MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 199

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"Fenghuazi, if one day I die..."

Walking across the bridge of the River Nai, the world around me has changed again.

They are back in hell.

Liangxiu's daughter walked in front of Li Ergou and the others. She was still dressed in cherry blossom brocade robes, and her hair was black and beautiful. There were still many burning black shadows around. They were evil spirits who did evil in their lifetimes.

"You're back here again, and it looks like you'll never be able to leave."

Two days ago, the daughter of Liangxiu, whom I had seen before, appeared in front of me again, not only did not make people feel intimacy, but it made people feel disappointed.

"Why are we back here again?"

"Because you have sins in your hearts, innocent people can naturally leave hell, but guilty people can only stay here forever and accept punishment."

The flames became brighter and brighter, and the rising column of fire covered an old man who seemed to have a bad mind and an aristocrat wearing a brocade and jade robe.

"Sin is a wonderful thing. When my father saw me being lit by flames, he focused on the scene. When he devoted himself to art, he probably thought he was innocent at the time, but his father was What he has done, in the eyes of anyone, is a sin, so he will also be punished here."

The thin old man was the painter Liangxiu.

As for the person next to him dressed as an aristocrat, he should be the prince in the story.

Seeing the flesh and blood covered by the flames and scorched, making a sound of squeaking oil, it felt extremely cruel.

"I'm guilty..." Wuhuazi kept mumbling in a coma.

Li Ergou, Fenghuazi and Shenshan Meishu looked at Wuhuazi together. At this moment, Wuhuazi's face was completely soaked with sweat, and she was very pitiful.

"Take a break, these days, everyone has reached their limit."

"Well, it's all up to your husband."

Feng Huazi nodded, the three of them sat on the ground, looking at the woods lit by the karmic fire, the shrill screams of the shadows around them were now accustomed to listening to them, and there was no initial discomfort.

"It seems that my sister is about to regain her memory..."

"Does this mean that King Carl V of Werner will wake up again?"

Li Ergou clenched his fists and remembered the demon Carl V who faced in Werner city more than a month ago. He originally had a beautiful country, but he killed innocent people indiscriminately and made musical instruments with human bodies for fun.

What if Maiko becomes Karl V?

Kill Maikako?

"If my sister really becomes Carl V, I will kill my sister..."

Fenghuazi said with difficulty the words that were indescribable in the hearts of everyone at the moment.

"It's still up to me." Mishu Mishu bit her lips, "His Royal Highness Fenghuazi definitely can't bear to do something to his lost and found sister, so let me do this kind of thing."

"If you kill Sister Wuhuazi, I may not be able to resist killing you, Miki." Fenghuazi said word by word, "I don't want to hate you."

She is serious.

Now it's time to plan for the worst.


"Sir, don't persuade me, anyway, I have already killed my sister once in the past, and it doesn't matter if I do it again." Feng Huazi pinched her cheeks, showing an ugly smile, "I'm used to it."

"I don't mean to kill Wuhuazi. If Carl V uses Wuhuazi's body to wake up, we will use brute force to control Wuhuazi. I believe that as long as she is reunited with Yinyue, she will definitely There is a way to save Maikako."

"Lord Husband, Sister Wuhuazi is level 69, and the three of us together are no match for my sister."

"So what? Rather than frowning here, it's better to try your best." Li Ergou held Fenghuazi's and Wuhuazi's hands, and put the two sisters' palms together, "I've been fortunate enough to see it before. Your memory, after knowing the story of you and Maiko, I have the idea of ​​wanting to make you happy, maybe this sounds a bit like a confession, but it really doesn't mean a confession."

Li Ergou is telling the truth, under the rigid rules of the family, the sisters who had to kill each other, and the girl who killed her sister after the incident and wept alone, all made Li Ergou very moved.

"At such a time, my husband can't lie and say that it was a confession just now? If you can't go out, my husband and concubine can combine here, although in terms of comfort, the concubine is not as good as Miss Aishwana, But the love for your husband is not weaker than that of Miss Aishwana."

In addition to being sad, Fenghuazi is like a helpless chick who is eager to seek support, seeking the support of a man, and the usual coldness is like the mask of a ninja.

She pretends to be strong, but is essentially an extremely fragile and caring girl like Aishwana.

"Forget it, let me talk about Sister Wuhuazi, my lord."

"Well, all ears."

