you have nothing, go quickly, I have to sleep."

No. 0 砒 cream licked his mouth and sighed and said: "The son is quiet, seeing that we have known for many years, I will give you a suggestion. As a woman, this is not the case. Men are soft and not hard, if you So sooner or later, the current year will climb the wall..."

The consequence of the zero arsenic chewing on the tongue is that it was once again smashed into the lake by the leaf words. Just when he was going to climb ashore, Ye Ci single said to him with a slap in the air: "Do you want to die in the safe zone once?"

No. 0 arsenic was soaked in the water and looked at the condescending. He was holding a slap in one hand and facing his son. Her eyes were deep and dark, as if she could not see the bottom of the abyss. Suddenly I felt very familiar. This is the son of the son he knows, cold, selfish, and embarrassing. He opened his mouth, reached out, and pointed at his own machine, then squatted on the water and looked up at the leaf: "Who is your opponent next time?"

"I don't know." Ye Zi saw the zero number of arsenic finally to say something right, and no longer use the opportunity to face him, neatly took the opportunity to close up. For the problem of zero arsenic, she is not interested at all. For Ye Zi, it is not important for the opponent. It is important to knock down the opponent.

However, this is just her thought. There is only one leaf word in the world, so you can't guarantee that everyone thinks like a leaf word. At least the opposite side of the leaf word is definitely not the way to think.

Although the No. 0 arsenic heard the leaf saying that he didn't know, but his heart had already been expected, after all, it was such a powerful operation of the leaf, who is not important at all. However, the fact that the opponent is not important to the leaf does not mean that it is not important to others. For example, her next opponent is very important to them. Thinking of it, he said slowly: "I know."

"Oh?" Ye Zi is not surprised at why the No. 0 arsenic knows who his next opponent is. Although the opponents of Haixuan are random, but this random is not generated before the game, but has been generated at the end of the registration deadline. After all, facing such a huge PVP competition, not only the server needs to be done. Preparation, destiny planning, and GM must be fully prepared. If the battle list is temporarily generated, there will be some unexpected things. If it is normal, it is not the case, but now it is the enemy of the martial arts OL, waiting for the fate of the chaos, if there is something happening in such a big event, I am afraid that there will be people who are profitable, and only a year after the appointment of Jiangnan is young but not young. Mentally handicapped, such a simple matter is of course clear, so he made the list of the battle ahead of time and made the most complete preparation for the event.

Since the list can be made in advance, naturally someone can sneak it. Of course, there are very few people who know this kind of thing, but it does not mean that it is not. It is like the current zero arsenic is obviously known. As for what he uses. The method knows that the leaf word is not too eager to know.

The leaf word looked at the face of the zero-faced arsenic, and the face of the standard smile suddenly blinked. Then she slowly bent down the waist and looked down at the zero arsenic on the water's edge and said, "You come to me. Because of my opponent?"

"Yes." Zero arsenic is a master who meets people and talks about ghosts. Of course, he is very clear that it is better for people who are dealing with leaf words to go straight to such a way to get the best results. Therefore, they simply don’t follow the leaf words. "I am here to find you, just to ask you to do this. Help me."

The eye that was originally squatting on the leaf when she heard the zero arsenic said this, it was even worse. She quietly looked at the zero arsenic soaked in the water, and the eyes were like sharp knives. The raw meat scrapes his flesh, as if he does not see the bone marrow, it is absolutely not to give up. At this time, the No. 0 arsenic also looked at the eyes of Ye Ye unceremoniously. Although his lips were still smiling, there was no smile in his eyes.

So two people are like the two sides of the tug-of-war, but the success or failure is nothing but a move.

After a long time, the leaf word slowly opened: "Do you let me put water?"

"No, I want to ask you to abstain from voting in the next game." The answer to the No. 0 arsenic made Ye Zi feel very surprised.

In this PVP contest, each player has three chances to complete the game. After the game is abstained, the opponent will successfully advance to the next game, and the abstained player will not necessarily be recorded as negative. One, of course, the premise is to win two games in the following battles. If only one game is won, it will be recorded as a tie. If there is no victory, it will be directly recorded as a negative two games. Therefore, for the average player, the waiver on the spot is something that is used only when it is absolutely necessary. However, for Ye Ci, abstaining once is not a big deal.

However, if you are willing to do so, you will have to be different.

This is why the zero arsenic appeared in this place today.

After listening to the words of the No. 0 arsenic, the scorpion that was originally black as a starry night became deeper, her lips squatting tightly, and people could not see what her mind was. Although the No. 0 arsenic has no bottom at all, he came here today to report his determination to persuade Ye Zi’s consent. Therefore, he slowly said: "The son is quiet, you are next. The opponent is Qianshan Sun."

The expression of the leaf word did not move, and even the light in the eyes did not flash, just like the zero arsenic just said that these did not have a little relationship with her. In fact, in the heart of Ye Ci, this in itself does not have a slight relationship with her.

