MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 150

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Ivy blushed slightly, as if thinking of some kind of impure and lewd image.

Is Ya Yinyue's purpose really so simple?

I remember the last time, Ya Yinyue said that she hoped that she, Xia Leina, Demi and the whole family would migrate to the Dongzhou Empire, shouldn't she even be her prey?

Suddenly, Ivy raised her head accidentally and looked at Ya Yinyue.

The deep, lonely and beautiful black pupil is the dark world that can't be detected.

Can Ivy abandon the pride of being a noble of Shengluer Kingdom for love?

The answer is no, she will never let the whole family relocate to Dongzhou Empire for Li Ergou.

But at this moment, Ivy still agreed to the proposal to do something to the unconscious Li Ergou.

After all, only by obtaining his heirs early can he be transformed into a blood clan as soon as possible, and thus gain more powerful power.

"Anyway, let me go see him."

"Well, no problem, let's go together then."

Ya Yinyue walked in the front, the maid Xalena and the magician Demi followed behind, and their group attracted a lot of attention.

"Speaking of which, not long ago, there was a beast who didn't know how to live and dared to cut my brother's shoulder with a sword. Next, I plan to let him die in an extremely tragic way. Sister Ivy thinks the same way, right?"

"I will never give up." Ivy said coldly.

"So we are not enemies but companions. Because of love, we will love someone together and hate someone together." Ya Yinyue said in a singing-like tone as she walked at a dance-like pace. Soon, we will arrive at Stigma Academy, and there will be many dangerous missions, big and small, waiting for us, so I hope we can form an alliance before that."

"Why do you want to form an alliance with us? As an ally, my strength is obviously far weaker than yours. This is not beneficial to you at all."

"That's true, but don't be surprised, Sister Ivy, because I have already regarded you as my brother's future wives. We will become family sooner or later. Isn't it a matter of course to protect our family?" Ya Yinyue replied with a smile.

"I will seriously consider it."

Ivy didn't give an answer right away. In her eyes, if the Shengluer Kingdom wanted to rise, it would definitely face the Dongzhou Empire, and Ya Yinyue would sooner or later become the toughest enemy.

Seemingly seeing what Ivy was thinking, Ya Yinyue said gently:

"Sister Ivy, ambition is really worthless compared to love. First of all, your strength is not enough to defeat me. Second, when you stand on the highest point and look down, you will find that the end of power is loneliness, the kind of loneliness. The taste is enough to destroy people, so I hope you can commit yourself to your desires and stop making extra efforts."

"I don't think it's superfluous effort, Miss Ya Yinyue, even if it's just a struggle, I'll try my best."

Ya Yinyue pursed her lips in disappointment. If possible, she still hopes to persuade Ivy to dedicate herself to happiness.

But now it seems that I still need to use force to take Ivy away.

Chapter 8 Ivy's Sweet Dream, Li Ergou's Nightmare

When you reach the top of the giant ferry, you will be greeted with a sense of overwhelmed luxury. The antique wooden furniture and the beautifully carved columns make you mistakenly think that you are in the imperial palace of the Dongzhou Empire.

This is where Ya Yinyue temporarily lived. In order to welcome the best students in history, the college specially prepared a special residence for Ya Yinyue for her to rest.

"Welcome back, Your Highness Yinyue."

In the deep palace, the bright-eyed palace maids wore light colored clothes and stood in front of the door plaque of the golden eagle phoenix, like a goddess descending to earth.

These girls with oriental faces and lazily dressing up are members of the special unit Fengmo Ninja under the command of Xinchuan Fenghuazi. They humbly and politely invited Miss Ivy and others to enter the colorful courtyard, which is hard to imagine. In this ship, there are even gardens, lawns and dancing butterflies.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi, dressed in a pure black kimono, knelt down in the room and was preparing tea for the guests.

"It's you…"

Xia Leina recalled that she was almost killed by Xinchuan Fenghuazi last time. Although she knew she would see Xinchuan Fenghuazi again here, Xia Leina couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

"I'm really sorry for the last time, Miss Xia Lena, we each have our own masters. I had to hurt you that time, but aside from official duties, personally, I appreciate you very much."

