MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 157

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I want to protect her, watch her grow up, and watch her and her beloved grow old.

Her happiness is her greatest happiness.

Such thoughts popped out of her heart like mushrooms after a rain. She couldn't suppress the crazy and unrealistic thoughts in her heart, feeling that the blood in her body was burning.

"Are you OK?"

When Wuhuazi was holding her heart in pain, a man extended a helping hand to her. It was a pair of generous and powerful hands.

A man's voice is magnetic, and if he sings, it must be nice.

Raising her head, Maiko saw the man's face. The man in front of her was one of the targets that Madam Shia had previously ordered her to protect, Mrs. Li Zijin, Miss Ivy's future husband-in-law.

"I'm fine, thank you, Mr. Li Zijin."

"How did you know the name?"

"Lord Li Zijin is a famous person," Wuhuazi showed a faint smile.

"Where am I famous?"

"When the tsunami came, I saw with my own eyes that you and Princess Yayinyue of the East Continent Empire were hugging each other, looking very intimate. This incident has spread in the academy."

"It's really troublesome, but to correct you, my name is not Li Zijin, my name is Li Ergou."

Li Ergou scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

Wuhuazi found that this man does not seem to be the type to get angry easily. He has a pair of unruly wolf pupils and dares to bark at fate, but when facing the weak, his eyes are always gentle and friendly. , never bullying beings weaker than him.

At this moment, the pink-haired maid standing beside Li Ergou pushed him, looking very dissatisfied.

"Hey, I said how did you talk to this rustic girl for so long? We should go back!"

"What is rustic? It's too rude of you to judge someone like that, Xia Lena, I think you should apologize to this young lady."

"It's always rustic, why should I apologize? You are the future husband of the eldest young lady, how can you chat with other girls?"

"Why are you so long-winded as an old mother, my future wife is Aishwana, not the eldest lady, don't interfere in my life casually."

"What's your attitude? Be careful I chop you."

"Heh, it sounds like you can beat me."

Just as the man and the maid were arguing, Maiko left quietly. Her task is to protect the safety of Miss Ivy and Li Ergou in the dark. She must have the consciousness to sacrifice herself when necessary. .

She knows that she shouldn't have any unreasonable thoughts, she just needs to faithfully complete her tasks like a mechanical part without emotion.

However, Wuhuazi suddenly had the urge to urgently restore her original memory. She wanted to know what kind of girl she used to be. Is she really as gentle as Mrs. Shia said? She especially wanted to recall how she felt when Feng Huazi pierced her heart with a sharp blade.

In the middle of the night, Maikako returned to the Gothic building complex, which is the church area and cemetery of the academy, where the teachers and students who died in the Stigma Academy due to accidents were buried.

At the same time, this is also the dormitory for the freshmen of the blood clan, crows chirping in front of the tombstone, and bats hang under the eaves, like decorations.

Here, Wuhuazi finally doesn't have to dress up as a rustic glasses girl anymore. She switched back to her original appearance. It was a pretty face with the charm of an oriental beauty, but her skin was as pale as paper, and she Normal vampires have the same characteristics.

She frowned, not worried.

"For someone like me who has died once, is there any way to restore the memory of the past?"

Wuhuazi looked at a handsome young man from the blood clan. His strength was second only to himself among all the freshmen of the blood clan, and he was at level sixty-seven, while Wuhuazi's strength was at level sixty-ninth. Among all the freshmen, it may be second only to Ya Yinyue.

The vampire youth pondered for a long time, then looked at Wu Huazi suspiciously, and pondered:

"Don't you want to betray Madam Shia?"

"No, I just want to get my memory back."

"Is this important to you?"

"I don't know... Maybe it's very important. After my rebirth, I have always been loyal to the ancestors and excluded the enemies of the blood clan. When those people died, my heart never had any fluctuations, but today, when I am with I feel my heart shake as my old loved ones pass by."

"It's not a good signal."

"I understand, but I can't control myself..."

"Don't forget, your former sister Xinchuan Fenghuazi is our enemy. Mrs. Shia also said that if conditions permit, let us find an opportunity to kill Ya Yinyue and Xinchuan Fenghuazi. I remember you at the time. I said that you are ready to kill them." The tone of the blood race youth was a little cold, "I'll ask you again, don't you want to betray Mrs. Shia?"

"I will never betray Mrs. Shia, betray the blood clan, if I become a traitor, then the blood of the ancestors in my body will eat me back and turn it into a tonic for Mrs. Shia..."

"In this case, you must not have superfluous ideas. Faithfully completing your mission is your best way to survive."

"I see…"

Having said that, but Wuhuazi wants to see Fenghuazi more, maybe even if the two have not seen each other for many years, there may still be a bond that blood is thicker than water in the body...