Feng Huazi leaned on Li Ergou's shoulder, Li Ergou did not dodge, but gently hugged Feng Huazi's waist.

Compared with Aishwana's body that dances a lot, Fenghuazi's body is a little harder, but her waist is thinner than Aishwana's. She has been trained as a ninja since she was a child, and she may have suffered a lot.

In Fenghuazi's narration, Wuhuazi always protects her as much as possible, and the sisters of the ninja family always have to face very cruel things. Every time Wuhuazi rushes in front of Fenghuazi.

"Feng Huazi, I really hope you can be happy..."

This is what Wuhuazi liked to say to Fenghuazi in the past.

"I also hope that Sister Wuhuazi will be happy."

"In the future, I will find a man worth relying on. It is best that that man is not from Dongying. He must love you deeply. At that time, Fenghuazi will leave Dongying and Xinchuan's house. The farther away, the better."

"What about my sister?"

"Me?" Wuhuazi said, "I haven't thought about myself."

"Then my sister and I will marry a man, and let's fly away together."

Talking about the past children's words, Fenghuazi's gloomy expression once again showed a bright smile.

Chapter 122 It's time to do it

Another ten days passed.

During this time in hell, I will not feel hungry or sleepy. I feel that the various organs of the body have entered a dormant state. From a certain point of view, this is a fortune in misfortune. After all, there is hardly any decent food here, and there is no bed where you can rest at ease. There is nothing to provide the living people with physiological needs. If there are more physiological needs such as eating, drinking, and laxing, I am afraid that they will be in hell. bingo.

"Back here again."

Burning **** is the beginning of the beginning, and it is also the end of the end.

In ten days, Li Ergou and others have gone through five more reincarnations, but still haven't found a way out.

The dark shadow covered by the flames screamed mournfully, and the suffering never ceased, as if to say that sin could never be washed away.

But for Li Ergou and others, the screams of the evil spirits have long been accustomed to it.

Wuhuazi was still in a deep coma. Occasionally, Wuhuazi would say some sleep talk, but these dream words were the girl's monologue about her own sins, and her expression had never stretched since she was in a coma.

"elder sister…"

When she was resting, Fenghuazi used her knees as a pillow, put Wuhuazi's head on her legs, and gently rubbed Wuhuazi's cheeks with her hands, trying to make Wuhuazi feel warm.

"I really want to live the life of an ordinary sister with my sister who has recovered my memory, but this should be an extravagant hope for us who were born in the Xinchuan family..."

The two sisters were obviously together, but Feng Huazi felt that with the passage of time, Wu Huazi was getting further and further away from her.

There is no way to touch the guilt in Maikako's heart, let alone pull him out of the coma.

Now Wuhuazi's expression is still extremely frightened, twisted, lonely and helpless.

In her dream, no one could save her, she could only face the evil spirits she killed alone.

"I'm sorry, I'm guilty, please don't hurt Fenghuazi, it's all my fault..."

Wet tears of blood flowed from the corners of Maiko's eyes.

She seemed to have a nightmare about Fenghuazi.

From her few words, it can be vaguely known that in the dream, Fenghuazi was tied to a cross and was burned at the stake, while Wuhuazi, who is her sister, could only watch Fenghuazi being executed.

"My lord, sister, she may never be able to wake up..."

"Don't be so pessimistic, Fenghuazi, he's just a mere demon."

Li Ergou gently held Wuhuazi's other hand and said to the unconscious Wuhuazi:

"Miss Wuhuazi, your sister has grown into a strong woman, you have to cheer up as soon as possible, everyone bears the original sin from birth, but even if we bear serious sins, we still have to live well. Because we want to make our loved ones happier, if you are occupied by demons like this, then your sister will also bear the same sin as you and endure the pain of karmic fire forever."

It's a pity that Li Ergou's voice could not reach Wuhuazi's ears at all.

The worst thing is that Wuhuazi's body began to undergo some changes. He was only in a coma before, but after more than five hours, Wuhuazi's body began to be filled with darkness and cruelty. The trembling expression suddenly turned into a sneer of self-denial like a demon, just like Carl V, who played strange music in the Kingdom of Werner.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

The unconscious Wuhuazi let out a harsh laugh, like a crow crowing, full of ominous ominous.

When Maiko regains all her memories, Carl V will occupy her body again and be reborn.


