MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 48

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Thinking back to the past, it was obvious that Prince Louis in the past was also a motivated person. At that time, Prince Louis had no magic talent, and his physical ability was not suitable for practicing martial arts. So he studied hard to govern the country, the economy, and read through the decisions of the great figures in history. At that time, Prince Louis could still come up with a very reasonable plan for governing the country, but later, he fell.

In fact, his fall was not too public at first, because the queen was still there at that time.

Later, when the queen died of food poisoning, he changed completely, and the day after his mother died, he lost his virginity in the tavern, when the king was furious and took up the whip and beat Louis. After a while, Louis still went his own way, and even said with a smile when he was bruised and bruised all over the place:

"Old man, are you capable of this? If you have the ability, you can kill me!"

Wine, women, art collections, endless dinner parties, and sightseeing have become all Prince Louis has.

He's done.

However, this is exactly what Duke Machiavelli longed to see.

The people in the palace have vaguely seen that sooner or later, the son of Duke Machiavelli will become the new king. He is the cousin of the current king, a branch of the Elba family, and his ancestors were from the same line.

The succession to the throne by the highly respected son of Machiavelli, although unorthodox, is a popular aspiration.

The maid in the palace quietly wrote the following in the manuscript:

On the evening of June 3, Prince Louis and the bar girl turned upside down.

On this record, there are many unbearable acts of Prince Louis.

Such as drinking to the point of vomiting, such as being drunk and falling on the street, such as urinating in a fountain.

Almost everything Prince Louis did was well known by the servants in the palace.

The maid quietly put her ear to the door, and there was a rhythmic "pop" and the high-pitched voices of men and women.

Then, she put a checkmark on the line she just wrote on the manuscript.

Inside the house, Prince Louis looked at the **** girl, his eyes were not the usual unruly look, but full of affection.

And the girl with scantily clad clothes did not have the dull eyes of a secular woman, and her eyes told that her love for Prince Louis was sincere.

"The people outside have left." Prince Louis wanted to get away from her.

"do not go."

Soft arms wrapped around Prince Louis' waist, and his cheeks were as shy as a girl's.

"Sorry, Lotte, I didn't give you my virginity in the past..."

"It's not your fault, Your Highness. There's nothing you can do about it. After all, you've endured humiliation and burden to hide your eyes from the public." The bar girl Lotte thought for a while, and smiled sweetly, "At least, my first time belongs to you, and from beginning to end, Not being soiled by anyone else, that's enough."

"Thank you, you are such an understanding girl."

"His Royal Highness Louis is also an empathetic villain."

This girl is very much like his dead mother, and because of this, Prince Louis let her into his inner world.

In the past, her parents were under the butcher's knife of their compatriots, and she was rescued by Prince Louis by chance.

At that time, the girl who hated the nobles and the king once hated it, and regarded Louis's rescue as a hypocrisy, and even bit Louis' finger.

But over time, she knew she was wrong.

Prince Louis's words lingered in his ears all the time.

"Of course you can hate, go hate it! Girl!" On that day, Prince Louis's usually spurned eyes became sharp and sharp, "It is the system of this country that makes you miserable, the king of waste. , are ambitious courtiers, of course they are hateful, and of course they are hateful! But hating alone cannot solve the problem, what you have to do is to overthrow them, trample them down, and then replace them!"

"What the **** are you talking about?" Lotte looked at Prince Louis in disbelief. He, who was called "trash" by the world, seemed to have said something very serious.

"Be mine, Lotte. I see your hatred, and I will use your hatred to help me overthrow them. Only when power is concentrated in one person can power be realized."

After that, Prince Louis explained his own situation to her.

Today, the power of the nobility has grown to the sky.

Although the power held by the royal family still has room for mediation, once the old King Louis XIII dies, everything will be overturned.

He wants to overthrow everything. He wants to make the nobles into ordinary people with noble titles. The consequence of decentralizing power is that countless unnamed villages become victims of struggle. Only the concentration of power can make the administration more efficient. Civilians have no compassion, but if conditions permit, he will also create a much better life for the commoners than now, after all, this is also a symbol of the country's prosperity.

"Lotte, I am the only heir, but unfortunately the authority of the royal family is not as good as that of the esteemed Duke Machiavelli. He has hidden evil intentions, and I am surrounded by his eyes, so I need you to do many things for me, understand ?"

Since that day, Lotte has become the prince's only bridge to communicate with the outside world.

Chapter 46 Cain

The war between the Kingdom of Shengluer and the Federation of Fars is in full swing. Not long ago, the famous Marshal Folenso of the Machiavelli faction rushed to the front line, and behind the Marshal there were even more fierce generals.

For most people, the final outcome of this war must be the undoubted victory of the Shengluer Kingdom. Although this country is far inferior to the past, the name of the No. 1 army power in the Western Continent is still the name of every country. accepted fact.

"Lotte, we will lose this war in the end, and this is the future I see."

Beside the pillow, Prince Louis said in a low voice.

"How could we possibly lose?"

"Lotte, can you trust me?"