No matter what, Wu Huazi secretly made up her mind that she must retrieve her lost memory, which was proof that she had lived.

Chapter 27 The little chick may be on the boat

Tomorrow is the opening day that the freshmen of Stigma Academy look forward to day and night.

Compared with two days ago, there were more and more pedestrians walking on the streets of the college. Yesterday, more than ten ships docked and sent the best young people from all countries to Stigma Island. These days, the Stigma Academy is becoming more and more like a vibrant and prosperous metropolis.

At four o'clock in the morning, in order not to be forced to accept Xia Leina's intimate "getting up service", Li Ergou had to wake up early, and then went to the training ground with Xia Leina to practice hard.

But now Li Ergou has found that he is facing a serious problem, that is, although there is a force that is constantly impacting the shackles in the body, Li Ergou still has no new breakthrough to become a powerhouse at level 60, and now I feel No matter how much you practice, it's just standing still.

In this regard, Xia Leina's explanation is that level 60 is the bottleneck of most people's lives. Many strong people who are pursuing the peak eventually stop there. If they want to go further, they often need a nine-death training. to make a breakthrough.

"Nine dead and alive?"

In the Stigma Academy, the conditions for survival can be easily created, but Li Ergou was a little hesitant.

If he is alone, then he may be like the hero in fantasy novels, putting on a posture that if the sky goes against me, I will go against the sky, but now, Li Ergou already has someone who is deeply dependent on him. lovers.

Thinking of Aishwana's slightly trembling brown cat ears and green eyes, Li Ergou knew that if he died without authorization, then Aishwana would probably follow him to Huangquan, so Li Ergou was afraid of death , is not afraid of not being able to enjoy the wealth and prosperity of the world, but worried that his death will have a heavy impact on the people he loves most.

"Brother, don't go away..."

Suddenly, Li Ergou recalled Xiaochu, she clutched her sleeve tightly and begged not to let herself do dangerous work, and every time Li Ergou reassured her that it was not dangerous to do it. Work.

Why, at that time, did not consider that his death would bring grief to the little chick?

Li Ergou took a deep breath and said to Xia Leina:

"Shalena, I'm afraid of death. One day in the future, I will marry Aishwana and have a child. I want to make Aishwana the happiest person in the world. For this reason, I am afraid of taking risks."

Xia Leina did not laugh at Li Ergou, but said that Li Ergou was a courageous person.

"By the way, Xia Lena, how many levels are you now?"

"I'm already at level fifty-seven. It's estimated that I'll be able to surpass you soon, so you have to work harder for me, my future master."

"Well, it's time to work harder. Wait, who's your future master?"

The two finished their morning exercise, and Li Ergou felt that in the next three years, the days of practicing together with Xia Lena would gradually become a daily routine.

Back at the white castle, Miss Ivy had just woken up, Aishwana was watering the flowers in the yard in her maid uniform, and Demi was walking in the courtyard. Although she would part with Miss Ivy and the others someday, sometimes, Li Ergou had to admit that he did find a sense of belonging at home here.

The breakfast is still delicious and delicious. Xia Lena's cooking skills have always been comparable to that of a court chef. As early as invisible, her craftsmanship has conquered Li Ergou's stomach.

When it came to the question of level promotion, Miss Ivy comforted Li Ergou:

"As for the level, you don't have to worry at all. I believe you will break through level fifty-nine sooner or later."

"I also think Ergou will not stay where he is, because Ergou is the most amazing man in the world!"

Aishwana also immediately praised Li Ergou.

From the eyes of the two of them, Li Ergou did not see perfunctory, encouragement or comfort, but really believed that Li Ergou would make new breakthroughs.

"This is probably because the beholder is in the eyes of the beholder." Demi complained.

"Speaking of which, a few years will be the last day of the free activity day. After the ship from the Southern Continent and the Eastern Continent Empire docks, the Stigma Academy will start school. I feel that these short three days have passed by really fast. What?" Miss Ivy said with her slender and **** legs up.

When Li Ergou heard that the ship of the Dongzhou Empire was about to dock today, his eyes suddenly became bright.

"Miss Ivy, it's convenient for me to ask you, what time will the Dongzhou Empire ship dock?"

"The landing time should be around eight o'clock in the evening, why are you asking this?" Miss Ivy elegantly cut a small piece of pancake topped with maple syrup with a knife and fork, "Don't you want to see the past? A lover in the Eastern Continent Empire?"

"It's not a lover, don't think about it, but she is indeed a very important person."

The girl who has always occupied a place in Li Ergou's heart is named Li Chuyue.

The Pope once told Li Ergou that his sister was not dead, which rekindled hope in Li Ergou's eyes.

