MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 156

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"How about fifty saber-toothed tigers of level forty?"

"Too little, I can handle it alone."

"What about the Demon Hunting Wolf?"

"Unless it is a last resort, I don't really want to do anything with wolves. I personally like wolves."

"Hmph, it's a lot."

In the end, Li Ergou and Xia Leina chose the desert training ground to fight against twenty level 55 burning heart poisonous scorpions. The servants with guns in both hands and the maid with swords in one hand attracted the practitioners with their exquisite martial skills and magic. Many eyes on the field.

Chapter 24 The Blood Clan Freshmen Who Are Loyal to Miss Ivy

Early in the morning, a rush of the doorbell woke Miss Ivy from her sleep, which made Miss Ivy feel a little unhappy because her sweet dream was interrupted.

In the dream just now, she felt that everything was so real. Li Ergou, a servant who had always thought she was right, was kneeling on the ground like a faithful hound, looking at his mistress, Miss Ivy, and at the man she loved. , Miss Ivy sat on the throne, gently stroking his head, the man expressed his steely loyalty to the girl with a foot kiss.

Such a sense of conquest made Ivy know that it was a dream, but also had the urge to never want to wake up.

In reality, he is so proud, never willing to lower his high head, only in dreams can he enjoy the thrill of conquering him.

Sooner or later, Miss Ivy made a secret vow to make that man her property.

She stretched her waist lazily, brushed up her slightly messy blond hair, then changed into a long white dress, stepped on silver high heels, and walked out of the dormitory after a simple wash.

The time is now around 6:30 in the morning. According to Miss Ivy's understanding of Li Ergou and Xia Lena, the two must have gone to the training ground to practice. Although Miss Ivy is interested in Li Ergou On the one hand, but I couldn't see him after waking up, and I couldn't help feeling a little empty in my heart.

In front of the door, the doorbell was still ringing.

"who is it?"

"I'm sorry to disturb you at this time, please open the door? We are all freshmen who have just entered the Shengluer Kingdom like you. As compatriots from the same country, I think we should have a lot of things in common to talk about. talk."

Hearing the voice, you can probably tell that it is a young man. Miss Ivy opened the door of the dormitory without any hesitation. Although it is dangerous to open the door to strangers without authorization as a daughter, she has the strength of level 64, so Even if the visitor is not at ease, she does not have the slightest concern, it is really impossible to use magic to drive away.

Standing outside the door were a group of noble students with elegant and decent manners. Judging from their appearance, they were indeed students of the Shengluer Kingdom, but most of them had similar characteristics, that is, their skin was pale as paper, and judging from their clothing , Most of them wear dark-colored clothing, like the nobles of the night that only exist under the moonlight.

Miss Ivy immediately judged that this group of freshmen were the blood clan of Shengluer Kingdom.

Looking at this group of uninvited guests, Miss Ivy did not order them to evict them, but invited them into the room generously.

Ivy's mother, Shia, was from a blood clan, so in a sense, these classmates of the blood clan could be regarded as distant relatives of Miss Ivy.

"Hello, Miss Ivy, I am Parr Lesen, the eldest son of the Lesen family, and the compatriots behind me are all from the blood clan. I am now a level 66 magician, and the magic I am best at is Dark magic and blood magic."

After seeing Miss Ivy, the headed vampire youth did not have any intention of hiding, and directly reported to his family.

The rest of the freshmen of the blood clan also introduced themselves one by one, and their behaviors were all elegant and decent, and they did not dare to make the slightest arrogance.

"You are stronger than me. I am only a fire magician of level 64."

Miss Ivy said something indifferently, but she couldn't help but feel a little surprised. She thought that her strength was the strongest among the new born of Shengluer Kingdom, but she didn't expect that the same country would be stronger than herself. peer.

"I'm just luckier than you, but I think it's only temporary, you will surpass me one day."

The sixty-seventh-level vampire youth smiled very modestly.

"Then what is the purpose of you visiting me at this time?" Miss Ivy crossed her legs and looked very relaxed. She probably glanced at the classmates of the vampire, most of whom were in the 50s. Level 5 and above, from the point of view of force alone, almost all of them are at the top of the student group, "Aren't you here to win me over?"

"No, that's not the case. On the contrary, we are here to show our allegiance to you." The youth of the blood clan stood up and said respectfully on behalf of the freshmen of the blood clan.

"Pledge allegiance to someone weaker than you?"

Miss Ivy sneered. Although Ivy yearns for power, she is not stupid, knowing that if she does not have the power to control the power, she will be easily attacked by the power.

The blood race youth said sincerely:

"Miss, strength sometimes doesn't mean everything, you have a great advantage over us," the blood race youth bowed to Miss Ivy, "We need your wisdom, you are the only one among the blood race members. People who have participated in the army, and it is said that you have also become a major from a lieutenant by virtue of military merit, you are the daughter of Marshal Lian Qing, and most of our pure blood families are Yin people, and our identities are almost unknown. You're also completely clueless about power struggles, and for that alone you're the best leader we could find."