"Our army seems to be gaining momentum, but the essence of war is logistics, do you understand that?" Prince Louis said in a low voice, "These days, nobles and ministers are rich in their own pockets, and the people are miserable. These have long been indisputable. Lotte, when I went to Saint-Charles a while ago, I saw the living conditions of the people at the bottom with my own eyes. They could hardly be called people in those days, and our army was assembled by the major lords. A combined army, do you know what that means?"

"This means that it is impossible for those generals to be willing to let their elites suffer, so they will refuse in every possible way and intrigue, right?"

Although Lotte was born in an unknown village, she is very smart and good at learning. She has also learned a lot from being with Prince Louis over the years.

After hearing her answer, Louis smiled contentedly, and that smile was far more sincere than after a night of upheaval.

"Yes, the intriguing politicized army goes to fight with the army that protects the family and the country, and the result is self-evident. Moreover, our army has long been stretched in logistics, although Forrenzo is still a nobleman who loves soldiers like a son. , but the group of generals under his command is different, they are a group of vampires plucking their hair, after layers of exploitation, the soldiers' salaries and rations are like sending beggars."

"Louis, how did you know this?"

"Judging with your eyes," Louis pointed to his blue eyes, "Saint-Charles is a front-line city, and even the soldiers there are yellow-faced and skinny, and even capturing slaves and putting out fires takes a lot of money. For a long time, this was not the quality a soldier should have."

"However, we are far more numerous than the Fars Federation..." Lotte was still a little worried.

"Quantity? Quantity is nothing more than a bluffing figure in our current war. The Fars Federation is a country where magicians and businessmen come first. Their elite magician group can annihilate our army in a few minutes. As long as it relies on favorable terrain, it is an inextinguishable fortress.” Although Prince Louis’ bedroom was full of paintings of glamorous girls scratching their heads and posing, Prince Louis’ eyes seemed to be looking at the topographic map of the army on the front line. Through my studies, I know the terrain of the Fars Federal State. The border between us and them is mountainous and blocked by a river, which is undoubtedly a natural barrier for the Fars Federal State.”

"What if we cross the river by luck?"

"Crossing the river by luck? Well, even if you were lucky, how would you direct this war if you were from the point of view of the commander of the Fars Federation?"

"I will..." Lotte frowned, her bright little face fell into deep thinking, but she couldn't find the answer.

"In the fourth anti-Shengluer alliance, our army was once defeated by the enemy. Our kingdom is known as the commander of the Eagle of Breta, you should know the tactics, right?"

"Fabian tactics?"

"Yes, I have mentioned this history to you in the past."

After Lotte followed Louis, she naturally learned history, and under Louis' explanation, she understood the mental processes of the big figures in history at that time when they made decisions.

Almost every time Louis talked about those historical figures, Lotte felt that Louis was the reincarnation of those great men of the past.

For example, Louis once commented that the unification of Dongzhou was the product of last resort. For example, when Louis commented on the naval battle that established the hegemony of Dongzhou, he claimed that it was a war that seemed to be a precise gamble. Another example was that Louis could easily tell the North Sea. The thinking behind the continental equilibrium policy currently being exercised by parliamentary states.

In this world, Louis only regards one person as his real opponent, and that person is Ya Yinyue. She proposed sea power and saw through the wealth code of this era, and at the same time made the Dongzhou Empire a superpower.

She is an admirable opponent, but unfortunately, in her eyes, her reputation is no different from the clown.

But Louis didn't care.

Louis took a deep breath and explained with a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Fabian's tactics are rogue tactics that consume the enemy's rogue tactics by detouring and delaying time. Even if our army is lucky enough to cross the obstacle, once the enemy uses that set of rogue tactics, our army, which cannot be attacked for a long time, will inevitably be defeated. The nobles are eager for military achievements and Prestige, and at the same time they can't bear to let their elites suffer, and this kind of thinking will make us unable to prevent an effective attack. I have said earlier that the Kingdom of Shengluer is not a country, but a country composed of countless The four dissimilarities formed by the union of small countries. On the other hand, the Fars Federal State, their king, the Duke of Carroll, is a king who is well-received by the people. Once a country can mobilize the people at the bottom, no matter what country it is, it will show amazing results. Potential, unless we have the ability to slaughter civilians throughout the Fars Federation, the outcome of this war is already doomed."

The bar girl Lotte nodded, trying her best to understand what Louis said.

"Lotte, this battle will be of great benefit to us, and the defeat of Forensault, the loss of the nobles and the discrediting of the nobles will be our opportunity to promote the centralization of the royal family, and even if our maritime trade is handed over to the French It is not necessarily a bad thing for the United States of America.”

"Isn't that a bad thing?" Lotte was puzzled.

"I have seen the financial crisis of the Fars Federal State and an unprecedented huge bubble. Maybe after this war, they will get unprecedented wealth, but in the end they will inevitably decline from high to bottom..." Louis revealed With a cruel expression, "Lotte, I will trouble you later. Please go to the exchange of the North Sea Parliament and find a banker named Red Shield Child."

"Your Highness, do you know Childe?"