No. 0 arsenic carefully observed the expression of Ye Zi, hoping to see a little bit of wind and grass from the expression of the ancient well, but he was somewhat disappointed, but the expression of Ye Zi did not change at all, just like him. I didn’t even hear the same thing that I just said, or even if I heard it, it was like a stranger. He secretly sighed in his heart, and it was really difficult to face the opponent of the son. He said: "I know that for you, it doesn't matter who the opponent is, but the son is quiet, this opponent is For us, it is not the same. If you beat him, then the next stagnation will not meet him, this..." When he said his voice was a little bit: "This is not our war." The guild is willing to see."

In fact, when No. 0 arsenic asked her to abstain from the next game, she already expected who the opponent was. However, when she heard the name from the mouth of No. 0 arsenic, she still had another one. A very wonderful feeling. She looked at this person. He was still a gentle and modest gentleman. However, when he first entered the game, he was standing in the military behind Qianshan. At that time, they were so trustful, so harmonious, but things happened. Unexpectedly, but for a few years, Qianshan Sunshine has become the opponent he will capture.

The leaf word straightened up, took a few steps, sat in the place where he was lying, and put his feet in the water. She looked up at the lake where the water vapor filled the distance, and the sun that was smashed by the water vapor. How can there be no eternal before people and people, she thought, in the last life, when the Qianshan slanting sun came to the end, is it with zero arsenic? However, I can’t think of it anymore, and it’s really too far away.

Innocent, she felt a bit of irony, this is the so-called life.

No. 0 arsenic did not say anything to interrupt the leaf words. He just walked quietly on the shore, sitting in a place not far from the leaf, waiting for the woman's final answer. After a long time, he finally saw the woman who was still moving, and her lips curled up, and then turned to look at herself. Then he heard her cold voice: "Reward?"

No. 0 arsenic breathed out a breath, and the face finally showed a rest assured smile, as long as she was willing to pay, then this thing is equal. He was still worried that Ye Ye would not agree, so he said: "Let's do it, I will give you a very secret message about Shengshi."

"What?" Ye Zi was really interested in this matter, her eyebrows were picked up. No. 0 arsenic smacked her, and the leaf words gently swayed, and put the ear to the side of the zero arsenic, and the zero arsenic was attached to her ear and said gently: "The prosperity plan Attacking Sodom, time is..."

After hearing the time and place and the plan, she couldn’t help but be amazed. She slammed straight and looked at the zero arsenic and screamed: "How do you know!"

No. 0 arsenic said with a smile: "As long as we want to know what we want to know, there is nothing I don't know." When he said that he had another meal: "This thing does not know the green hills, how about this? The reward is good."

"How do I know if you are cheating on me." The word leaves quickly calmed down. She definitely did not doubt that the No. 0 arsenic had this ability. After all, the roots of the Qingqiu were found, what kind of hugeness is behind this man? She does not know that the consortium does not know that in this world, things that can be solved with money cannot be called things. However, this matter is very important for the development of the future. She has to be cautious. I have to know that in order to attack Sodom, Bai Mo almost overwhelmed all the wealth on this matter. If this incident caused the prosperity to stir up the situation. Then, every day, the development of these years is really a shortfall.

No. 0 arsenic reached out and patted the shoulder of the leaf, then stood up: "The son is quiet, we are never enemies."

After thinking about it for a while, I said a little faintly: "People who deceive me will not have too good results."

No. 0 arsenic haha ​​laughed: "Reassure, we have never wanted to be an enemy of the son, but now I don't want to. After all, if I lie to you, it is not worthwhile for the top two players."

The leaf did not look back, only his eyes turned, and finally his eyes fell on the lake. He slowly said: "I seem to remember that I still have something to do, and I can't participate in the next game."

The smile on the lips of No. 0 砒 cream is getting bigger and bigger. He turned his body and walked toward the distance. While walking, he said, “ That’s a pity. I wanted to watch it. of."

The leaf word listened to the footsteps of the No. 0 arsenic, and then I lie down again. After a while, I contacted Bai Mo. After she said something with the No. 0 arsenic, she said it to Bai Mo. Mo couldn't help but be a little surprised, but he quickly calmed down: "This news is really timely enough. If it is found that the day will come to Sodom, it is really for us. It’s getting worse.”

It’s true that the words of Bai Mo’s sigh are undecidable.

Then Bai Mo asked: "How can the zero arsenic be willing to tell you such valuable news?"

"My opponent is Qianshan Xieyang, he wants me to abstain, I agree." Ye Ci does not hide this white thing for this matter.

White groaned and then sighed: "It turns out. I said how he is willing." Then Bai Mo smiled: "There is no value in one thing. It depends on who the object is. You see, this is a matter for us." It’s so important, but it doesn’t matter for the zero arsenic.”

Ye Ye nodded: "Yeah, Qianshan Sunshine is just a dispensable battle for me, but for the Wars Association, it may be the decision to give two people the fate of life in the next few decades. Fighting."

Bai Mo was busy with his own, and there seemed to be only one leaf left between the heavens and the earth. She suddenly took out the opportunity, opened the shackles and shot an arrow toward the lake. Then she looked at the arrow that disappeared into the water vapor and smiled.

There is no turning back in the bow, this is life. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)