MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 87 Kingdom of Aden

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The process of crossing the red continent went smoothly, just a little slow.

But this is also reasonable, after all, it is only one of the many dam elevators on the Red Earth Continent, and there are less than 100 permanent staff.

These people are really too busy to be in charge of four large ships at a time.

However, that was just a lack of manpower. The senior officials of the world government acquiesced to this behavior of the Four Seas Alliance, so the formalities were almost smooth.

"Hehehe, that's really interesting."

Crocodile leaned back on the mast and smiled gloomily: "The blatant 'excuse', the world government is powerless to refute."

Rowan fiddled with the grit on his fingertips and nodded with a smile, "So, you can't lie, can you?"

"what ever."

Crocodile took a breath, "Speaking of which, it's so ostentatious that everyone knows your movements, so be careful."

Rowan raised his eyebrows, "What's going to happen?"

Crocodile said gloomily: "If the world government sets up an ambush on the red soil continent and blows up your ship directly, what can you do?"

"No way."

Rowan shook his head, pointed to the World Government staff, and whispered, "He has to thank us!"

Crocodile: "?"

"Thank you, Mr. Rowan!"

After about half a day, the handover was completed, and the staff of the World Government handed over the formalities documents to Rowan with both hands.

"On behalf of the governments of the world, I would like to thank you for your assistance to patients with platinum-lead disease!"

The two shook hands.

On the side, there are reporters who took pictures of the moment.

Crocodile: "…"

The four ships entered the sea via the dam elevator on the other side.


The bottom of the ship sank into the sea again, and the familiar feeling of floating came from the soles of my feet.

Hoka's nose moved and smiled: "The taste of the sea... is different."

"Hahahaha, of course, this is Beihai!"

The one who spoke was the [Quack Doctor] Shiruluk from Drum Island.

As a resident of Drum Island, despite Kureha's extreme opposition, he resolutely followed the Drum Island medical team on the ship.

Kleiha opposed Shiruluk's accompaniment. The reason he ostensibly declared to the outside world was that Shiruluk was a quack doctor who didn't understand medical skills at all, and he was full of only his own innocent dreams.

But in fact, only a few people know the real reason.

Shiruluk has long been terminally ill, and even if he was temporarily cured because of the "miracle cherry blossoms", the root of the disease could not be eradicated.

It's only a matter of time before the outbreak kills.

Therefore, Shiruluk's body was no longer suitable for long-distance voyages.

But he himself didn't care about it.

When Rowan and Kureha found him, the former thief just laughed and said:

"No problem! It is the duty of a doctor to treat and save people, and I tell you, my recent research has made great progress, and the panacea is about to succeed!"

In other words, he had already made up his mind.

Rowan and Kureha stopped further.

It was because of Shiruluk's carefree personality that the three parties, the Murlocs, Sky Islanders, and Drum Islanders, who were not familiar with each other, became familiar with each other a lot.

Even [Ghost of War] Weipa gave Shiruluk a small wind shell for self-defense.

According to Weipa, the Shandian people respect doctors and like their friends at the same time.

Another week passed.

The primary destination of the fleet's trip was a small island country called "Aden".

Non-world government member countries.

Its volume is about the size of four drum kingdoms. The livelihood of the residents is mainly planting, and there are not many merchant ships.

This location was decided after discussions between Rowan and Rosannadi and others.

According to Rossindi, the place where the surgical fruit was traded was called "Minion Island", an island in a non-joined country.

However, the non-joined country to which Minion Island belongs has been chaotic for years, and the various forces in the territory are intricate, and it is not suitable as a docking place for the fleet.

Therefore, several people chose the neighboring country - the Kingdom of Aden.

It is also a member country of a non-world government, but because of its relative poverty and poor geographical location, all forces have no interest in meddling at all, which allows domestic residents to live a relatively peaceful life.

"According to the original plan, a week later will be the day for the fruit of the operation."

Rosannady thought about it and said to Rowan: "But according to the current situation, Doflamingo will not act according to the plan, and even whether the group of pirates are willing to continue trading with the World Government. do not know."

After a pause, Roxandi added: "Are we a little bit... stunned?"

In fact, Luo Nandi's words were taken away. After all, Luo Wen's repeated actions were not "scare the snake" at all, but blatantly told the world government that he had another purpose!

What is the purpose?

It is not difficult for anyone who knows the inside story to guess, it is undoubtedly the fruit of the operation!

Rowan, however, took a different view.

"The world government will continue to trade, or...if they can change their original plans, it will be best for us - unfortunately not."

He pointed to the map in front of him.

"The world government has been preparing for this deal for a long time."

"If the plan is temporarily changed because of us, then they are in a 'passive' state, and we will have a lot more opportunities."

"So the world government won't."

"They will choose to continue the business as usual and then confront us, so that we are the 'passive' party."

Hearing this, Roxandi frowned, he really never thought of such a point of view.

"All in all, let's dock first, and then land at the port of the Kingdom of Aden."

Luo Nandi couldn't help sighing, "Luo's physical condition is getting worse and worse."

Kingdom of Aden, port.

The ships of the Four Seas Alliance docked and landed.

Different from the scenery of Winter Island in the Drum Kingdom, the Aden Kingdom has a very peaceful pastoral scenery.

Looking around, the distance is full of green wheat fields with a few bungalows in between.

Nearby, this is a port town, far larger than Yalujia, but not as good as rapeseed.

Bell commanded: "We will repair on the ship tonight, everyone will take turns to relax, and the person in charge of each ship will go to replenish the supplies."

Everyone was busy in an orderly manner.

At this moment, news suddenly came from the lookout.

"Someone is coming towards us. It seems to be residents of the Kingdom of Aden, about dozens of them!"


Rowan narrowed his eyes.

Although the Kingdom of Aden is only a small and peaceful country, there are occasional travelers, so although visitors like them are rare, they are not worthy of causing a stir. ,

In that case, why do dozens of people come all at once?

Just when Rowan was puzzled, the dozens of villagers dressed up had arrived at the port.

They were wearing hoods that covered their faces and looked very odd.

As soon as they met, they began to carry the cargo that the Four Seas Alliance had just unloaded from the ship.

People are not only confused.

Dalton stepped forward and patted the leader on the shoulder, "Old man, what are you doing?"

Unexpectedly, the old man became puzzled when he heard the words, "It's all said in the news, aren't you here to help us?"


Dalton was immediately puzzled.

But at this moment, Kureha suddenly rushed forward and pulled Shiruluk away.

Then, she carefully lifted the hood of the old villager.

Under the hood, is a face with white spots.

Kuleiha's pupils shrank sharply and muttered:

"Platinum lead disease..."

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