MTL - Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy-Chapter 2648 Love if the South wind comes 255

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Jiang Yan in the distance looked at the figure she was waiting for alone, and her heart was moved. The young lady waited for three days, and the young master did not return for three days. Is this really a rhythm to separate?

She has already read the news, and the outside world is spreading. The young master celebrates the birthday of Wen Keer at Christmas.

But where did the young master know that today is also the birthday of the young lady!

In order not to let Joe Ruoqiang wait too hard, Jiang Yan made up his mind, even if he risked breaking the young master, he should also say what he said.

She sneaked out of the villa, took out her cell phone, sent a message to the flap, and asked him to help.

When the **** received the information, it was just to seal Yunan’s Wenkeer back to Qinglian Apartment. The door of the apartment was closed and he could not report the news to the president.

In the Qinglian apartment, Feng Yunan took the drunk Wenkeer and sat on the sofa. As a result, Wen Keer deliberately took advantage of the situation and stretched out his arms to cover his neck.

"Southern Brother"

Wen Keer looked up at her face and said, "Today is my birthday, I am so happy, really really happy! South brother, you said, do you love me?"

Wen Keer was not so drunk, but was drunk in drunkenness and wanted to put a set of ideas in the heart of Yu Nan.

"Kell, you drink too much."

Feng Yunan is not a person who is good at telling love, and he never said "I love you" to others.

Even in the face of Wen Keer, the woman he cares the most, he can't say it.

Wen Keer’s eyes are like a silky voice. He said, “I didn’t drink too much. You said, South Brother, people have never heard of the three words you said!”

"Okay, don't make trouble, you should rest."

"Southern brother, don't go tonight, stay with me?"


Feng Yunan is hesitating, Wen Keer has made it uncomfortable to faint. "Southern brother, I feel that I can't breathe, it's a little uncomfortable!"

See Wen Keer fell on the sofa and asked Yu Nan’s concern. "Well, what's wrong? Is it asthma?"

Wen Keer took a few breaths and explained, "No, it is a bit stuffy."

"It feels better now."

"Go to bed and lie down!"

Feng Yunan sent her back to the room. Wen Ke’s heart sneaked in her eyes and asked innocently. “Southern brother, why is my heartbeat so fast? Really jumping fast, am I sick?”

The girl's eyes and behavior have been hinted enough, she wants to stay with him for the night.

She is so pure and beautiful, he always wants to protect her well and not let anyone hurt him, including himself.

Moreover, even if his marriage with Joe Ruo is only a contractual relationship, his personal principles will never allow him to make any marital derailment.

He can't continue to watch it. The best way is to leave quickly.

"Get some rest early, I am leaving, and I will contact you tomorrow."

After saying this, he turned around in time.

Wen Keer saw him going, kneeling by the bed and calling him, "Don't go, South brother, don't leave to stay with me? South brother"

No matter how she invited to stay, Feng Yunan did not look back and did not continue to stay.

The man left, Wen Ke's arm hangs weakly, and the heart describes bad despair.

It is more and more difficult to grasp Feng Yunan. Since he and Joe Ruoqi got married, his change has been too great.

Invisible, has been deliberately keeping a distance from her, even her temptation to slap three times and five times, he always sit still.

At one time, Wen Keer doubted that her charm was not enough.

Is it that Feng Yunan does not love her?

Why is he always refused to touch her?

Feng Yunan exited Qinglian Apartment, waiting for the flap outside the door, seeing him out, relieved and relieved.

He almost thought that his own president would be immersed in Wen Keer's gentle township tonight, but fortunately, his mind seemed to be sober.

Feng Yunan stepped out of the apartment door and the **** consciously followed.

Going back to the car, the **** looked at the expression of Yunan from the rearview mirror. He looked blank and didn't know what he was thinking.

Thinking of the text message of Jiang Yan, the **** carefully asked and asked, "President, will you return to the sea tonight?"

"What do you say?"

Feng Yu Nan smashed his brow, and apparently the flapping of this topic made him very unhappy.

I always remembered the woman involuntarily, didn't give him a text message and phone call for three days, and didn't bow down and soften. What steps did he have to go back?

The wing knows that the president is standing, and has been waiting for others to give him a step. Now it should be the best time to resolve conflicts. The **** said, "Then go back to the sea."

At the crossroads, the **** changed their direction of driving, and the direction of the pavilion in the sea, not the company is not silver.

"Who will let you go back to the sea cabinet?"

Feng Yunan saw the wing changed the lane, it was very unpleasant, and immediately sank.

If he wants to go back now, is that woman still not swearing to go to heaven?

The stern wing boldly replied, "President, you will go home! Little lady made a table dish and waited for you for one night."

"What are you talking about? She is waiting for me?"

Feng Yunan thought that he was auditory.

Joe Ruo made a table dish and waited for him for one night?

If Joe is willing to cook for him, do you know that he is wrong, and he is going to apologize to him and admit his mistake?

"Well, the president, in fact, today is not only the birthday of Miss Wen, but also the birthday of the young lady."


After Feng Yunan heard this, the whole person fell silent.

Today is also Joe's birthday?

He didn't even know.

I want to think that the woman is waiting for him to celebrate his birthday with him.

Just imagine that she is alone waiting for him to go back, his heart can no longer be calm.

For three days, the accumulated anger and anxiety have also dissipated with the wind.

"What time is it?" he asked with some excitement.

"11:35." The flap answered.

"Before 12 o'clock, be sure to rush to the Sea Court." Feng Yunan ordered.


The heart of the wing is much more comfortable. You are finally open to the president. If you are so active, why bother to suffocate for three days?

The luxury car lifted the speed, but in the middle of the road, Feng Yunan urgently stopped.

The **** parked the car on the side of the road and asked, "What instructions, president?"

"Can you still buy flowers now?"

Sealing the South to scratch the head, the uncertain look looks like a teenager caught in the first love.

"I am afraid I can't buy it now." The flap answered.

"That's it. Let's go!"

Feng Yunan is just a whim, and suddenly wants to buy a bunch of flowers. Since it is too late, it will be done.

Who knows, the **** smiled and added, "But the president, I just took the time to buy you a bunch."