"Besides, in the eyes of most people, the blood race represents darkness. Such prejudice has always existed, but you are different. Your father, Marshal Lianqing, is an elf race with a bloodline representing light, so we need your help. , you have the wisdom and fame that we do not have, and you will lead us to a more brilliant future."

A 60th-level vampire girl wearing a black gothic skirt said.

"Miss Ivy, we really should establish an alliance as soon as possible. The rest of the countries have established different groups. It is also necessary for us to support each other, otherwise we will be in danger in unknown missions."

Freshmen of the blood clan, everything you say makes sense.

Miss Ivy's golden eyes looked at this group of blood compatriots, and fell into hesitation.

"If you are worried about your strength, then you don't have to, Miss Ivy, when you become a pure-blood, you will immediately gain an increase in strength." The young man of the blood clan walked up to Miss Ivy and said, "And if You have become our leader, and we can also help you to go further with Your Excellency Li Zijin as soon as possible. Before leaving, Mrs. Shia specially entrusted us to make you happy."

"You were sent by Mother Mother."

Hearing her mother's name, Miss Ivy was suddenly a little surprised.

"Yes, your mother Madam Shia has a prominent position in the blood clan's elders, so it is necessary for us to ensure your safety."

Girls who are hungry for power naturally also need the help of their compatriots, and in the future academy assessment, forming a group will be conducive to acting alone.

"Okay, I grant your request."

"Thank you for your trust in us, and we will do our best for your safety and happiness."

After talking with the blood compatriots for less than thirty minutes, they all left.

Chapter 25

"Have you had a nightmare, Sister Fenghuazi?"

Ya Yinyue looked at the graceful woman in black kimono lying on the sofa with gentle eyes.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi, who was just sleeping, looked desperate and sad, like a little ant succumbing to fate.

Looking at this beautiful woman carefully selected for her brother, Ya Yinyue's expression was extremely gentle.

Although at the beginning, Ya Yinyue did call her her sister out of the mentality of taking advantage, but as time went on, Ya Yinyue gradually developed family-like feelings for this loyal girl.

When she entered Stigma Academy this time, it was clear that Xinchuan Fenghuazi had an independent palace to live in, but she still accompanied Ya Guyue from beginning to end like a devout maid.

Like her older brother in the past, she always treated herself well without asking for anything in return, so Ya Yinyue would naturally be gentle when she needed her.

Ya Yinyue gently stroked Xinchuan Fenghuazi's silky messy hair with her slender palm, and comforted her softly:

"Okay, Sister Fenghuazi, it's all right. As long as I'm here, no one will hurt you again. Would you like to tell me what you dreamed about?"

Xinchuan Fenghuazi was sluggish for a long time, and seemed to have finally regained his composure.

"I dreamed of my sister Maikako."

There was a hint of weakness in Xinchuan Fenghuazi's ethereal voice, far from his usual arrogant attitude.

"Wuhuazi? That's the one..."

"Yes, it's the sister Wuhuazi who was killed by me."

The memory goes back to more than ten years ago. Under the cruel family tradition, the two sisters, who were still little girls, were forced to fight one-on-one in order to compete for a better heir.

What Xinchuan Fenghuazi thought at the time was that she would rather stand up against such family rules than kill her gentle sister Wuhuazi.

But at that time, Wuhuazi's sister suddenly took the lead in launching the attack, causing Xinchuan Fenghuazi's body to counterattack instinctively, killing Wuhuazi's sister.

So, the elder sister who loved her younger sister passed away. Since then, Xinchuan Fenghuazi's temperament has changed greatly, and she has become the first female ninja in Dongying under the inhuman training.

It's been a long time, but now, Xinchuan Fenghuazi still always dreams of Wuhuazi's sister. Standing at the end of Huangquan, she waved and smiled at herself, still so gentle. But that tenderness deeply tormented Xinchuan Fenghuazi's heart, and her hands were stained with her sister's blood, which could never be washed away.

"How about going out to relax?"

Ya Yinyue suddenly proposed.

"I'm obviously your shadow, but I'm always causing you trouble, I'm really sorry."

"When sister, you and brother get married, we are justified family members, shouldn't we care for each other?"

"Yes, Your Highness Yinyue, I will love His Highness Li Zijin as much as I love you. We are the most important family."

The two girls walked together, walking on the streets of Stigma College, forming a beautiful landscape.

This college is the number one college in the world today, covering an area almost equivalent to a large urban circle. At the boundary of Stigma College, it is surrounded by towering obsidian city walls in all directions.

They looked around. There were all kinds of buildings with different shapes in this academy, and the internal facilities were very complete. In the Stigma Academy, not only political science, economics, military science, religious studies and other futures were included. The disciplines specially established for the rulers, even music, literature, and art have maintained the world's top standards, with separate branches.