Li Ergou clenched his fists tightly, feeling that he had reached the point of exhaustion.

Do you really want to watch Maiko's body be taken away by a demon?

Li Ergou looked at Feng Huazi, and suddenly noticed that a murderous intent flashed in the depths of Feng Huazi's eyes.

In the next second, Li Ergou used his spear bullet almost completely out of instinct, and threw Kunai at Maikako.

"What are you doing? Isn't this your favorite sister?"

"I don't want to! But if it goes on like this, she will be resurrected as a demon. If my sister's body is stained by demons, it would be better to end my sister's life as soon as possible!"

There were tears in Xinchuan Fenghuazi's eyes, her cheeks were flushed, the hand that had caressed Wuhuazi's cheek not long ago, but the next moment she killed Wuhuazi.

She must be the most painful person present.

"Feng Huazi, calm down and never give up until the last moment."

"It's easy to say, we've been trapped here for almost half a month. During this time, I've been expecting a miracle, but a miracle doesn't exist. I'm really fed up!"

Although the speed is fast, it is barely visible.

During this period of time, Li Ergou has never neglected to exercise, and he has also won the true legend of Fenghuazi in ninjutsu. Li Ergou holds a gun in both hands and protects Wuhuazi behind him.

"Don't get in the way."

"If you really kill your sister, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"But if we don't kill my sister, we don't even have the right to regret. When my sister wakes up, this body doesn't belong to my sister, but to the devil. If my sister is still awake, she will definitely beg me to kill her. ."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi looked beside him:

"Miki, hurry up and help, first control the husband, and then kill the demon occupying my sister's body."

"His Royal Highness Fenghuazi, do you really want to do this?"

"I'm serious, if you drag it on, it will be too late."

Wuhuazi, who was protected by Li Ergou, was filled with more and more dark aura, and her clothes began to change, from the kimono at the beginning to the clothes of King Yama, if Wuhuazi woke up again, Probably will use the power of the devil to become the Yama King, right?

Reason tells Li Ergou that killing Wuhuazi now is the most correct choice, but sensibility tells Li Ergou that Wuhuazi must not be killed.

Miyama Miki began to seal, and the chains twisted like a boa constrictor staring at its prey.

Miki's level is fifty-seven, which is quite satisfactory.

The most troublesome is Feng Huazi, who is level 65, and is extremely fast. A little carelessness will let her succeed.

Raising the spear horizontally, Li Ergou did not dare to point the tip of the spear at Fenghuazi, for fear of accidentally hurting her, and Fenghuazi would not be able to approach Li Ergou for a while, because she was also afraid of accidentally hurting Li Ergou.

"Why did you stop me? I've already made up my mind, but why do you want to protect the devil, husband?"

"Because if you can't save Wuhuazi, you will not be happy in this life and this life. I know the pain of losing a loved one better than anyone. It really feels like life is better than death. I said before, if Wuhuazi wakes up again Come on, let's take her under control, and we'll find a way to get rid of the demon that occupies her in the future, I don't understand why you don't want to fight hard, but choose such a seemingly easy road, but it is equivalent to self-sacrifice. ?"

Chapter 123 Losing to Fenghuazi

A raging fire blazes a prairie fire, and the battle is still in the hell. The beautiful girl, the girl was already in a coma, and the kimono was transformed into the dark red official uniform of the Central Plains of King Yama under the breath of darkness.

"Fenghuazi, let's stop, we can definitely have a solution."

"My lord, during the time I spent with you, I have discovered my heart. In the past, when I heard that His Royal Highness Yinyue loved you deeply, I sneered, but now, I have to admit that I love you. , just because I love you, so I can't let my sister hurt you, we want to go out, so do you, you must leave **** and live a happy life with those who love you deeply." Xinchuan Fenghuazi's double Tong was sad and confused, "So, just sacrifice my happiness, my sister is already a person who deserves to die, and to be able to reunite with my sister who has been dead for many years, the three of them lived in Dongying like a dream. life is enough.”

"How can you be content? There are so many things that haven't been done yet..."

"Of course I know that."

After the raindrops of Kunai and the shuriken were thrown, they changed their original trajectory and stabbed at Maikako's body.

At the same time, Miyama Miki also began to release ninjutsu, and the chains that appeared out of thin air tried to tie Li Ergou Wuhua, who was protecting Maikako.