Xinchuan Fenghuazi smiled lightly and frowned, elegant and calm, and the glazed hosta was inserted into the waterfall-like blue silk, which was extremely beautiful.

With a piece of music, the palace maids began to dance the dance of the Dongzhou Empire. White smoke curled up inside the incense burner, making it difficult to tell whether it was reality or fiction.

Under the singing and dancing, Ivy suddenly found that her original ambition to reach the top of power has become weaker and weaker under the soft dance music. In the richly painted cloister palace, the devout servants can provide them with the most perfect Serve.

The life of the aristocrats in Dongzhou is like a fairyland on earth, full of prosperity.

"How does the tea taste?"

"Good tea."

"Drinking tea requires peace of mind. Does Miss Ivy like Dongzhou culture? We Dongzhou people are quiet and introverted, which is very different from your Xizhou."

"Ya Yinyue, don't you want to use these methods to make me a useless person who doesn't want to make progress?"

Ivy suddenly looked around vigilantly, always feeling that this kind of comfortable environment was too deliberate. If it really fell into it, I am afraid that no matter what kind of person it was, it would gradually become a mess.

"Hey, I've been seen through, but if you really want to, you can enjoy this kind of life at any time. Why do you need to be so tired when you live for a lifetime? Wouldn't it be better to relax earlier?"

"I will not sink into this false happiness. Behind this materialistic enjoyment, there is endless emptiness."

Ivy has her own ambitions. Even if it is happiness, she must rely on her own hands to create it, instead of lying on the hotbed that others have woven for her.

"Miss Yinyue, where is Li?"

"Don't worry, I'll let you see him right away."

Ya Yinyue clapped her hands, and then a secret door appeared on the wall of the Japanese room.

In the room behind the secret door, Li Ergou was lying on a huge bed with his eyes closed, like a sleeping prince.

Aishwana, who was wearing a maid's uniform, sat beside the bed, wagging the cat's tail happily, watching the unconscious Li Ergou.

Judging from Li Ergou's clean and tidy clothes, Aishwana didn't seem to do anything daring when Li Ergou was in a coma.

"Ah, Miss Ivy."

Aishwana was a little surprised to see the eldest lady, but Miss Ivy almost ignored Aishwana's existence and walked straight towards Li Ergou.

Lying on the bed, he was surprisingly quiet. In his previous memory, his handsome face was sometimes domineering, sometimes arrogant, sometimes free and easy, and sometimes full of wisdom, but when he closed his eyes and showed no expression, he only looked like He is a beautiful young man who has not yet been deeply involved in the world.

"My brother is the cutest person in the world." Ya Yinyue did not know when she walked up to Ivy's side and whispered in her ear, "This is a precious opportunity I specially left for you. Don't miss it."

Ivy sat on Li Ergou's body and gently stroked his cheek with her hand.

"Why don't you keep running away? Don't you want to be free from me?"

In addition to silence, or silence.

Ya Yinyue specially prepared some kind of medicine, which can help Ivy to make Li Ergou have a physiological reaction.

The medicine works very well.

But suddenly, Ivy felt that she was actually a coward. When the thing she had been looking forward to for a long time was about to come, her heart was full of unease. She was a little afraid that Li Ergou would look at her with disgust after he woke up.

But when she thought that in three years, he would leave her side, Ivy couldn't take this breath, and the anger in her heart forced her to muster up her courage again.

In a trance, it seemed that the only people in the room were himself and the man lying on the bed who knew nothing. In this case, there was no need to care about any shame.

The expensive violet evening dress was thrown aside by Ivy, the black high heels were also kicked into the corner by her, and her slender legs were also liberated from the black silk of the suspenders, and her tall and delicate body He jumped up and suppressed the prey-like man.

Her slender five fingers lightly clasped Li Ergou's wrist, she was clearly unconscious, she didn't need to grasp it so tightly, but as if to cheer herself up, she grasped it so hard that she even gave Li Ergou a hand. The dog's wrist was left with visible scratches.

"You're done, you don't want to run away in your life. The man I fell in love with can't be free. From now on, you'll be mine..."

