MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 200

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But today's Li Ergou is no longer the Li Ergou of the past. Now not only has his strength reached 61, but he has also learned a lot of ninjutsu.

"Thunderbolt, Thunderbird."

Li Ergou made a seal with one hand, and the thunderbolt immediately extended countless currents, knocking down the shuriken and kunai one by one, and even the chain was shattered by the thunderbolt.

"Your Highness Fenghuazi, you actually taught Master Zijin such a level of ninjutsu..."

"My husband has a good understanding. I didn't expect that my husband, who could have been easily teased, has become such a difficult opponent."

Fenghuazi's expression is very complicated, with a hint of pride, anger, sadness and tenderness.

She didn't want to let her sister live, but the situation in front of her did not allow her to do that. Li Ergou was doing something that Fenghuazi really wanted to do, but couldn't do.

That is, knowing that Maikako is about to become a demon, she still has to protect her, and she still has to believe that a miracle will happen.

"Your innocence and tenderness is also the reason why my concubine loves you."

"The technique of Thunder Clone."

Hundreds of lightning wolves immediately transformed into entities identical to Li Ergou's deity, and each of them held a mithril spear that was more than five meters long.

"Destroy them all, inferior creatures like humans are just food."

Wuhuazi, who was protected by Li Ergou, said wickedly.

Li Ergou looked back subconsciously, Wu Huazi was still in a coma.

She is beginning to assimilate with demons.

"I don't want to be so tired anymore, Fenghuazi... Forgive me, this world has always been black, my world has no sunshine, and I have never had anyone I can rely on. I want to rest."

Wuhuazi, who was still charming just now, suddenly regained her original personality.

"There is no hope in this world."

"I hope there is. Feng Huazi has grown up now, and she will make up for your past regrets. Don't lose to the devil."

Li Ergou said in her ear, unfortunately, Li Ergou's voice could not be transmitted to Wu Huazi, and demonization was irreversible.

"Lord Husband, you protect your sister and want your concubine to be happy. The concubine has taken it physically and mentally. For the rest of her life, the concubine will regard her husband as a continuation of her sister's life, but now, if you don't kill Wuhuazi, it will be true. It's too late, so Lord Husband may have to suffer some flesh and blood in the future, I hope you don't hold any resentment in your heart."

"I won't resent you, Fenghuazi. In this case, what you did is correct and reasonable."

"Actually, what your husband has done is not wrong. I love my sister and my husband, so I am full of gratitude to my husband."

The snow-white fabric slipped from Fenghuazi's shoulders, revealing a clear and **** clavicle, and her waterfall-like black hair was tied together by Fenghuazi. She took off her kimono and wore a thin and short trumpet kimono inside. The slender jade legs were finally completely freed from the hem of the black kimono, and the slender feet swept towards Li Ergou's neck like whips.

She didn't seem to care that she would go out, maybe she also wanted to go out in front of the person she loved.

"My lord, you are the best student I have ever seen. Your talent in ninjutsu makes my concubine feel ashamed, but you are still too weak, and my concubine has not put all of it. Ninjutsu will be taught to you without reservation."

The legs turned into dozens of wind blades and slashed towards Li Ergou's face and body. Although it was only a kicking skill, it had the power of Xia Leina's sword skill.

Under this level of confrontation, Miki Miyama has no room to intervene at all.

A dodge, Li Ergou tried to dodge, but Fenghuazi kicked mercilessly in the abdomen.

"Is Lei clone? Even if the husband has mastered this level of ninjutsu, he can't hide his body. Don't worry, the concubine is only aimed at your abdomen, and will not let you die. After all, we still need to use it to complete the future. What about the task of reproducing future generations?"

Feng Huazi's voice was a little cold, and there was a voice in her heart cheering for Li Ergou, hoping that Li Ergou could stop her successfully.

However, the gap in strength cannot be bridged.

The dark shadow turned into a fierce tiger, and Li Ergou's Lei clone had to turn into a wolf pack, but the shadow tiger was strong, and the lightning wolf pack was like a buffet dessert, one by one, the shadow tiger bit off its throat.

"Wuhuazi, Fenghuazi..."

Li Ergou clutched his aching abdomen and tried to stun Fenghuazi with the blunt part of his spear, but Fenghuazi was far faster than Li Ergou.

She easily avoided Li Ergou's attack, her slender arms wrapped around Li Ergou's neck like a python.

Choked by her.

Li Ergou wanted to break free, but it was too late.