Moreover, during the period of acquaintance with Ya Yinyue, Li Ergou found that Ya Yinyue was exactly the same as her younger sister, Xiaochun, in both her outfit style and some minor details.

Therefore, Li Ergou is almost certain that her younger sister has crossed into this world after she died in the original world, and she must have known Ya Yinyue, thus affecting Ya Yinyue's behavior.

But there is also another possibility that the probability is very low, that is, the younger sister is not transmigrated, but reincarnated.

Ya Yinyue is the reincarnated younger sister.

However, whenever Li Ergou thought of that otaku sister who only knew how to play online games at home and watch fan dramas all day long, he immediately denied the possibility.

After all, the contrast between Xiaochu and Ya Yinyue is too great.

"Miss, can I ask you for a day off?"

"What do you want to do on leave?"

"Little chick may become a freshman on board..." Li Ergou muttered to himself.

"Little chick?"

Ivy, Aishwana, and Xia Leina frowned at the same time, and Li Ergou could even smell the pungent smell of gunpowder, so he immediately clarified:

"Little chick is my sister."

"Your sister? Oh, then she will be my sister in the future. Forget it, go if you want, and you don't have to ask me for leave in the future. You are free in this academy." Ivy The eldest lady said generously.


After successfully applying for leave, Li Ergou looked at his lover with a pair of cute brown cat ears.

At the same time that Li Ergou cast his gaze, Aishwana's cat ears twitched involuntarily, and the cat's tail swayed uncontrollably.

"Would you like to go to the beach of Stigma Island with me to watch the sea?"

"Can I go together?" Aishwana looked surprised.

"Of course, you are my lover. We can just take a good walk on the outer beaches of Stigma Island. The seascape at night will be beautiful." Li Ergou gently scratched Aishwana's Joan with his hand. Nose, the cat-eared girl suddenly blushed.

Being invited by the man she loves makes Aishwana intoxicated.

And Miss Ivy hugged her chest and said in a slightly sour tone:

"Ask Aishwana on a date again? When can you invite me on a date?"

Chapter 28 Majors After Enrollment

After breakfast, Li Ergou and Miss Ivy discussed the professional choice of Stigma Academy.

In Stigma Academy, there are many disciplines to choose from, each of which is divided into countless sub-categories, and most of the disciplines are endless, and I am afraid that they will not be able to complete them even in their lifetime.

When Li Ergou asked about the subjects that Miss Ivy wanted to choose, the majors that Miss Ivy chose were military science, political science, magic, economics, religious studies and other subjects that rulers would only study. Every child from a royal family or a noble family chooses these majors invariably after arriving at Stigma Academy, and an ambitious girl like Miss Ivy is no exception.

In addition, Miss Ivy also chose a number of disciplines such as geography, history, humanities, and philosophy to expand her knowledge and help her achieve a hegemony.

"I think your chosen subject is reasonable, miss."

"What about you? Do you have any majors to choose from?"

"Miss, my status is your entourage, and there are only a handful of majors to choose from."

In Stigma Academy, if the status is a follower, many professional branches will not be able to choose, especially those majors chosen by Miss Ivy are not open to followers. The class system in the Stigma Academy is very strict. In the eyes of the senior management of Stigma Academy, most followers are probably only suitable for learning the knowledge of three obedience and four virtues, such as letting them learn etiquette, housekeeping, or educating the followers' artistic cells, and letting them learn painting or dancing. Those knowledge enough to change fate are considered unsuitable for followers to learn.

In the eyes of the academy, followers may be accessories brought by outstanding students, and their only value is to serve as a foil for the master.

Both Shalena and Aishwana readily accepted the decision to study at the Maid College. As for Demi, she planned to stay in the castle from morning to night. When asked about Li Ergou, Li Ergou said that he had no plans to do so. To accept those enslaved educations, he believes that by accepting the status of a follower, he has changed from a wolf to a dog.

"Miss, I live under the same roof as you, just to repay my kindness, not to be your loyal dog," Li Ergou said, "I have investigated some information about the college in the past two days. The library of the college is Open to anyone, I plan to go to the library every day for the next few days to learn something I want to know."

"Well, if that's what you want, I'll respect your choice."

Miss Ivy groaned and accepted it readily.

For Li Ergou, books are always the best teachers. In the original world, Li Ergou never went to school for a day, but the amount of knowledge he has mastered is no less than that of college students of the same age.

Once Li Ergou passed by a well-known university, he saw that the way the teachers of the university gave lectures was just to turn the knowledge in the book into a ppt, and then read it out step by step.

Since then, Li Ergou has thought that instead of asking others for advice, it is better to concentrate on his own research.