The well-known banker Childe is said to have the ability to see through the sky. It is said that the wealth of this banker can shake a country. He even has an outrageously strong mercenary group under his command. It is even heard that he has the ability to manipulate the currencies of major countries. Rates, it's easy to empty a country's gold bullion reserves.

Although Lotte already thought Louis was a great person, she did not expect His Royal Highness to know such a terrifying person.

Looking at Lotte's shocked expression, Louis smiled:

"Silly girl, my stupid father has long stopped giving me money, otherwise why do you think I have so much money to spend? You are someone I can trust, Lotte, to tell you the truth, Childe's wealth Three-quarters of it belongs to me. Although he is a businessman, he can be trusted. You can tell him when the time comes that you are the person introduced by Baron Cain, and he will know that I sent you here."

"Baron Cain?"

"Yes, Baron Cain, after all, when I'm doing things seriously, I can't use the name of Prince Louis, right?"

"Does Cain have any special meaning?"

"Kindslayer, and told me that I should be patient, after all, I don't want food poisoning. If I die, no one will avenge my mother..." Prince Louis's pupils flashed with fiery flames of revenge.

Chapter 47 Trying to Be His Queen

"Miss, you haven't slept yet?"

Back at the hotel, the eldest lady was still sitting on the sofa, holding a book that Li Ergou had read before, wearing a silk nightgown, looking particularly **** and lovely.

Although Miss Ivy is the same age as Aishwana, her words and deeds give off an extraordinary maturity.

The golden eyes rolled over and glanced at Li Ergou in the housekeeper's uniform and the cat-eared girl in the maid's uniform, his eyes finally locked on a small diamond ring on the ring finger of the cat-eared girl.

"I didn't expect you to be a hedonist. In Fenglu City, even the cheapest ring sold by the cheapest jewelry store would cost five hundred gold coins. If I remember correctly, the first month's salary is seven Hundred gold coins, right?" Putting down the book in her hand, Miss Ivy said in a tone of incomprehensible emotion.

But then, he laughed softly again, raised his feet and said:

"But yes, as the prince of Dongzhou, Mr. Li Zijin must be a hedonist. After all, he is a noble."

"Miss Ivy," Li Ergou sneered, "It seems reasonable to spend a month's salary to buy an engagement ring for my girl?"

"Of course, everything you do is reasonable." Miss Ivy stood up, under the translucent silk pajamas you could vaguely see the tender skin like nephrite, "It's just that I didn't seem to say Let you come back so late, Your Highness Li Zijin?"

"Miss, I said I'm not Li Zijin."

"Well, you're not, but Xinchuan Fenghuazi thinks you are, and those wind demon ninjas also think you are. Now your identity is not what you want to say no, understand?"

"Of course I understand that."

Li Ergou narrowed his eyes slightly. Today, the female ninjas had given him a warning, and there was no doubt that he and those ninjas would fight again after that.

"If you are kidnapped by them, then I will do everything I can think of to get you back." She held up the goblet, her eyes flashing with determination to tear her face with Xinchuan Fenghuazi .

"Because I'm worth it?"

"Because you are still my attendant, that's all." Miss Ivy looked at the bustling night scene outside the window. The never-sleep Fenglu City, under the towering buildings, was still flickering with lights and endless fireworks. Blooming in the air, the light one after another shines on her white cheeks, flickering and darkening.

At a quarter past twelve, there were no more fireworks in the bustling capital. The eldest lady who lived on the 20th floor stared at everything below the city and slowly drew the curtains.

"If one day, when I climb to a high place, even if it is me, I don't want the high place to be empty."

"Is this really what you really think?"


Miss Ivy showed a smile that was seldom innocent and did not contain a hint of shrewdness. It was unexpected that even Miss Ivy would have such a lovely smile.

She glanced at the hands that Li Ergou and Aishwana clasped together. She wanted to say, "If you both love each other, sleep in the same room", but in the end she changed her words.

"Good night, it's time for you to go back to your respective rooms to sleep, and tomorrow morning you will go to see the great lion of the Western Continent, Louis XIII."

"Good night, Miss."

Li Ergou and Aishwana saluted Miss Ivy together.

"That's right." When Li Ergou was about to turn around and go back to the room, Miss Ivy suddenly stopped Li Ergou again.

"What's up?"

"If you don't want me to call you 'Li Zijin', I will still call you 'Li'. One thing I have to make clear, no matter whether what Miss Xinchuan Fenghuazi said is true or not, I will not have any sympathy for you. Prejudice." Miss Ivy raised her snow-white slender neck, walked to Li Ergou's side and tilted her head.


"Because you are a noble."

"I'm not."

"You are," Miss Ivy said, placing her white palm on her heart, "you are a nobleman at the soul level, your words and deeds are noble and decent, and your arrogance and attitude are also what I yearn for. To tell the truth, I have never seen such a good man as you, although it was indeed a little embarrassing when captured by the female ninjas that night."

Li Ergou glanced back and felt that Miss Ivy's swan-like face was a little rosy today. Maybe she was drunk and drunk?

"Miss, you are still young, everything is fine." The tuxedo housekeeper bowed his head respectfully, "Good night."