Just when Ivy wanted to completely take Li Ergou as her own, she suddenly remembered something important, and said that she hadn't kissed him properly.

So she lifted up her golden hair, and her lips gradually came closer.

He was in a coma, his lips were a little cold, but he didn't feel bad, but the only dissatisfaction was that he was in a coma, and the next time he said anything, he had to do it when he woke up.

Immediately afterwards, she recreated the lewd scene that had just appeared in her mind. Originally, Ivy did not know how to proceed. Fortunately, Mrs. Shia had given Ivy a good study in general before this, so Ai Wei did not know how to proceed. Wei was able to continue on the premise that Li Ergou did not cooperate.

"Ha, ha ha... I didn't expect it to be quite painful, it's just a mere servant, don't be too proud..."

She bit Li Ergou hard, as if to vent her pain.

"You're finally mine, hahaha..."

Li Ergou frowned slightly, as if he had a nightmare.

Chapter 9 The International Column Arrives in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka

In fact, the people of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka have always not believed that the countries on the Western Continent will invade them. The reason is very simple. They are not only the tributary countries of the Dongzhou Empire, the world's largest power, but they themselves have never expanded to the outside world. Maintain a harmless image of humans and animals.

But it is such a small country that just wants to keep its peace, but it has not been able to usher in peaceful and stable development.

As in the past day, the customs officials of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka stood at the lighthouse and looked into the distance, seeing the shadows of many ships. They thought this time was a routine visit to the Western Continent or a friendly trade. , these ships represent not peace, but war.

Under the strong ships and cannons, countless soldiers with nuclear bombs and real guns landed. Among them, there are soldiers from the Shengluer Kingdom and soldiers from the North Sea Parliament. How fortified the country was thus quickly stripped of its coastline.

Immediately afterwards, the Army was not spared. With the backwardness of technology and tactics, the Western Continent Coalition Forces approached the capital of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka. , Who would have thought that a man who believed in chivalry would bully a girl, and who would have thought that a believer in the Church of the Goddess would break people's ribs with a hammer for fun?

In order to deal with this group of foreign enemies, the Zhangxi royal family stood up. The king personally led the elephant cavalry to the battlefield, but they failed to break through the enemy's phalanx. The king fell in a pool of blood, and even his head was cut off. As an example, when the queen learned the news of the king's death in battle, she did not choose to be stubborn, but threw herself into the sea of ​​fire with graceful dance steps.

The port in front of you is the port where the first batch of the Western Continent Allied Forces landed. In the past few thousand years, the Kingdom of Sri Lanka called this port Trincomalee Port. It is one of the important ports in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka. Known as the Port of Goa, this name was given by the supreme commander of the Western Union Army.

At this moment, the merchant ship that the members of the international column were on was slowly sailing on the sea, and the crew shouted to the passengers:

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to arrive at the port of Goa. This is the first step for our Kingdom of Shengluer to become powerful. Long live the Kingdom of Shengluer!"

Hearing that the crew had no remorse, but rather proud of their own country's aggression, and also called Trincomalee Port Goa Port, the sniper of the international column, the former captain of the Royal Court of Sri Lanka, Ami Acha was angry. He clenched his fists tightly, a trace of blood seeping from his fingertips.

But he can't point out the crew's mistakes, and he can't shout that the kingdom of Shengluer is an evil invader, because no one listens to the losers, and history is always written by the victors.

And if he refuted loudly, he would definitely expose the identities of the members of the international column, and the plan would be all in vain.

So Ami Acha had to lower the brim of his hat, hide his Sri Lankan features, and swallow the bad breath.

Tom's generous hand patted Ami Acha's shoulder lightly. The man like an iron tower is like a father and brother.

"Actually, I was also born in a place of chaos, so I understand your feelings very well. Don't worry, Ah Cha, the order here will soon be restored."

The task of the international column is to drive away the invaders who colonized the kingdom of Sri Lanka and help the people of this country regain their rights as human beings.