Shadow Dun's ninjutsu was triggered the moment Fenghuazi touched Li Ergou.

His hands were tied tightly by the black shadow.

"Thank you, husband, but enough is enough."

Her lips are so attractive, like gorgeous cherry blossoms.

"don't want…"

"Husband, accept the kiss from the concubine body, and then have a good sleep. The body of the concubine body can provide a good rest for the husband who has worked hard day and night."

"I don't want to be drawn into your shadow again."

Li Ergou struggled with all his strength, but Fenghuazi's joint technique and shadow escape restraint technique completely lost Li Ergou's limbs.

Her lips, smeared with a drug that can make people fall asleep, are slowly approaching.

Her eyes are so beautiful, yet so sad.

After being caught by Fenghuazi, after losing her protection, Wuhuazi will surely die.

Chapter 124 The Conversation of Two Executors

In the air that could not be seen by the naked eye, Demi was sitting comfortably on the sofa, holding popcorn and pressing the remote control, in a very lazy state.

What was broadcast on TV was the current situation of students all over the world. These days, almost all of the students' every move fell into Demi's eyes in the form of TV broadcasts.

She changed to another TV station, and the LCD screen displayed the **** burned by the fire of karma. On the uneven ground, a man in a gray kimono had just been locked by a beautiful black-haired woman, unable to move.

Beside them, the beautiful pale-skinned girl is gradually approaching the brink of demonization.

Seeing such a heart-wrenching scene, Demi deliberately tore open a pack of potato chips and unscrewed a bottle of Coke, as if she wanted to save the best snacks for the best shows.

But the liquid sprayed from the cola splashed Demi all over, causing Demi to stamp her feet in anger.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

"Second executor, are you the chief examiner of this assessment?"

Demi turned around and smiled at the person behind him:

"Yeah, senior, this assessment is coming to an end, that Ya Yinyue is really amazing, she has reached the seventieth level at a young age, and she has a good mind and looks beautiful. If you give her a few dozen more Years, maybe it will surpass me."

Standing behind Demi, the person called senior was a man with white cat ears and sunglasses.

He seems to be a meticulous man, with a very indifferent eyebrow, like a Buddhist, tolerant of all things.

"This assessment is almost over? How long has it been since the outside world?"

"It's probably less than a week. After all, the flow rate of time in the secret realm is different from that in the outside world." Demi pressed the remote control and switched to a TV station, "Now most of the demons in the Western Continent, Eastern Continent and Southern Continent have been eliminated. , the rest of the demons are almost all small characters who can't make waves. The action of this class of students is really surprising to me, not only Ya Yinyue, but even Daula Batu of the Dongzhou Da clan. , Prince Juan of the Pyrenees, and Horti, the son of the admiral, have also achieved a lot of success. This academy is so interesting. In this academy, everyone is like a supporting role. Individuals can be protagonists under the right circumstances.”

"How many people died?"

"Senior, as of now, a total of 314 people have died, most of them are students below grade 50, and most of them are women, and there are as many as eight students above grade 60 who died. The number of deaths is higher than expected. Much less." Demi replied casually.

"They are the pillars of this world, it's a pity..."

"It's a pity, there are still many handsome guys among the dead, but there is no way to do it. If you can't fight even a demon of this level, it will only become a burden in the final battle in the future. It's not necessarily a bad thing to die early." Demi held her cheeks and watched TV, "Ah, while we were talking, the 315th victim appeared in the Ankara desert in the southern continent, In order to pick an antidote for a lover, a student was dragged into a cave by a demon who turned into a desert man-eating ant and gnawed to death. This is a tragic way of dying."

The cat-eared man known as "Senior" was also watching the TV screen, he couldn't help but put his hands together and said in a low voice:

"Poor soul."

"If I had to choose a way to die, I would like to die in bed," Demi said, shaking her legs in lace-trimmed socks. "If you ask whose bed it is, it must be the headmaster's bed."

"No one asked you how you want to die in the future, second executor."

The cat-eared man frowned and turned to leave.

"Wait, senior, which plane is our principal playing in now?"

"That lord is not playing, the second executor," said the cat-eared man in a more serious tone, "he is trying to prevent the destruction of this world, so he must go through the 'door' to the world of countless planes and find the most reasonable one. The solution, this hard work is beyond your imagination now.”

"Obviously, he is usually indifferent like a Buddhist, but when he mentions the Principal, the senior immediately becomes a different person. Senior, don't you like the Principal?"