The most outrageous thing is that in this academy, you can even learn how to cultivate crops, fish, and cultivate beautiful flowers more efficiently. There are farms and lakes dedicated to supplying food in the Stigma Academy. Even if the world is suddenly destroyed one day, the stigma The island is also fully self-sufficient through resource production.

Ya Yinyue's first impression when she came to Stigma Academy was that this academy seemed to be a Noah's Ark specially built to deal with disasters.

In fact, this world once and indeed was on the verge of destruction. Demons who feed on the negative emotions of human beings came from a higher-level world, and the population of the mainland dropped sharply to one-third of its original size in an instant. In the end, with the persistence of human beings and the belief in the goddess, he survived.

Ya Yinyue glanced at Xinchuan Fenghuazi quietly. After walking with her, her mood gradually improved. After sensing Ya Yinyue's gaze, Xinchuan Fenghuazi's pretty face turned red.

In fact, Ya Yinyue is very aware of Xinchuan Fenghuazi's feelings for her, but she does not intend to expose it.

Maybe when the time is right, she will accept her feelings and spend countless sleepless nights with her brother who has become her own exclusive item again.

Right now, the top priority should be to enjoy campus life.

"By the way, Sister Fenghuazi, which college will you choose to study in soon?"

"Your Highness Yinyue, what do you want me to learn?"

"I hope Sister Fenghuazi chooses the knowledge she likes to learn. After all, we finally left our hometown, and I personally think that Sister Fenghuazi should also have her own opinion."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi smiled and nodded. In fact, she had already made plans in her heart. The most important subject was naturally information science. As the "Shadow" of Fengmanin, she must make herself impeccable in intelligence. Only then can we protect Ya Yinyue in the situation that will change at any time in the future.

In addition, Ya Yinyue also plans to learn some knowledge about etiquette and housekeeping. As Li Zijin's future bride, she must become better, only in this way can Her Royal Highness Yinyue be happy.

This body belongs to Ya Yinyue, and it also belongs to her elder brother Li Zijin.

"His Royal Highness Yinyue, since I met you, I have come out of the haze of the past, thank you."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi said sincerely.

Although the memory of killing her sister with her own hands in the past is unforgettable, staying with Ya Yinyue is extraordinarily reassuring.

If my sister was still alive, she might apologize for being unkind and live a happy life without authorization, feeling very cunning.

But, after all, we have to continue to live tomorrow.

Smell the flowers on the street, the street of the college is as beautiful as a fairyland. Two beautiful oriental girls walked on the garden path of the college and passed countless people, those people were either ordinary or prominent.

When a girl with a golden ponytail, round-frame glasses and freckles on her face hurried past Xinchuan Fenghuazi holding a book, Xinchuan Fenghuazi turned her head subconsciously.

"Wait, you..."

"What's up?"

The slightly rustic blonde girl timidly looked at Xinchuan Fenghuazi.

Ordinary, like weeds on the side of the road, looking at the features of the pale complexion, it should be a blood clan, and the level is just forty. In this world, such a level belongs to the genius among mortals, and the mortal among geniuses.

However, why does the girl who should have no intersection exist exudes a familiar atmosphere?

It's like a long time no see old friend.

Maybe an illusion.

"It's alright, sorry to bother you, I always think you're a little familiar."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi bowed generously to the blonde ponytail girl, and then continued to follow Ya Yinyue for a walk.

Chapter 26 The Memories I Want to Get Back

The rustic blond girl is Maikako herself. Before she came to Stigma Academy, she had already changed her appearance through the disguise technique.

Maiko believes that her disguise technique is impeccable.

But just now, when she passed Xinchuan Fenghuazi, she should have thought that Fenghuazi would ignore her existence, but Fenghuazi suddenly stopped her.

"I just think you're a little familiar..."

Although Feng Huazi's tone was not so sure, it still made Wu Huazi quite nervous. She was afraid that the disguise technique she was proud of would be seen by Feng Huazi, and she was even more worried that the girl who used to be her sister would recognize her. Because now she is no longer the female ninja of the Dongzhou Empire in the past, and now she is a blood clan.

Due to their different positions, Wu Huazi did not dare to recognize Fenghuazi. In the future, they are likely to become each other's enemies. If they have feelings with Fenghuazi before that, it will definitely make Wuhuazi The weapon in Hua Zi's hand was dulled.

Quickly leaving from where Ya Yinyue and Xinchuan Fenghuazi were, Wuhuazi felt that she had not been so panicked for a long time.


She sat on the bench, trying to find the memory hidden in the back of her mind.

However, no matter how much she looked for, there was no trace of Xinchuan Fenghuazi's existence. The moment she became a blood clan, she had already died in her previous life.

But why do you still have strange thoughts when you see a girl who looks very similar to your own?