It is said that nowadays, the kingdom of Sri Lanka is ravaged by famine and infectious diseases, but the colonizers of the Kingdom of Shengluer and the North Sea Parliament have not improved, but have intensified their exploitation. The colonists have increased the land tax to 100% Ninety, also whipped the locals with whips and ordered them to build magnificent palaces, and even put some Sri Lankans in cages and transported them back to China as "commodities". Often slaves can bring a lot of money. As for the future encounters of slaves. What a tragic fate, the slave hunters never thought about these things.

There are many bright and bright gentlemen in top hats on this ship. They exchange cups and talk and laugh like nouveau riches imitating nobles. A child from the Kingdom of Sri Lanka was tied like a dog. The child was covered in welts and his eyes were as numb as a dead fish.

Ami Acha wanted to kill the businessman immediately, but Tom stopped him,

"Calm down, Ah Cha, I know you're not feeling well. After disembarking, let's find a chance to get rid of these scumbags."

Ami Acha nodded solemnly.

About 30 minutes later, the merchant ship finally docked. The iris flag of the Shengluer Kingdom fluttered in the port. The blue sandy beach was full of pampered Xizhou people. They were lying on the chairs and enjoying the sunbathing. They have now been seen here. There are no aboriginal people in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, and even the buildings of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka are nowhere to be seen. There are no monasteries, no schools of scriptures, and no castles with semi-dome roofs. Only a small attic similar to the Victorian period stands on the coast.

The sailors standing in front of the coast saw the flag of the Shengluer Kingdom floating on the merchant ship, so they waved their hands casually and let the merchant ship enter the port.

The members of the international column quickly disembarked. Ami Acha couldn't wait to set up a sniper rifle on a hidden hillside. Inside the scope, the fat-minded businessman from the Kingdom of Shenglu showed a disgusting smile, claiming to buy the most tender in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka. , and sell it at a high price after "use".

Such words took away the last kindness of Ami Acha. He pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the head wearing a top hat exploded like fireworks. People resting in front of the coast did not expect it. The slave trader, who was still complacent for one moment, was shot through the head in the next second, and people suddenly fell into extreme panic.

Ami Acha was not satisfied. He pulled the bolt of the gun, then pulled the trigger again. This time, he killed two birds with one stone. One shot killed a naval officer and a magician, and then another shot knocked down a general. Slaves used as shields for nobles.

"Ami, we should go."

Tom stood under the hill and looked at the panicked crowd with no sympathy in his eyes.

"Big Brother Tom, let me kill a few more people. My clansmen were killed in batches by them. I want to kill a few more people to take revenge. I know that the end of revenge is empty, but this will at least make me feel better. "

Tom nodded heavily. The enemy didn't seem to have reacted to Ami Acha's position for a while, and it was ramming around like a headless fly, so Tom decided to indulge Ami Acha temporarily.

"But don't kill children and women, that's the rule."

"I see, Big Tom."

Ami Acha took the scope away from a child's eyebrows and aimed at the child's father, a gentleman who was beating the girl from the Kingdom of Sri Lanka with a whip.

Chapter 10 Wake up in Ya Yinyue's room

In the early morning, an unprecedented sense of exhaustion hit Li Ergou. He felt that even his muscles and bones were no longer obeying his commands. He felt faintly struggling to lift his arms, and sweat began to break out on his head. The bodily fluid of the name, everything points to a possibility.

"Where is this place?"

Looking up at the unfamiliar ceiling, this is the first time Li Ergou has seen this room. The interior of the room feels very luxurious, a bit like the boudoir of a princess in a fairy tale.

Looking out the window, it was still an endless sea, so he could immediately conclude that he was still on the Stigmata Academy's boat. Li Ergou recalled the previous situation, as if he was going to the restaurant with Aishwana for dinner. Then I met Ya Yinyue, and then Aishwana seemed to have activated the charm of the succubus. At that time, Li Ergou used lightning magic to temporarily cut off his consciousness in order to stop himself from making mistakes.

But according to common sense, after being cut off from consciousness, you will wake up in about 30 minutes, but from the time point of view, it has obviously passed a whole day, don't you say...

Li Ergou looked at his body subconsciously, and this feeling of exhaustion was so familiar. Once the cat had an unparalleled mad love for him, so that Li Ergou almost couldn't get out of bed the next day, Ya Yinyue should not be there Did you do something weird after you fell into a coma?