MTL - Plug-in Player-Chapter 59 contract

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"Wait for me, brother, don't go so fast. Do you want to have dinner together when you get off the assembly line? I told you that the clay pot broth in the restaurant on the thirteenth floor is a must. It's right to eat that..."

Zhang Kui happily chased after him and warmly invited Su Mo.

Su Mo's head aches for Zhang Kui's enthusiasm. Just as he was about to refuse, the words came to his lips, and he shrank back.


"Brother, you will definitely feel wise for your decision."


Soon after, Su Mo and Zhang Kui returned to the safe area of ​​the camp, and then they both logged out of the game.

In the computer room of the Breaking Dawn Group, Su Mo slowly opened his eyes and saw a beautiful figure standing in front of him, his expression was slightly surprised.


"Uh, why don't you know me anymore?"

Lin Zinuo complained angrily.


Su Mo's mood swings quickly calmed down.

"Huh, I really have nothing to say to you. Anyone in the guild sees that I'm not very excited and excited, and would like to say a few words to me to get closer to the relationship. Forget it, it's okay to say this to a papaya like you. Useless."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Su Mo asked sparsely.

Lin Zinuo didn't want to chat with Su Mo anymore, she took out a very thick contract and handed it to him.

"This is your contract. Sign this contract. As usual, I need to tell you something. From now on, you will be an official member of our Dawnbreaker Guild. You are no longer just representing yourself, but more of our Dawnbreaker Guild. If someone bullies you, it means bullying our Dawnbreak Guild, and the Guild will naturally stand up for you."

"Of course, if you cause trouble everywhere and cause trouble to the guild, then you are in breach of contract. At that time, the guild will not only not help you, but will punish you, and even terminate the contract in serious cases, and you will have to pay a huge amount of money. liquidated damages.”

"How much liquidated damages?"

Su Mo asked curiously.

"It's just two million. It doesn't make any difference any more. You can't afford it either."

Lin Zino said indifferently.


Su Mo replied without any reaction, he could hear a little chill. According to Lin Zinuo, 2 million liquidated damages is a small amount, and someone should sign a higher compensation.

From this point, it can be seen that the Dawnbreak Guild should be afraid of people being dug up.

"One more thing, in principle, the guild's orders must be absolutely obeyed. If you resist the guild's orders, you will be punished. If the punishment reaches a certain amount, you will be automatically terminated. But it does not rule out that you are unlucky and offend the supervisor. He maliciously made things difficult for you or something. If this happens, you can appeal to the special discipline department of the legion. As for other matters to be noted, you can read the contract yourself, it is written in full. "

Lin Zinuo simply said to Su Mo.

Su Mo quickly flipped through the contract, as if watching flowers on a horse.

Lin Zinuo rolled her eyes at Su Mo, who sees the contract like this, what can be seen from it, she reminded him in a responsible manner.

"Take it back and look at it slowly, sign it after reading it, and bring it back tomorrow to hand in."

"No, do you have a pen?"

Su Mo simply asked Lin Zinuo.

He has read the entire contract once. The conditions are very good in all aspects, the benefits are also very good, and there are no pits and loopholes.

If I had to use one sentence to describe this contract.

Then, the employee is my own son.

But there is only one point, the marking is very clear, and it is marked in big red font.

In the game category, all profits are owned by the guild, with technical data and large weapons highlighted. Of course, the guild will also provide benefits such as equipment, bonuses, promotions, and salary increases based on individual performance and contributions.

This is not surprising to Su Mo. After all, people spend so much real money and energy to cultivate, there must be a purpose. The purpose of which is also obvious, that is, the technical information and large weapons in the game. As for those petty things, it is estimated that people will not look down on them.

Lin Zinuo shrugged, but helplessly took out a very delicate pen and handed it to Su Mo, which looked like a treasure.


Su Mo took the pen, signed his name without blinking, and then handed the contract and pen to Lin Zinuo.

Lin Zinuo took the contract and was about to leave. She paused before leaving. She turned her head and said to Su Mo: "Our group's recent equipment quota is a bit tight, and we can't assign tanks to you for the time being. So if you don't have any special tasks, you can do it first. Free activities, I will apply to the legion as soon as possible for equipment. By the way, and the most important point, I almost forgot to tell you. Any data and information within the guild are classified as confidential, and it is strictly forbidden to leak, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. Even Possibly, a prison sentence. I'm not joking with you, you know?"

"Oh, I see."

Su Mo replied lightly, this was what he expected. As for the tank, it will be opened, and if it is not, it will be done by myself. Of course, to get equipment, Su Mo's goal is not tanks, he is actually more interested in those mechas.

In the last battle, Su Mo felt that the pilots operated very badly and did not really exert the performance of the mecha.

Lin Zinuo didn't stop there either, she still had a lot of messes to clean up. Recently, sister Zhao Han is writing a review book. UU reading is not very angry. Many sisters subconsciously skip the team leader and find her on everything.

Su Mo also left the computer room alone, and met many members of the same group along the way. They all deliberately stayed away from Su Mo, but luckily no one came to ask for trouble.

The rules within the Xiaoxiao Group are still very strict. Internal conflicts broke out for no reason, ranging from punishment to loss of jobs.

Su Mo walked into the elevator and pressed for the thirteenth floor.

The elevator descended rapidly.

When the elevator door opened, Zhang Kui was already standing at the elevator entrance.

"Brother, why are you slow, come quickly..."

Zhang Kui enthusiastically pulled Su Mo and walked towards the position he had chosen.

The restaurant on this floor is particularly lively, with many employees chatting and laughing while dining here. This time just happened to be the shift time, so there were a lot of people.

Su Mo glanced around. There are some faces here that look a bit raw, they should be from other groups.

Of course, there are a lot of people in this group, and Su Mo can clearly feel that there are many eyes deliberately looking at him from all directions.

"Come on, I've prepared food for you, eat it quickly, or it will be cold for a while."

Zhang Kui pushed Su Mo a standard meal. The plate included rice, large steaks, stewed beef and pork, and a small crock pot filled with broth, which smelled quite good.


Su Mo politely thanked him.

"Look at what you said, it's a big deal. Besides, it's rare for someone to accompany me to dinner, but why did you come down so late?"

Zhang Kui asked curiously.

"Oh, I just signed the contract."

Su Mo replied simply while eating with chopsticks.