MTL - Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 19 Why do you hate me?

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Chapter 019 Why Do You Hate Me? ()

"Flop", there was a dull noise in the living room. I went out and turned on the lamp. Murphy, who had just fallen off the toilet, fell off the sofa again. I didn't expect that she was so elegant when she slept with a sleek look. honest.

Her bra is indeed a half cup, white lace, **** but not glamorous, and she is really good, her skin is tender and fair, sheep fat white jade, flat belly, no fat can be seen, the shallow belly button is like The fascinating little whirlpool drew my eyes to it ... Damn, what do I see? !!

I quickly moved Murphy to the sofa, helped her to clean the blanket, and then took out the pen and paper from the briefcase, leaving a note, lest she get up the next day and find that the top was taken off, thinking that she was insulted by a satyr, directly The police arrested me, and I did not dare to take off her wet bra because of this concern, leaving a trace of her body, which was completely different from being naked.

"Dad ... I work so hard ... I'm tired ..."

Looking at Murphy's red and pretty face, she showed a little girl's general attitude. I ca n’t really associate her with the ice and snow beauty in the company during the day. Her weak heart carried too much, maybe, the dream Father is the only sustenance in her soul. I secretly resolved that as her friend, I will try my best to help her be happy in the future.

"I'm tired ... Dad ..."

"Oh, sleep, Meimei fell asleep. I won't be tired after waking up tomorrow." I gently stroked her long hair and got up to leave her house.

When I got into the taxi, I took my cell phone out of my bag, and it was always off. I turned it on, and received a few text messages, all of which came from Chu Yuan.

‘Why not turn on your phone? Why don't you come back at five? You ’re home before seven o’clock ’

‘If you have n’t died outside, it ’s better to roll back before eight o’clock! ’

‘Okay, you have a seed! I have dumped the food in the trash, and I will wait for you for another half an hour. ’

‘Do n’t you want to hold your breath? OK, don't come back if you have the skills! I'll go out to find you, let people run away and see what you do! ’

Grandma's aunt sent a text message almost every half an hour, and it's not hard to see that her anger is backlogging and flourishing with the passage of time.

‘9:30, I ca n’t see you at 9:30, you ’re finished, I ’ll call my dad and say you do n’t care about me! ’

This one can be regarded as my seven inches. I immediately confirmed the time. The second hand is exactly at the twelve position, which is exactly nine thirty. I have to call Chu Yuan in the future. My cell phone rings first, Grandma's text message!

'I think you're terrific ...' The first four words made me feel relieved, but looking back, my face was green, 'I will roll down the stairs after ten minutes, and you are ready to explain to your parents Right '...

I rely!

I know very well the character of Chu Yuan. You can ignore this stinky girl's splashing, but when you threaten you calmly, be careful, she is going to play real!

The scene that happened five years ago suddenly flashed in my mind, and I was so cold that I called her phone in a hurry, and the voice of the woman who was scolded by the people hurried out impatiently, 'Sorry, the number you called Shut down ... '

really! She just shut down after sending a text message, and it really came! My heart tightened, my hands and feet trembled, and I leaned forward and urged: "Master, please hurry up. I have an urgent matter. Please be there within ten minutes!"

"It's not slow anymore," the driver's elder brother said in an orderly way: "This road has a high traffic jam index at night. You can choose a taxi in Beitian City at will, and the fastest time is 20 minutes ..."

twenty minutes? Grandma can roll on the highway from the fourth floor!

"Please, my wife is about to have a baby!"

"I'm going to give birth? Then you didn't say it earlier!" The driver's elder brother suddenly changed his color, his wrist was deftly turned on the gear, the engine gave a dull growl, the car suddenly accelerated, and the huge inertia almost threw me out of the rear glass The huge iron shell stands out from the traffic flow as if mounted on a rocket.

I was shaken like a dice in a chime bell, "Slow, slow, not so urgent ..."

"How can you wait for a child?" The driver's brother licked his cracked lips, revealing a crazy laugh. "Relax, little brother, tell you the truth, my brother had a nickname before I opened the rental, called" Second Ring Eleven " It ’s only eleven minutes to make a circle around the Second Ring Road. You ’re less than half a lap. Five minutes, you ’re here! ”

Mom, I met a lunatic ...

The second ring eleven was really not covered. After getting out of the car, my legs softened and my eyes were full of Venus. I didn't care about the writhing in my stomach. I rushed, and I heard the blessing of the driver ’s brother in my ears: Got a baby ~! "

Thank you for your good words, I did get a baby, a living treasure!

Breathing to the corners of the third and fourth floors, he looked up and saw Chu Yuan dressed neatly standing at the stairs, saw me, and looked at the watch coldly, squeezing out three words from the corner of his stubborn mouth ,"time up."

Fortunately, I responded quickly, hurriedly greeted the two steps and stretched out her arms to hug her. She was exhausted and exhausted. My knees softened and I almost fell with her. Angrily, she yelled at her: "Are you sick? I'm all back and you're jumping ?!"

Although the stairs are not high, according to her jumping method, injuries are inevitable. How can I not be angry?

"I don't need you!" Chu Yuan pushed me away, and Qiao's face was full of anger. "Anyway, you hate me so much, did I fall as you intended?"

I was at a loss, wondering what kind of temper she had, "Who says I hate you?"

Chu Yuanmei's eyes widened, "You!"

"When did I say it?" I denied it, but my heart was dark, could I have heard her dreams? Chances are, she has a history, she attacked me the night before ...

"From yesterday to now, you have been saying that you hate me every move!" Chu Yuan's voice grew louder and louder. I wanted to pull her into the house and she let go of her hand. "Why don't you go home, why not Take my call? If I'm annoying, I'll just say, can't I just move? "

The more he talked, the more excited Chu Yuan cried. "You were back late yesterday, today is even later, you do n’t turn on your phone without calling back, don't you bother me about living here?"

I was n’t able to give up, so I finally managed to wait until Grandma ’s grandmother was quiet, and then smiled bitterly: “Fate, you misunderstood ...”

"I misunderstood? Why am I misunderstood?"

The little girl stared at me with tears in her eyes, which made me feel distressed and guilty. She then fired Murphy as an assistant and explained to her about temporarily hiring me as a driver. In order to convince her, even Mo was Fei took a slap and didn't hide it, so as to highlight how wronged I was at the moment, I couldn't help but admire myself when the emotions and depths were deep, just because of our acting skills, our little golden man No drama, the whole golden horse statue should not be a problem?

Of course, I did n’t dare to say that I ’m going to dinner with Murphy alone tonight, but rather to accompany her out to entertain customers. I do n’t know why I say that, but I feel that it ’s not appropriate to tell the truth, maybe I ’m In order to pretend to be pitiful in front of Chu Yuan, so that she can more easily believe that I am compelled to work, or maybe I have a ghost in my heart and I dare not reveal the slightest dissatisfaction with Murphy, and my aunt who is afraid of being sensitive thinks I am a see The selfish villain of Se Wangmei, although that's basically the truth ... well, I'm wrong, I'm seriously reflecting.

The corner of my mouth was originally discovered by Chu Yuan. The anxious phase she just rushed back to see clearly and she no longer had any doubts about my words. The apology in her expression flashed away. After all, I was her brother. I ca n’t wait to see me talking to Murphy. "Why is your boss like that? You only hit the wrong person to protect her. I ’m not grateful to you. I still hit you. It did n’t happen today. , If nothing happens to call you, she's too shameful, right? "

After hearing her comment on Murphy, the boss in my heart was not a taste, and smiled awkwardly: "She doesn't want to be so bad as you think, she has apologized to me tonight ..."