MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 49

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The eldest lady teased her blond hair and wanted to ask why Li Ergou couldn't touch her head like Aishwana's hair, but the pride of being a mistress and the dignity of being the only daughter of a marquis, Keep her from asking.

Long nights, long lonely companions.

If the final scene of the realization of the ambition is an empty nothingness, then such a scene is really a bit desolate.

Looking at Li Ergou's thin back when he returned to the room, Miss Ivy whispered:

"After three years, are you going to leave me? Don't joke, even after three years, you still don't want to get out of my control and fall into the prey in my mouth. I have no intention of letting go."

Just as Li Ergou thought, Miss Ivy is a beast wrapped in a noble coat.

However, even she didn't want to be alone, and even she would have no resistance to heroes.

I still remember that day, in the arena of slaves, he protected Aishwana from being hurt by the lions behind him, and when he escaped from prison, he stepped forward and dragged his battered body to block the encirclement and suppression. Soldiers who want to buy Aishwana even a little bit of time, that's what a real man would do.

She was very jealous, jealous why she didn't have the tragic experience of Aishwana, why she didn't meet such a brave and gentle man like Li Ergou before, and at the same time she thought that her betrothed was the one called by the world. "Waste" maggots, her heart sinks deeper into the bottom, and she wants to possess Li Ergou even more.

This fiery scorching her, the phoenix bathed in flames shone with golden eyes, staring at everything in the world.

only he...

Absolutely won't let go.

Even by unscrupulous means.

On the one hand, he is a noble of the Eastern Continent Empire, but in fact there is another aspect that Miss Ivy did not say.

That is, she wants to get him, let him bow down under her pomegranate skirt, drag her ankles and kiss the insteps of her own, and watch the beast bow its eyebrows in obedience, it must be the happiest thing in the world.

As for Aishwana, she wasn't jealous enough to do anything to her? Anyway, in today's world, anyone with a little ability will have several concubines.

But the most important thing is that you must be the rightful palace.

No, it's not just as simple as the main palace, but to be the queen above Li Ergou...

Chapter 48 Early morning with Xia Lena

In the Budapest Hotel, Li Ergou got up early as usual, and now he thinks it is necessary to get up early and exercise in the morning in order to live a happy life with Aishwana as soon as possible.

Change into your tuxedo and leave the bedroom.


The person who cried out was a pink-haired girl in a maid uniform. Like Li Ergou, she also held a weapon in her hand, the difference was that Li Ergou was holding a long spear, while she was holding an ancestral sword.

"Please, do you hate me that much?"

Seeing Xia Leina frowning, Li Ergou couldn't help but feel a little amused. This straightforward maid really doesn't know how to hide her disgusting thoughts in her heart.

"Hmph, you got up really early."

"Aren't you the same?"

"Don't compare me to you," Charlene showed off her saber hidden in the scabbard, her blue eyes full of determination, "See, this sword is for the eldest lady, in the future Whether it's seeing the eldest lady reach the pinnacle of power, or dying for the eldest lady, it's what I Xia Lena yearns to see."

"Obviously she's just a maid, making herself look like a knight."

"Stop chattering!"

Clenching the sword in her hand tightly, Xia Lena immediately prepared to go downstairs to the nearby martial arts field to practice her sword swinging and assassination skills. Almost every morning, she would swing a thousand times in the air and then start running.

This has long since become a habit deep into the bone marrow.



"Since meeting you today counts as unlucky for you." Xia Leina glared at Li Ergou, "Then, let's practice with me."

"Ah? Are we familiar with each other?" Li Ergou shrugged, "It's inexplicable."

"I'm the head maid, this is an order!"

"The head maid is in charge of the maid, what do you care about me?"

"If I ask you to practice with me, you have to be obedient to me and stop complaining to me, or I will beat you up!"

Seeing Xia Leina being so serious, if she doesn't agree to practice with her, I'm afraid she will really do it.

Helplessly smiled.