"I admire him, and I will never forget the day he helped me regain my motherland. I used to not believe in gods, but I believed that day. That lord must be the true **** sent by the goddess to the world to save the world. He is the only one in Sri Lanka. savior."

"Don't forget, he's not a god, he's a devil, and the blood of the devil flows in the body of the principal. This is a fact that can never be changed..."

Even though the pack of wolves had helped the world resist the end of the world, he was still a demon. At the beginning, he used the means of being infinitely close to the demon to make the whole world become his prop, and became the greatest dictator in history.

Although the original intention was to protect this dying world, many people still died because of this, paving a **** road.

On the day of the final battle, the most incredible scene still makes Demi laugh and laugh.

The man who was bowed down by the demons and called him the "Emperor" protected the humans who spurned him. Even though he was bruised and bruised, he still crawled up from the ground with his mithril spear countless times.

He has no hatred, even though some of his lovers died at the hands of human beings before him, but he still did not commit sins to the world, but laughed heroically, sang songs and fought while showing a heroic wolf that looked at death as if returning home Hitomi.

The emperor does not fight for himself, but for a world that hates him.

The world was not reset until the blood was dry.

"Second executor, I'm going one step ahead, the lord is already calling me."

"Walk slowly, senior."

"By the way, Demi, time may be running out for that lord."

"Well, I know, after all, the body is dead, and the soul can't run for long."

"Even if that lord is gone, we have to protect this world."

The cat-eared man walked into a portal and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

He is the fifth executor, the leader of the White Elephant Column.

To this day, the mercenaries in the column are still working tirelessly to find a way to resolve the doomsday.

Only Demi did not think that the doomsday could be resolved in her heart. Instead of thinking about ways to resolve the doomsday, it is better to live in the present and enjoy life.

After changing several channels, Demi was finally locked on the **** channel.

No matter how others live or die, Demi at this moment just wants to watch the Hell Channel, because only he is a special existence.

As for the girl who is gradually demonizing, it doesn't matter if she lives or dies.

"Brother Ergou, you have to do your best."

Chapter 125 Being locked in shadow space again

Li Ergou, whose limbs were locked, was almost powerless to break free, and the body he wanted to twist had completely fallen into Fenghuazi's arms.

"I'm sorry, husband, I kicked you just now."

"Don't kill Wuhuazi, there will definitely be a chance, let me go quickly, if we have something to do, let's find a way together?"

Feeling Li Ergou trying to escape in his arms, Fenghuazi smiled lightly, and that sad smile made Li Ergou's heart tremble.

"Forget it, my lord."

"Obviously the most important sister..."

"The husband is equally important to the concubine. Sometimes, I am too greedy to get anything. Although I have lost my sister now, at least my husband will accompany the concubine in the future." Fenghuazi's gentle gaze made Li Ergou was in great pain. She hooked on Li Ergou's neck and said affectionately, "The art of shadow binding cannot be freed by the present husband, so accept this kiss and rest well."

The next second, Li Ergou was forcibly kissed by Xinchuan Fenghuazi again. The last time he was kissed by her, Li Ergou felt humiliated to the point of madness, and he also felt guilty about Aishwana. But this time, when I felt the teasing of her cold tongue, I felt that even my saliva was sweet.

She is not so much kissing, it is more like an emotional outpouring, and her soul is blended together. While kissing, she can clearly see her magnificent eyes, which are as dazzling as jet-black gems, she is shallow There is bitterness and the happiness brought by kissing in the shallow smile.

Being asked by her, but unable to give her happiness...

"If I were stronger, you wouldn't have to make such a difficult choice, sorry, Fenghuazi..."

"Don't blame my husband, there is no absolute perfection in the world except for His Royal Highness Yinyue. You have done enough for your concubine, and it's over. Thank you husband for accompany your concubine to have a beautiful dream..."

Consciousness began to blur, like the last kiss.

Lipstick should be something like a psychedelic drug.

"Forbearance, Mao advocates prostitutes."

The shadow, which is indistinguishable from Fenghuazi's hot body, gently hugged Li Ergou, and then the shadow of his hair immediately extended, turning into countless black hairs like silk.

In a blink of an eye, Li Ergou was pulled into the shadow, and it looked like he was "eaten".

Shadow returned to Fenghuazi's clogs, Fenghuazi gently stroked her lower abdomen and said softly:

"Husband, welcome back to the body of the concubine body again. It is a great honor for the concubine body to be with you in this way."