"All right."

"Hmph, feel honored, I will guide you well today, Lord Shalena."

The guy is starting to get carried away.

Li Ergou held back his laughter. In fact, he didn't dislike Xia Leina's straight-forward character, and even liked it a little.

However, he still seems to be hated by her.

"The first test is to run downstairs without using the elevator! Run! If you run slower than me, I will punish you!"

"Forget it, let's play with you."

Afterwards, the black-haired man in a tuxedo and the pink-haired girl in a maid's uniform ran towards the stairs. Li Ergou rushed downstairs ahead of Xia Lena by nearly ten seconds. Li Ergou felt inexplicably happy.

In the martial arts field, the two used their weapons to discuss again, but neither of them showed their true skills. It was just a limited competition, but even so, there were still people around who thought they were fighting, and even passing guards Run to pull the rack.

It can be seen that Xia Leina's motor nerves are actually very good, and Li Ergou even thinks that her talent is much stronger than his own.

It's just that her thinking is too rigid, and she regards her family's swordsmanship as the strongest swordsmanship, and cannot accommodate the strengths of other swordsmanship.

If she humbly learns the swordsmanship of various other factions, I am afraid she will become a very terrifying existence.

Suddenly, Xia Leina threw something at her very fast, and it was thrown at her head.

Li Ergou reluctantly caught it. It looked like a kettle. The iron kettle was a little hard. If he hit him in the head at the speed just now, he might have been killed.

"Do you want to kill me?"

"Shut up, drink some water after the morning exercise, and then go back."

After finishing speaking, Xia Lena also opened her water bottle and drank it. She used the remaining water to wet her pink hair, which looked like cherry blossoms with drops of water under the sunlight.

This guy just wants to drink water...

Can't you just hand yourself the kettle the normal way? For example, kneeling down on both knees holding the kettle and saying, "Lord Ergou, please drink water" or something like that.

Li Ergou murmured in his heart, but he also opened the kettle and started drinking. Although Xia Leina seemed to hate her very much, with her personality, I'm afraid she would never poison her water.


"What are you doing, Miss Charlene."

"Go back," Xia Leina hooked her finger at Li Ergou, "Today we are going to the palace, Miss should have already told you?"

"Yes, I know." Li Ergou bowed slightly and said, "Does Miss Charena have any instructions?"

"It's nothing." Seeing Li Ergou's humble body movements, Xia Leina seemed to be in a better mood. "You should know the etiquette of meeting the king, right? The person we want to meet is known as the 'Lion of the Western Continent'. His Majesty Louis XIII, he is a true hero who has led our country to victory time and time again, and you must maintain the highest respect for His Majesty."

"But I'm not from the Kingdom of Shengluer." Li Ergou smiled. "He's a hero of your country. Does he have anything to do with me? Heroes from other countries may be seen by the people of another country. The heinous devil."

"Hmph, shut up! Anyone who regards our Majesty as a demon is an unclean villain. In short, you must be respectful and not talk nonsense, understand?"

"Understood, Miss Charena, you don't have to tell me this."

Li Ergou showed an expression of "you are teaching me to do things".

Seeing that expression, Xia Leina directly stepped on Li Ergou's feet, but Li Ergou easily avoided it.

"Mom, are the couple flirting?"

The passing little boy pointed at Li Ergou and Xia Leina.

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman covered the little boy's mouth:

"Don't talk nonsense."

At the same time, he looked at the positions of Li Ergou and Xia Leina, and ran away with a look of embarrassment.

"Let's go, go back."

"Tell you, our relationship isn't very good. It's definitely not some kind of beating or flirting, understand?" When Xia Lena was furious, she always seemed to stutter easily.

"Understood, you hate me, I know that."

"It's good to know..."

Walking on the street, some morning markets in Fenglu City have already opened, and today is another prosperous day.

Li Ergou never imagined that one day he would be alone with Xia Leina, walking on the same path.

"Li Ergou."


"If one day I die, please replace me as the sword of the eldest lady." Xia Lena bit her lips and looked at the palace's position, clenching the hilt in her hand, "Although I do hate you, but your strength But it's real, are better than me, I know that, not only in combat, but also in thinking and knowledge, you also have excellent performance, there is no doubt that you were found by the eldest lady in the ashes. Pearl, so in order to repay the eldest lady's kindness of appreciation..."

"You are so strong, you will never die." Li Ergou said lazily, looking up at the floating clouds in the sky, "And I don't plan to stay by Missy's side all the time. One day, we will part ways. , that day will be about three years later, when I accompany the eldest lady to finish the Stigma Academy, I will leave this country with Aishwana, and then you will no longer have to look at my face and worry."

Chapter 49 Pretending to be a Lover

When I returned to the restaurant of the Budapest Hotel, everyone was already seated. It should be said that it is one of the best hotels in Fenglu City. The restaurant is resplendent, and it is similar to the three-star Michelin restaurant in Li Ergou's impression. All are small, as little as possible to disturb others.

Taking a closer look at these customers, Li Ergou couldn't help but be a little surprised. In such a big hotel in an international capital, you can see people of all races and skin colors. They come from all over the world, including fair-skinned elves, yellow-skinned ones, and so on. Businessmen, dark-skinned orc chieftains, and irrelevant people sit here, forming a strange but harmonious scene, and this harmony stems from their suits and shoes, and their elegant manners, even the orc chieftains are very decent. Completely different from the Orcs in the impression.

"It's obviously just an orc."

Charlene lowered her voice.

"Don't underestimate anyone, Xia Lena, treat everyone as equal as possible, you will find that there is no distinction between high and low, skin color and race cannot determine a person's character and behavior, in other words, no matter which country there will be The most nauseating bastards, but also the most admirable heroes everywhere."

"Make it seem like you're well-informed."

"I do know more than you..." Li Ergou smiled.

In the past world, Li Ergou has been to Europe and Latin America, fought guerrillas against terrorists in poor villages, and protected dignitaries in brightly lit hotels.

After seeing many people, Li Ergou naturally discovered a characteristic, that is, people are basically the same wherever they go, so this has formed a habit for Li Ergou, that is, he will not have preconceived ideas about people because of nationality and skin color. concept.

So, re-examining Prince Louis after discarding preconceived notions reveals many details that others have missed.

"Excuse me, where is Miss Ivy?"

Passing through the restaurant lobby, Li Ergou asked the waiter in front of the counter in a calm tone.

"In the private room upstairs, sir, please come with me."

Going upstairs to the end of the corridor, the private room that Miss Ivy reserved is here. In a private environment, everyone can finally speak without lowering their voices.

Opening the door of the private room, the girls were already seated in gorgeous dresses, and even Demi looked slender, which was surprising.

But in the next second, she was revealed.

"Wow, didn't I read it right?" Seeing Li Ergou and Xia Leina entering the private room together, Demi immediately stood up, "It's incredible, Xia Leina actually dated Ergou brother, sister Aishwana A green grassland has risen above your head!"

Charlene leaned closer to Demi without smiling.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"do not come near me!"

"Help! Brother Ergou! The pink-haired witch is going to kill!"

Li Ergou took a step back:

"Don't splatter my blood."

Similar scenes are staged almost every morning. Demi can always find Xia Leina's reverse scale accurately. This should be regarded as a talent, right?


Aishwana looked over, her eyes were a little nervous, and her fingers kept touching the engagement ring.

"Don't take it seriously, I just happened to get up at the same time as Miss Charena, and went to the martial arts field near the hotel for morning training."

"I believe in you." Having said that, Aishwana bit her lip and seemed a little concerned.

Miss Ivy cut the dishes with a knife and fork, and put a small piece of croissant into her mouth.

"Sit down and eat, we should go after eating."

"Are you going to the palace, Miss?"